Rough first date – [FM]

Allison wandered from her bedroom to bathroom and back half heartedly. She's not sure why she agree to go on the date in the first place. He seems like a nice guy, but just a little boring. Her current dilemma is choosing what to wear. She wants to dress appropriately for the date, but not give the idea that's she's dressed to impress. A groan of frustration slips from lips and she flops onto the bed, her long chestnut brown hair splaying out above her. She's made no progress. She has to leave in ten minutes and she's still in her bra and panties.

Mark lounges on the sofa and checks the time every few minutes. He's happy have plans for the evening, but is concerned that Allison is a little… meek. He's wearing dark jeans a sports coat with a white cotton shirt under it. There's no butterflies in his stomach and he's already thinking about what he'll do when the date is over.

Mark sits at the table he's led to in the back of the restaurant away from the other patrons. It's quiet tonight, the soft murmur of conversation is pleasant, not overwhelming. He reads over the wine list as glances toward the door now and then, watching for his date.

She's not what he expects when she walks in. She's more attractive, and she walks confidently in the black and white dress she's chosen. The top is form fitting, the bottom hangs loose to just above her knees.

The conversation is about what each expected, pleasant, but safe and uninteresting. Two glasses of have been had and Mark is feels playful. He wants to push and see what this woman might say or do. It's a "what the worst that can happen?" approach. He bides his time.

There's talk of family, interests, work, and weather before Allison needs to excuse herself to the washroom. As she stands, Mark grabs her hand and pulls her in close and whispers, "When you come back to the table, hand me your panties." His tone is assertive, self assured. Demanding.

Allison pauses, certain she heard him incorrectly, "what?" she manages in disbelief.

"When you come back to the table, hand me your panties." Mark makes eye contact as he speaks, making sure there's no misunderstanding.

Allison walks away. She cannot believe he'd say that. It was out of nowhere. Why would he think he could just demand that? And that she'd listen? Despite her thoughts, there's no denying she's aroused by his approach. His confidence.

She returns to the table, and conversation continues as though nothing had been said. Mark talks about his time in Ireland and Allison listens politely. After five minutes or so, Mark reaches his hand across the table, "Give them to me. Your cheeks were red when you left the restroom. I know you've taken them off."

Alison's cheeks redden again and she shifts nervously in her seat. Mark continues to stare and wait, his hand outstretched. She picks her purse up from chair beside her, palms the panties and slips them into Mark's hands. "That's very good. Now slide your chair in a bit closer", he says as he puts them into his jacket pocket.

Without a word Allison does as she's told. She feels his hand on her bare knee. She flinches, but doesn't move away. She isn't sure what to expect, but this didn't cross her mind. Mark's fingers run up her thigh, stopping just before her pussy.

The conversation begins again, but as it does, Mark teases Allison, his fingers sensually caressing her inner thigh, getting so close to offering her pleasure before retreating. Focusing on his words is getting harder. She is singularly focused on his hand.

The bill is paid and the two step out into the a warm fall evening. Mark walks beside her, under the pretense of walking her to her car. Allison has relaxed some now, his hands aren't on her, she's composed. There's an alley to their left and Mark sees an opportunity.

He grabs her hand and pulls her down the alley, just beyond the where the streetlights reach. Allison know she shouldn't be doing this, but she doesn't protest.

Mark pushes her hard against the brick exterior of the building and kisses her hard. His hands are roaming all over her. "Lift your dress up and run a finger over your clit" he growls into her ear. Allison does nothing. With a swift move, Mark spins her around so she is facing away from him. He lifts her dress and with a very firm slap to her bare bottom, says "It you don't listen, there's consequences" before another firm slap lands on her ass.

Allison is surprised and almost whimpers at her ass being slapped. She's never been this turned on. Mark spins her around, steps back, and watches her. "I'm sorry", Allison whispers and she spreads her legs slightly before pulling the front of her dress up and running one of her fingers along her pussy, then sliding it in, she moans.

"That's better, now turn and place your hands against the wall." Allison listens this time and even adds a little sway to her hips as she does. Mark kneels behind her and Allison feels his tongue dart across her pussy. There's a clear moan now and Mark licks faster. She's been so turned on for so long she feels like she's going to burst.

His hands grope her hips and ass while his tongue runs circles around her clit. Her legs are quaking. She's going to cum. She's on her tip toes. There's the rush, the moan, the orgasm she needed.

Mark stands close behind her and she feels his breath on her as he says sternly, "You didn't ask of you could cum. There is always a consequence." And with that, she feels another slap across her ass. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you, sir?" Allison pleads.

  • composed in my phone. Forgive typos.


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