The Drawing (Part 1) (FMMM) (Group sex)

A quick word about this story before you start. This was a vague idea I came up with and so I didn’t really plan much of it, I just started writing. But I like where it is going so far, and I would love your genuine feedback. I appreciate constructive criticicm or ideas you may have for part 2, just leave them as replies to this post and I will read them. That being said, this is part one, and if you guys like it, let me know and I will work on Part 2 soon! Thanks!

“Mia you look absolutely gorgeous! All eyes are going to be on you!”

Mia looked over her shoulder at her husband Dan, who was standing in the doorway watching her getting ready. “You think so huh? Good enough to be eye candy for the evening?”

“Oh fuck yes! No one will be able to take their eyes off you! You’re going to be an extremely popular choice for the drawing!”

As she turned back to the mirror, Dan’s words rattled in her mind. “I’ll be a popular choice for the drawing…” she muttered to herself as she carefully applied her makeup. It wasn’t long before the beautiful redhead was finished, and she looked at herself in the mirror. Unlike some women, Mia loved her body, she was 5’2 and worked hard on maintaining her hourglass figure, especially after two kids, and at 34 she knew she was still going strong.

Dan reentered the room just as she stood up and held out his hand. In his open palm sat a brand new, bright blue thong for her. “I bought these this morning babe. Figured it would go well with that new blouse you got last week.”

Oh I love it! Thank you sweetheart!” Mia swiftly pulled the new thong on before slipping on a black skirt which went down to her knees. Despite the night’s planned activities, she still wanted to look classy, and the black skirt combined with her button down light blue blouse was perfect for the party. Not wanting to be late, she grabbed her bag and headed downstairs, ensuring the kids were settled in with the babysitter before the couple headed out the door.

Mia and Dan had been married for seven years now, and she loved her husband very much. Dan was on the board of directors for an international shipping company, and every year the company threw a party, specifically for the board and their wives. Over the years, the families had all grown very close, with Dan and Mia knowing the other men and their wives quite well, and Mia considered most of them to be close personal friends. Because of her closeness with them, the yearly party always made her feel nervous and quite awkward.

Arriving at the downtown club, Dan tipped the valet and led his stunning wife inside. Stepping out of the elevator, they were greeted with the sounds of a party. A live band was playing soft music in the corner and the roar of conversation could be heard. As Mia looked around she saw the men Dan worked with and their wives, all intermingling and having a good time. “Go and check in dear, I will meet you in a bit.” Dan whispered in her ear before heading into the crowd himself.

Stepping into the side room where the coats and purses were kept, Mia met Betty, the CEO’s wife who was attending the counter. “Mia hello! So happy to see you! How are you and Dan doing?”

“We are excellent, thank you for asking! He’s quite excited for tonight.”

“Well the men folk always are you know! And tonight will be something special I suspect, Bill has been planning something unique for it. I’ll take those, thank you.” Betty reached out and took Dan’s jacket and Mia’s purse, double checking to make sure their cell phone’s were with their other belongings. ”Ok dear, all that’s left is your panties. Please remove them and place them in this box. Then you can fill out the paperwork and you are all set!”

Mia’s face flushed a bright scarlet color beneath her makeup as she leaned down and slipped the pretty blue thong down her legs. Stepping out of them, she folded and deposited them into the small hinged lid box. “Betty, if you don’t mind my asking, how come you never have to participate in the drawing? Everyone else’s wives have too!”

“Well for one dear, no one is interested in a sixty-year-old woman!” Betty said with a giggle. “But more than that, I was the first participant back when this whole thing started thirty years ago.”

“Really? You lost the first drawing?”

“Well no, there was no drawing. Bill asked me to do it, and I gladly obliged. It was a good way to lead by example, and it has become a tradition ever since. The drawing started the next year, but I never had to participate after that.”

“Oh I see. Well, thank you Betty. I will see you later!” Mia quickly signed her name to the paperwork on the counter before excusing herself to head back into the party room as she imagined what Betty must have felt like thirty years ago, allowing herself to be the first participant in this event. It didn’t take long to find Dan, and the two of them spent the evening enjoying the company of friends while Mia helped herself to a couple of glasses of champagne. No one else seemed to be worried about the drawing, and Mia allowed herself to relax. She was surrounded by men and women she knew to be upstanding individuals, men who were gentleman and women who were classy and well educated. As the night wound down, Mia had almost forgotten why they were there, until she heard Bill, the company’s CEO, as his voice rang out among the crowd.

“Gather around friends! I am so happy to see you all here tonight, is everyone having a good time?” The slightly intoxicated crowd cheered as everyone had formed a semi circle around the small stage that had been built in the center of the room. Mia took her place standing in front of Dan, looking around the room at the other women. She was surprised to find several of the women in the crowd grinning at her. Smiling back, Mia turned her attention back to the stage where Betty had joined Bill, holding the box in her hands.

“As you all know, each year we come together for this event, initially designed to build trust between those of us in power, it has become a much anticipated event for everyone involved. Here beside me is my beautiful wife Betty, and she has brought me a box full of panties collected from the wives of each man here tonight. This is what is known as the drawing, and occurs each year. The owner of the panties I draw from this box will be tonight’s entertainment, meaning of course, that every man here is going to fuck her senseless. Sound’s fun, right?” Another cheer exploded from the crowd, fueled by the idea of someone’s wife being gangbanged. “Now then Betty, every woman here tonight has submitted their panties and signed their agreement, correct?”

“That is correct Bill, so who will be the lucky whore tonight?”

“Only one way to find out!” Bill turned to his wife and produced a key, unlocking the box. “Oh, and before we begin tonight’s festivities, I would like to announce a quick change up to the normal plan.” At the sound of his voice, four men entered the room holding various pieces of equipment. Mia watched as they all climbed on the stage and began assembling what resembled a swing, but was covered in chains and leather straps. “I have commissioned the use of several sex toys and devices to assist us tonight. It was all part of the contract, so I hope you read over it carefully!”

The crowd laughed as the men continued to assemble the cruel looking device and Mia realized with shock that she hadn’t read over it! She had been distracted by her conversation with Betty, hadn’t bothered to double check anything.

“Well look here! Who do these cute little panties belong too?”

Mia slowly looked up in horror as she realized that the drawing had happened while she was distracted by the construction. Dangling from Bill’s hand was a bright blue thong. Her whole body tensed up as she felt Dan’s hands wrap around her chest, his fingers sliding in between the buttons on her shirt. “Congrats babe! I told you tonight would be fun!”



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