Living Arrangements – Part 1 [str8][m][F]

After days of packing and unpacking, Oliver had finally settled in. It had been impossible to find an apartment close enough to college, but luckily some friends of the family had helped him out. The Brindleys, Oliver's benefactors, had always been good friends of his parents. It was like a second family to him. They would often spend summers and holidays together. Karen, their only daughter, had been like an older sister to him. She was a few years older than himself so she would teach him all kinds of secrets about life in general. It was mostly thanks to her that Oliver could stay in the new apartment. Karen had been living there since she started college, so her parents let her decide if she would share it with him. It was not a very big apartment. It had two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a small bathroom. But Oliver was not picky, all he needed was a bed to sleep in.

Oliver was admiring his new room when he heard a knock on the door. Karen entered. “Hey Oliver!” “Hi Karen!” She embraced him with a friendly hug. “It's been so long, hasn't it?” she continued. “Yeah, I guess.” Oliver replied. “You must have been like fifteen when we last hung out.” “Yeah something like that.” “And look at you know, starting college and everything.” “Haha yeah, it crazy. What are you doing now a days?” “Oh, well talk about that later.” she seemed to avoid the question. “I just have a few rules if you're going to live her.” “Alright?” “First off; no girls. I know that college is all about getting crazy, but I really don't want this place to get infested with sluts.” “Sluts?” “Believe me, I know what kind of people go to that college.” “Fair enough.” “Second off; we always knock before entering each others rooms. Alright?” “Yeah that sounds like a good idea.” “Awesome. I guess that was all the rules. If you need anything, just let me know.” Karen smiled and turned around. “Oh by the way, I'm making some pasta. You want some?” Oliver offered to help.

As they cooked the food they talked about old memories. Karen would tease him with embarrassing things from their past and Oliver would tease right back. Eventually they ended up in the living room with a plate full of food each. Their conversation steered from past to current topics. “I think you're going to like college.” said Karen. “Did you like it?” Oliver asked in reply. “Oh yeah! I loved it.” “You never told be what it is you do now a days.” Oliver raised a fork, with lots of pasta on it, to his mouth. “I, uh, I'm a camgirl. You know what that is?” Oliver almost choked on the pasta. “Yeah, yeah I know what it is. Is that why you didn't wanna tell me?” he replied after regaining control. “It's not that I'm embarrassed or anything. I was just afraid you might tell mom and dad.” “Well, uh, I wouldn't know how to tell them.” “Haha, I can't really believe you know what a camgirl is. To me you're still just a kid.” “It's not like I haven't seen… stuff.” “Oh yeah?” she teased him “So you know about the birds and the bees huh?” Oliver did not reply. “I'm teasing you!” Karen admitted. “You're going to have some crazy fun in college, as long as you know what you're doing. You've had sex before right?” “Yeah of course!” Oliver lied. But he said it too quickly and with little confidence. “Right…” Karen grinned.

They finished their meals in silence and then started the washing up. Karen excused herself, saying that she had some work to do. Oliver did not have the guts to ask what kind of work it was. Instead, he agreed to do the rest of the washing up. It was not much, just a few pots and plates. After the washing up had been done, Oliver crashed in the couch by the TV. He put on some show, but did not really pay to much attention to it. Instead he thought about Karen. She was different from before. In the past he had been able to tell her anything. But just moments ago, admitting that he was a virgin felt like the end of the world. On one hand he hated her for it. For making him feel so small. But on the other hand it excited him. She knew him better than any other girl.

Oliver spent the rest of the evening in front of the TV, pondering his current situation. Eventually, he got tired of doing nothing at all and decided to go to bed. It was almost midnight after all. He brushed his teeth, got undressed and got into bed. All the fantasizing about Karen had left him with a rock hard, throbbing dick. His instincts told him to resort to his usual practice before bed. But as he put a hand on his dick he realized that he could not bring himself to do it. Karen was to sacred to him. Oliver was not about to soil her memory with dirty fantasies. Instead he spent the night trying to fall asleep with a raging boner.

