“Slutherin House: The Sorting” [Orgy (MF/FF)] [EU] [Harry Potter] [Reluctance]

Umbridge rose amidst the noise of dinner in the great hall and cleared her throat. “Excuse me.” She said sweetly. The roar did not die down and a frown crossed Umbridge’s toad-like face. She brought her wand up to her throat. “Sonorus. EXCUSE ME.” Her magically amplified voice echoed shrilly over the house tables, making many students flinch and reigning in silence.

Umbridge smirked, lowering her wand. “Thank you. Now, I have an announcement.” She produced a roll of parchment from her robes. “After discussion with the board of governors, and a stirring speech from Lucius Malfoy..”

There came a familiar snicker from the Slytherin table.

“..it has been decided.” Umbridge continued. “That in the students’ best interest, a re-sorting of Houses is in order.”

Outrage broke out amongst the House tables. Students yelling, some standing up, even on their seats and tables, all shouting their dissaproval.  Umbridge had to once again amplify her voice and call for silence to restore order.

“As I was saying,” She huffed before smiling around the room. “A re-sorting will take place for all *female* Hogwarts students.”

More commotion around the hall, this time full of curious and confused whispers as the students took in her words.

“Not so bad then.” Ron chirped.

Hermione smacked him in the chest. “Maybe not for you!”

Harry suppressed a laugh while Umbridge kept talking.

“Now then, when I call your name, please come up to the head table for the re-sorting.” Umbridge turned to the Slytherin table and two large boys  from her Inquisitorial Squad rose, bringing forth the small stool that students sat on for the Sorting. After positioning it at the front of the hall, the two took up post next to Umbridge, who nodded kindly before turning back to the students, unrolling a piece of parchment and starting to read names. “Abbott, Hannah”

All eyes shifted to the Hufflepuff table and fell on the very nervous looking Hannah. She stood up shakily and slowly made her way up to the front of the Great Hall. Hermione frowned, looking at where Umbridge stood by the stool.

“Where’s the Sorting Hat?” She whispered.

Harry blinked then frowned as well. “I don’t know. But whatever she and Malfoy are up to it can’t be good.”

“Come along now dear.” Umbridge ushered Hannah’s last few steps.

Hannah nervously took her seat on the stool, then looked around expectantly, sweeping her hair back for the Sorting Hat. Umbridge nodded to the two Slytherins and the boys moved to the stool, each putting a hand on Hannah’s legs.

“What are you doing!?” Hannah cried out as the boys spread her legs open.

Umbridge made a ‘tut tut’ sound. “Sit still please.”

Hannah blinked in shock at Umbridge and ceased her wriggling. The boys pulled her skirt up and moved her panties aside, revealing her pink slit to the entire Great Hall. Hannah looked horrified and her face went a red.

“How *could* they?” Hermione hissed, clenching her fists.

Harry gritted his teeth. “This is too far.”

Ron was half out of his seat, craning his neck to see Hannah’s exposed privates. “Uh huh…”

Umbridge, now grinning widely, opened up her hand bag and extracted what looked like a bright pink egg. The whole Hall gasped as she bent down and slid the object smoothly into Hannah’s slit. Hannah stared wide eyed, shock keeping her from moving. After a few moments, she jumped in surprise.

“Hufflepuff!” What sounded like Umbridge’s muffled voice called from Hannah’s crotch.

“Excellent. Seems you’ll be staying in the same House Ms. Abbott.” Umbridge said cheerfully, holding out her hand. The egg plopped obediently from Hannah’s pussy into her palm. “Please rejoin your classmates.”

Hannah rose and, though obviously shaken, gladly rushed back to the Hufflepuff table. The next few girls to be “re-sorted” also went back to their original houses after having the egg shoved inside them.

“What’s the point of this?” Harry whispered, keeping his voice down as Umbridge’s eyes darted around the room.

“Maybe she just wants to embarrass all of you.” Ron nodded at Hermione.

Hermione gulped, knowing her own turn would come. “I wouldn’t put it past her.”

