[serial MF nc timestop] Jake part XXIII – Fallen

The rest of the party went pretty smoothly. Dave kept finding excuses to stand up, probably hoping that time would stop again. Jenny and Brian eventually came back to the head table, both looking a little tired. Jake checked between moments and was amused to see Brian’s cum dripping out of Jenny’s pussy. It had certainly been a busy evening for her womb.
Lauren, getting a little silly from the screwdrivers that Jake kept doubling without telling her, insisted that he slow-dance with her. He was a perfect gentleman, but there was no way that she didn’t notice how hard he was with her hips pressed against him. She didn’t say anything, but she knew.
Then again, Jake thought, who wouldn’t be? If anything she should take it as a compliment.
After the dance she realized her dress was hanging low in the front. “Whoops!” she said with a giggle, pulling it back up into place. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s up with this dress tonight.”
Jake chuckled. “I’m sure nobody noticed. And anyone who did, well… we don’t mind.”
Lauren scoffed and punched Jake’s arm, then ran her hand down it. “Shut up, jerk,” she said.
The hall was starting to clear out. Jake took one last look around in stopped-time, taking some pictures of IDs so he could follow up with Brian and Jenny later. After some thought, he also took details for Julie and the chubbier maid of honor. Julie was too adorable to lose track of and Dave might bear some watching. As for the other girl, Jake just sort of liked her titties.
It took him a while to find the gothy girl with the butt-plug, but eventually Jake located her in a mens’ room stall, in the middle of taking what looked like a pretty hard fuck from behind in one hole while her other was still plugged. Jake opened her purse and snapped her ID too, if just because it’s good to know a girl who likes to party.
Returning to Lauren, he put his arm around her waist. “You’re drunk,” he said. “Someone ought to put you to bed.”
“You’re drunker,” Lauren countered with a grin. “What’s that mean for you?”
Jake scoffed. “You never could hold a half-dozen drinks. I’ll call us a cab.”

After a quick goodbye to Dave and to the happy couple, Lauren was ready to go. The cab pulled up pretty quickly and Jake helped her in, letting her slide over and sitting next to her. “Your place first,” Jake said. “My daughter’s out with her dau- ahem, her friends tonight, and I’m in no hurry to get back to Sarah’s cold embrace.”
Lauren gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry that things are so shitty between you two,” she said “I wish there was something I could do to help.”
“You’re already helping,” Jake replied with a weak smile. “This was really fun, tonight.”
“It was, wasn’t it? We always had fun together. It’s too bad we weren’t, you know, compatible.”
Jake chuckled, letting his eyes travel along Lauren’s body. He stopped time and got another good look at her legs and breasts, then started it again. “It sure is,” he agreed.

Lauren and her husband lived in a little two-storey house, not too different from Jake’s place. The cab pulled up and Jake handed the driver his credit card. “I’ll find some excuse to call this a business expense,” he explained, “and then claim my ride separately.”
Lauren got out of the car, then walked around and leaned her elbows on Jake’s open window to talk to him. She either didn’t know or didn’t care about the view down her dress. “Are you sure you want to go home?” she asked.
Jake laughed. “I’m sure I don’t,” he said. “But I have to sleep someplace.”
Lauren pulled open his door and yanked at his arm. “We have a guest room. Don’t go back to that shrew tonight.”
Jake thought about it for a moment. He was really feeling the drinks, and he wasn’t looking forward at all to being alone with his thoughts. Nor did he trust himself to be around Sarah at the moment, angry as he was about her selfish infidelity. “Alright,” he said at last. “As long as your husband won’t mind.”
She scoffed. “Tony’s got a huge heart. He won’t mind.”
The cabbie gave back the card, likely after adding a sizeable tip for himself, and drove off, leaving Jake stranded on the sidewalk of his beautiful and drunk ex-girlfriend’s house. There were worse fates.

