Sexy Scrabble: part 1 [str8] [mf] [oral]

I’ve know Ethan for what seem like forever. We were childhood best friends and middle school enemies. But then in high school when he decides to go and date my best friend Rachel, I realized Ethan wasn’t the total dumb ass he was in middle school. Nor was he the geeky loner kid with the ugly buzz cut. In fact Ethan was now, dare I say it, downright fucking sexy! His acne cleared up into perfectly tan skin. His grew his dirty blond hair into the perfect bedheaded mess. And once he lost the glasses, his bright green eyes captured every girl’s attention and heart.

But my best friend was dating him, so I could never make a move on Ethan. Friendship, however, was something that I could form, and did. We reconned over all the things that had made us childhood friends such as skateboarding, Blink-182, and board games. Yes! board games, both Ethan and I were avid players. Everyone in our friend circle made fun of us for it, but we were too busy rolling dice and counting squares to give a shit.

And it’s for the love of board games that I find myself knocking on Ethan’s door this Saturday morning. Ethan’s parents always seem to be out of town, which leaves Ethan always bored at home alone. So it was no surprise when he texted me this morning complaining how utterly bored he was to which I responded I’d be over in a bit with my box of scrabble to entertain him.

I knock on the big oak door of his parent’s mansion like house. Suddenly it opens to reveal Ethan eating a bowl of frosted flakes in nothing but his boxers. Oh what a sight! Soccer and football have done wonders to Ethan's body as a set of defined abs greet my own blue eyes.

I clear my throat and pretend to not be distracted “I brought scrabble”

“Cool” Ethan responds with a mouth full of cereal “You can set it up in the basement. I’ll be down in a bit.”

Walking inside and making my way to the staircase of his basement I callout “Oh yeah, and don’t forget to put a shirt on”

To which I hear him laugh and reply “Whatever you know you liked it.”

Damn that boy!

Ethan’s basement is so huge it’s like a small apartment. Pulling out the Scrabble board on the card table and sitting down I smooth out my short pink skirt. The soft leather of the chair feel amazing against my freshly shaven pussy. Being me, I ran out of underwear today, so today’s outfit of a pink skirt and a white button blouse was the last of my clean cloths. I gather my long blonde hair and move it over to the front of my chest in an effort to cover up the fact that my flimsy black lace bra isn’t doing a good job of hiding my nipples.

As I am smoothing out my straight hair, Ethan come tramping down the stairs, thankfully dressed. However, he still looks fucking sexy in a dark green shirt that brings out his green eyes and dark wash jeans that make his ass look fucking glorious.

“Ready to get your ass kicked” I ask to clear my mind of all the dirty things I want to do to Ethan

“Yeah no…it’s going to be my name you’ll be screaming at the end of this game” Ethan flirty responds.

Shit! Why did Ethan have to be so sexy when he’s flirting. It’s making my panty-less pussy wet.

We are halfway through the game and it is taking all my energy to focus on the game and not the fact that Ethan’s presence is causing my pussy to drip. I start bouncing my legs up and down to try and release some of my pent up horniness. However, it changes nothing but an accidental bump of the table that causes Ethan’s Scrabble tiles to fall to the floor. He bends down and crawls under the table to pick them up. I hear a choking noise and see Ethan quickly rise up from under the table which causes him to hit his head against the edge of the table. My tiles rattle and fall to the floor.

“Damn it Ethan” I mutter as I bend down and crawl under the table to retrieve my tiles. And that’s when I see it! The huge bulge in Ethan’s pants. Is he hard? Sitting back down it dawns on me and I blush…I am not wearing underwear and Ethan must have noticed when he picked up his tiles. The air is the room is thick with sexual tension, and I can barely take it any more. Neither of us is focusing on the game now, instead were are trying not to jump each others bones. With trembling hands my tiles drop to the ground again. Going under the table to pick them up I see that the bulge has gotten bigger, and I can’t control my urges anymore!

I crawl forward till my face is in his crotch. I tentatively place a hand on his bulge and I hear him gasp. Slowly I undo his jeans and release his cock. I look up at him wide eyed, he must be around 7 inches! My blue eyes meet his green and I see it in his eyes… he wants this as much as I do.

But before I go down for a kiss to his dick, I remark "I still had some Scrabble tiles left..what were they.."

I slowly lick around the tip of the throbbing cock, clearly enjoying the teasing by the wetness that forms between my legs. Giving a broad, flat tongue stroke from the base of his cock up to the tip, I remark "Oh one letter was an F"

I place my lips back onto his cock, but this time I try to take as much in as I can. What I can't fit in my pink lips, I cover with my hands. Slowly I move both my hands and mouth up your shaft. Each groan he releases turns me on more and more. Breathless I remark "C..I had a C still"

I go back down, but this time I pick a faster rhythm and add the pressure of my tongue to the base of his cock. Up, down, up, down…panting I say "two..I had two you have two balls" And with a smirk I place feather like kisses on each ball, before I quickly swirl my tongue up his shaft and back down again. I then try to take him deeper into my mouth seeing just how far his 7 inches will go in me. Then I pull up my mouth to the tip of his cock and tighten my lips around it. Then I go as deep as I can again, then back up to the tip, then down, then up, down, up, down, up. It's a rapid pace I am working at now, and I can feel him on the edge. With a pop I take my lips off his dick, and say "I had a K too…I wonder what I could have spelled…"

I lean in so close that the tips of my hard nipples poke out from the thin fabric of my shirt to brush against his chest. "Oh yeah" I whisper in his ear "I could have spelled FUCK U" ;)



  1. God I want to play scrabble again! Dirty talk over Words With Friends may have to do. Nice story. :)

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