All the Power, Part 11.2 [Str8] [MFFFFF] [Mdom] [oral] [anal] [fantasy]

*Here’s 11.2. It has the sexy bits. I will post a link to 11.1 in the comments. Feedback very much encouraged.*


“Ohhh…oww…ohh…ehhh..owww,” the concubine Mayra cried out in a sort of grunt-moan.

His Supremacy was sitting back on a U-shaped chair. Mayra was on her knees in front of Him, pushing her ass back and forth, impaling it with His cock, pleasuring Him with her tight asshole. Tetenia remembered seeing this during the Ceremony of Devotion. It had made an impression on her – but, right now, she had other things on her mind. She had arrived in His Sacred Presence over an hour late.

“Ahh, that’s nice and tight, Mayra, that’s fucking good,” His Supremacy said, reclining in His chair as Mayra impaled herself. The usual array of concubines, term servants, guardians and officials were bowing down to Him. The concubine Rubeila and the Queen Priestess Karina were both kneeling beside His chair with their tits out, so He could grab them if He wished. The contrast between His Supremacy’s relaxation and repose and the pained effort of Mayra was striking.

“Ehh…ahh…ehh,” Mayra shouted, her eyes bulging.

His Supremacy scanned the gaggle of prostrate worshippers before Him. “Granted,” He said. He was not looking at anyone, but was presumably granting an earlier request for permission to respond.

A fair-skinned man with dark hair spoke up. “Thank you, Your Supremacy. Your Sacred Presence is divine and wondrous. As I had said, these tribes at our northern border are raiding us. The Sacred Order of Arms has brought in reinforcements. We believe the situation will be brought under control soon. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

“Fuck, that’s nice, fuck that’s nice,” said His Supremacy, thrusting slightly into Marya’s ass. “I am going to instruct the Sacred Order of Arms…fuck that’s nice…that any of these barbarians who surrender and agree to worship me properly…ahhh…will become a part of Sivurnia.” The man He was speaking to was the king of Sivurnia, a subject kingdom far from Tras.

“Thank you, Your Supremacy. I humbly request permission to respond, Your Supremacy. Thank you, your Supremacy.”

“Fuck oww…fuck oww….eeek,” Mayra screamed as she labored to please Him. “Hah…aaha….ha..ooww.”

The king of Sivurnia had to practically shout to be heard over Mayra’s grunts and moans, which were growing louder. “Thank you, Your Supremacy. Your power is truly incomprehensible, it is the unifying force of all things. These..barbarians…have been raiding us for decades. I do not think that it would be possible for them to be integrated into Sivurnian society, and I suspect many people may reject such an effort. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

“If they will worship me…ohhhh…then that is all that matters. That is all that should…could matter.”

“Thank you, Your Supremacy. I humbly request permission to respond, Your Supremacy. Thank you, your Supremacy.”

Mayra grimaced and let out a sharp yelp. The tightness of her asshole wrapped around, moving, on His Supremacy’s enormous erection felt wonderful to Him. Several minutes passed – not exactly quitely, due to the noise that Mayra was making.

“Tetenia,” His Supreamcy said. “Come forward.” Tetenia crawled to Him.

“You recognize that when I summon you, you are to appear within my Sacred Presence within one hour?,” He said to Tetenia.
Tetenia’s heart stopped. She gazed up at Him. “Thank you, Your Supremacy. Yes, your Supremacy, of course I recognize my duties, Your Supremacy. I had…I had taken a trip to New Cortium. I understand that it was a risk and the fact that I have displeased you today will be my eternal shame.” Her eyes moved down towards the ground. “I await my punishment, Your Supremacy. I will do whatever it is you ask me to do, give whatever it is you ask me to give, and do so willingly and with gratitude. It is the only way. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

His Supremacy lifted His right foot off the cushion it was resting on. Tetenia placed on cheek on the ground, moved over, and kissed the bottom of it. His Supremacy moved His foot over Tetenia’s other cheek, and pushed down on her face. He moaned in pleasure and thrust into Mayra’s ass.

Pricks of concrete from the ground pressed into Tetenia’s cheek. His Supremacy pushed down harder. “Eeeeek..ohhhkkk…aahhhhhh,” Mayra groaned, loud enough to startle Tetenia.