“Brown, Lavender.” Umbridge called sweetly.

Lavender rose. “I’ll be right back.” She said confidently to her fellow Gryffindors, then trotted up to the front.

Lavender sat on the stool, and actually spread her legs herself, though the two boys still moved her garments aside. Umbridge slid the egg into Lavender’s pussy, and the girl’s look of confidence vanished instantly.

“Ohhh!” Lavender cried out, her thighs clenching together.

She threw her head back and gripped the stool, her body quivering.

“What’s happening to her?” Harry asked.

Ron was half smirking. “It looks like…”

“I’m cumming!” Lavender’s scream echoed around the hall. She convulsed, the two Slytherins gripping her shoulders to keep her on the stool.

“Slutherin!” The egg cried out.

“Ah wonderful!” Umbridge chirped after retrieving the egg.

“Wh…what is Slutherin?” Lavender gasped.

“I almost forgot to mention.” Umbridge giggled, turning to face the students. “Along with the re-sorting, the board of governors has decided that four houses is not enough to define the traits of every student, therefore they have established the new House of Slutherin. Any student belonging to this house may be used for the sexual release of other students as well as the staff.” The room erupted in shouting, though many students, particularly males, were cheering. “That’s enough!” Umbridge squealed loudly, her face going red. When silence returned, she cleared her throat and smiled. “This is to ensure the continued focus on education here at Hogwarts by quickly satisfying any distracting urges or needs. Now, Ms. Brown, please take your seat.” She waved her wand, conjuring a fifth House table, which sprung up in the corner of the Great Hall.

Lavender was stunned into silence as the two boys hefted her off the stool and marched her to the Slutherin table. As soon as they went back to the front, Theodore Nott came over from Slytherin to where Lavender sat on the bench, facing the Hall. He promptly dropped his pants, a thick erection springing out.

“What are you do..mmfff.” Lavender’s words were cut off as Theodore grabbed her curly hair and pushed her mouth down over his cock.

Lavender’s eyes widened as he jerked her back and forth, making her blow him. He reached down and roughly hoisted up her blouse and bra, her perky pale breasts bouncing out.

“This is evil!” Hermione bit her lip, trying to block out Lavender’s muted moans of protest while Theodore fucked her mouth.

“Chang, Cho.” Umbridge continued as if nothing odd was happening.

Cho sunk down into her seat, trying to hide amongst her fellow Ravenclaws. The two members of the Inquisitorial Squad smirked and surged between the house tables, snatching her up by the robes.

“Let me go!” Cho cried, struggling as she was dragged to the front.

The boys plopped her on the stool and yanked aside her skirt and panties. Her slit was a vibrant pink against her darker skin tone. Umbridge knelt down.

“Don’t!” Cho panicked. Then her breath caught as the egg was slipped into her.

Her eyebrows arched and her mouth hung open. She leaned back, hips pushing up, and one of the boys kept her steady. Cho’s legs parted and she moaned loudly. She squirted cum out over the floor, making a puddle. Cho blushed in shame as the egg called out “Slutherin” and Umbridge retrieved it.

“But I’m not..” Cho protested as she was pulled off the stool and led to join Lavender, who was now gagging as Theodore tried to enter her throat.

“Of course you are dear.” Umbridge taunted. “Look at this mess. Scourgify.” She vanished the pool of Cho’s juices before returning to the list.

There was commotion at the Gryffindor table as Cormac McLaggen stood up.

“Oh shut it!” He barked at his House mates. “You heard the rules.” Cormac strutted to the Slutherin table and pushed Cho over it, making her lay on her back.

“Please..” Cho squirmed as he threw her legs up then yanked her panties off.

“I want to see that squirt trick again.” Cormac plunged two fingers into her and started to pump as Umbridge continued to call names.

A few more girls went up and were sent back to their previous houses. Hermione’s heart sank with each name called, getting closer to her turn.

“What am I going to do?” She asked nervously.