Later, well after introductions and goodnights, Jake found himself unable to sleep. It wasn’t just that he was in a guest bed in a stranger’s home. He felt restless, still troubled and angry over Sarah, and far more alone than he liked. He thought about heading home, looking for Petra maybe. He could take all the time he needed and walk it if necessary. But that seemed like a lot of effort, so instead he went to the bathroom.
He relieved himself and was about to flush when he heard voices downstairs in the living room. Freezing time where it stood, Jake made his way down the stairs and found Lauren and Tony on the couch. He was sitting upright and she was cuddled against his chest, looking content and happy. She’d changed out of the dress and into a comfortable-looking tank top and a little pair of cotton shorts that showed off her legs in ways the dress never could have.
Jake liked Tony. How many guys would be okay with their wife going out to a party with her ex? Tony actually seemed happy. “Thanks for keeping her company,” he’d said, shaking Jake’s hand. “And bringing her home safe. Not a lot of guys would go that extra mile. You need something to sleep in?”
Class act, that Tony. Even now, he sat watching the television with his arm around his wife, happily chatting even though Jake knew how tiresome talking to a drunk can be when one is sober. Jake hid himself nearby and started time again.
“-had fun tonight, didn’t you?” Tony said.
Lauren giggled. “Yeah. It was a beautiful party, and we got to visit with Dave a bit.”
“Julie’s Dave? I don’t like that guy. I mean he acts okay but there’s something off about him.”
Lauren scoffed. “He’s harmless. He kept staring at my tits all night, but it’s not surprising. That stupid bra kept slipping around my waist. I finally just left it there.”
Tony laughed, rubbing her side. “We’ll have to take a look at it, maybe the elastic is gone.”
Jake stopped time there. Walking around the couch, he took a closer look at the two of them. He couldn’t help but wonder how life would be if he’d been more content with Lauren, if he’d just settled for love without sex. Or at least with a minimum of it. Tony certainly looked happy. But living with that body every day… come to think of it, Lauren wasn’t that dissimilar to Sarah, physically. A little shorter, not as strong… but the same basic body type. And if there was one thing that Jake had learned in his marriage, it was that living with a body like that and not being able to ravish it now and then was torture.
Besides, now he had Petra, and she showed no signs of sharing her mother’s issues with control. Also, he could stop time, so he had that going for him.
From his hiding place before, Jake had been able to watch the majestic rising and falling of Lauren’s chest as she breathed. Her tank top was pretty loose, and showed off more than a little of her breasts. It was probably very comfortable, especially after a day in heels and formal wear. Jake grabbed the thin fabric in the middle and squeezed, pinching it into the gap between her breasts and exposing them both through the armholes.
Lauren’s tits were magnificent. That was really the only word for it. He’d always lover touching them, feeling them. He did so now, gently squeezing them with both hands. Leaning in close, he rubbed his face between them, inhaling her scent. She smelled warm and clean; she’d probably had a shower after getting rid of the dress.
Jake almost overbalanced and fell into those breasts, so great was their gravity. That, or he was still drunk. Probably a little of both. He chuckled, pulling back and taking one of Lauren’s nipples in his mouth. He rolled his tongue around it slowly, not licking or sucking yet, just caressing and kissing it, and then did the same for the other.
After a few minutes – or hours, who could tell between seconds – Jake leaned back again, taking in the sight of her with a dreamy smile. Sure, they had moved on, but for a minute or two it was nice to pretend, to imagine she was his again. He pulled her top back into place, hiding and starting the clock again.
Lauren shivered and bit her lip as she felt the gentle worship on her breasts.
“Is something wrong, honey?” Tony asked.
Lauren shook her head. “Just a little chill, sorta. It’s been happening tonight.”
“Maybe because you drank so much. It’s good that Jake was there looking out for you.”
“Yeah, he’s a great guy. Still, I swear I didn’t drink more than usual.” She shifted, nuzzling his shoulder.
Jake stepped out to get a better look again. Lauren’s nipples were at full alert, stretching the front of the tank to form a series of ripples in the cloth. Once again, he exposed them, this time by rolling up the tank.
Kneeling in front of the couch and rubbing Lauren’s inner thigh, Jake once more paid tribute to the glory of Lauren’s tits. This time, he hefted them up a little and suckled first one and then the other, moaning softly to vibrate his tongue against her skin. He kept going until they glistened with moisture, and even lightly grazed them with his front teeth. Then he rolled down the tank again, leaving one breast hanging out the armhole on the side where she was leaning against her husband.
Starting time again, Jake heard a little gasp from Lauren. She touched her leg where he’d been caressing her.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Tony asked.
