[GRP] Kas’s Visit – Part 1

“And we have arrived!”, Chris said as we exited the highway for the airport. Following the signs for international arrivals was easy as he knew the way. Approaching the exits, he slowed down to a crawl and started looking for Kasya. Carol also looked, but having only photos to go off of, she kept an open mind.

Chris glanced at the car’s watch and nodded. “We are a bit early, but she should be out any minute”.

As they approached the end of the strip, Chris accelerated and joined with other traffic to make a loop. Carol thought about what she knew about Kas. Very pretty, blonde like her sister Annja, very beautiful face, and sexy all around, so probably wearing something sexy.

Chris came down the exit ramp racing and used engine braking to slow down. Once happy, he switched to neutral and coasted for as long as he could.

“Oh! Is that her?” Chris followed Carol’s finger to a slender blonde girl and just shook his head with a smile. Rolling along as slow as a snail, Chris finally decided that they had come to too-slow a crawl and punched the car back into gear. Not two meters later, he hit the brake, and made a crazy move to grab a spot.

“What?! Where?”, Carol almost shouted. With a huge grin, Chris pointed. Carol followed his finger to a girl standing out in the crowd. She stood casually looking around. Her legs were crossed elegantly and her hands rested on her luggage. Carol was surprised she hadn’t seen her earlier. Short, and yet seemingly tall, her blonde hair was done up in a long ponytail and flowed over her right shoulder. She wore a crop-top looking red and white jacket that showed a good two inches of abdomen with subtle defined muscular lines. Her striking green eyes were bright and contrasted against the red of the jacket. Down below, she wore Nike running shoes and black leggings that looked so comfortably tight, they looked painted on. The top of her leggings were folded over itself to give a low-rise look. There were gentle bulges of muscles for thighs as well. Slowly, Carol’s mouth fell open.

“Beautiful isn’t she?” Chris said. “Come on!” Leaving the car on, they both sprinted to the angel in the crowd.

Seeing two seemingly crazy people running towards her, Kasya focused on them with interest. She took in a smaller girl with jet black hair flowing around her face. The girl ran with a grin. She was cute, she thought, with a round face. Phillipino she guessed. Then she took in the boy running with her and a jolt ran through her. Leaving the luggage, she joined the crazies and ran to meet them half way.

Chris and Kas full on collided and laughed. They embraced warmly and fully, and Chris closed his eyes as they hugged. Kas was slightly taller than Chris, by about half a head, and rested her cheek against his head.

So for this story, let’s just assume that Kas actually speake la anglaise, yes?

After a moment, and with Carol awkwardly standing beside them, Chris said, “How is my beautiful sister?”

It took both girls a second to understand the question, but Kas then laughed remembering that Annja and Chris had ‘married’ and that would make Kasya sister-in-law to Chris. She hugged him again and laughed more.

“Now, who is this you brought with you?” There was a hint of warning in her voice but Chris fell right into step.

“Kas, this is Carol Anne. If a close friend could be a sister to you, she would be my other sister. We went to university together and since our friendship has developed, I have been keeping Carol up to date on you and Annja.”

“Ah yes, the girl you have been mentioning every now and then”. Kas said with a sweet smile. Carol thought that her smile and eyes were perfect, the way her round cheeks moved with her lips. Kas’ hair reminded her of Elsa’s hair from Frozen, now that she actually looked at it.

“Carol Anne, this is Kasya. In the flesh”, Chris said with a little laugh.

Carol, not expecting anything, was stunned when Kas gave her a big embracing hug.

“Now let’s go and get your luggage… and my car!”

They walked back together to Kas’s luggage, Chris asking about home and Kas responding enthusiastically about the weather and the horses. Carol could only do so much to admire Kas while keeping an eye on what was in front of her. Switching her head back and forth, her neck started to hurt. She was looking forward to this weekend.

Grabbing the luggage, they jogged back to the car together. Carol imagined that it looked almost like a security detail was guarding a beautiful princess with her luggage, with Kas running in the middle of the party of three.

Throwing the luggage in the trunk, Carol offered the front seat to Kas and hopped in the back immediately situating herself in the middle to see both her friends. Kas hopped in and smiled at Carol. Then Chris hopped in, who immediately started driving away from the place.

There was an awkward moment of silence while Chris navigated the car onto the highway. There was some traffic ahead, so they all realized together that they had time to talk.

“So, welcome to Toronto, are you tired, or can you go for a drive and then dinner out?”

“I feel okay, I can let you take me wherever you like tonight”.
“Awesome. Finding the cold a little too cold?” Chris said with a sly smile.

“Oh of course, it’s so so cold” Kas answered.

Carol silently thanked Chris. “I love your jacket”.

“Oh thank you. It seems to be in style now at home.”

“I think you are going to bring it in style here”, Carol answered quickly.

“You’re sweet”, Kas said.

Carol then carried the conversation through the whole ride downtown. She covered everything from how Chris and her had met, asked about how Kas and Chris had first met and how that was like, asked about Kas’ mom and commented on how beautiful the whole family was, talked about Toronto and her and Chris working at the same place, and a whole bunch of other things.
Kas listened with enthusiasm and asked questions politely. She was truly like a princess; a good listener, elegant, asked questions politely and with her emotions in check. She told Carol that she loves the city but having grown up on a farm, she feels a little nervous. She had never been to a city as big as Toronto, other than Moscow, and Toronto was comparatively small.

