Boss [F] – Part 1

Disembarking from the plane, I was glad I wore my thick leggings and heavy jacket. I could hear the pounding of the rain on the skybridge even with the noise from the engines. I followed my team; another analyst – a nerd, the CTO – old and fat, a couple of sales people – older women, the Product Manager – a married good-looking guy, and my boss.
I took up what I called “rear guard”, following them through the smelly and damp airport terminal. We quickly emerged through a series of double doors to a huge hallway-like opening. Large signs pointed to the directions of the taxis. My teammates started casually talking amongst themselves. I just followed.
Emerging, I was hit by a gust of spring-like wet air, throwing my dirty blonde hair into my eyes and whipping behind me. Huge droplets hit my face and forced me to squint. We ran towards the taxis and flagged two down. Another passing car came close to the curb and splashed several of us. Complaining erupted but I ignored the cold hand of rainwater on my thigh.
We split and I was seated in the back of a large black SUV with my boss and the Product Manager seated in front of me. I kept quiet and tied up my hair in a pony tail. Inspecting my thigh, a large black stain barely visible against the black of the fabric. I dabbed at it with the inside of my jacket.

We arrived at the hotel some half an hour later. I pulled out my passport.
The Product Manager went up to the desk to get us sorted. I heard him explain we each had a room booked. One by one, the team got checked in. I allowed to my boss to go ahead of me, then I went.
“Ah, I’m sorry love, we had to give up your room for a special guest. And, let me see… ah, we don’t have any other rooms available tonight. I can see if any of the other hotels has a room available”, the desk agent said.
I shot a desperate look to the Product Manager and my boss. Both heard and came closer. So did the sales people.
“The other option would be if you share a room with one of your colleagues”.
We all looked at each other.
“Well, I have two beds in my room for no reason”, my boss said. I felt my eyebrows go up. I knew I was safe. He was married and very mature, but I still had a feeling. My morning and evening routines flashed in my head and I felt my cheeks flush.
“Careful Dennis, she’s too pretty for you”, said the older woman from sales with a sheepish grin. There were giggles behind me and a smirk from Dennis.
“Are you okay with this” Dennis asked.
I nodded. Dennis handed me his second keycard.

Once we all agreed on a time to meet before our meetings the next day, we said our goodnights and went to our rooms. I stayed by Dennis’ side. Several teenage girls crowded our elevator as we rode the stories up.
One was really pretty with a round face and dirty blonde hair, both features similar to mine. I looked at her strong back, like mine, with angel wings an obvious result of pullups. She had nice arms that I wanted to squeeze, come up behind her and feel her breasts. Her waist was tight and small, the way it should be. Her bikini was an orange Triangl elegant thing. I wanted to squeeze her ass cheek.
I just wanted someone to touch me the same way I imagined.
By our floor, there were only two other people besides us in the elevator. We got off and silently walked along the numbered rooms. Finding ours, I opened the door and held it open for Dennis.
The room was smaller than I expected. A long wooden desk lined a wall, a TV on a stand in the corner, a small bathroom with closet opposite, and two beds with barely two feet between them. A ceiling to floor window gave a nice view of the concrete jungle New York is. I didn’t ask for permission. I quickly found the thermostat and set it to 22. The air conditioner turned off. Dennis laughed and smiled at me. He knew I hated the cold and often complained about how my desk was below a vent. I smiled back and quickly looked away.
I glanced at the time. 7:30. There was a hotel pamphlet on the desk. Putting down my luggage, I skimmed through it looking for the pool hours. It was a ritual thing in my family. The first thing we always did at a hotel was swim. Closed at 9:00. Perfect.
I took off my jacket revealing a slim tight turtleneck sweater. It was almost a crop top with the way some skin showed when I moved.
“I’d like to go to the pool for a bit” I said in my quiet but singsong strong voice.
Dennis nodded and said, “ok, I’ll stay here. I didn’t rest easy on the plane.”. I nodded and then waved towards the beds.
“Which one would you like?” I asked.
“Doesn’t matter to me, you pick”.
I was closer to the bed with the window, so I lifted my luggage onto it. Dennis nodded and put his luggage on the other bed. He went to the washroom and closed the door. I heard the lock tick. I frowned for a moment.
Quickly unzipping my luggage, I shuffled through my clothes to find my bathing suit. Dresses, shoes, shirts, underwear, and sweaters all got in the way. Finally, I yanked out my bottom and struggled to pull out my top without ripping it.
I could hear Dennis shuffling around in the bathroom. Quickly! I shouted to myself. I stripped off my leggings, falling on my ass between the bed and the window so that I would at least have some privacy if he came out. The water ran in the bathroom. Sink not bathtub. My bare ass cheeks complained against the rough carpet. I almost never wore underwear with leggings.
Throwing the leggings on the bed, I struggled to get my swim shorts on. Bright blue, they were short and tight, more like workout shorts than a swimsuit. I despised the triangular swimsuit bottoms even though they looked so pretty on others. I remembered the girl in the elevator. I pulled them up tight and then lowered them down to comfort. I folded the top most over itself so that my hip bones showed. I hate high-rise pants or shorts. The threads on the underside were splitting me apart, clearly showing a camel toe, so I quickly picked at it until it was comfortable. The threads ran right up my ass though. I liked it.
I jumped up and grabbed my tube top. It was more like a strapless bra but thicker. It was my favorite swim top. All white, it actually looked good with the blue of the shorts. Falling to my knees, my breasts hidden behind the luggage on the bed. I was safe. I heard brushing of teeth in the washroom. Letting my hair loose, I let out a little eek when I pulled at my roots as I yanked my shirt off. My breasts danced a little as my arms came down. I undid my bra from the back buckle and let them drop. I wanted to caress my C-cup breasts like I usually did but resisted the urge. I struggled to slip on the tube top, yanking them over my breasts, over my tits. I smacked them into place and caressed my breasts to make sure all was in place.
I stood and relaxed. My knees complained and I rubbed the dirt from the carpet off. I stretched and a wave of sleepiness came over me. I ran a hand over my midriff, while I stretched out my 5-foot 10 body. I was running my hand through my hair when the bathroom door opened.
I froze, hand in hair as we met eyes. I saw his jaw loosen.
I didn’t skip a beat. Bounding past him, I said, “see you soon”, grabbed the keycard and opened the door to the cold hallway. I could feel his eyes on me, on my ass, on the small of my back, on my hips, and I became really self-aware of my shorts running up my ass.
The door slammed behind me.