“Yeah, maybe I’m catching a cold or something.”
“Hey Laur,” Tony said softly, “you’re falling out of your top.”
Lauren giggled as she realized her bare breast was rubbing against her husband’s side. “Whoops,” she said, reaching to tuck it back in. She stopped moving with her hand over it, then looked at her palm and back at her breast. “Huh.”
“Well, it’s just that my nipple is wet.” She shifted. “They both are.”
Jake paused time as Tony looked down. He carefully dried the saliva from both nipples and Lauren’s palm, then started it up again.
“I don’t see anything,” Tony said. “I thought I did, but now it’s gone.”
“Weird. Maybe you’re drunk too,” Lauren said with a grin.
Tony gave Lauren a little shove. “Shush, you.”
To their perspective, it was the shove that did it. Jake stopped time and again spent a few minutes sucking and nibbling at Lauren’s perfect nipples. He left her breasts pulled out above the tank top, lifted in the air, so when time started again, they fell with a bounce.
“Whoa!” Tony said. “Hey sorry Laur, I didn’t think I pushed you that hard.”
“I didn’t think so either,” Lauren said, smirking. “I guess I hiccupped or something and- hey, they’re wet again!”
Jake stopped time and had a bit of a giggle over Lauren’s confusion. It sure was fun playing with her. And it was a pity she hadn’t ever been up for more “playtime” herself. Without even thinking about it, Jake reached for the little shorts she was wearing, pulling them and an equally comfortable-looking pair of panties down and off of her hips and long, lovely legs.
Despite her lack of landscaping, Lauren really did have a lovely pussy. Her hair grew short and soft above it, and she had a nice, natural, clean look to her. Jake wished he’d spent more time with that pussy, more time kissing it and touching it. He spent some time there now, stroking Lauren’s thighs as he spread them open and bowed to her altar.
He started out slow and gentle, like before at the reception. She was just about completely dry, and Jake had no desire to hurt her. Quite the contrary, in fact. Kissing her clit, licking along her slit, stroking her thighs. Soon he had a pattern of movements, and he kept them up until his lips started to numb, switching then to gentle teasing with his fingertips in the same places.
Just to round out the experience, he also licked and tugged at her nipples, and softly kissed from there up her collarbone and along the curve of her neck, nibbling playfully at her earlobe. He really had no idea which touches she’d even notice, but if a job is worth doing it is worth doing well, he thought as he finished off with a warm, firm kiss to her lips.
Jake replaced the panties and shorts and started time again, this time standing close enough to really see the reaction. It was worth it. Midway through reaching up to put her breasts back into her top, Lauren’s wave of pleasure overtook her. She gasped and cried out, grabbing and squeezing at her breast with one hand while the other slid between her legs, pressing in against the phantom explosion of love.
“Lauren? What’s going on? Are you… are you cumming?”
“Oh god, yes!” Lauren moaned. I’m- mngh!” Her body shook as a second wave appeared to roll over her, making her legs spasm and quiver.
Jake stopped time again. He once more removed Lauren’s shorts and her now soaked panties, grinning as he found that Lauren had made a mess all over herself. There were even juices on her thighs, smeared by their shifting and rubbing together. She looked beautiful. He leaned closer. She smelled beautiful. Closer still. She tasted beautiful.
“Fuck it,” Jake muttered, pulling off his borrowed shorts and shirt. His cock sprang forth fully, painfully erect, and within seconds he had spread Lauren open was sliding it down into her sopping wet pussy.
Lauren was at that moment even tighter than Julie had been, such was the strength of her contracting muscles, but she was slick too. Jake moaned in supreme pleasure as he felt inch after inch of himself sliding inside of his ex-girlfriend.
Soon he felt the pliant and soft resistance of her pelvis against his hips. Jake once more leaned in and kissed Lauren passionately, but he did not stay long to savor the feeling of their first coupling in so many years. His head was swimming, foggy with rum and lust, and all he could think about in that moment was moving. Pulling back and thrusting again and again, fucking the unaware Lauren while looking down at her pleasure-twisted face.
Shifting her fully onto her back against the couch, Jake lifted Lauren’s legs, laying her ankles over his shoulders and stretching her tighter around his relentlessly-thrusting weapon. He reached around her thighs to squeeze her tits with both hands, filling the silent room with the sounds of his heavy breathing and fleshy slaps.
Despite the tight position, however, Jake soon felt Lauren start to loosen and gape around him. Too soon, in fact, and he couldn’t seem to find a way to squeeze her tight enough to satisfy his needs. So he started time for a couple seconds, continuing to fuck her hard and fast.
“Ohgod ohgod ohgod!” Lauren cried as she came around him. Jake felt a splash of hot moisture on his thighs and froze her once more. The clenching of her cunt around him had been divine, and he groaned in pleasure as he continued pounding into her.
