[Mf] [inc] Contract 1: Simon Greene – Part 1

My name is Amattalaedus. Matt, for short. My father has never been the type to give simple names to children. I am the Devil's child, one of many. We're never fixed to any one gender, though each of us has a preference, and mine is male. Though from time to time, I have the mind to be female.

I spend most of my time home, it's not as bad as people make it to be. I mean, there's a lot of fire and lava, but that's just for decor. This isn't a place for enternal torture, but more like a prison of souls. At least, that's how I like to think of it.

That's not my department of expertise though. My department is contracts. You know, those "Deal with the devil" kind of things. My Father, who likes being male as well, often makes these contracts, but it is usually us siblings that love to finish the deal. I guess my dad recently has been more about business rather than pleasure. He probably already had his fair share millennia ago.

People who make the deal often ask for extraordinary things, and in return, is an extraordinary experience. The more you ask for, the longer we can have fun. You see, whenever someone gets their end of the bargain, what we get in return is their body (Not their soul, mind you. Though they will be 'temporarily' in hell.). We get to have fun in the mortal world in their form for a limited time.

Sure, we could whore around and fight and bicker in here, but it's not fun if the place you are in is so used to that already. I love the experience. Some of my brothers and sisters all like different things of different sins. a couple, Malaecera and Proliono love stuffing their host's body full of food. Some, especially Marcerris, loves fighting and inciting violence. But there is no mistake that all of us love indulging in lust.

Promascus loves getting fucked in the ass by animals. Yuumiri could never resist being bonded and used. Illiomaesus is simpler, he likes taking control of married hosts and sleeping around with others, that, or he fucks the spouse and makes the host soul watch.

Me? Incest. I don't think I could ever get enough of it. Never got into the BDSM game, I just don't see the lust in pain. But I do love making brothers, fathers and sons watch as I use their bodies to fuck their sisters, daughters and mothers. No rape though, there's no fun nor challenge to that. I want their relatives to beg for it.

Today's playtoy? Simon Greene. 20 years old and deeply in debt. Student loans, mostly. We gave him assurance that he would win his money in a casino, just enough to pay off the debt. If he gambles any more after that, it would be at his own risk. He got his end of the bargain, and now free of debt, at least for now.

And now, I'm torn between using him on his mother, or his sister. His mother isn't too bad looking, but now that I looked up his profile, it seems that he's living a town away from home, so that'd be a hassle. His sister though, goes to the same university, lives in a dorm just nearby to his apartment. I wonder why he gets an apartment and his sister has to live in a dormitory?

Doesn't matter, I have a limited time frame to do what I want to do.

The alarm clock blares, it's 8:30 in the morning. His body feels groggy, he must feel this every day. Now, let's peer into his memories…

No classes today, that's odd, what's with the alarm? Probably a habit. No girlfriend for 3 months now, sister hasn't had a boyfriend yet, that he knows of. I should have looked a bit more into this. Too late now. I take the time to familiarize myself with his apartment, and I head on to the kitchen, take a bowl and fix myself some cereal.

Just then, Malaecera appears in front of me. Now, here's the thing, we can pop into the world, but only as a sort of 'figment' of the other's imagination. They can't really do anything but observe and maybe talk to you, unless of course they're also possessing a host body. Otherwise, nobody else could see them but me and my other relatives.

Malaecera takes the form of a very obese middle aged woman, how presentable. It's hard to explain, but there's that underlying sense that makes me know if it's one of my siblings, and know which one it is. A sort of spidey sense, if you will.

"C'mon now Matt." she says "There's a whole bunch of spam and eggs in this guy's fridge, why not eat that?"

"Go away Mala, go bother Terry or something. This is my collar today."

"Just a waste, is all."

"Are you gonna be there the whole time I'm going to eat?"

"Yeah, and I'll also judge you the whole time." She lets out a roar of a laugh. Such a disgusting body she chose to project.

I was going to retort, when suddenly, there is a knock on the door.