I was still self-conscious of my ass. As I walked, I wondered if it gave a little too much of a jiggle. I liked to think that I had a slim ass, I didn’t like bouncy ass cheeks. But I knew I had some meat there, given just by the very fact that I had a quarter Greek blood guaranteed it.
I calmed down as I walked to the elevator. I remembered the last time I was in a hotel so exposed. People looked at me left and right. I kind of got used to it. I frequently get looks as I walk streets, sit at restaurants, at client meetings, from coworkers. I’m used to it.

The elevator was slow, people getting in and out. I tried to stay as close to the front corner to avoid being seen. It was tough. Women smiled at me. Men looked me up and down. I felt a little gangly and yet I stood straight, my Russian genes dominating my outward appearance.
I exited the elevator with one other person whom I later realized worked at the pool. The pool was empty other than a big black man with I presume his two daughters. They played cheerfully with a ball in the shallow end.
I opened the door and he gave me a once over with his eyebrows raised. When he met my eyes, he looked away. I pretended like I didn’t notice. I went to the deep end, placed a few of those complimentary towels on a chair, and slowly approached the water.
I put a toe in. It was cold, but not as cold as the ocean. I loved the big waves of the ocean, but hated the cold. Taking several deep breaths, I crossed my arms over my breasts and jumped in.
Ice. My feet hit the bottom sooner than I expected and I bent my knees to compensate. I felt bubbles all around and me and my hair trying to drag me back up to the surface, trying desperately to save me from the depths. On my toes, I squatted until the downward moment stopped.
Slowly, I opened my eyes. It was a murky blue. Not clean at all. Oh well. I looked down at myself, making sure I was still covered. I was. I let myself relax and concentrate on the air inside my lungs. I let go a few bubbles.
I was 26 years old. To be 26 in a couple of months actually. Virgin. Never dated anyone, never had sex. Confident and yet self-conscious all the time. Green-blue eyes that turned brown in some types of light. It was not that the irises themselves turned brown, just that they appeared brown in darker light, and green in brighter light. It was cool.
A walking beautiful contradiction. I knew I was beautiful, I can say it with ease, only because of how many people have told me so. But I didn’t believe it at all. I just think everyone else is crazy.
My toes lifted from the pool bottom as I regained buoyancy. I shifted, horizontal to the floor. My abs flexed and I saw an outline of my six-pack. I worked out at home on occasion but never at a gym. I had a morning and evening workout routine that I thanked for keeping my weight and body in check. I’m sure if I didn’t spend those twenty minutes every morning and evening, I would have been a fatter tall girl. If it wasn’t for this pool, I would have tried to do stretches and pullups in the hotel room… but Dennis was there.
My calves were the best though. Planting my feet against the wall, I wound up and pushed off, sending me like a torpedo across the depths of the pool. I could feel my top barely hanging onto to my breasts. I loved my body. I didn’t want anything to happen to it. I have fair tanned skin, curves in good places, a natural slim and elegant look, and a round face with delicate eyes.
My hands reached the opposite wall. I needed air. Following the wall vertical, my nipples brushed against it before I broke the water’s surface. Following through, I landed on my back and took a breath as I lay facing the ceiling. The cold air caressed my stomach and breasts. I hated that about my boobs. They were just the right size in my opinion, but I could never keep them the same temperature as the rest of my body; in the shower, in the pool, in the ocean.
I flipped over backwards doing a quick back roll against the forces of the water. Then front crawled back to the wall.

