Punishment [Professor/Student] [Power Reversal] [FemDom] [Blackmail] [Part 1 (maybe)]

Fifteen minutes late to my appointment, I knock on the office door. Dressed in my usual attire of short skirts and low-cut blouses, I stand with my legs crossed and one hand on the door frame, insolent. Yes, I tried to cheat. And yes, I was stupid for thinking I can get away with having a phone in my pocket. But let’s just say, drinking the night before your final might not have been the best idea.

But is this really necessary? I’m in my twenties. I make mistakes. Plus, I’m a good student. I just had my phone in my pocket, and it’s not like I actually got any advantages from that. What’re they gonna do, fail me?

As I contemplate my fate, the admin opens the door and lets me in. Her face looks grim, looking at me with a forced half smile. I see the dean sitting next to the head of department, with the student affairs officer on the side. Formal.

My glance lingers a bit long on my professor, Mike, and give him a small grin. I was hoping he’d be here. He stands out with his slightly younger appearance, though he blends in well with his white shirt and tie. He’s always been an attractive one, popular with the girls, giving lecturers with his sleeve rolled up and his top buttons loose, showing off his well-sculpted figure.

I take a seat opposite him, laying my back against the chair, my arms crossed, and my eyes floating around the room while the administrator drones on and on about my wrongdoings. The minutes go by quickly and soon I’m yawning, wishing they’d just cut to the chase.

Finally, she asks me if I have anything to say in my defence. The dean looks at me like another misbehaving child, with a glance that tells me, resistance is futile. My eyes drift over to my professor, who refuses to meet my eye.

I give out a long sigh. ‘Will what I say actually change anything?’

‘Of course.’ The dean speaks, in a condescending tone. ‘We take affairs like this seriously.’

’You know what,’ I lay a hand on the table, sick of this bullshit. ‘We’re all busy people. I’m sure you all have lots of things to get to, and frankly, so do I. How about you just tell me what punishment you wanna make.’

The dean hesitated. ‘Alright, we’ll come to a decision soon.’

They exit the room, only to return minutes after.

‘We’ve come to a conclusion.’ The dean says. Mike hangs his head low, still refusing to meet my glance. ‘I’m afraid we’re going to have to fail you.’

Taken aback by the news, I lay my arms out before me. ‘Fail me? What? I didn’t even touch my phone!’

‘Yes, but I’m afraid -‘

‘And you know I have a distinction for this subject -‘

‘I’m afraid we take matters like this very seriously and -‘

She trails off, flailing her arms around in the air.

I give out a frustrated noise, looking at my professor for help. His eyes is still stuck on the floor, and my eyes fall on his shirt, and drop down onto his shoes.

Wait, those shoes – I take a closer look. They look, oddly familiar for some reason. Casting my mind back, my brain searches through my memories to find exactly when I saw them last. He hasn’t wore them to lecturers before – he usually opts for the more smart casual look but this –

I stare at a faint stain on the corner of his leather shoes, a stain so light that one wouldn’t notice on first glance. But I know I’ve seen that somewhere before.

And then suddenly, I got it. My eyebrows rise in shock, my own memories surprising me.

No way, I think to myself. I must have gotten it wrong. It can’t be –

‘Did you need a moment?’ The administrator speaks out, cutting me off my train of thought. ‘We can leave you to consider for couple of minutes.’

‘Oh yes please.’ I reply, curtly. The dean is clearly unhappy with this, but she eventually complies and heads out the door.

I fish out my phone as soon as I’m alone, firing up reddit on my alt account and digging through some of my saved posts. I scroll and scroll until eventually – there he is in all his glory. That lightly stained spot and – I look up his username and of course, there’s a picture of him in his dress shirt, rolled up, posted on r/forearmporn. Stunned at my discovery, I dig further to make sure this is indeed him. And that’s when I discovered some even more – a picture of him on r/dirtypenpals asking to be dominated by a younger woman.

I let out a gasp, unable to hide my surprise. Turns out my professor is a slut.

(Let me know if you guys enjoyed this, and/or any constructive criticism. Thanks for reading!)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/8ivvc0/punishment_professorstudent_power_reversal_femdom

1 comment

  1. The only thing that seems to disrupt the flow for me is the comment on drinking. She’s able to make excuses to herself because she’s in her twenties, she makes mistakes.

    The drinking seems odd, out of place and I think it diminishes her very personality. She reads like a character that would embrace or manipulate her failures not use alcohol as a excuse.

    Leaving the alcohol out gives her character increased power and implies self dominance. IMO.

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