Boss [F] – Part 3, Ending

He stared into my eyes and I stared back. Silently, he took hold of my hand softly and pulled me up. I felt wet drip out of me. A small stain darkened the white bedsheet. Looking over at the time, it was surprisingly 11:30pm. Looking back at him, I nodded and went to the bathroom.
Staring at myself in the mirror, I was both surprised and happy with what happened. I stepped into the shower and ran the water hot, showering everything off. I was nervous to touch his cum on my belly. I played with its texture before washing it all off.
My abs ached and my pussy felt slightly larger and puffy.
I stepped out of the shower and air dried as I brushed my teeth. Stepping out of the bathroom naked, he looked at me up and down. He had placed the dirty sheets on the floor all bunched up and was using one of the covers as a bed sheet. I walked past him silently and slid into my bed.
I could tell he wasn’t sleeping. I was definitely not. I slid out of bed and walked over to his. He turned towards me looking up at me. I raised the blanket over him and slid under. Feeling his warmth next to me, I fell under.

The alarm pierced through my black sleep. Both Dennis and I jumped out of bed. It took me a moment to realize I was naked. The alarm blared. Why is it so loud? I scrambled to find it and shut it off. Silence. I let out a breath and looked over at Dennis. We met eyes and I slowly curled up into a ball, hiding my parts. He turned away and I rushed to my luggage.
Remembering that it was going to be warmer today, I fished out my dark green dress. It was elvish, running long to my knees, with loose sleeves, and tight around the waste. I pulled out sheer black tights and pulled them on. No underwear of course.
I debated leaving my hair long or tying it up and decided to keep busy. I walked back to the bathroom and spent about 20 minutes doing up an elegant braid.

Dennis and I left the room together. I walked next to him; an equal. In the elevator, we stood together in the middle; me seemingly out of place looking like an elf, him in his suit. I moved my finger and touched his. Then held his hand. He held it back.
In silence, we walked together to the client’s building. In silence, we sat together waiting for the meeting to begin.

It took us time to get our rhythm back, but once we started getting involved, it was easy. It was a long meeting, and I had to be more involved. I asked questions, stole attention, made notes hastily. But all I could think about was his warmth and the way it all felt.

During lunch, I skipped away, going to the cafeteria by myself as to not draw attention.

After all the meetings, Dennis and I lied that we had a dinner together to catch up on BA projects and progress. In truth, there was quite a lot we could talk about. We silently got a taxi together and left the building.
Dennis gave the name of the hotel.

We were still very silent even when we were in the elevator. There was one other man with us. Finally, he got out on the floor below us. As the doors closed, I couldn’t help but grin to myself. And then, I felt something reach under my dress. I resisted moving away and began to smile. His hand grabbed my right ass cheek and I laughed.
The elevator doors opened and we both hurried to the door. I fumbled with the keycard and he fumbled with his wallet. I finally got the door open and ran in. He ran behind me. I turned to face him and he picked me up and held me close. I hugged his head as his face was buried in my chest and his hand held my ass.
His fingers found their way over my asshole and he pushed in a little, the fabric of the tights scratching me. He threw me on the bed and then threw the bottom of my dress over my chest. I crawled backwards over the foot gap between our beds. He crawled after me and buried his face in my underside. I lay with my back over the gap between the beds as I felt his mouth over my pussy.
Then he got to his knees, waddled over the bed and came next to me. He grabbed my hands while smiling at me and yanked them up high. My chest stretched, my boobs moving upwards. Holding my hands with his left hand, he ran his right hand over my chest and down my abs to my tights. He pulled on them, a wedgie painfully pulling on my underside. I let out an ahh and move up against the force.
My ass was over the gap between the beds. He let go of my hands and grabbed my ass, supporting it in the air, then yanked my tights down. I heard ripping but didn’t care. My underside was exposed and he moved it. I felt his hot breath on my pink, felt his tongue around my puffy lips, felt his lips closing over it. I groaned and felt myself getting we already.
He was reaching up feeling my midriff as his tongue went in and out, licking all over the place. I ahhed and ooued. Even though this was nothing like last night or what I had done to myself in the past, it still felt so good, I was so sensitive. I felt my nipples harden, my breath was quick, and I felt like I was going to boil from the inside.
I grabbed my own breasts, felt their fullness against the palm of my hands. His hands palmed my ass cheeks still supporting me up over the gap. He thrust his tongue in and I shook.
Then he pulled back and slid a finger in with a nice slurp. Awwg it felt like it went so far in! It felt so good I laughed at it! He laughed with me and went in with another finger in and out, in and out, then up and down. With each ram up I gave an ugh ugh ugghgh ah ah oouu. He raised my legs up high and rammed his fingers inside me harder and faster.
He pushed on my legs, bending backwards. Then he stopped and said, “look”. My cheeks hot as fire, I looked at myself. He had his two fingers at the bottom of my pussy, a pool of clear wet sitting at the edge of my hole. He slid his fingers inside then out and spread my wet around my pussy. It glistened.
He undid his belt buckle and slid his pants down. Feeling adventurous, I got up and took off everything. His dick was massive, dangling right and left as he moved. I grabbed it and pushed him backwards towards his bed. He lay down and I crawled on top of him. Holding his dick against his stomach, I sat on it and began moving up and down along his shaft. My wet made it super slippery. He awed and oued.
He slid a finger between his dick and my pussy trying to get at my slit. I slid back and forth as fast as I can. MY legs shook violently, uncontrollably. I rolled to the side unable to control myself. But then he jabbed three fingers inside all at once and violently fingered my up and down while holding my abs with his other hand. I shook and screamed loud. I felt things move inside that I’ve never felt before. I pushed.
Out came a gush of what looked like water. He gasped and fingered harder as his arm got wet. I was pushing like I was giving birth, squeezing my eyes shut, legs shaking as I held my thighs through the torment.
I calmed down, every few seconds my body shaking by itself. Dennis was over me, stroking his deck. I grabbed at it, and he let me have it. I stroked it harder and harder. He stared into my eyes until I felt him cumming, his dick throbbing with every push. White goop shot out and I let it land on my thigh.
When he was done, I took his hands and led him to lie down on the bed. I put him on his back and then lay on top of him. My face next to his, we breathed heavily in and out together. His dick still hard pegged my underside. He gingerly fingered me, slowly in and out.
I closed my eyes, carefully feeling every detail of his finger inside me, until I slept.