Harry looked around: all of the doors were blocked by the Inquisitorial squad. “If only we could find you a way out.”

Ron blinked, turning from where Tracey Davies was spread out on the stool. “But.. it’s the rules.” He said weakly, eyeing Hermione up and down.

“Ron!” Harry hissed.

Hermione was stunned into silence long enough for another girl to be sorted. Then she furrowed her brow in anger and opened her mouth to tell Ron off.

“Granger, Hermione.” Umbridge called, her voice rising in delight.

Hermione’s breath caught in her chest and she froze poised to yell at Ron. She slowly looked over to see other students staring at her and Umbridge smiling wickedly. The two members of the Inquisitorial Squad took a step forward and Hermione got up from her seat, halting them before they came to take her. She threw a pleading look at Harry, then a spiteful one at Ron, and began her walk to the front. When she reached the stool, the two boys reached out. But she brushed their hands away and sat on the stool herself.

“I can manage for myself, thank you.” Hermione said defiantly.

She frowned at Umbridge, then smirked and turned with a smile to the other students. She hiked her skirt up and reached down, sliding her panties aside, flashing everyone in the hall. Cheers and laughter broke out. She caught a glimpse of Ron, who sighed and fainted into his food. Umbridge’s face twitched.

“Why are you doing this?” Hermione sneered at her.

Umbridge let out a short series of laughs, much like a yipping dog. “You are all simply being sorted into the House that suits you most.”

Hermione gritted her teeth. “I don’t believe you.”

“Oh no?” Umbridge grinned. “Look.” She nodded at the Slutherin table.

Hermione watched in surprise as Lavender yanked her head back, gasping for air after having her mouth stuffed with Theodore’s cock. She opened wide and stuck out her tongue, panting as he unloaded cum over her lips, pooling it on her tongue. Lavender looked a bit taken aback at herself, but swallowed the cum and smiled a little.

“You see.” Umbridge gloated. “Deep down they are good little Slutherins. And I’m sure we’ll find you are too Ms. Granger.” She turned quickly to Hermione, kneeling down.

“No!” Hermione yelped as the egg was shoved into her pussy.

The instant it entered her, ecstasy swelled from her crotch and through her body. Hermione tried to fight it off, but it felt too good. Her head swam and her muscles convulsed. Pleasure seared in her pussy, making it clench and quiver. Hermione moaned loudly. Then, to her distant horror, she reached down and flicked her fingers over her clit, sending her into intense orgasm. She rocked and fell off the stool, writhing on the ground. The Slytherin table, and several students at other tables, erupted in laughter. Hermione felt her face go red as the overwhelming pleasure washed away and embarrassment set in.

“Slutherin!” The egg called from her pussy.

“You see Ms. Granger.” Umbridge beamed, squatting down and reaching between Hermione’s legs for the egg. “Right where you belong.”

Hermione was in a daze as the two members of the Inquisitorial Squad pulled her off the ground and she was led on shaky legs towards the Slutherin table. Her head snapped back to clarity as she saw a grinning Draco Malfoy rising from his seat and walking towards the table as well. Hermione struggled, but the two boys kept a firm grip on her arms, herding her to her new House. As they drew closer, she saw Cormac working his fingers rapidly inside Cho.

“Yesss!” Cho cried, lifting and spreading her legs, hips bucking.

Cormac smirked and yanked his fingers from her dripping pussy. “That’s it.”

A stream of cum gushed from Cho as she orgasmed, wetting the table under her.

“What do you think Granger,” Draco smirked as he reached her, the two boys shoving her in his direction before heading back to the front. “Think you’ll cum like that?”

“Don’t you dare touch me Malfoy.” Hermione hissed.

“Or what?” Draco smirked. “You’ll tell on me?” Hermione’s heart dropped and his smile grew wider. “There are new rules now.”

Then he was on her, taking Hermione by surprise. She was quickly turned around and bent over the Slutherin table.

“Stop! You vial little worm!” She shouted, Draco’s hand pushing her head down, pressing her face into the table.