Pulling back with a wicked grin, Jake pulled Lauren up off the couch to stand before her husband. He braced her hands on his shoulders, stepped behind her, and started fucking her from behind, holding her hips and pulling in harder and deeper until he felt the familiar tight ring of the cervix spreading before his assault.
Starting time again, Jake heard Lauren scream in a mixture of pleasure and pain, bliss and fear. Tony sputtered in confusion as his vision was suddenly completely filled with the sight of his wife’s heavy tits swinging forward, each swing coinciding with a sharp slapping sound from behind her. Jake kept fucking her mercilessly, marvelling at the way her pussy once more snapped tight around him, rippling and tugging at him as if it was trying to swallow him whole.
Stopping time once more, Jake kept fucking Lauren tirelessly. He bent her further forward, shoving her face in Tony’s lap, starting to get frustrated with how long it was taking him to cum in her.
Spinning her round and lifting her up, Jake wrapped Lauren’s legs around his waist and slid inside her again. He carried her into the kitchen, closed the door behind him and then shoved her up against it, starting time and driving furiously into her, burying his face in her bouncing tits. She kept crying out, mostly lost in pleasure now, legs squeezing his waist and hands gripping at his back while he slammed up into her womb again and again.
Finally, as she seemed to start clearing up and thinking straight, Jake halted time once more and carried Lauren upstairs to the master bedroom. There, in the dark and on her own bed, Jak laid Lauren prone on her stomach, straddling her thighs and pushing his cock into her. There he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pinning her underneath himself. There he gripped her wrists above her head in his free hand to hold her still. And there he started time as he began driving down into her, using her cunt like his personal sex toy despite the clenching of her asscheeks around his shaft and her breathless pleading for him to wait, to stop, to slow down, to let her move. He bit down on the base of her neck and, with a feral growl, Jake fucked Lauren, rutted into her, and began shooting a whole evening’s worth of frustrated, angry cum into the depths of her womb.
He kept driving her, making her head bounce against the bedclothes with each brutal slam, shooting more and more of himself inside her. In all his life, Jake had never cummed this hard or this long. He filled her womb, spilling seed out around his cock, and still he took her, because still he desired her.
Finally, like a fog clearing, Jake came back to himself. There was an angry pounding on the bedroom door that he’d apparently thought to lock behind himself, and Lauren was panting beneath him. Her cunt still gripped him tight, occasionally giving little clenching spasms that made him wish he could do it all over again.
Then Jake realized the source of the spasms. Lauren was sobbing, crying beneath him in fear and confusion.
Jake stopped time and shoved up and off of her, trying to ignore the rush of sensation as he pulled free of the girl. What had he done? Quickly, he set about cleaning up after himself. He lifted Lauren into the air, using some tissues from the bedside to wipe the stain of fluid from the bedspread, then flipped the comforter over and smoothed it out to hide the evidence. However, Lauren’s pussy, still gaping from his conquest, held a greater challenge.
Using his fingers, Jake scooped as much of his seed as he could from inside her. He cleaned the sweat and other fluids from her skin, and brushed her hair back to a less unruly state. Then he opened the door and jumped back.
Tony was there, midway through shoulder-slamming the door. Jake sighed. This would be difficult, but not impossible.
Tony was fully dressed, so moving him back to the couch and sitting him down was easy enough. Jake leaned him back and opened his mouth, running a line of saliva down his chin as though he’d been snoring, then gently closed his eyelids.
Lauren needed to be dressed first. Jake replaced all her clothes, except for the panties. Those were soaked with evidence of her cumming, so he kept them and replaced them with a fresh pair from the bedroom.
When he was done, Jake took a last look at the couple. He’d laid Lauren out on her side with her head in Tony’s lap, similarly with closed eyes and a little drool. They definitely looked to be passed out. There was one last step to take.
Jake kept Tony and Lauren frozen, but started up time. Then he fast-forwarded time a couple hours. When the test pattern showed up on the television, he stopped it again and returned to the bedroom where he was supposed to be sleeping off the evening.
About five minutes later, Jake heard Lauren walk into the guest room. Her breath was nervous and fearful. She leaned over his bed, but seeing no signs of consciousness, she withdrew, letting him “sleep”.
Jake was pretty sure she hadn’t seen the tears on his face.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3gwi2m/serial_mf_nc_timestop_jake_part_xxiii_fallen


  1. This is fantastic. I’ve been following since day one, and I’m always excited to see a new addition.

  2. thank you :) i have one more already written, and I promise it’s a little lighter.

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