As they arrived downtown, the conversational spotlight settled onto Kas as she talked about her home village, the park near her house Annja was fond of, playing together as kids before Annja came to Canada, and working on the farm with the animals.

Kas’s jacket was beautiful with red all along the sleeves and Carol wanted desperately to touch her arms. Then she looked as much as she could, given the angle, at Kas’ stomach as she sat with her back perfectly straight. Her hip bone was barely visible but curved gently. Her belly button was small and beautiful. She imagined drinking shots out of it. She added that to her list mental bucket list. Her skin was a white but bronze color, as if she got a little tan.
Carol had to clear her head when she realized she was being asked a question and didn’t know what it was.

Arriving downtown, Chris announced that he was going to take a scenic route along the lake. From there they could walk a little, and then from there to a restaurant, and then home. They all agreed.
Kas’s attention had moved to taking in the city. Chris told her where Annja, and her father because of ownership, had had an apartment in the core of the city with a wondrous view, where they worked, where the house was, and where the lake was relative to everything else. Kas took it all in looking around as Chris pointed. Carol could only look at her stomach and the beautiful lines it made when she twisted in her seat. Carol kept biting her lip.

Having a lot more time to drive, Chris asked Kas about what she was up to recently. Looking at Carol in the rear-view mirror he said, “Kas is almost never on the computer. When she is not with the animals or doing something on the farm, she always has something fun lined up. I know that archer is her favorite sport, and she is most talented with that, but I also know that she has done rock climbing, scuba diving, and other stuff”.

Kas nodded. “Well right now I found a couple of people to play soccer with. That’s how I spent most of this summer, along with archery. I think I have fired off a few too many shots though and may need to order a new bow. For that, I will use the computer”. They giggled. “Ever since Annja came over last summer though, I wanted to re-explore that forest by the village we took photos in”.
Carol jumped on that saying that she would have loved to go for a visit.

Then Kas turned the conversation to weather and how it has been getting worse seemingly everywhere.

After almost half an hour, they arrived in Scarborough and turned onto a local street. There was a massive downhill and Chris smiled as he put the car in neutral. Kas laughed and said, “Ah, you drive like my sister too”.

They started slowly going down the hill. Carol noted that the speed limit was 40. Without any brakes, they quickly picked up speed. 50. 60. 65. There were gentle uneven paved bumps everywhere and a curve coming up! Thrill passed through all three of them as Chris navigated the bumps. He enjoyed the up and down bounce feeling of the uneven pavement and Kas was smiling!
70! He didn’t brake at all. They leaned in with the car as he took the curve. Carol thought that maybe the car would flip, but she could see how confident Chris was. It was actually smooth. Gently at first, Chris hit the brakes as they came up to the bottom of the hill. A sharper turn with a speed bump came into view. There was a gap just wide enough for a car not to feel the bump and Chris made a sharp maneuver to get in the gap. He did it perfectly, going around 30, and they didn’t feel the speed bump at all. Braking gently, and still in neutral, they came to the entrance of the parking lot. A car in front of them was being slow and Chris cursed. Having slowed down right behind the slow car, Chris gave a long ahhhh and put the car in gear. Kas laughed.

Parking, Chris got out with change to pay the meter. Carol watched as Kas got out. For a split second, Carol saw it. Looking at Kas’s face from the side, Carol saw the face Chris had seen in Annja with the gentle eyes, round face, and perfect cheek bones. Kas was sterner, but she saw what Chris had loved! Gentle eyes. She wanted to caress her face and kiss it all over. It was like her faced called to everyone that saw it.

Kas got out of the car with ease and asked to change before they went of their walk. Chris looked around and saw that there was a washroom, but it was busy so he suggested changing in the back of the car. Kas nodded. As Chris paid, Carol watched Kas fish for a shirt in her luggage, close the trunk lid, and then hop into the back of the car with a smile at her.

Secretly, Carol moved to the front to look inside. She smiled sly as she thought about what she was doing. Glancing at the driver’s side mirror, she found the perfect spot and stared at the picture in the mirror. Kas sat with her back straight and slowly undid the buttons of her jacket. Brushing her beautiful hair away, she took off the jacket. Carol gaped as she realized she was only wearing a bra. Only a push-up bra was under that jacket! Getting over her initial shock, she took in the girl’s wide chest and bigger boobs. They were perfect! But she had some muscle on her arms too. She was very sexy. She slipped on a long grey shirt and then put on the jacket again slowly doing up the buttons. Not as sexy as there was no skin exposed, only the grey fabric where her midriff was showing, but still looking fine.

“Boo!” Chris poked Carol from behind. She jumped and almost screamed. “I know what you are doing”, he said with a sly smile and smiling eyes. “Now let’s run away before she knows what you did”.

In the car, Kas was finishing up and tied her hair back into a pony tail. With nothing to tie her hair with, she used her komboskini as she normally did when she needed a hair tie in an emergency.
Kas climbed out of the car with grace and smiled at the two waiting. Chris locked the car and started walking. As they reached the path, Chris explained that this whole park is basically one short path with a loop in the middle and that they could get through the whole thing in about half an hour.

As they walked, Kas walked next to Chris and Carol could only imagine how Chris and Annja would have looked together. In a subtle move, Kas extended her arm and they linked arms. Chris felt a thrill go through his heart as they did. Carol smiled and ran up to Chris’ other side and took his other arm. He laughed and said, “I wonder how this looks to a complete stranger”.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/8emzqi/grp_kass_visit_part_1