In the Studio-Part 1. [mf] [sex] [hazmat] [messy]

Here is a new story I am working on. It includes respirators, supplied air, hazmat, messy situations and sex. I am looking for critiques and constructive criticisms! Thanks for reading!

“Ok! It’s time to get to work!” She said to her husband right before she pulled the mask down over her face. Her husband helped her tighten the straps to her full face mask and makes sure the hood of her yellow tychem suit wasn’t getting scrunched up. You see, this couple are artists and today they are getting suited up to mix up some clay for pottery along with some new slips and glazes.

He checks to make sure her mask is on tight by putting his hand over the inlet and she attempts to take a breath. The mask pulls tight against her face, but his hand remains. She breaths in again but this time the mask gets tighter, understanding that he is getting frisky with some breathplay. She smiles at him through the mask, and pulls his hand away. “We have to work, not play!” she says while winking.

They were both in matching yellow, tychem suits with hoods and booties. They had matching MSA UltraVue masks with no nose cups, so they could see each other’s faces, especially their mouths when they talked. They also had a pair of nitrile gloves, heavy rubber gloves and rubber boots each to complete the outfits.

She then helped him put his mask on and tighten the straps. Even as going as far to do the same breathplay he attempted on her. He smiled at her and handed her a pair of nitrile gloves. They were also yellow to match the suits they were wearing. After they put them on they got their hazmat tape and sealed the gloves to their suits. Next were the smooth, heavy nitrile, gauntlet gloves. They also taped these so that they doubly sealed into their suits. Next came the boots, also yellow in color. They slid these on, helping each other make sure their booties didn’t crumple up or get uncomfortable. They then taped the top the boots finally sealing themselves off from the world.

They both stood there staring at each other once they were both suited. This couple didn’t really need all this heavy gear to mix some clay as a respirator and safety goggles would work, but they had a mutual fetish for dressing in heavy gear and working together while sealed off.

He went over to the supplied air compressor and grabbed the fittings and hoses. He turned on the compressor to make sure it was blowing air and was running right. He brought them back over and put the belt with the regulator around his wife’s waist, making sure to feel up her butt while he did it. She let out a little moan and smile when he tightened her belt up and grazed her pussy area through her suit.

He connected the hose to the mask and she instantly felt a rush of air that made her moan again. “Here she was” she thought “sealed off from the rest of the world with her love and relying on a machine to give her fresh air.” She felt her hand running down towards her dripping pussy, but caught herself. “Work first, play later!” She kept reminding herself.

She helped him put on his belt, making sure to get a handful of his cock through the suit. He smiled and said “now is not the time to play, we need to get started.” She made a pouty lip at him through the mask and then smiled. Now that they were both hooked up to the compressor they both started heading towards the mixing room, dragging their hoses behind them.

They proceeded to get to work. He lifted the heavy bags of clay and opened them into the mixer. There was a big cloud of dust making them both glad they had geared up. She went to the laundry sink and started filling up gallons of water to pour in. He started the mixer as she continued to add water. They had a big commission coming up and needed a lot of clay it would take a while to mix so they moved on to making some glazes.

She went to the cabinet where the store the chemicals to get some for the glazes. The cabinets were taller and she had to stand on her tippy toes to reach the jars. She moaned into the mask as the suit had pulled up between her pussy lips and butt crack as she was totally naked under her suit. She had done this to totally surprise her husband as Olivia got changed without him seeing her.she realized at how turned on she was by how much the lining of her suit was soaked and her juices running down her leg. Her husband had heard her moan and asked if everything was okay for which she responded “yes dear, everything’s fine!” He turned back around to tend to the mixer.

He didn’t want to turn around because he had a massive hardon thinking about ripping the crotch out of his wife’s suit and [censored] her on one of the work tables in the studio. He had a surprise for her, as he was also naked under his suit. He had quickly decided to do that after she secretly got dressed away from him. He had also hidden some condoms in the studio just in case he needed them. He turned off the mixer and put a canvas over the big bowl to keep the clay damp. He went over to wash his gloves at the sink and then see what his wife needed help with.

He decided to creep up behind her and grab her breasts and push his cock into her back. Maybe she would feel it through the suit and yoga pants that she usually wore and want to do more. She usually wore a old t shirt with a sports bra so when he went to grab her breasts he was surprised when he got two handfuls of tychem covered bare breasts. He surprised her and she let out a muffled Yelp! and then moan from behind her mask. She dropped the plastic cup of slip she had been mixing up and it splattered and spilled everywhere. It was all over the front of her suit and running down the front of her legs and boots. “Oh no!” She said “what a mess!” He leaned in close, pushing her against the table with his hard cock between her butt cheeks and said into her hood where her ear is “let me help you clean that up. He started scooping up the slip in his hands and rubbing it all over her suit covered bare breasts. The coolness through the suit made her lean back, her head against his shoulder and let out a loud, muffled moan.

To be continued….