After doing several laps, I decided it was time for a shower and sleep. I was a good deal tired. Swimming to the edge, I lifted myself up over the ledge. To my surprise no one was in the pool. I walked over to the showers. I noticed a plastic box with drawers and curiously opened them to find soap, shampoo, and gloves for exfoliation. That’s a first. Welcoming a good rub, I soaped up and used a glove to scrape. I scraped my arms, legs, stomach until my skin was red and felt baby-smooth and clean.
Carefully, in case someone walked in, I faced the wall and took off my top. I soaped up again and rinsed off. Putting my top back on, I caught myself feeling hot, and teased myself rubbing my clit a couple of times.
I couldn’t resist and slipped my index finger into my shorts, down my front end, and rubbed my clit. I let out an ahh and caught myself. Hand against the cold wall of the shower, I heard my heart in my ears I felt myself become wet. I loved that wet so much. So thick, clear, and amazing. I quivered as I touched myself again.
I have a thing where after I’ve pleasured myself, I would stand up and a small puddle of wet would splash down or run down my thigh. Other times, it would just be a strand hanging loose. So disgusting and yet so very, very sexy. I loved the feeling of being wet.
I closed my eyes imaging it while the hot water from the shower caressed my face. I was wet and needed to do something! But I knew I needed to behave. But I couldn’t!
Ears and cheeks hell hot, I made sure no one was around, peeking around the wall of the shower. I slipped my shorts to my thighs. I sat down on the cold tiles and let the shower water hit my stomach. Shifting, I rinsed off all the glistening wet and ran two fingers upwards along my pussy. Wet glistened and pooled between my index and middle fingers. I gave out an oooh as my abs quickly contracted, the v-shape of my lower abdomen becoming well formed. I slid my fingers up over my mound, my eyes rolled and my jaw slackened. I continued running my wet fingers up my stomach until they were wet from wet no more. I need a fuck. I should have fucked that cute guy trying to hook up with me in the last few months before prom… Calming down, I let the cold tiles bring my temperature down as the warm water rinsed me off.
Sliding my fingers back down, I was grateful for my skin. Fun fact: I am naturally hairless. I don’t have any hair other than what’s on my head. Seriously. I told a few close friends in high school before and they didn’t believe me, but its true. I have no pubes. And I LOVE it.
I raised up my shorts letting them settle the way they wanted to; the middle threads riding up my ass and pussy, and went to the chair and lay down, my nipples poking through my top, and my camel toe clearly visible. I grabbed a towel and had it ready beside me in case anyone came in. I lay there and closed my eyes.

My skin quickly air dried. Leaning over the side of the chair, I strained my hair. Still somewhat wet, I let it all hang over my shoulder some drops of water rolling over my chest. I got up and put the large towel around me, the occasional drop of water falling from the wet of my bathing suit.
Back upstairs, I knocked on the hotel room door before entering. Dennis was at the desk in front of his laptop. I felt a little bad thinking that I should have spent the time preparing for tomorrow’s meeting instead of swimming.
Dennis greeted me with a smile, “How was it?”
“Oh, it was great thanks. Is there anything I can help you with?”
He glanced at his screen and then smiled back at me, “nah, I will be okay, thanks”.
“Okay, I’m gonna head for bed”.
He nodded.
Going to my luggage, I rummaged through until I found my panties and favorite grey undershirt. That’s how I usually slipped… well unless it was an extremely hot day, then I just went naked and hid between the sheets. But I definitely can’t do that now! That’s when I realized that I couldn’t just come out of the bathroom with only panties and a shirt on; nipples poking through the shirt, ass half exposed by these treacherous yet soft black panties. I needed something more… but I didn’t pack anything!
I froze. Well, I can put a towel around me, walk over to the bed, and then take it off. Duh I decided that was the best thing to do. I grabbed my toothbrush and paste as well.
I walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stripped and used a clean towel to better dry my hair for fear of catching a cold and fully dried myself off. Naked, I brushed my teeth.
I slipped on the panties and shirt. Knowing Dennis was in the room, I was more self-conscious of how my breasts looked in the shirt. They were definitely visible and clearly outlined. Small pokies betrayed them. I ran my hands over each round molded mountain of a boob and they gave a little drop. They were perfectly not too big that they hung low, but also not so small that they don’t move at all. I gave a little jump, watched, and smiled.
Biking had given me considerably large thighs, but I actually liked their shape. Putting my knees together, I still had a nice gap under my pussy and the black of my panties seamlessly curved to my underside. I resisted the urge to touch.
Wrapping myself with a new towel, I could barely keep my eyes open. I opened the door. Dennis was staring at his screen. He was too good of an actor; I wasn’t sure if he was intentionally looking away, or actually neck-deep in something.
My brave and dangerous side took over. Rather than covering myself with the bed blankets and then taking off the towel like I planned, I decided to test Dennis. I walked over and closed the curtains. Then, still facing the curtains, I let the towel drop and stood for a second. Then quickly looked over.
Ah huh! I caught his head moving back. We didn’t meet eyes, but he definitely looked. I left the towel on the floor and jumped into bed feeling slightly embarrassed.
The pillows and blankets were so soft. I fell asleep to the light clacking of Dennis’ keyboard.
