Do As I Say [nc] [huml] [Mf] [fsub]

Isabel could hardly breathe as she took a seat in the second car of the train, working up the courage to remove her shirt. She flinched when the earpiece hummed. It did that every time the man was about to speak. She stiffened at his even voice, tinged with the slightest hint of unidentifiable accent.

"Don't just sit there, Isabel. Take off your clothes."

Isabel squeezed her eyes shut, pressing her back to the chair and breathing hard. She reminded herself that he wasn't lying. The man who had left her the mysterious box this morning – the one with the note, videotape and earpiece – had identified himself as Viktor. He had two things with which to force her compliance: proof and her sister. The video had shown both those things. "Unless you want me to show the world what you did, you'll put in the earpiece and do as I say. Don't ever call for help or try anything smart. I'll remind you that I have your sweet sister in my care, and I'll be caring a little less for her with every time you displease me."

Isabel saw the video. She saw the hands he put on her sister. She didn't need to see more nor did she need to hear the screams. Viktor had given her a little preview of it this morning and the bloodcurdling cries had doubled Isabel over on the street, where she wound up doing as she was told and crawling to the train station on all fours, her short skirt blowing up and over her waist in the wind, giving all passing cars on the main road a view of her skimpy black panties. At least until Viktor had her ask the next passing stranger to take them off for her. The first man she asked stuttered "no" and walked off hastily but the next one obliged, grinning in disbelief as he stood behind her and pulled the lace down, off her ass and then her pussy.

"Is this for a sorority?" he whispered excitedly as she lifted her knees for him one by one, till he had her panties fully off and balled up in his hands.

"Don't speak to him," Viktor instructed. "Crawl away."

Isabel did as she was told, though she was scolded by Viktor for looking back to see the man's reaction. He was sporting wood and taking a picture of her exposed backside.

Thankfully, Viktor let Isabel walk the last block to the train station, as she was garnering too much honking and public attention. But after she bought her ticket, he gave an audible smirk and instructed her to whisper something to the irritated-looking man standing with an empty stroller. He was in an empty corner behind a store. When Isabel refused, Viktor paused. When she heard her sister's screaming, she hissed, "Okay, okay, I'll do it!"

She walked up to the man clearly waiting for his wife and felt tears in her eyes. He spotted her and raised his eyebrows, struck first by her beauty, then by her breasts and then by her sobbing. "Miss… are you okay?" he asked tenderly.

She walked up to him and spoke as quietly as possible. "Sir, I'm a dirty slut. I want you to touch me anywhere. You have five seconds to touch me anywhere."


"You have five seconds to touch me anywhere," she repeated, tearful yet robotic. She heard Viktor's laugh as the man scrambled, his eyes darting around in sheer panic before he pushed Isabel against the wall, mashing her lovely breasts together with his heavy hands. He grunted and shuddered against her.

"My God, Isabel, I think you've made him blow a load in his pants," Viktor laughed. "Come on now. They're expecting you on the train."

His instruction resumed when she got to the track.

"Get on the second car. Take the aisle seat in the third row and then remove your clothes, starting with your shirt."

Isabel froze mid-step. "I can't," she gasped under her breath.

"You can and you will," Viktor had said.

She was still mustering up the courage, especially as the car began to fill. Was it a coincidence that there were only men coming in? Every time one of them looked at her, Isabel flinched, convinced he was part of this sick scheme. But as they sat and opened books, planners, magazines, she realized they were just normal people. Normal passengers who looked at her because she was beautiful, with dark, tumbling waves that cascaded around her heart-shaped face. They were just regular folks about to see something crazy.

"Isabel," Viktor taunted in singsong. "It's time to show these gentlemen your tits."


"Do it now. Do it now."

Isabel shook as she began to peel off her shirt.

"There you go, Isabel," Viktor cooed. "Look how beautiful you are when you do as I say. My God, look how beautiful you are when you're sitting topless on a public train." He laughed as she trembled, pulling her shirt the rest of the way off, feeling the air conditioning hit her naked skin. "Isabel, that bra is not nearly big enough for your sumptuous breasts. I think your new neighbor agrees with me."

Isabel opened her eyes to see a thirty-something-year-old man sitting next to her, staring open-mouthed. He and several others had noticed her at this point. In fact, heads were lifting by the second. She was the star of the train.

"Why don't you ask him if he agrees? Ask him, 'Do you think my breasts are too large for my bra?'"

Isabel swallowed, trying not to think about how this stranger looked like a nice man – one she'd find handsome and quite date-able if she weren't in this situation. "S-sir… do you think my breasts are too large for this bra?"

He didn't answer for a solid ten seconds. "N-no. I mean, your breasts are obviously… incredible… I don't know. Miss," he lowered his voice, "w-what are you doing?"

"Don't answer him," Viktor said. "Show him your nipples. If you can't get him to suck on them you're going to hear it from your sister."

"No," Isabel breathed out hard, shaking her head to herself. But when she heard Viktor's threatening lilt of "al-right then," she did it fast. Pulling the cups of her bra down, she flashed her breasts to the man next to her. "Sir, please suck on my nipples. Please, I beg of you, please."


Isabel bounced them for him. "It's not a trick, sir, please, I just want you to suck on them."

"You want him to taste them."

"I want you to taste them, sir."

to be continued



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