“That feels good, Mayra,” His Supremacy said.

“Ohffa….ohhfucck…faaa..ahhh…ahhh,” Mayra shouted. “Ohhheeahhhh….faahhhahh….” She sounded like she was tormenting herself. Her face was sweaty and she was wearing a perpetually pained expression.

“Granted,” His Supremacy said to the king of Sivurnia.

“Thank you, Your Supremacy. It is the eternal shame of all humanity that no words exist to properly honor your limitless greatness. We will, of course, work with the Sacred Order of Arms to ensure that these barbarians surrender and worship you properly once they do. Worshipping, pleasing, and serving you is why all things, all people, exist, and if we did not do this it would be an unthinkable, grave, horror. They will worship you, Your Supremacy, rest assured. But perhaps there is some other way to incorporate them into your glorious realm? Aside from making them a part of Sivurnia, that is? Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

His Supremacy’s foot was now resting firmly on Tetenia’s face. He dug His heel into her cheek and moaned. “Ahhhkk…ahhkkk,” Mayra cried out, laboring, pained.

“No….fuck that’s good…there are 48 subject kingdoms. I do not wish for 49. Ahhh…and the others are too far away.”

His Supremacy moved His right foot back to the cushion. “Thank you, Your Supremacy,” Tetenia said. “Oh..ah…eh,” Mayra groaned loudly, with a pained grimace.

Tetenia moved to kiss the bottom of His left foot, and His Supremacy immediately pushed down hard on her face. Her cheek scraped against the floor. He began gyrating His hips as Mayra jiggled her ass on His cock, pushing back and forth, pleasuring Him with her tight hole. Her breathing was loud and heavy.

“Thank you, Your Supremacy. I humbly request permission to respond, Your Supremacy. Thank you, your Supremacy,” the king of Sivurnia said.

His Supremacy’s foot shifted on Tetenia’s face and He pushed down harder. Her jaw contorted itself. He slapped Mayra’s ass, hard.

“Ohhh, I’m gonna cum,” He said. “Ohhh…granted…fuck…fuck…” He started to cum in Mayra’s asshole. He moaned. “Ohh..ahhhh…thank me, Mayra…thank me.” His cock distended her tight asshole, a bit of cum leaking out.

Mayra was still laboring, pushing back and forth, breathing heavy. “Thh…ahh…owww…thank you….thank you, Your Supremacy,” she said.

The king of Sivurnia was a little disorinted – but he had been granted permission to respond. So respond he must. “Thank you, Your Supremacy,” the king said.

“Ahhh, that’s good,” His Supremacy moaned, as Mayra’s asshole slid, twerked, jiggled at the base of His cock. Under His left foot, Tetenia’s scalp scraped against the ground.

“I…ack…I…the Great and Sacred..owww….the Great and Sacred Gift.” Mayra ran out of breath for a moment, and heaved. “I cannot…cannot comprehend….ohh…ahh…fuck…ow…”

“These moments spent bowing down in Your Sacred Presence are the greatest things that have ever, could ever, happen to me, and for them I owe you a gratitude that can never be repaid,” the king said.

“It’s…fuck oh…fuck oh…you’re still cumming Your Supremacy,” Mayra shouted.

“I promise to carry out your will, as I must,” the king went on. “I apologize sincerely for questioning, and that is to my great and unending disgrace. The barbarians will be welcomed into Sivurnia, provided they worship you as all things must worship you.”

“Fuck, that feels so amazing, Mayra,” His Supremacy said.

“…thank you..ahh…my gratitude…ahh…my gratitude will..ow…it will never end,” Mayra screamed through heavy breaths.

The king kept talking through this, unsure if His Supremacy could even hear him. “In fact, we will, at the kingdom’s expense, construct a new temple to your awesome Godliness near the border, so that they may understand your true power and know that he only proper path, the most meaningful manifestation of their existence, is to bow down and worship you.”

“Ahh yeah,” His Supremacy said, the cum still pumping out of His cock. He slapped Mayra’s ass again as His other hand fondled Rubeila’s tits. His toes squirmed, pushing against Tetenia’s temples. Her face felt like it was locked in a vise between His Supremacy’s foot and the hard ground.