"Expecting anyone?" she said.

"Oh fuck, how did I miss that? This is fucking perfect." I say, Mala looks at me quizically.

"Miss what??" She asks, but I simply just shush her. I continue to walk to the front door and open it to reveal who I, or at least Simon, expected it to be. His sister, Jennifer Greene. She was shorter than Simon, she had jet black hair that was ponytailed at this moment. Her skin was soft as silk and white as milk. Her eyes were a mesmerizing blue and her lips were a cherry red hue. Her body looked incredible, just what I'd want in a little sister, a petite frame with a well rounded rack both front and back. Look at me, being all Seuss.

She wore a plain shirt and track pants that greatly undercut the attractiveness of her body. I guess that despite the good looks, fashion sense wasn't much of a thing for her, or at least not for this occassion. Today, Simon and Jennifer planned on a morning jog. That explains the alarm clock. She did a warm up already by the looks of it, a little sweat here and there. Probably jogged the way here to pick Simon up. It's fun being able to slow down your perception of time to appreciate the glory of these short glimpses.

But of course, we have to start it sometime.

"What the hell? You're not dressed yet?" she said.

"Sorry, I forgot, gimme like 5 minutes and I'll get back to you. Feel free to sit down or something."

"Just be quick about it." she tells me, jogging subtly in place.

I go back to his bedroom to start searching for something to run in. But as soon as I open the cabinet, it's right in front of me, folded and stacked, Simon is a well prepared guy it would seem. As I begin to get dressed, Mala appears next to me, but this time, in the form of Jennifer Greene. I know it's Mala, there's that mischeivous look.

"Oh Matt." She says in a lustful tone. "Are you going to use your sister as your personal cocksleeve?"

She grips her breasts with one hand and with one hand gripping her crotch fervently.

"I want you to violate me so bad."

It was honestly more funny than it was a turn on. Made me chuckle a little. She likes teasing me like this from time to time. But right now I can't really talk back, the real Jennifer might hear me. Before you ask, yes, Me and Mala have fucked before. I don't think there are any of my siblings who haven't at least tried it with each other.

As soon as I was finished dressing, I left the room to meet with the real Jennifer. "Took you long enough, come on, let's go." I took one last look at the bedroom door and saw Mala leaning on the door frame. "Have fun" she said, smiling.

After putting in some stretches, we began our jog throughout the neighborhood. Apparently Jennifer likes to chat while jogging. How she manages to find the lung capacity is beyond me. She proceeds to tell me how her morning classes were being a pain in her ass, right at the same time I was admiring the way her breasts gracefully bounced up and down. She didn't seem to notice me stare.

We spent about two hours jogging around the neighborhood before finally she starts to grow tired. "God, Simon, I think this is a first."

"What do you mean?"

"This must be the first time I gassed out before you did."

"Huh, really? Haven't thought about that." She proceeds to punch me on the arm. "Dont you dare get cocky just because you beat me one time. I don't think I have the energy to jog all the way back to the dorm."

"Well, you could hang out at my place first, catch yourself some breath."

She agreed and before long we were back at my place. Mala was nowhere to be found, probably off to annoy someone else. "God, I want to shower so bad but I didn't bring any spare clothes, could I-"

"Say no more." I interrupt. "Go ahead and ransack my wardrobe."

"Huh" she exclaims. "You're usually so picky about me messing up your stuff."

Hmm, she was right, it seems Simon is a bit over-organized.

"What's yours is mine. Just put everything back the way you found it."

She smirks, and proceeds to use my, Simon's, bathroom to take a quick shower. Now, it's time to take a peek. I lay his body down to sit on the couch, time for this body to go on standby. I phase out, and walk into the bathroom unobstructed by the walls. And there I see Jennifer, taking that shower. I walk in, whatever I do in this phased out form won't have any effect. All I can do is admire.

