[GRP] Kas’s Visit – Part 2

They walked together and talked about the wonderful cool weather. Coming up on the loop, Kas took in the sound of the lapping waves and ran towards the rocks. “I love this”, she almost shouted. Carol followed in a run and Chris walked behind them. As Carol fell in step behind Kas, she looked at her strong thighs and butt. She was commando for sure and had a wonderful shape to her hips and waist. The grey shirt looked good, red and white on grey, on the black of her leggings.

Like a mountain goat, Kas quickly bound up the rocks and stood tall looking down at the water. Her pony tail waved in the wind. Chris and Carol came up beside her. The water was clear below them, with a light green below and a little further away, and then dark blue in the distance. Kas called it beautiful.

Then she sat on the rocks and stretched backwards revealing just a little stomach, her shirt becoming untucked. Carol and Chris followed suit and sat. As they sat, Kas described the first time she had went to the beach with Annja and how much fun they had.
“We were younger. Uh, early teens. Annja was so, so beautiful. I was jealous of my sister for sure. She was already taking care of herself and trying to be elegant with different ways of tying up her hair. I didn’t care about elegance. I wanted to fight, I wanted to do work”. She gave a laugh deep from the soul. “And now look. Annja is the one that actually knows how to fight and is in the navy. I kept my work close to heart, but became more of the partyer rather than the elegant one throwing the parties”. Chris wanted to say something, but the girl continued. She clearly missed her sister as much as he did. “My father came home that summer and was going to spend the whole three months with us. It was amazing. Every day we did something. But the best was when he took us to the ocean. I was so scared of it at first. Annja was all for it and jumped in, in front of these massive waves”. Chris laughed. He himself loves swimming in big waves and riding them. “We played in the sand and built sand castles and played with a little puppy dog too”.

Kas caught Carol eyeing her legs and smiled. She got up and did so in such a way as to give Carol a clear view of her butt and then bounded off down the rocks. Knowing Kas, Chris picked up on what she did and laughed more.

Walking some more, they came to the sandy beach area and Kas wasted no time bounding down. She went right up to the water and laughed as the water chased her back.

They continued walking together as they finished the loop. Kas asked about the large houses on the bluffs and they had a conversation about real-estate. Carol explained how her father had a few condos uptown.

From there, they went back to the car. Chris drove them downtown and pointed out nice sites. Picking a restaurant in Yorkville, all three of them felt underdressed but they didn’t care. As the sun went down, they ate pizza and steak, shared stories, and laughed. Carol admired how serious and yet so happy Kas could be.

Somehow, the three of them began talking about boyfriends and girlfriends. It became obvious that Kas had the experience but was trying to mask it. Carol, feeling brave, mentioned that she knew about the encounter with Annja and Chris over video chat. Kas seemed to relax after that and explained that ever since very young, she had been the partyer, whereas Annja had been the one to go alone or with a few friends, to beautiful natural places. “Elegance” Kas described it. Kas loved being with people and partying. Had teased a few men too. Carol explained about ‘playing’ and Kas readily agreed to having fun. Kas told them that she had told this to Chris before, but wanted to rephrase it. She viewed the body as sacred but that it was also there to have fun with. It’s not just sex, but since you have a body, you might as well use it just for the fun of it. She explained that she liked to show her body and liked keeping care of it.

Kas had ordered medium-rare steak and Chris and Kas shared it. While they ate, Carol asked questions about Kas’s home. Kas explained where it was, how the people were, the lifestyle, how she craved to be out all the time, and the animals; caring for horses and cows. Knowing Chris loved horses, she told them of how one of the horses had given birth. They sold the little horse to a buyer that paid nicely, but it was still a very nice experience. The second birthing Kas had been involved in. Well not really. “When I was young, my mom had to give birth to a cow. She recalled the details and described them. The height of the cow and how her mom had to use a basket to climb on and reach in. Her mom covering her arm in a plastic bag. And then the disgusting part of actually going in and searching for the little, and yet huge baby. With enthusiasm, she made the motions and described her mom pulling on the baby’s leg until it came out all wet and nasty. Her mom literally had to catch it as it came out. Kas managed to make a nasty story into a really interesting one.

After some pause in eating and a couple of jokes, they finally got their stomachs settled. They ordered dessert and Carol accidentally spilled some milkshake on the table. She scooped it up with her finger and was about to lick it off when Kas gently snatched her hand and put Carol’s finger in her mouth. Carol’s mouth fell open and made a little gasp noise. Kas gently sucked the milkshake off her finger and relaxed her lips as she slowly pulled her finger out.

There was a little awkward silence when Kas released her hand, but then it was all giggles.

Arriving home, Chris offered a bedroom to Kas and allowed her to unpack. Carol was going to leave when he offered her a room to stay over the weekend as well. She agreed even though she had no change of clothes, but Kas was quick to offer. “They may be a couple sized too big, but I definitely don’t mind”.

Saying their good nights, they left Carol to her bedroom. Chris asked to talk to Kas alone though.

He gave her a huge hug and thanked her for coming. They stood close together with a kind of familia love between them. Then Chris turned serious. Looking into Kas’ shinny green eyes, Chris explained that Carol admired her and looked up to her. Kas seemed to understand and nodded. Wishing each other good night, they hugged once again. Turning to leave, Kas slapped Chris’ butt and giggled. Knowing how she jokes, Chris let it go and went to bed.

That night, Carol replayed all that she had seen of Kas in her mind. From the airport, to the way she ate, to how she sat, everything. She felt a fire for the girl. Stripping down to her underwear, she playfully pulled at her thong. She decided to take off her bra for the night. As she covered herself, she ran her hands over her boobs and closed her eyes imagining the Russian girl in the room one over.

Sliding her hand down her side, she traced her bum and then touched herself gently, and fell asleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/8emzs1/grp_kass_visit_part_2