[mf][oral] Sucky Vacation 6

Sorry for the repost, but I got the title wrong and can’t edit it…

Chapter 6

Jeff jogged up to the table while his family was just setting down at for dinner. He and Shawna had showered before leaving the room, so at least he didn’t smell like sex. They had parted ways at the bar by the pool where her mother, Nessa, had greeted her daughter with a hug and Jeff with a knowing smirk. He briefly returned Nessa’s greeting then gave Shawna one last kiss on the cheek before escaping with his face burning like he was sunburnt. It was just too weird that Shawna’s mother knew that they had hooked up.

“We were starting to wonder where that Irish lass dragged you off to,” Mom said, which sparked some laughter from the rest.

“We were swimming in one of the other pools,” Jeff answered. “I’m gonna grab something to eat and be right back.”

He noticed Amy giving him an amused smile, but Shelly didn’t look happy at all. There was nothing he could do about it at the moment, so he went to get some pizza and a sports drink before swiping his wristband to pay for his meal. When he arrived back at the table, the only available seat was between Amy and Shelly.

He sat and ate while everyone else discussed the theme park they would be visiting the next day. Each of them had a favorite ride or attraction they wanted to visit, but getting a list they could all agree on seemed impossible. When Jeff finished his pizza, he made a suggestion.

“Why don’t we split up for part of the day? I can take Amy, Shelly, and Lori to ride our favorites in the morning, then we can meet up at lunch. That way you guys can do hit the ones we don’t really care about and then we can finish up with the ones we all like in the afternoon.”

“You don’t mind, do you?” Aunt Jackie asked with a hesitant expression.

“No,” Jeff laughed. “These three have grown on me the last couple of days.” He shot a smile at them all and nudged Shelly when she wouldn’t meet his eyes. She reluctantly looked over and scanned his face, eventually giving him a weak smile.

“Good,” Mom said with a satisfied nod. “That’s the plan.”

Shelly’s attention slipped over his shoulder and she frowned again. Jeff turned to see Shawna and Nessa approaching the table. He couldn’t stop the grin and stood to greet them.

“Hey,” he said to greet Shawna then turned to his table. “This is Shawna Sweeney and her mother, Nessa. We met them this morning while we were shopping.”

Mom stood and reached for Nessa’s hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Kim Allen, Jeff’s mother. This is my husband Will, my sister, Jackie, her husband, Bob, and their kids Amy, Shelly, and Lori. Won’t you join us?”

“Thanks,” Nessa said and pulled a chair over next to Mom. Jeff gave Shawna his seat and pulled up another for himself to sit near her.

“So you’re Jeff’s *girlfriend*,” Shelly said with a squint like she was irritated by the idea.

“Naw, we’re just mates,” Shawna said with a warm smile. “Mum and I are here on holiday, like you lot.”

Jeff watched in awe as Shawna smoothly disarmed Shelly with a series of questions about her school and gymnastics. Her warm, open nature soon won over all three girls as they discovered a common love of fashion, movies, and music. Jeff added a few comments here and there, but it was Shawna who guided their conversation.

Eventually the girls began to pepper her with a thousand questions about daily life in Ireland. Jeff was as fascinated as his cousins by Shawna’s description of how their schools and colleges worked. He envied her ability to legally drink beer in a pub and the more open social life she enjoyed living with her mother.

At the other end of the table, Nessa was doing the same thing with the adults. After a great deal of laughter, the parents announced they were retiring to the pool bar before bed. Jeff said he’d had enough of the pool for the day and wanted to hit the game room. Shawna and his cousins agreed that sounded like fun, so the group split up after agreeing on a curfew.

Shawna paced Jeff as they all walked through the lobby toward the loud room full of arcade games.

“That Shelly has it bad for you,” she whispered with amusement.

“She’s my cousin,” Jeff protested weakly.

“It don’t matter. At her age, she’s just looking for someone safe to test drive. It’s harmless, really. I was the same. I snogged my cousin, Aedan, at a family reunion the summer after my second year to see what it was like.”


“Kissing and stuff.” She glanced at Jeff with hunger in her eyes. “Like I’ve been wishing I could do to you again.”

Jeff shot her a matching look of his own. “Yeah, me too.”

She bumped shoulders. “Come on, let’s kill some zombies.”

Jeff was dragged from game to game for over an hour, spending his hard-earned vacation money to entertain them all. Shawna kicked his ass shooting zombies with shotguns. Lori made him slice up virtual fruit with her on a huge screen, but kept pushing and tickling him if he got too many points ahead. Amy raced him on motorcycles, rocking left and right around the curves and laughing when she won.

In the end he played the most with Shelly. Her games were physical rather than virtual, like the basketball hoops, golf driver, and skeeball. By their curfew, Shelly was back to her old, happy self and Jeff let out a sigh of relief.

