Winter in the Wilderness [MF]

They had been alone in their log cabin now for several months. Only big enough for a small bed, a stove, and a latrine, the days in the confined space crept by slowly. Their existence was routine. In the morning hours, he left. He trudged through inches of icy, hard snow to chop wood, find food and gather supplies. The remote wilderness offered them an array of animals to feast on, but he, the lone hunter equipped with not much more than a crossbow and rope, often had to spend the entire day from sun up to sun down finding them food. He would bring back his haul and she would prepare it, wash his clothes and hang them up by twine near the hearth, which was also their stove. They rarely spoke, the solidarity of their situation had pushed them apart. They existed in their primal state, their small cabin, in the wilderness, solely to survive. Gone were the days of walking the river together, catching fish and making love in the shallow stream. No longer did they lay nude under the cover of tall trees, rolling in the brush and touching one another until they were numb. All of those days seemed to have washed away when the harsh, unforgiving cold rolled in on them. Things were harder, the cabin grew colder, and the winter was taking a toll on them.

He drudged through the powder, dragging a bucket of fish and carrying a full load of chopped pine on his back. His feet ached so deeply he thought maybe his toes were succumbing to frost bite. His heart thudded loudly in his chest and his breath, trapped between his long dark beard and his wool scarf, swam up his face and kept it warm. The cabin was just feet away now and he could practically feel the warm hearth on his chest. Pushing open the large wood door, he dropped his load of supplies and walked straight to the hearth. She, who waited there for him all day in these cold months, put the supplies where they belonged, silently. She stacked the wood and added some to the crackling fire, and set the meat into a large steel pot. She sat on the edge of their small, straw bed and watched him. His routine was simple. Take off all of his clothing and sit naked in front of the fire to warm himself before eating his stew and retiring silently to their bed to sleep. .

His long wool shirt sat on a clump in the floor. He pulled the rope from his slacks and they fell in a damp heap onto the dirty wood floor. A few more layers came off before he was completely nude. The dark engulfed her and only when he turned to look at her did the fire illuminate his God-like body. Tall, strong, chiseled, tough. He had built muscle everywhere in his body from working so hard to keep them alive. His arms were thick with muscle, his chest sprinkled with dark hair and his legs were the size of tree trunks. She usually kept her head down, hanging his clothes silently while keeping her eyes on the dancing flames and dreaming of how it used to be.

On this night, the fire illuminated his body and she felt a flame ignite in her heart, in her soul and in her body. She didn’t know how to stop herself from her growing carnal desires. She walked over to him and bent down. He stepped aside, assuming she was completing her part of the routine—picking up the old wool clothes to hang them out to dry. Instead, she surprised them both.

Resting on her knees she took his long, thick member and slipped it into her mouth. He made no noise, he made no movement, but she knew he approved as he grew harder and longer in her mouth, down her throat. She let her tongue caress the underside of his beautiful cock while her free hands made themselves busy unbuttoning her blouse. Her soft, supple breasts fell out of her top and they looked almost angelic in the light of the fire. She kept her eyes squeezed tightly shut as she sucked on his now fully erect member, but she could feel his dark eyes on her. An electric jolt went through her body.

He leaned over and put his hands under her arms and pulled her up, flipped her around and ripped her long, worn skirt in half. Pulling her ass apart and thrust his huge cock inside of her ass, no warning and no warm up. She was silently aching for him and the feeling of finally having him inside of her was overwhelming. She wanted to moan, she wanted to beg to be fucked harder, but she remained silent and let him have his way with her as he see fit.

He pumped his rod into her bare ass fast, over and over. Every pump he seemed to grow thicker and harder. She could feel the excitement building in both of them. Her ass was stretching to make room for his throbbing member and it felt unexplainably good. Still silent, he pulled out of her ass and slid his erection into her now soaking wet pussy. He pumped, now more slowly, and reached down and touched her. She hadn’t felt his rough, over worked hands in months. The feeling of his rough fingers stroking her wet, swollen clit took her breath away. He stroked her clit gently, softly, and began fucking her cunt with more force. Within moments she was clenching her legs, orgasming so deeply and so hard that she lost consciousness. Having his touch on her and having him in her was so overwhelming.

When she awoke she was lying flat on the bed on her back and he stood over her, his big strong hand gripping his massive dick, stroking it wildly over her body. She began to open her legs, to show him she wanted to be fucked again, but before she could expose her wet gap he shot a load of warm cum all over her face and naked breasts. He came for what seemed like forever, covering her in his massive load completely.

She laid back on the bed, covered in his juices, feeling like life was slowly returning to her. She watched him pull on dry, wool pants by the fire. His body made her so wet. Being covered in him made her so horny. As if reading her mind he turned to her, grabbed under her knees and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He kneeled down and buried his bearded face into her sweet wet cunt. His tongue swept from his clit to her ass as he slid a strong, rough finger into her hole. His tongue circled her clit, her chest was heaving with her heavy breath, and her thighs began to shake uncontrollably. He remember what this meant. He remembered this meant she was about to orgasm. He stood up and rammed his now hard cock into her pussy as she began to cum. her wet cunt clenched his dick so hard that she drained him of another massive load. After he was done cumming into her, he collapsed on the bed next to her.

They laid there, catching their breath, sweating, both of their bodies shaking from the intensity of their lovemaking.

Finally the harshness of winter was coming to an end.
