The Ritual [MF] [Fantasy]

"North South East West/ Upon the powers I call/ This line I draw upon my breast/ This circle I draw on the wall/ I call upon to manifest/ The power deep down within/ I call upon to manifest/ A portal to another dimension/ Here I wait patiently/ to see a match between/ here I wait for to come to me/ what I see in my dreams/"

The feminine voice softly speaks the words of the poem with the same soft gentle quality that the candle light caresses the walls of the room. The walls of the room are covered with drawings that look like they were drawn with charcoal. A touch of color here and there help to break up the gray drawings of people, places, odd symbols and what looks like creatures of some sort of benevolent nature. Although here and there are the eyes of creatures that do not look to be graceful.

In the middle of the room sits a small girl with a light, thin frame. Her face has high cheekbones and soft angles giving her a cute attractive face. She is sitting cross legged, in lotus position, with her eyelids at half mast. Her arms rest gently on her knees and the flesh of her arms are covered in lines. The lines are scars and some fresh wounds which slowly, gently trickle red blood which tickles her arms as it rolls down and drips off her finger tips. Her hair falls down around her body to around her mid section. Her hair is clumped together with what looks like the same blood and falls down around her small breasts. She sits naked in a circle of candles.

Incense thickly fills the air of the smokey room with an earthy smell of the forest. A door cannot be seen however there is a large bookcase that sits on a track with wheels. In front of her, on the wall, a circle is drawn with charcoal.

As she continues to voice the words with rhythm she begins to hear the familiar rhythmic drumming that rises to greet hers. The sound is ethereal and seems to be pulsing from the circle drawn on the wall. Her chest rises and falls with the drum beat and the corners of her mouth turn up ever so minutely. She has grown to love that sound. She has grown to live for that sound. Her whole life has become consumed by that drum. Who is playing it? She must meet him or her or it. She loves whatever it is. At this point she doesn't care if it is male, female or animal. She is owned by it. She feels with her senses that it has a depth of character not known on Earth. God…. she lusts for it.

As she loses herself in the drum she becomes sexually aroused and lays back on her back. The drum grows not louder but more full. The vibrations seem to fill the room like a soft fabric. The vibrations begin to feel warm and soft and all encompassing. Her eyelids grow heavy, warm and comfortable as if there is something laying across them, like a blindfold. The drumbeats begin to fall away and begin to feel more then they sound. She feels like she is floating in a warm, gentle fluid that is relaxing her and gently caressing her whole body.

Then she feels it. She feels the hands. They touch her cheeks gently and the fingers move over to her lips and gently touches them. One finger crosses both lips as if in a gesture which says, "Shhhh." The word "trust" floats through her mind and she relaxes. "It is finally happening," she thinks with a burst of joy that runs down her spine and tingles the sensitive skin around what she affectionately calls her "kitty." As she thought those words the drumming immediately grew quieter and she immediately started with the chant again. It keeps her mind clear and allows her to enter whatever this is, this other realm.

Before this night, she felt the presence of something powerful in the room. Something dangerous but did not mean her harm. Something that had the potential to be ruthless but did not come to her for that purpose. She could hear it walking around the room slowly. Heavy foot steps walked around her quietly with great control and attention. She could hear the breathe of the beast and could practically see it softly overlooking her naked body, however, the creature always placed something over her eyes so she could not see anything. She didn't care if the creature ripped her to shreds because this is the most excited she has ever been. Her heart open and fully in love with it, the creature seemed to sense this. It could do nothing up obey this love. It wanted this love but it seemed to need to go slowly. It seemed to care. This is what she sensed of it.

Now, tonight, the beast has finally decided to consummate their love. She reaches to her face to touch it's hands. She wants to know what it feels like. It's hands are rough but gentle and relaxed. The hands feel as if they have been through hell. On the finger tips here are long sharp claws. She pushes her finger tip into one of the claws and it easily draws some blood. The creature gently holds her hand and raises her arm. Then she feels a warm, wet and somewhat rough surface against her finger. "Ahhh. It is licking my wound." Her body again gets tingles and her "kitty" starts to get warm and moisten.

She starts to feel the same warm, wet surface start touching and moving all around her chest. She feels the claws gently moving along her breasts and her legs, tickling and caressing her body. It is licking her hair and her fingers as if it is lapping up the blood. She feels nothing for a second until she feels the creature easily lift her leg up as if her leg was a small twig. Then she feels many sharp objects press into her thigh. "What the fuck? Ohhh.. shit. He is biting my thigh." It's teeth are sharp and the sensation is of slight pain that feels so good. Then the familiar feeling of warm blood rises to her mind as the blood trickles down the sides of her thigh and falls off the underneath of it. Then the warm, wet, rough tongue licks and cleans her wounds on her thigh and on her arms. She hears the creature tasting and swallowing the blood with satisfaction.

Then it finally happens. She has wanted this for months now. Finally, she feels the creature step over her thigh and between her legs. It spreads her thighs apart and she finally cannot help herself any more. She reaches down with her hands to feel for it's erection and to pull it inside of her. What she feels is so soft and velveteen. It is…. fur. She feels a thin layer of the softest almost silk like… fur. "Oh my god," she gasps. She wasn't expecting that, but, it just feels so good on her soft moist hands. She feels down it's muscular soft chest and finds it. It is aroused and it's sexual member feels like a normal penis. A hard, throbbing, normal sized, wonderful, delicious penis. She pulls it up and into her "kitty." Now, somehow, her little pet name for her own sexual organ seemed so ironic and silly. The creature lets out a sigh as it slides into her moist body and reaches around her body to pull her close.

In her minds eye she sees…. love. She sees it's feelings for her. She feels his feelings for her as it wraps it's muscular arms around her and moves out of her then back in. He pushes it in hard as if he can't get far enough inside of her. She feels it's sharp teeth gently bite and nibble on her lips and her breasts. His soft silken fur rubbing against her sensitive, sensual skin. Her mind, body, emotions and sensations explode. She can't hold back the waterfall of the orgasm that rushes over her. She had been waiting for this for months. It is better then she imagined. This is a beautiful but deadly creature that wanted nothing more but to love her. And the creature lets out a gentle, controlled moan that was like a deep and throaty purr. The creature had finally released.

She then feels the creature touch her face for a few minutes as she feels him looking over her body and her face. She senses it over near the bookcase for a moment then she hears a thud. Then she hears it walk over near the portal and then she hears nothing. She feels the cloth that was laying on her eyes fade away, and the drumming fades away as well. "Oh my god," she says softly. She doesn't want to open her eyes but she has to. She looks down at her body and she sees the bight marks on her thighs. All the blood is gone and she is glistening with sweat. She has never felt so full of bliss in her life. She glances over at the book case and laying next to the bookcase, on the floor, is a book opened with her ornamental dagger stabbed down into it. On the page, with the dagger, is the picture of a creature. It is a cat person. Like a cat that has evolved billions of years into a humanoid. Graceful, beautiful and deadly, the picture of the creature stares back at her.

Again, she says, "Oh my god," and her body shudders with visceral desire. "Please… come back. Don't leave me." Then from the circle drawn on the wall she hears a throaty affectionate purring. Then nothing.