“Again, I am sorry, shamed, horrified, that I deigned to question your will for that brief, unfortunate moment,” the king continued. “We will carry out your commands, in full, and all Sivurnia will sing your praises for them. You are the God of Gods. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

“Feels so fucking good…ahhh,” His Supremacy said with a contented sigh as Mayra heaved and pushed her asshole against His cock to pleasure all of it. He came for nearly five minutes.

When it was over, He pushed Mayra off of Him. Still almost fully erect, He walked to a nearby chair, red and plush, and sat down. “Svanhild and Rubelia, come before me,” He said. They cam before Him, and He looked down at both of His adoring concubines. “Do you want to worship me?,” He said.

“Of course, Your Supremacy,” Rubelia said. “Your cock is Sacred, it is the most mangificent thing I could ever dream of, and I live to worship it. I live for nothing else. The words are pathetic but I will say them anyway: thank you, Your Supremacy.”

“I am humbled and privileged that you, in your sacred and boundless greatness and perfection, would even ask me such a question,” Svanhild said. “I will worship you, I will always worship you, I spend my days dreaming of worshpping you and guilt-ridden that I cannot ever be worthy of dreaming to worship you. There is nothing I can ever to do be worthy of the privilege of your even asking. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

At their words, His cock fully stiffened again. Here was all the power in the world – all the power in the universe. He put His hand on Rubelia’s head and guided her down, as Svanhild got to work on His balls. He sat back and sighed contentedly, looking out at the men and women prostrate before Him.

For nearly an hour, He said nothing, and neither did anyone else. It was quiet, aside from Rubelia’s gags. Tetenia had begun to realize how these moments, whcih were frequent, were full reflections of His power: some number of people, usually around 20 or so, bowing down to Him as He sat being pleasured. The only noises the noises of a woman sacrificing her breath for that pleasure. Nobody said anything, and nobody would unless He wanted them to. He had complete and total control over everything, and He didn’t even need to do anything.

Tetenia’s face hurt from the way His feet pressed it against the ground for so long. How long was that, anyway, she wondered. Ten minutes? Fifteen? Twenty? It was hard to tell. She wondered if that was her punishment for violating the one-hour summons rule, and she hoped that it was – although kissing His Supremacy’s feet was an honor, not a punishment. Indeed, the idea that that might be her punishment almost made her feel guilty. She deserved worse. There was a time when she would not have thought this. It was strange how, recently, she had completely grown to embrace her role – total submission to His total domination, a beautiful expression, a sublime manifestation, of the way things should truly be. She could hardly imagine her life before concubinage, and actually felt pangs of guilt for displeasing Him.

She also wondered, as He sat there, peacefully enjoying Rubelia’s mouth and throat, why she was summoned. She was, honestly, a little disappointed that she was not the one worshipping Him right now, that it was not her who was gagging on His cock, sacrificing her breath for His pleasure. Not that she would ever vocalize such sentiments: she had no right to question His whims, and she knew that and fully accepted it. Still, she was excited when summoned – if scared, due to the one-hour thing – and couldn’t help but feel some disappointment that the only part of His flesh she came into contact with was the bottom of His foot.

Of course, for the bottom of His foot, she was grateful.
As Tetenia remained there, bowing down, lost in her thoughts, she heard His voice, commanding yet barely above a whisper. “Praise me, Tetenia,” He said.

She looked up at Him. Praise. Not worship, but it still banished the disappointment. “Thank you, Your Supremacy,” Tetenia began. “You…I am at a loss for words, Your Supremacy. I will always be at a loss for words when praising you, Your Supremacy, as no words exist that can come within thousands of miles of expressing your enormous, unfathomable, awesome power and greatness and Godliness.” She paused. “But I will…I will speak of myself, and through that I hope to praise you, as comically inadequate as that may be, for I am pathetic soul who can do nothing but cower and bow down before you.”

Rubelia choked and had a gagging fit. His Supremacy sighed contentedly.

