Memories of long ago, a true story

I'm new around here. I initially posted this as a response to a post at dirtypenpals and got no response (so far). I'd really love some feedback and any pointers or suggestions would be very welcome. Oh, and it IS a true story by the way. When I look back, I realize I've had a fairly interesting life (so far :) ). Thank you.

We used to go to a free beach as a group, wifey, (Cath), me, about 6 to 10 of us generally, a mixed group, and we'd drop our gear and drink beers, swim, lay around most of the day. As my luck had it, I was the least endowed in the group; not tiny, just not big. Jeff, wiry and strong, tight curly blonde hair, light tan, quiet, is really hung. Cath didn't make a big thing about it, she was just quite warm towards him, so one night, after a party at our place, I left the stragglers and went to bed. Jeff did Cath that night in our lounge room, on a couple of bean bags. I had fantasised about this type of thing, and we'd discussed the possibility at times, including while having sex, so it didn't come out of nowhere, but I was very surprised when she woke me up at about 2:00am to tell me what she had done. She was really nervous, thinking I might lose it, so I wrapped her in my arms and cuddled her. I got hard against her backside and she calmed down and told me about it. I asked her what it was like with someone so big, and she said when he first put it in, he was fairly forceful, slowly pushed it directly all the way in on the first stroke, and being quite hard and very thick, it hurt a good bit even though she was good and wet. For a quiet guy, this Jeff was very dominant apparently, she said he pinned her under him and made it so she couldn't move, wedged down into the bean bags, and then did her without letting his weight down on her clit area, sort of suspending himself. He didn't say much, kept her like that while he worked on her, looking straight into her eyes with a lot of intensity. She got extremely worked up, but he was really hard on her, and didn't really let her move much the whole time. He was also very controlled himself, and Cath said that when he came, he didn't speed up much and kept eye contact with even more intensity and just let himself empty into her with his jaw clenched and a long low groan that went on for ages. After he came, he soaked for a little while, then said he needed to get home (he was married too), and pulled it out (nearly driving Cath crazy), and left. So, when she came and woke me up, she was scared of my reaction and also terribly worked up and let down. Cath really never came from just fucking with me (although I'm sure she would have with Jeff if he wasn't so busy being a dick), I always went down on her, and waking up to this story and the lurid imaginings of what had just happened the other side of the bedroom wall, I was wound up like a clock, jealous as shit and turned on something vicious. I turned her toward me and kissed her and we started to get going and fell naturally into our normal routine which involved lots of licking and kissing of her breasts and belly and around her sides and over her backside, then back to the front, and next thing we knew I was eating her out and it was very wet and very pungent from a long hot summer day and starchy and full of Jeff cum and I didn't miss a beat, I went full-pervert, feeling so utterly filthy and just writhing in the exultation of it. I wanted to collect all of Jeff's mess in my mouth and then kiss Cath and push it into her mouth, but things were very urgent for her by this time, so with Jeff's cum running down my chin, I worked her clit with my tongue and pulled a huge pulsing orgasm from her. She pushed my head away as soon as she finished, she never could bear any contact in those moments, for a good five minutes usually. I rolled on my back, and touched myself gently, enjoying how desperately aroused I was, teasing myself with thoughts of imminent release, when the sound of gentle snoring pulled me back. Cath was out to it and I was high and dry, with the funk of pussy and another man's cum all over my face and nowhere to go. I could have jacked off of course, but I felt petulant and abandoned and to spite myself, somehow, I managed to let it all go and get back to sleep.



  1. Wow very erotic and sexy. The only changes I would make would be to make it into separate paragraphs instead of one huge paragraph which makes it hard to read. It will make it longer but like I said easier to read. Whether a story is well written doesn’t always matter if it’s easy to read ( luckily this seems written well)

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