Boss [F] – Part 2

Something woke me up. The room was dark and I had rolled over to my side facing Dennis’ bed. There was movement. A flash of panic washed over me and I curled up. I waited. There was still movement but it was where Dennis’ bed was. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed an upward downward movement. Is he? Is he… jacking off?!
I watched. As my senses came more and more into focus, yes, he is! He let out a groan and jerked once, twice, three times. Did he just cum?!
I was shocked. He rolled over. I closed my eyes. Nothing. Opening them just a slit, I saw his silhouette but no eyes. He must have fallen asleep. After a few moments, I drifted off as well.

I have a good natural alarm clock. 5 am every day. I got so used to it that travel didn’t disrupt it even with a time difference. I still kept an alarm though just in case. I couldn’t remember the last time it actually rang though; I always got to it before time. A weak blue light shone through the curtains. Dennis was asleep still facing me. Remembering last night, my eyebrows shot up as I stared at his sleeping face.
Maneuvering slowly, I uncovered myself and snuck to my phone. I disabled the alarm clock. At this time, I usually do sit-ups and pushups. I figured the carpeted floor was so quiet that I could still do my morning routine. Crawling in my panties and shirt, I went back to the gap between the window and my bed. A cold draft was coming from the wall, but I ignored it. I did my best to stretch out my arms and legs in the confined space, then did pushups. Usually I do about 40 but I stopped at 30 as I didn’t want to tire myself out before the meetings.
I rolled over and started sit-ups. With each pump, my panties slid up my underside, but I didn’t care. I closed my eyes. One. Two. Three.
Twenty. Opened my eyes, nothing, closed them.
Forty. Opened my eyes. DENNIS! His face stared at my midriff then me. How long had he been there?
I stared at him. It felt like an eternity. I had an urge to cover up. Grab the towel! Grab the blanket! Hide! But I didn’t. I just stared.
“Do you want me to hold your feet down?” he asked with a straight, quiet but confident voice.
I was surprised. I looked at my own feet. “Oh! Uhhhhhh sure”.
He went to his knees. Oh no! He is too close. He will see you! The memory of him jacking shot before my eyes. His warm firm hands grabbed my feet around the ankles. He was like a warm anchor for each of them. I slowly looked to the ceiling and lay down. I tried to imagine how he was looking at me. I could feel him looking at me. I know he is looking at me! How far up are my panties! Oh my God they are so high my butt cheeks are probably completely showing! And my pussy! I took in a breath and almost stopped myself breathing because I felt like I was stretching in front of him, my midriff showing as my shirt betrayed me.
I crossed my arms over my chest. At least my pokies will get some privacy! I came up and touched elbows to knees, staring him down. He looked right into my eyes. I went back down. Up, eyes only, down. Up, eyes, down. Maybe he is just trying to help… You know that is not true!
I felt my temperature go up. I felt sweat break loose from my hair line.
“Fifty” I said with as strong a voice as I could.
“Do ten more”.
What?!??! But I complied. Maybe it was because he was my boss that I automatically obeyed? Or maybe it was because… I enjoyed the attention?.
I did ten more with my eyes closed. He counted out loud.
At sixty, I jumped to my feet and turned away. It was a good plan except that I gave him a clear view of my ass, my panties acting like a thong. I grabbed the blanket and covered my lower half. He quietly turned away. I heard him shuffling to his bed.
“You don’t have to worry” he said to his bed. “I’m married, have children, huh, I’m passed all that stuff. And I’m sure you’ve already had a good deal of fun too, pretty as you are. So, it shouldn’t be nothing new or anything you should be afraid of. At least not from me. I want you to be comfortable around me, in the office and wherever else”.
Thoughts swam in my head. I liked him as a person. I really did. Maybe I can trust him the way he says.
I slowly placed my blankets back on the bed, exposing myself, and fixed my panties. He turned towards me, looked at me in the eyes, and smiled. After a moment, I gave a smile back.
I walked over to my luggage. He turned away and fixed his bed. I unlocked my phone and checked the weather. It was going to be sunny but cold, warmer tomorrow though. So no dress today. I went to my luggage and picked out my dress pants, a black bra, and a plaid long-sleeved casual dress shirt. Eyeing Dennis, I went to the washroom.
Locking the door behind me, I let out a breath as if I was holding it in all this time. A feeling of confidence and trust came over me. I smiled. I took off my shirt and lay it on the counter. Slipping on my bra, I did it up and then buttoned on the dress shirt. It looked really good, coming down to the top of my panties. I looked in the mirror and rubbed some sleep out of my eyes. The plaid colors went well with my eyes and blonde hair. Being dirty blonde, I imagined it gave a kind of mysterious look to me.
I looked at my pants. These were the really soft ones. They were low rise and soft. When I wear these to the office, I usually go commando because I tuck in my shirt. It will work here too if I kept my undershirt. Hmm ok. I took off my dress shirt, put on my undershirt again, and then put on the dress shirt again.
Slipping my panties off, I then pulled on the dress pants, tucked in my shirt and zipped up the little fly. Mmm I felt good. I bent down and slapped my ass with a grin.

