[Mf][mast] Contract 1: Simon Greene – Part 3

I've only been active for a single morning and I've already done what I have set out to do, break the barrier with Jennifer Greene. The rest of my time will be very interesting. Unfortunately, Jennifer has things to do and people to see, so about as soon as we had finished our liaison, she had washed up, dressed up and left without so much as a "what the fuck did we just do?". I'm guessing she needs some time to put things in perspective. As of now, I have to find another way to satisfy myself.

Right now, I'm not looking for a challenge, just something to quell my libido. I don't know how these mortals can stand not being able to indulge in their desires 24/7. The only way a demon could possibly live a full mortal life is if they forget what it is like in hell. A few minutes after Jennifer leaves, I get dressed and go out.

It's too early to hit a bar or a club, so I read through Simon's memories like a card catalog in a library, looking for whichever one of his contacts and acquaintances could be my next fuck buddy. I get someone in mind, but before I get a chance to take out my phone and call her up, I hear someone calling "Simon!" from behind me. I turn around and it is one of Simon's classmates, Laura.

Now, Laura isn't anything special, A political science major who is also interested in law, she's short, dark skinned, still has braces on and glasses. In short, she's nerdy. She walks up to me, holding two eco-bags which are filled with what appear to be either VCR's or books. I meet her halfway, (or rather, 3/4ths of the way, accounting for her pace) and take a peek into the bags. Books, why am I not surprised?

"Could you help me carry these to my car? It's just down the block. Please?"

"Sure." I say.


I even insist on carrying both bags. Physical exertion is nothing to be worried about for me.

"So," I say, breaking the silence as we walk towards her car. "What's the story here? Did you raid a library or something?"

She giggles and says "Study group later tonight, I'm on source duty."

"Right." I reply "You all have a test tomorrow."

"Mhmm" she nods. She points to a dark blue sedan and I walk to the backseat doors. She unlocks it and I load the books onto the floor of the car, in front of the seats.

"Hey, thanks again."

"So, you headed home?"

"No, not yet, passing by the Staffords Mall to pick up some more stuff."

"And this isn't enough?" I say, pointing at the back seats of the car.

She nods no. I'm wondering if this is due to her having a large study group or if they're just really that determined. The education system seems to be very edgy these days. I take a moment and think I can use this opportunity.

"Could I get a ride with you to the mall?"

"Sure, if you're up to carrying more books." She quips. Sensing that she's only half joking, I agree.

We both get in the car, and Laura insists on me putting on a seatbelt. It's a 15 minute drive, I thought to myself, there's no need for this! Nonetheless, I put it on, and she put on hers. Now, originally, I had planned to just go around the mall and find my own unsuspecting victim to quell my needs. But as soon as Laura put on a seatbelt, I noticed how snugly it fit in between her cleavage. Simon had probably never thought of this girl as a romantic or even sexual interest, so checking her out may have been something that he has never thought to do. And is now something I am doing in his place.

Laura looks like a comfortable kind of girl, and by that, she wears only plain clothes. A black shirt with some sort of small logo on the upper left, and jeans. That's basically it. Her shirt was loose enough that her body wasn't well defined. She was a bit skinny, but somehow, she still managed to fill in the right places enough to stand out. I somewhat doubt that she's wearing any padding, seeing as that's not the type of woman that she is.

I wonder what she thinks of Simon. I don't have any means of reading her thoughts as of this moment, and I'm quite sure that she'd be weirded out by me touching the side of her head. I guess I'll just have to wing it. In my head, I begin drafting a plan on submitting her, I got 15 minutes, but something tells me that planning won't be nearly that long. As she starts the car and begins driving, my pants get a bit tighter, thinking of what I can do to poor little Laura. I decide to start and take action now while we're in this enclosed space. This will do well.

Bees and Demons have very little in common. Bees are diligent workers, and Demons are often indulgent slackers. But one thing they do share is the ability to release pheromones. I can't tell you how useful this is in the mortal world where everyone seems to be so hesitant and bound by responsibility, reputation and dignity.

Pheromones can be used for a variety of things, inducing sleep, anger, making people dumb (which gets really funny when used correctly.). But it is very useful in making people horny. Every deep breath I exhale, I release more of it into the car. Thank god for rolled up windows with air conditioning, or else this wouldn't work so fast. It doesn't take long before I notice her shifting a little in her seat as she drives, tapping her hands on the wheel eagerly.