Her body is really well shaped for her relatively small size. Her breasts are large enough to be supple, but small enough to not be sagging or seem inflated. Small pink areolas, surrounding her visibly hardened nipples. I am not sure if that's due to the workout or the water. I continue diverting my attention downward, she has a flat, defined stomach, followed by the lips of her cute shaven pussy. Seriously, she looks so cute down there you would almost believe that she's innocent.

Hmm, Maybe I should have had Mala help me on a background check on her about past lovers? Probably too late by now though. I go around her, and notice that her ass seemed a bit smaller than I had previously imagined, not a dealbreaker though. Her hair contrasted well with her white milky skin, like art on a blank canvas. Not too long before she's about to finish, damn that was quick, or maybe I did take too long examining her. I think I am going to have a lot of fun.

I walk back to the living room and sit inside of Simon, and resume my role as him. Jennifer got dressed in one of Simon's red plaid shirt, unbuttoned, showing off her flat stomach and white sports bra. Unexcitedly though, she chose to go with the sweatpants, probably the only thing that fit her. I took a shower next. Nothing much to give in detail, looking down though, Simon seems to have 6 inches. Not bad, could always work with that. He didn't have any well defined abdominals, but feeling around he was in better shape than average. And that's a lot to say when you consider those who are lower than average.

After the shower, I dressed up in a regular pair of jeans and a plain red shirt. When I got back to the kitchen, Jennifer was just leaning on the kitchen counter, holding a steaming cup of instant coffee. I talk to her about how school is, if she is planning to go back home anytime this month. I keep noticing her shifting her arms a lot. After asking her, it appears that her shoulders are aching.

I walk over and say "Turn around, let me help you with that."

She looked puzzled at first, but continued to do so. It's amazing what you can do when you know so much about human anatomy. I place my hands on her shoulders and begin rubbing, rotating my thumbs on her back.

I hear her give off a sigh of relief. "Where the hell did you learn how to do that?" she asked.

Thinking quick, I decided to use the name of his most recent ex.

"Tamara." I said, with a little tone of reluctance, just to make it sound believable.

"Well, at least you got something out of that.. oh-"

Oh yes, I forgot to mention, this sort of massage is a lot more sensual than it is relaxing.

"Oh? did I hit a nerve or something?"

"No, no, just felt relieved, is all. You're good at this."

"Hehe, thanks. So, you were saying?"

"Oh yeah, glad you got something out of that relationship. I told you she was a stone cold bitch."

"Yeah yeah, you were right."

"Damn right I was right. And damn, you're really good at this. My friend Casey would love this."

I slowed down for a moment, my perception of time. I rifled through Simon's memories but could find no Casey. But at the very least, I did find something.

"Stop trying to hook me up with one of your friends, it has never worked out."

"Hey, they're good people, It's not my fault that it doesn't work out. I try my best, you know?"

"Well, then stop trying."

"Oh come on, all my friends crush on you and you would be amazed at the perks I get whenever I convince you to date one of them. Besides, you look like you could use a break." And by break, I assume she means laid.

"I'll be fine." I tell her, finished up now with the massage and stepping back. she turns around and I continue talking "But I would still have to disappoint your friends, since I already have someone in mind."

With a shot of a surprised look, she asks me "Who? Do I know her?"

"Maybe, you'll find out eventually."

"Oh come on, tell me!"

"I don't want to jinx it or anything."

"Fine" she shrugs. "Be that way."

"So, how are your shoulders?"

"Very good actually, wish you had told me sooner. Could you do it on my back though? It's been killing me for the past few weeks. I think it's from my bra's or something."

"Nah, probably from all that slouching you keep doing. You really need to learn to sit upright."

She agrees with a small nod. And I say "I could do it right now if you want, unless you have somewhere to be."

"Sure, that's be great!"

This is perfect. I lead her back to the bedroom and have her lay face down on the bed. I take a folded up blanket and fix it underneath her stomach, gently caressing the side of her belly as I fix the blanket in place. I straddled on top of her, rubbing my hands for a warmer touch. Jennifer lays there motionless, other than her soft breathing. It seems her lungs have finally caught a break, for now.