Oliver woke up early in the morning of what would be a beautiful day. The sun was out and it was hot like a summers day. Despite being tired, he got out of bed. Oliver dressed himself in shorts and a t-shirt before going to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. After a sandwich and some yogurt he ended up in front of the TV. Being half asleep, it was difficult to find an interesting show to watch. A door opened and closed and Karen appeared in the living room. Thanks to the warm weather she was only wearing a light blue bikini. “What are you watching?” she asked and sat down next to Oliver. Either it was the sight of Karen in a bikini or the fact that he was sleep deprived, but Oliver could not find his words. He just looked at her. “What?” she asked and laughed. “I… Not really watching anything.” Oliver replied eventually. Karen grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. Then she turned to Oliver. “What's going on?” she asked. Her mouth formed an almost malicious grin. Again, Oliver was speechless. He could not help but let his eyes wander and admire Karen's figure. “It's like you've never seen a girl in a bikini before.” she continued. Her grin disappeared and was replaced by a look of contemplation. Finally she asked: “Do you want to feel them?” Oliver could not believe his ears. This must be a dream! Was he still asleep? “What?” he asked her. The grin on Karen's face returned. “Go on!” she said and reached out and grabbed his right hand. She placed it on her left breast. Oliver's heart was racing as he squeezed her breast. He was so afraid of doing something wrong. “You've never done this before have you?” Karen asked. Oliver looked up at her. He was surprised that she had figured it out. “No…” he replied. Karen smiled wide. “That's alright. I can teach you. Just like when we were younger.” Oliver became ecstatic. In his wildest fantasies he would never have imagined this. Karen grabbed his other hand and placed it on her other breast. “Do you like them?” she asked and giggled. Oliver just nodded. “Haha, you're just like a kid in a candy store.” she teased him. “Alright, hands off.” In a split second, Oliver retracted his hands. He let them fall to his lap, which was a convenient way to hide his boner. “So, do you have any plans for today?” Karen asked. It was as if she had completely forgotten what had just happened. Or maybe it was less of a big deal to her. “Nothing… er… I mean no, I don't have any plans.” Oliver replied. “You?” “I have some work to do in ten minutes.” “Oh, actually I'm going to the store.” Oliver remembered. “Do you need anything?” “Could you get some orange juice? I think we're all out.” Karen got up. “I'll pay you when you get back.” she said before disappearing into her room. Oliver was left alone with a boner and a mind full of impossible ideas. He closed his eyes and tried to make sense of his situation. Was there something going on between him and Karen? Or was she just teasing him? Was she this overly friendly when they were younger? Hell, was this even moral? They were like siblings, they had know each other for so long. But still. It was no use. Oliver gave up on his thoughts and decided to go to the store instead.

An hour later Oliver was back at the apartment. He unpacked the two bags of groceries in the kitchen. The trip to the store had been a nice distraction from his frustration. It had also been a good opportunity for him to reflect on recent events. Oliver had to come to the conclusion that there was nothing going on between him and Karen. It was just a one time thing. Some teasing, that's all. In a way it felt like it was probably better that way. Although whenever he thought about her, his dick would jump to attention. “Hey Oliver!” Oliver was startled by Karen's sudden appearance. She was only wearing a towel. “Hey. I got you some juice.” Oliver replied. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” she seemed stressed. “Look, I kind of need your help.” It was unusual of her to act this cautiously. She is always so confident. “Um, alright?” said Oliver. “On my, um, campage I have some donation goals. You know what I'm talking about?” “Yeah I do.” “Well, uh, one of them was for a real handjob. I never thought we would ever reach it.” Oliver did not connect the dots. “But this one guy made a massive donation. Now I've sort of promised to give someone a handjob.” Karen looked up at Oliver with a pleading look on her face, but he did not understand. “I really don't want to let my fans down.” she continued. “Well, what do you need help with?” Oliver asked. The entire morning, he had tried to neglect any fantasies about Karen, so it was impossible for him to take the hint. Karen sighed, then smiled and stood closer to him. “I'm going to give you a handjob, dummy.” she whispered. “Don't worry, you won't be visible on cam.” She grabbed his hand and lead him to her room.