She could feel him against her now, pinning her down. Even as she struggled, Hermione was ashamed to find her pussy getting wet and her legs wanting to part. She gasped as her skirt was tossed up over her hips.

“Well well.” Draco laughed. “Your panties are soaking Granger. Diffindo!”

Hermione’s slit was suddenly exposed as her panties were shredded, the air hitting it and making her tremble.

Draco’s fingers gripped her hair. “You’ve had this coming for a long time Granger.”

“N.. no..” Hermione whimpered, wide eyes staring down the table.

She twitched as she felt Draco brush against her folds then bit her lip and winced as he roughly took her virginity from behind, plunging his cock into her.

“Oh, is this your first?” Draco chuckled, swelling proudly inside her, making Hermione’s nails dig into the wood.

The spike of pain slowly faded as Draco started to ram her repeatedly, driving his hard cock into her tightness. Hermione let out the breath she had been holding in a gasp as the first wave of pleasure coursed from her crotch and over her body.

“That’s it. Moan for me Mudblood.” Draco taunted.

Instead of the normal anger, Hermione found the degradation somehow arousing. Her hips began to rock back against Draco’s pounding cock, taking him deeper and stretching her tight pussy. As she was being fucked over the table, Hermione was vaguely aware that the Sorting was still going on.

“Lovegood, Luna.” Umbridge chirped.

Soon after, there was a soft moan from the front and the call of “Slutherin!” from the egg. Hermione was gritting her teeth, Draco’s thighs starting to slap against her ass, when Luna was brought into her line of sight.

“Hello Hermione.” Luna said pleasantly. “A bit odd isn’t this? Though I did always feel out of place, perhaps I just needed a new House.” She said thoughtfully.

Hermione wasn’t quite sure what to say to that, although she couldn’t say much of anything between her moans. She couldn’t believe how good the hard fucking she was taking felt. And even worse, it was like Draco knew how much she was enjoying it.

“Just in time to see your friend cum Loony.” He teased as he pummeled Hermione’s pussy and yanked her hair.

Before Luna could respond, a Ravenclaw boy and a Hufflepuff boy approached her.

“Hi. I expect you want some sexual release?” Luna said casually.

The boys grinned at each other and nodded eagerly.

“Have a seat then.” Luna indicated the bench.

They both sat down. Hermione licked her lips as Luna knelt and pulled both boys cocks from their trousers. As Hermione watched her begin to stroke them both up and dow. she backed herself faster against Draco.

“That’s it Granger, I knew you’d love a good fucking.” Draco pounded into her sore pussy.

Hermione stared at Luna’s hands moving along the boys’ cocks, giving her something to fixate on as she took Draco deep inside her over and over, the sight increasing her arousal. Her eyes fluttered and she gave a moan, feeling her pussy clenching and her thighs quiver.

“Oh, you filthy Mudblood.” Draco slowed his thrusts while Hermione’s juices flowed down his shaft and balls.

“Oh….my…god… “ Hermione panted as she lay limp against the table. Her pussy throbbed from her rough first time, and yet also tingled from her orgasm.

She let out a gasp of relief when Draco’s hard dick slowly slid from inside her. She lay there and tried to get control of her muddled mind and trembling body, watching Luna jerk off the boys on the bench. The blonde witch occasionally leaned in and let spit drip from her smiling lips to fall on their tips, where her hands collected it and lubed their shafts as they moved up and down.

“Ah!” Hermione yelped as she was rolled over on her back.

“I want you to watch while I take you.” Draco sneered, spreading her legs and pushing them up.

Hermione did watch, peeping between her parted legs as he rubbed his head up and down her slit. She shuddered each time he bumped her clit, jolts of ecstasy rocking her. Then Draco plunged back into her depths, filling her aching pussy with his thrusting cock. With her head not jammed against the table, Hermione was able to look around now as he fucked her.

