Melissa (true story, x-post Breeding)

A few years back, I was between girlfriends, but that didn't stop me from wanting sex. I'm not a novice when it comes to internet dating, not even when it comes to casual hookups, so I was browsing the Casual Encounters section of Craigslist looking for some fun times in bed. It was there that I met Melissa.

She had posted an ad looking for a casual lover, and as anyone who has tried to meet people through Craigslist can attest, I was surprised when I actually got a response from her. We emailed back and forth for a while, got to know each other, and decided that we were a pretty good match. We set up a time and place to meet.

The original plan was to meet at the coffee shop on the ground floor of her building, but I ended up going up to her room instead. I’d already seen some pictures, but when she opened the door, it was the first time I’d seen her in person. She was shorter than me by about a foot, but I’m over 6 feet tall, so that was nothing new. She had straight black hair down to her shoulders, pale skin, and wore black glasses. She was a heavier girl, but frankly I like a woman with some meat on her. I’m very much a boob guy, and she had boobs to spare.

We said our hellos, and she invited me in. We had been emailing for a couple of days, so by this point we knew what this was all about. That’s the best thing about online dating: you get the bullshit out of the way ahead of time and can get right to the point.

Her apartment was tiny. It was one room plus a bathroom, and barely had enough room for her futon and her desk which held her computer. We had to chase away her cat, then sat down on the futon and started to make out.

We made out for a short time before I started to take her top off. Like I said, I am very much a boob guy, and she was stacked. Easily DD’s, maybe larger, with large, pink nipples. I spent some time massaging, licking, and sucking on those lovely mounds, before working my way downward, removing her pants, panties, and then licking her shaved pussy.

Now, here’s where it starts to get interesting, as we had discussed contraception in our emails. I am rather large down below, so I have a hard time with condoms. I will use one if a woman insists, but that usually results in having it kill my boner as it cuts off my circulation (yes, even the Magnums. I need something wider, not longer!). As such, I get tested frequently, and will ask my partners if they are comfortable with other forms of birth control. Melissa wasn’t on the pill, but she was willing to go bareback if I promised to pull out. I agreed to her terms.

Back to the futon. I lay her on her back, and slowly pushed in. I’d already given her an orgasm with my tongue and fingers, so I pushed in rather easily. We fucked slowly at first, building speed as we continued. Soon I was going at a pretty good rate, and she was moaning loudly for me. I was just getting into the grove, when she suddenly said something coherent: “Cum inside me!”

“Are you sure?” I asked.


I couldn’t help myself anymore. I blew less than a minute later, being sure to push in as deep as possible as I pulsed, filling her warm, inviting pussy with my cum. We collapsed together onto the futon, basking in the glow, as we caught our collective breaths. I immediately offered to pay the $60 for the Plan B pill we now needed to get, and even drove her to the Planned Parenthood clinic near campus. I didn’t fucking care. Those three little words came out of absolutely nowhere, and got me to one of my best orgasms ever.

We fucked for a few months through the spring and summer. I think she was using me a little for my air conditioning, but I didn’t care. She was an adventurous lover, and I loved every minute I had with her. She moved overseas and I lost touch with her, but I will never forget my first absolutely unprotected breeding experience. I’ve had other lovers since her, and have asked them to ask me to cum inside them, but it is never the same as when Melissa begged me to cum inside her unprotected pussy.