I was bored already. There were about five guys representing our client. We talked and talked but my analytical skills were being wasted on this Project Management BS. We came up on a break. The CTO asked me if I could give him a coke from the fridge.
“Sure”. I got up and asked Dennis if he wanted anything. He was sitting beside me after all.
“A diet coke please”.
I nodded and did a little dance around two chairs, opened the fridge, picked up both cans in one hand, turned around, closed the door with my leg and danced back around the chairs. When I looked up, everyone was looking at me with at least a small grin on their faces. A British guy, didn’t get his name and didn’t care, exclaimed, “good show!”. I blushed, gave Dennis and Sean their drinks, and plopped my ass back in my seat. I had completely forgotten. I pictured myself as if I was one of them watching. My ass and thighs moving around those chairs. The small of my back, my waist curving as I moved. My long hair falling to mid back waving back and forth taunting them.

Back at the hotel, Dennis and I rode the elevator together. Moving to press the button for our floor, his hand brushed against my right butt cheek, by accident I am sure. I felt butterflies and wanted to arc my back. As he came back to my side after pushing the button, he recalled the British man and we laughed all the way up to our floor. When I opened the door to our room, I said, “I got a few notes to type up. Then I want to walk around the place. Wanna come?” I usually walk in the evenings.
“Sure”, he smiled. I jumped onto my bed and fished out my little laptop from my luggage. Sitting up, I unbuttoned my dress shirt and caught Dennis watching. For some reason, I didn’t hesitate or feel bad, I smiled and continued unbuttoning, keeping my shirt tucked in.