She saw Lavender giving another boy a sloppy blowjob, Theodore’s cum still glistening on her chin and cheeks. Another Gryffindor had joined Cormac, each taking turns fingering Cho’s pussy and flicking her clit while she continued to gush cum over the table. Hermione could hear Umbridge still going through her list.

“Patil, Padma.”

“Oh!” Came Padma’s cry of orgasm from the front shortly after.


Hermione layed her head back, taking in deep breaths as Draco hammered into her. He was making sure to pull almost completely from her pussy each time before pushing back into her with his full length.Every time she felt his throbbing cock fill her completely, another orgasm edged closer. She was vaguely aware of Padma being thrown on the table next to her, Vincent Crabbe pulling her skirt up and pushing her legs in the air. Hermione turned her head to see Padma’s mouth open in an O as Crabbe penetrated her.

“It is too big!” Padma gasped.

“I’ll make it fit.” Crabbe chuckled, forcing himself deeper.

“Good show Crabbe.” Draco gripped Hermione’s clenching thighs, keeping them up and open as he increased the speed of his fucking.

“Nnnn… yesss..” Hermione moaned, her eyes rolling some.

Draco smiled triumphantly, ready to comment, but was interrupted by the egg Sorting the next girl who had just cried out in orgasm.

“Slutherin!” It announced.

A few moments later, Hermione blinked as Padma’s twin sister, Parvati, was bent over the opposite side of the table by Gregory Goyle. She tried to straighten up but was roughly pushed, staring down at her sister while Crabbe fucked her relentlessly.

“Ohhhh!” Pavarti screamed, Goyle gripping her ass and sliding into her pussy from behind.

Goyle grinned and put his large hand on her head, forcing it down. “Kiss your sister.”

Padma’s eyes widened, looking up, Pavarti returning her shocked stare.

Crabbe pounded Padma harder, apparently liking the suggestion. “Yeah, kiss.”

Draco looked over curiously, the distraction slowing his thrusting to something much more pleasant for Hermione. She laid back, her head turning to watch the twins. She eagerly took Draco’s cock, her hips rising.

Padma and Pavarti just stared at each other, even as they were both stuffed with cock, too stunned to react.

“I said kiss!” Goyle grunted, shoving Pavarti’s head down.

The twins’ faces were mashed together and they both winced. Then Padma parted her lips and her sister did the same. Crabbe and Goyle hooted happily, continuing to ram the twins as they began to kiss deeply. Hermione bit her lip and reached down while she watched, her fingers rubbing her swollen clit. Draco turned his attention back to her.

“That turn you on Granger?” He resumed his former pace and roughness.

“I… yes!” Hermione panted, rubbing her clit faster.

She could feel her orgasm nearing when she heard gasps and grunts from nearby. She lazily turned her head, keeping her focus on her clit and Draco’s cock inside her, and watched in a daze as Luna’s hand glided over the two boys throbbing heads, spit constantly leaking from her lips over their tips.

“You’re almost there.” Luna stated plainly.

The two boys both tossed their heads back and shuddered in orgasm. Cum spurted from both their cocks, flowing out over Luna’s hands.

“You both had quite a bit.” Luna smirked as she slowly stroked the quivering boys.

She pulled her hands away and brought them to her mouth then cheerily licked cum from the back of her hands, her palms and between her fingers. It was too much. Hermione bucked violently and turned back to Draco, fingers flying over her clit.

“D…Draco… yesss.” She nodded jerkily, looking into his icy blue eyes. “Yesssss.” She moaned loudly.

Draco looked surprised, but only fucked her harder. His fingers dug into her thighs, pushing her legs up as far as he could, plunging as deep into her as possible. Hermione’s hand paused in its flicking as her mouth dropped open and her eyes rolled and blinked rapidly. Draco gritted his teeth, muscles flexing as he drilled into Hermione’s dripping pussy. She thrashed on the table as the greatest pleasure of her life took her. She desperately pushed at Draco, the ecstasy of her orgasm too much to handle.

“I can’t, I can’t.” Hermione panted desperately. The climax was flooding her entire body and racking her brain.