There comes a point where we will all go over the edge, I've seen it happen all over. Hunger is one of those things. If you think that you would never ever ever eat your best friend out of extreme starvation, then you've obviously never been anywhere near that point yet. Point is, when I get Laura to tip over her edge, the first thing she will do is get all over me and beg me to fuck her brains out.

I could see her biting her lip, holding back that need for a stimulating release. Any moment now, and I'll have my way.

"We're here" she manages to say, despite the suffocating amount of pheromones I had circulate in her car. Well, fuck it. I guess I'll have to find another way.

We round a corner and she finds an open parking spot near the entrance. She turns off the engine, and we exit the car. I see her take a breath of fresh air, she'll still be horny, but no longer unbearably so. She seems to be a very disciplined girl, but that only makes me wonder how I can put that discipline to use.

As we enter the mall, she tells me that she needs to use the bathroom. "Go on ahead to the Bookstore on the second floor," She says, handing me a receipt. "Give this to the clerk, I'll see you there." and she scurries off.

I do as I'm told and head on up there. But before I hand over the receipt, curiousity gets the best of me. I move to the end of the bookstore and position myself in a corner. I pull out a random book, open at a random page and stare. I pull out of Simon's body, leaving it in and Idle mode once more, his body will just stand there motionless. Anyone looking will just perceive him intently reading.

I float on down back to where we entered and went to the nearest bathroom. Yes, yet another episode of the peeping sister-fucking demon. The bathroom itself is nearly empty, very uncommon for a female bathroom if I must say. Stall by stall, I pass through the dividers like a ghost, until I finally find Laura. And oh my, what a sight to behold.

In front of me, Laura sits on a closed toilet lid, back leaning on the wall behind her. Her pants and panties on her ankles, as her right hand is playing with her pussy, she uses her left to cover her mouth so as not to attract attention. Poor girl, I had made her so horny that she has resorted to masturbate in a public stall. But then again, I guess you could say that this is a small testament to a demon's powers.

She has a nice shaven pussy, which actually surprised me a bit, but probably because you wouldn't even think of such things about an innocent girl like Laura. With two fingers going in and out, her juices flow down onto the top of the toilet lid. Soon, she begins to go faster, her body pulsating with each octave of thrust. Before I knew it, she was already biting down on her hand instead of having it cover her mouth. I could sense her nearing the edge of a climax, ready to fall off of it.

knock knock

"Is anyone in there?" A woman from the other side of the stall door chimes in, breaking Laura's focus. She regains some composure and replies "Just a minute." Looking out, it seems that the female population in the bathroom has more than tripled. Looking back in, Laura wipes a tissue on her cute little shaven pussy and does the same on the toilet lid. She gets back in her pants, lifts the lid up and flushes it for good measure. She takes a few more seconds standing and gets out.

The woman waiting barely even registers her and gets in the first chance she gets. Laura has a look of both embarassment and disappointment on her, I'll make it up to her. I go back and take over Simon's body, nobody noticing his lack of movement. I put the book back in and go over to the clerk. As I hand over the receipt, Laura arrives.

"You're only getting it now?" she asks

"Got lost on the way, I don't really go here often."

"I'm sorry sir" The clerk says to me "But your order won't be here until later this afternoon."

"I guess we'll have to come back." I say

Laura smiles, maybe happy to spend time with Simon. We end up hanging out together for a few hours, Ate, chatted, window shopped. I had a good time, but for fucks sake I wanted to fuck something. Midway through the afternoon we return to the store and we got what Laura had come for. We walk back to her car and I load up the books in the back seat next to the other books.

"Guess I'll probably ask for a ride home as well." I tell her.

"I won't mind." she says, smiling back as we get back in the car.

As soon as she gets in though, she is hit with a desire for lust. The pheromones, being in a closed car all this time, were still very much in effect, and it hits her like a brick wall. Nonetheless, she gets in, and so do I. She takes some time to regain herself from that abrupt change in chemistry, but breathing deep would only make the feeling heavier. I break her stare at the steering wheel by speaking up.

"Are you alright?" I say.

Still looking forward, she replies "Yeah, just a little woozy I guess."

"Hey." I say, and she turns and looks at me. "I had a nice day today." I tell her, and I reach out my left hand and gently brushed her hair over her ear. She does not hesitate, although her eyes widen a little in surprise. I lean towards her, and she leans towards me.

Fucking Finally.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3kc5te/mfmast_contract_1_simon_greene_part_3