I finished my notes about fifteen minutes later, but I heard Dennis clacking away. I wanted to give him time before asking him to go.
I was confident he was busy, and I was now comfortable with him, but a bit warm, so I took off my shirt. He didn’t notice. Good. I quickly forgot about him, comfortable in my bra as I went on Facebook. I posted a photo of my Charger a while ago and had a few unread comments so I went through them. Then I got chatting with someone about Hemi’s. Fun fact: I love to drive. I’m not so much the mechanic, but definitely the driver.
When I finished typing a message, I was surprised to hear silence. Dennis was watching me. I blushed and slowly raised my feet to me.
“I noticed you rubbing your shoulder earlier and during the meeting”.
Huh? Wait, what? Oh true, my left shoulder has been hurting me since the plane. I gave a small nod. Uh Oh.
He got up. He grabbed a pillow close to him and threw it at me. I laughed, confused, and threw it back. He caught it and held it up like he was going to hit me again. I grabbed my bellow and blocked his blow just in time. I laughed and tried to hit him. I was losing ground. He was at the foot of the bed, his knees on the mattress. I was on my knees hitting left and right.
He grabbed my left leg and threw me on my back. I whelped and landed with a laugh. But then gasped when I saw him on top of me. His fingers were touching my side and then… he started tickling me! He got me exactly where I am most ticklish, to the right of my abs. I laughed and screamed.
My eyes opened wide as I felt his other hand close over my mouth. He was smiling and laughing and continued tickling. I screamed from both shock and from the tickling.
He let me go and tickled me more. I laughed and let him continue. I tried to throw another pillow at his head but completely missed. He went to my arms pits and I closed them against him. Then he went to my neck and I scrunched up as hard as I could. We both were laughing so much. He grabbed my thigh and lifted it. I kicked back and hit my leg right above the knee on the side of the bed. There was a moment of pause as he waited and I took in the pain, then he attacked again completely distracting me.
I was going to pee. Between breaths, I screamed, “I’m… goooonnna PEEE!” as I thrashed my legs against the mattress. He let me go. I jumped up and ran to the washroom hearing his laughter behind me.
I was still catching my breath as I sat on the toilet and let it go. I washed then opened the door and gasped. Dennis was too quick. He grabbed me from the legs and back and carried me over to his bed. He threw me on the bed face down. I landed with a harder than expected flop.
“So where does your back hurt?”
I pointed.
“Okay. Where did you hit your leg?”
I pointed.
“Okay, so take off your pants”.
“What?! No”.
“Come on, Annja! How am I supposed to get there?” He said my name the English way “Anne-ya” rather than “Aan-ya”. He reached around my waist for my thigh. I thought of kicking him but didn’t want to hurt him. I could definitely fight him, but shook the thought from my head.
“No Dennis!”.
I flipped over but that only gave him more access. The button of my pants was loose anyway and the zipper easily came undone from all the pulling once the button gave. He pulled down in a ripping motion and I saw his eyes widen. He stared at my front end for a moment too long. I curled up but my ass was half exposed. He turned away and said “I’m so sorry!”.
I relaxed. What was he going to do anyways?
“You know what? Its ok. I do trust you”.
I stood up, undid my bra and took off my pants in front of him as he watched. Oddly, I felt so comfortable; like it’s completely normal to be naked anywhere. I could go outside right now in front of the world and show off my body.
“Wow”, he said under his breath. Then shook his head like shaking himself out of a daze and pointed to the bed.
I lay down, completely naked on the sheets, and waited. I watched him move closer and lay his hands on my back. He was warm and moved his fingers over my shoulder blades with practiced elegance. I closed my eyes.
“You are really beautiful, you know that Annja?”
I smiled.
He ran down my back and then to my sides. I could tell he was being careful not to touch my boobs. I wanted him to. I wanted someone to touch me.
“Feel good?”
He moved to my lower back. He put his thumbs in my back dimples and rotated and it felt really good.
“Flip over so I can see your leg”.
“But you will see me” I said. He didn’t reply. I flipped over anyways. He avoided making eye contact, rather looking down at me, then my leg.
He found the spot easily, it was probably bruising, and gently massaged it. As he used his thumbs, his other fingers brushed the insides of my thighs. Again. Closer. Closer. Annja! He is getting closer!
“I’m sorry Annja. I cannot resist”.
“No!” I said and tried to move away, but his hand was already on my mound. I felt his middle finger move into me. I was already so wet. I felt his finger ooze around.
“Oh my God!” he said.
Uncontrollably, I let out a loud aahh and opened my legs to him. “It feels so good!”. So much better when someone else is touching me!
His left hand made it to my left breast as his middle and index finger slid up and down finding my clit. Suddenly, he rubbed hard and I screamed. He jabbed in. He held my breast painfully tight but I loved it. He began to move his fingers in and out. “Yes!” I yelled as my legs thrashed around.
I felt my wet pulsating out of me. In a few seconds, there will be a stream!
Three fingers inside me, moving around my pink, making me feel like… unexplainable! My pussy pulsated around his fingers and I felt drops come out.
He pushed in and out, harder and harder. Then he cupped his fingers inside of me and rubbed the top. It felt like dragon skin inside of me. His thumb was on my clit as he pulled his fingers against my inside. Again and again. I convulsed and thrashed. I was dripping, I could feel wet all around my pussy. He pulled out suddenly, a puddle coming out with his fingers, the sound of splashing amazing. He grabbed me by the waist and flipped me over.
On all fours, I wanted him to do whatever he wanted to me! I wanted him to FUCK me! I felt his fingers go in again. He rubbed and rubbed, poked and poked. He pulled my hair and I loved it!
I didn’t even realize he unzipped his pants. I felt his hard rub against me. He groaned.
“No!”, I exclaimed. “Not full-on sex” I paused, turning around, wet dripping out of me. I looked at him in the eyes. “Please”. He paused, hand on his dick and nodded. Then attacked and tickled me down, back on the bed. I felt myself stretch out, him raising up my arms while poking my abs, his dick hitting my thigh.
I had an urge to grab it, to feel it in my hands but I couldn’t stop laughing and I felt paralyzed as he put his weight on my hands. He grabbed my breasts and rubbed them. Landing on top of me, he put his dick on my abs and looked at it.
It was actually quite large. I was surprised. I grabbed it. I wanted to guide it inside of me but a voice inside me shouted not to. I rubbed him up and down and he groaned leaning forward kissing my forehead. As I stroked him, he reached around and slid his fingers inside me, making an up down motion. I groaned, uncontrollably thrashing. He groaned as I rubbed harder and harder.
I felt him pulsate as I screamed from the pleasant torture of his fingers. I opened my eyes wide and looked into his eyes. Brown. My mouth gaped without breath as my back arched forward and back. I was in heaven. I couldn’t breathe. A warm goo shot out of his pink head and landed on my belly. Again another shot and again. I couldn’t contain it, screamed, as my pink squeezed around his fingers in a similar repeating throbbing way. I came for what seemed like eternity.
My eyes were closed. I could feel my own hot wet inside me. My nipples were hard. Cool air brushed up against my chest. His chest hair ticking my chest as he heaved in breath. Wet oozed out of me. My thigh periodically spasmed. I felt his dick on my thigh, then warm liquid on my stomach. I opened my eyes. His arm was around me. I looked down and saw his pink head wet, white, thick goo on my stomach.
He arose and looked at me.
“Again”, I said.