“Yes you can, Mudblood slut.” Draco growled, ignoring Hermione’s pushing and pleads.

Hermione’s eyes popped open and she stared at him, nodding dumbly. Before her first orgasm had even fully passed, another gripped her. She lost control of her body, spasming violently on the table. Finally, her clenching pussy grew too tight and Draco’s cock sprung out as he pulled back to thrust. His momentum brought him forward again, his tip bumping hard into Hermione’s clit. She curled up, trying to keep from shaking and struggling to stay conscious.

“Fuck.” Draco looked down at his throbbing cock in frustration.

The world was fuzzy to Hermione for a moment while she twitched on the table. Se became dully aware of the twins gasping next to her, their open lips brushing as they too reached climax. A hand then gripped her hair, the slight pain bringing back clarity.

“Come on Granger, I’ve not finished.” Draco dragged her up off the table.

Hermione cooperated in a daze, rising to her weak legs. Draco sat on the bench, his hard cock pointing straight up. Knowing what he wanted, Hermione turned away from him without instruction. Draco’s hands came to her hips, guiding her as she lowered herself. She sat back on his lap, moaning as she sunk down onto his cock. Draco clutched her hips, ready to thrust up into her, but Hermione couldn’t take his hard pounding yet. Instead, she put her hands on her knees and leaned forward. She flexed her shaky legs and brought her ass up, pussy gripping at Draco’s shaft before she dropped back into his lap, gasping as his cock stuffed her tight hole.

“Very good.” Draco leaned back against the table while Hermione slowly started to ride him. “Maybe you aren’t totally useless after all.”

As she rose and fell on Draco’s hard dick, Hermione noticed that Umbridge was nearing the end of the alphabet, which meant the sorting, and hopefully the evening’s sex, would soon be done.

“Weasley, Ginevra.” Umbridge yelled.

Hermione looked up, while Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy snickered. She scanned the Gryffindor table, a bit difficult as she bounced on Draco’s lap, and saw Ginny being led up front by the two Inquisitorial Squad members. Hermione looked further down the table to see Ron’s reaction, only to find him still passed out, face on the table. But Harry was right next to him and looking at her in shock as she rode Draco. Hermione averted her eyes, shame filling her again.

“Tired Granger?” Draco said from behind her. Hermione hadn’t realized she’d stopped moving.

“I…” She began. “Oh!.” She was cut off as Draco seized pulled her down and started to thrust up into her pussy hard.

“Don’t worry. I’ll finish you off.” Draco grunted as he drilled into her, making her budding breasts jiggle.

Hermione winced, hearing Ginny moan loudly then the cry of “Slutherin!” from the egg. Seconds later, Pansy Parkinson arrived from the Slytherin table and sat down on the bench.

“Oh, this should be good.” She said, hiking up her skirt and sliding her panties off. She grinned widely as Ginny was dragged over by the Inquisitorial Squad. “Drop her right here.” Pansy spread her legs.

Ginny shook her head, grimacing. “No way.”

The two boys chuckled as they pushed Ginny to her knees at Pansy’s feet.

“School rules.” Pansy mocked. “Now eat it Weasley.”

She grabbed Ginny by the hair and shoved her face into her crotch. Ginny let out a muffled protest, but Pansy just pushed her head down harder. She held Ginny down until she reluctantly began to lick her pussy.

Hermione watched while Ginny ate Pansy out, thinking a tongue on her clit would feel amazing. As if reading her mind, Draco’s fingers came to her clit as he bounced her on his cock and started to flick the swollen nub.

Hermione couldn’t help but smile, her lips parted in a moan. “Yesss. Thank you…”

“Like that huh?” Draco pinched her clit, making Hermione shudder. Her pussy began to clench on his throbbing cock.

Draco rubbed her clit hard, occasionally tweaking or pulling it. Hermione resumed riding him, sliding down his dick in time with his quick thrusts. The sound of grunting made her look over to see Crabbe and Goyle both stroking themselves as they climaxed, cocks glistening from the twins’ twins’ wetness. Cum spurted over Padma’s midriff and Pavarti’s back. The two lay on the table, looking at each other in exhaustion as they took the loads.