“I…I yearn to do nothing but worship and grovel before you, Your Supremacy,” Tetenia went on. “I am feeble, pitiful speck of nothing, a hole that knows no meaning, no purpose, no anything, other than your power and your pleasure and The Great and Sacred Gift. The Great and Sacred Gift is my enlightenment, Your Supremacy, your power is the thing that makes me whole. It is the only thing that can make me whole, for while I may be a feeble, pitiful speck of nothing, without your power, without the Great and Sacred Gift, I should be crushed into sand, crushed into the tiniest bits of nothingness, dispersed into the world like ephemeral air. You make me a pathetic, pitiful speck of nothing, Your Supremacy. And I could never hope to be more, would never hope to be more…because the world, nothing in the world, can ever be more than that in comparison to you, before you. The fact that your collossal, Godly might exists means that all else must be nothing, and even less than nothing without your unending, Godly gifts.”

Tetenia continued. “You are…you are is, Your Supremacy. You are, Your Supremacy.” She paused. “I know that may sound silly, but compared to you, without you, there is no ‘is’, there can be no ‘are’. All existence rightfully belongs to you. All that is is is yours, and you are all that is. Therefore, is, are…these very basic concepts, the foundations of existence…these are you, Your Supremacy. Without you, there isn’t even nothing. Without your power, without your will and whim, all that is collapses onto itself for your glory and power and greatness are the only things, the only true meanings of anything. Serving and pleasing you, the true purpose of all, is synonymous with is, is synonymous with are. If we do not serve and please you, what are we, Your Supremacy? We are not.”

“Ahhh, fuck that’s good, Rubelia,” His Supremacy said.

“This is why there are no words adequate for your praise, Your Supremacy. This is why there is no way for me to properly thank you for bowing down before you, for sacrificng my breath for your pleasure, for the Great and Sacred Gift.” Tetenia began swaying back and forth, like she was in a trance. “You are so far beyond power, so far beyond might, so far beyond awesomeness, so far beyond greatness, so far beyond Godliness. The Sacred Declaration says that you are the Supreme God of Gods, the Supreme Ruler of Men, and the Supreme Being of all that is Known and Unknown. That is true, but you are also beyond that, you are infinitely beyond that, unfathomably beyond that…you are…you are all, Your Supremacy. You are all, the only thing, the only being, not just the only one that matters but the only one.” Tetenia’s pussy was dripping and throbbing, and she swayed more fervently. She had never felt like this before. She wasn’t touching anything and her body felt like it was about to explode. “You are all, Your Supremacy, you are one, Your Supremacy, you are is and are, Your Supremacy, all people and places and things and concepts and words come back to you becasue they are yours, Your Supremacy, you won them and dominate them the way your Sacred Cock domiantes Rubelia’s throat, taking her existence, claiming it as it truly belongs to you, giving it meaning, giving it purpose, giving it existence, because she, like me, has none without your power, without your magnificent and Godly cock, without your is, without your all, which is all that ever is and all that ever could be.”

“Ahh, fuck…just take it Rubelia…just take it,” His Supremacy said, putting His hand on His concubine’s head and not even looking at Tetenia. He was cumming down Rubelia’s throat.

“I cannot be without you,” Tetenia cried out. “I cannot be without your power, I am less than nothing, the world is less than nothing. All…all is an infinite concept, incomprehensivle, encompasses everything, everything I can understand and everything I cannot, all living being and rocks and stars and all else, all, you are all, your power is all, you are all, Your Supremacy.” Tetenia realized she was having an orgasm. Her head felt like it popped, her pussy convulsed, even though there was nothing stimulating it. Her body quivered and shook and she tried to suppress a moan so she could keep praising Him as she must, as he fervently desired to do. “…you are the world, the universe, all things, all things are yours, all things are you, Your Supremacy, becasue without you there is nothing, without you there is not. I am ashamed…ashamed…the world is ashamed, the world should be ashamed, that we call you the Supreme God of Gods, the Supreme Ruler of Men, and the Supreme Being of All that is Known and Unknown. Because that is a silly title and, you, you are beyond titles, there is no title, there are no words, you are crushing me, you are crushing the world, you are crushing all right now, just by existing, just by making all existence yours, bending it to your sacred will and whim.”

His Supremacy moaned as Rubelia choked on His cock. He was still cumming.