Karen showed Oliver a chair in the middle of the room and gestured for him to sit down. On a small desk next to the chair was a laptop. The screen showed the view from the perspective of the webcam. Oliver could see just above his waist on the screen. Karen knelt down in front of him and started talking to the camera. She explained to her viewers that she was about to fulfill the donation goal and repeatedly thanked the mysterious donor for his substantial contribution. Eventually she let her towel fall to the floor, revealing her naked body to the viewers and to Oliver. Her perky tits looked many times better without the bikini covering them. Oliver tried to catch a glimpse of her crotch, but she was kneeling in such a way that it was too hard to see and he did not want to bend forward and risk being seen by the camera. “Are you ready?” Karen asked the audience. Then she turned to Oliver and looked up at him, as if to ask him the same thing. Oliver nodded. This brought a smile to Karen's face. She extended her arms, unzipped his shorts and pulled them down to his knees. With her left hand she started massaging his dick through his boxers. With her other hand she started pulled on them. She pulled them down this his shorts, revealing his hard dick. It was not very big. Just below average at five inches. Karen but one hand at the very base of his dick and another around the head. To Oliver it felt like his very soul was being embraced. Karen turned to the camera and smiled. “You want to see how fast I can make this dick cum? Or do you want me to take it slow?” Oliver just looked at her while she interacted with the viewers. She would laugh and giggle, but never let go of his dick. “The want you to take your shirt of.” she told him, without looking away from the computer. Oliver obeyed. He threw his t-shirt onto the floor behind him. “Alright guys.” Karen said to the computer, then turned to Oliver. “Let's see how long you can last.” Her grin was back. Without a warning she started stroking his dick fast and without mercy. On the upstroke her left hand would stimulate that sensitive spot under the dickhead. On the downstroke it would slam onto his balls. Occasionally she would spit into her hand and lube his dick with her saliva. It made an incredible sound, like walking through a puddle of water. Since Oliver had denied himself any pleasure last night and since he had been constantly frustrated the whole day, it did not take long before he was ready to shoot his load. “I'm close…” he whispered. Karen turned to the camera. “You hear that guys? He's close already! What's it been, two minutes?” She giggled and complemented her own performance. “I guess I'm just that good.” she said. Karen grabbed Oliver's balls in her left hand and started squeezed them. Her right hand embraced the head of his dick. She was going even faster than before. “You gonna' cum for me?” Karen acted out for her audience. “Cum for me baby!” Oliver closed his eyes and let the orgasm take place. Karen pointer his dick toward him so that he ended up shooting his load all over his own stomach. Karen was surprised by how big the load was. She told him to clean himself up and then she started talking to her fans again. As Oliver left the room he could hear her talking about how amazing she was at giving handjobs and how this had been proof that she can make any guy cum within minutes.

After having cleaned himself up, Oliver sat down by the TV again. But he did not turn it on. He just sat that, staring into blank space. After a while, Karen joined him, once again wearing a bikini. “Hey…” she said and sat down next to him. “Thank you so much for helping me out.” “No problem. I mean, I enjoyed it.” Oliver replied. “I know it's kind of weird that I asked you. I uh..” “No no it's alright.” “I just hope things won't get weird between us.” The look on her face suggested that she was genuinely worried. “So, as a thank you, I'll let you do anything you want to me for an hour.” Oliver looked up at her. “Just to even things out.” Karen quickly added. She awkwardly got up and returned to her room. Oliver had no idea what to make of all this. Just hours before, he had concluded that there was nothing going on between the two of them. Now he was not so sure.



  1. Ok, ot started out fine, but I couldn’t read it once the dialog started between Karen and the narrator. You need to put a new paragraph each time somebody starts talking. Otherwise it gets confusing. I’ll read again later for content when I can dump it into Word and edit it, but right now it’s practically illegible to me.

  2. Agree it is a good read, bit needs editing for better clarity. Otherwise good

  3. I can’t believe I didn’t know about the double space thing. The text should be easier to read now.

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