Worked up from the sight, Hermione rode Draco faster, slamming her ass down on his lap, taking his full length. “Fuck me fuck me..”

“Take it slut, take it like the whore you are.” Draco slapped her clit repeatedly and pumped into her with all his strength.

“You too bitch.” Pansy giggled from close by, yanking Ginny’s hair around, rubbing her face in her slit. “I want to cum on that freckled face.”

Ginny looked up with fierce eyes from between the other girl’s legs, but ran her tongue up and down Pansy’s pussy and flicked her clit.

Hermione leaned back into Draco, feeling his heavy breath on her neck. Her eyes started to roll up and the rhythm of her fucking became sporadic as she twitched in ecstasy. Draco made up for it by pounding her faster, cock rapidly filling her tightness over and over.

“Uhhnnnn….” Hermione mewed weakly as her body tensed and her mind went blank.

She collapsed back in a shivering heap against Draco. His cock still drilled her, each thrust bringing a fresh surge of climax. Finally, his dick slipped from her clenching, dripping pussy.

“Fuck Granger.” Draco growled in her ear. “You Mudblood tease!”

Hermione looked down through her daze and saw his throbbing cock, head a deep purple. She slid down from his lap, as she couldn’t stand up, onto the ground. She turned around on her knees, kneeling next to the muff diving Ginny. Without thinking, Hermione took Draco’s swollen head between her lips and began to bob up and down.

“Ahhh..” Draco gasped, leaning back and stretching out his legs. “That’s it, suck it Granger.”

Pansy had both hands on Ginny’s head now, bucking her hips against the redhead’s flicking tongue. She was biting her lip and looking down at Ginny servicing her. Hermione blew Draco faster, finding that she loved the feel of his dick sliding across her lips and against her tongue. She lapped at his tip as her lips passed over his ridge repeatedly.

“Open wide.” Pansy commanded, pulling Ginny back by the hair.

“Fuck you.” Ginny wrinkled her nose before opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue.

“Maybe later bitch.” Pansy rubbed her clit furiously, holding Ginny in place. Then she ground her slit over Ginny’s tongue as she came.

“Yesss… fuck Granger…” Draco pushed back on Hermione’s forehead, his cock popping from her mouth.

He groaned and Hermione blinked as hot cum shot across the bridge of her nose, then over her slightly open lips. She instinctively licked it from around her mouth, tasting Draco’s seed. She swallowed happily and smiled up at him. For a moment Draco grinned back while his cock pulsed over her face, then he frowned and stood quickly.

“Catch you later Granger, plenty of other Mudbloods to fuck.” Draco scoffed as he got dressed.

He turned to leave and Pansy followed after thrusting against Ginny’s face one last time. Hermione sat silently next to her friend for a few moments.

“That was horrible!” Ginny wiped her face with her sleeve.

“Yes… horrible..” Hermione said softly, slowly collecting herself.

They both started as Umbridge’s voice squeaked over the yelling and fucking students. “This concludes the sorting!” She smiled sweetly as she looked over the nude bodies at the Slutherin table. “I’m sure you’ll all find your Houses to be right where you belong. Prefects will escort everyone back to thei House dormitories. Goodnight.”

Umbridge gave one last victorious look over the crowd of students as they started to rise, her Inquisitorial Squad moving to escort Slutherin house to their new dorms, then dropped the egg back in her handbag before exiting the hall.

Hermione and Ginny quickly cleaned themselves up and got their clothes together then walked side by side as they were ushered to whatever future their new House held.

Ron sat up straight, recovering from his faint. “She’s showing it Harry!” He looked at the front to see that neither Hermione, nor any other girl, was showing her pussy. He blinked and looked around at the departing students. “What’d I miss?”

“You’re an idiot.” Harry sighed.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/8js25r/slutherin_house_the_sorting_orgy_mfff_eu_harry