I begin massaging her shoulders again, but with less of an impact before since I had already worked on them, and soon continued a bit downward, placing my hands on her upper back. After a short while of rubbing on her tense muscles, I told her that it would be easier to do this without the plaid shirt. "Fine" she remarked, and I helped her pull the shirt up over her.

This time, I continued working on her upper back but slowly worked my way down, grazing her smooth skin with barely any friction. I stopped short of her waist, and began working on her lower back. All I could think of right now is how her nipples would feel like, given how incredible her skin feels.

I could hear Jennifer letting out a moan and a groan every now and then, giving audible cues of relaxing pleasure. Under the skin, her muscles felt tense, like a mixture of extraneous work and incessant stress. This is probably the closest thing she would get to a vacation in a long while. I continue working back upwards, and make it right at the middle of her back. Then I slip my hands underneath the back of her sports bra and continue rubbing on her bare skin. She didn't seem to mind the invasiveness of it.

I rotated my palms so that my fingertips were on the side of her torso, warming her up down the side near her chest, and I reverse once more and go back down to her lower back. This time, instead of working her back, I slid my hands sideward and massaged the sides of her belly. After I feel like I have satisfied her in that area, I move on, lower. I skip her ass of course, don't want to scare her by being that bold. I decide to first help her upper thighs. I heard her breath get heavier as I did that, not sure if it was from relieving the tension in her legs or the fact that I skipped her ass. Probably the former, but you'd never know.

Slowly but surely though, I begin to take some action and gradually go up to her assline, subtly tracing it with my thumbs. Jennifer shows no sign of protest, she remains awfully quiet, possibly in anticipation. I slide my hands further up, until they are completely on top of her cheeks. She stifles a gasp, which she probably hopes I didn't notice. She was surprisingly firm in that area, I gently squeeze and rub my palms up against her rear, feeling around as much as I can to stimulate her senses. She doesn't say a word about how long I have been massaging her ass, or how much attention I have been giving her in that area.

If anything, I would have said that she loved it. Maybe it was just the raw sensation of my touch or the curiousity of what will happen next is what's keeping her from resisting. I keep on fondling her butt cheeks while my thumbs gradually descend into the depths between her thighs, gently caressing the skin right underneath her pussy, getting closer and closer until…

I stop. I raise my hands up off her body. She makes this subtle cute sound of disappointment of me not going further. But this was just the beginning. I lean down until I'm on all fours right on top of her. Her head is tilted to the right, so I take my hand and brush away her hair from her ear and lean in even closer and whisper. "How do you feel?"

"Really good." She whispers back.

"Do you want too feel even better?"

"I think we shouldn't."

"Well I think we should."

"Okay Simon, It's time to sto-"

Before I even let her finish that awful word, I leaned in and kissed her neck. She moaned in with a mix of shock and pleasure. God how I love the sound of surprised excitement.

"Oh my god, Simon, what are you doing?" she says, trying to get up, but with a slight pressure on her right shoulder, I keep her down without exerting much force. I use my other hand and slide it underneath her sports bra once more and feel for her heart.

76 bpm.

I lean in, and tell her right to her ear. "Do you want to know why I never wanted to consider any of your friends?"

79 bpm.

"Because there was only one person I've had on my mind for a long time. Longer than I'd care to admit, because admitting it would be one step short of a crime."

83 bpm.

"I've seen her grow up into the beautiful and charming woman she is today. And now I'm so close that I can barely take it anymore."

87 bpm.

"And now, more than ever, sis, do I want you."

90 bpm.

"And all I can think of at this moment is taking you, right here, right now." I continue, as my hand slides down from her shoulder and on the side of her stomach, caressing her bare skin.

95 bpm… Bingo.

To be continued.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3ijrw1/mf_inc_contract_1_simon_greene_part_1

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