Tetenia was…she was still orgasmic. She felt like her body had been swept up by an invisible, powerful tide, an orgasm that pushed against her very soul and made her lose control of her senses. She really did feel Him crushing her, and it triggered a reaction, somewhere, deep in her body, deep in her mind. “I…I can do nothing but bow down before the weight of your endless, limitless, power, Your Supremacy. No one can, nothing can. So we bow…we bow because there is nothing else to do…we prostrate ourselves before you becasue we are so pathetic, Your Supremacy, so lowly, Your Supremacy, what can a speck of nothing do before one who is beyond God, more powerful than all other power that exists or could exist, what can a speck of nothing do before everything, before all, Your Supremacy.” Tetenia was screaming now, panting between words. “I throw myself before you, Your Supremacy, throw my body before you to use as you wish, mold for your pleasure, because there is nothing else. I wish you would press your Sacred Foot against my face again, push down hard, crush it, crush it some more, crush it like you crush the world, like you crush all that exists, because that’s what it’s there for, for you, Your Supremacy, that’s what all is there for, for you, Your Supremacy, you are all and you can do what you wish the thing that is yours, the thing that is nothing without you, the only thing.” Tetenia paused. “I do wish you could do it again.” The memory of His Supremacy’s foot pushing against her face, pressing her against the hard ground, specks of gravel on her face, her jaw contorted, as He sat in a chair and came in Mayra’s ass came flooding back to her, heightening her senses, heightening her utter powerless, heigthening her rolling orgasm. “I wish you could crush my face with your Sacred Foot again, Your Supremacy. I remember each detail, I’ll always cherish it, Your Supremacy. Each moment became a thousand moments as my head was, as my essence was, where the world and all existence belongs, squashed underneath you, how can I ever thank you, ever repay you, for letting me be there, Your Supremacy. I realize now that you were showing me the truth, the only truth, that you are all, that you are is, Your Supremacy. I know I do not deserve to ask, I know I do not deserve to beg, for you to crush my unworthy face with your foot again, and I am not asking, I am not begging, I do not expect you to grant me an honor like that again in a thousand years, I will never expect it. I am merely wishing, and it is the only wish I could ever have, the only wish the world could ever have, to take my rightful place below you and feel just a smidgen of your limitless supremacy, your limitless power, your total and unending domination.”

His Supremacy had stopped cumming, but was still enjoying Rubelia’s mouth and throat. “Enough, Tetenia,” He said.

And just like that, Tetenia’s orgasm stopped, like a spring rolling back after stretching. Her head hurt, and she was still breathing heavy. It was by far the most intense orgasm of her life – and she wasn’t touching Him, she wasn’t touching herself, she was doing nothing but praising Him. She was surprised by it, and very surprised by the intensity of it, but she knew it made sense. The core of her being was fully devoted to Him. He was all, and she knew it in every fiber of her body. It was only natural that that fact alone, that His power alone, could make her cum.

His Supremacy sat back, as Rubelia continued to gag on His cock.



  1. In the hope of starting a bit of discussion, I thought I’d put some author notes here…this applies to 11.1 and 11.2.

    There is a whole cottage industry that supplies sets to concubines and Queen Priestesses in New Cortium. This is largely because they have lots of money and not a whole lot else to spend it on. Concubines, in particular, don’t have a lot of room in their quarters; Queen Priestesses have palaces to fill, but also more money.

    How do Queen Priestesses and concubines get money? His Supremacy gifts it to them. This can be a general gift, to all (or almost all) of them, as happened here. He may also gift money to individuals or groups. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it (although the gifts for Queen Priestesses will usually be larger), He just does it whenever He feels like it.

    While we’ve only seen gold tracens in the stories so far, full tracens are actually the most commonly used currency. Most prices are denominated in full tracens even if, as at the inn 11.1, it’s big enough to paid in gold tracens. Gold tracens are generally only used for very expensive things and for official figures.

    One gold tracen is worth ten full tracens. In terms of purchasing power, that’s not *that* much; it’s maybe like 20 US dollars. But this world is pre-modern, it’s poorer than our world. So the figures we get seen thrown around – thousands, millions, of gold tracens – are truly massive.

    The move – which also occurs in Part 9 – where the concubine pleasures His Supremacy with her asshole was inspired by this gif: (The gif’s not anal, and His Supremacy is sitting, but that’s basically what’s going on.)

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