They all walked Shawna back to her room, laughing and playing around the paths on the way there. Jeff loved the way Shawna seemed to fit right in, giving him a hard time right along with his cousins. They explored the area around the bowling pin shaped pool when they passed. Shawna grabbed him when his cousins weren’t looking and pulled him behind a palm tree for some *snogging* that reved Jeff up again despite his busy day.

“I wish we could spend the night together,” Shawna breathed into his neck. “But I’d be too sore to walk the park tomorrow.”

Jeff chuckled as he traced his fingers around her bare shoulders. “Might be worth it anyway.”

“True,” she said and looked up to caress his cheek in the moonlight. “Best take your charges back to your room before our parents sober up and come looking for us.”

Jeff placed another deep kiss on her lips before pushing off the tree at his back and walking her to her door. “Sweet dreams.”

“With the way my sheets smell of you? I’ll be soggy without any dreams at all.”

One last kiss and she slipped through the door. Jeff sighed and turned back to the pool area. “Come on,” he called out to his cousins. “Let’s head back before we’re late.”

Lori ran ahead on the path back to their building, singing something from that winter princess movie. Amy took his right hand which had Shelly taking his left as soon as she noticed..

“Shawna’s nice,” Amy said and looked over at Jeff.

“Yeah, she’s a lot of fun.”

“More fun than Christina?” Amy asked with a laugh in her tone.

“No, just different,” Jeff said with a sad smile. “I still miss Christina. It’s like we had an instant connection. I don’t really feel that with Shawna. Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s awesome, but with her it’s…” He paused in thought for a moment. “Lighter, maybe? I don’t know. I’m gonna stay in touch with Christina, but I can’t really see Shawna being interested in doing that.”

Shelly squeezed Jeff’s hand and he turned to her. “This is complicated stuff, huh?”

“Yeah,” Shelly sighed. “I always thought if you liked someone, you just *liked* them. I can see what you mean though. You can like different people in different ways at the same time.”

“Exactly,” Jeff said. “I remember my first girlfriend. I thought she was so perfect. I had all these crazy fantasies about how we’d get married someday. I think we were eight or something.” Jeff laughed at his own naivety. “A week later she was hanging all over this other guy on the team. It felt like someone punched me in the guts.”

Shelly nodded to herself.

Amy gave him an odd look and then glanced past him to Shelly. “When you like someone it can feel overwhelming. I loved when Mario paid attention to me, but he really wasn’t very nice. I should have thought about it more before I did things with him.”

“I still can’t believe you jerked him off,” Shelly muttered, then shot a worried glance at Jeff.

“Don’t worry, Jeff knows,” Amy said and squeezed Jeff’s hand.

They arrived at the elevator where Lori was punching the call button over and over in time with the song she was singing. Jeff let go of their hands and put his arms around their shoulders. Then he pulled both girls into his sides for a group hug and kissed them on the tops of their heads.

“Thanks for explaining things,” Shelly said to both of them.

“Anytime,” Jeff said as he released them both. Amy gave him a knowing smile and nodded at him.

When they got back to the room, Jeff stripped down to his boxers and an undershirt before stuffing his dirty clothes in a bag in the closet. Then he grabbed his phone and dropped into bed. Shelly got some night clothes and went to shower. Lori grabbed the remote and was flipping through the channels at light speed.

When Amy settled next to him onto his bed, he smiled at her. “You doin’ okay?”

“Yeah,” she said with a smile in return. “A little sore, but *very* satisfied.”

Jeff smirked. “Good.”

“So you finally noticed how bad Shelly was crushing on you?”

“Yeah,” he said and pushed away the guilt he felt. “Thanks for helping explain things to her.”

“She wants to sleep with you again tonight,” Amy said and raised her eyebrows as if asking what he thought of the idea.

“Fine with me,” he said, but he immediately recalled how her warm body had curled into his. He hated the idea of making things more confusing for her, but she still fascinated him.

“Be careful,” Amy said deliberately and held his eyes.

“I’d never hurt her.”

“I know,” Amy said and leaned in to give him a soft kiss, her body blocking Lori from seeing. He searched her beautiful face as she pulled back. “I trust you.”

The bathroom door flew open and Shelly emerged wearing a long, silky night shirt. Jeff chuckled when she just tossed her dirty clothes in the general direction of the suitcases.

“Your turn,” she sang at Amy.

Jeff whispered to Amy. “I’m timing you.”

She grinned back. “Too sore for that.”

Jeff had just settled back against the pillows to read on his phone when Shelly pulled back the covers and climbed in next to him.

“Whatcha readin’?” she asked.

He glanced around to be funny before leaning in to whisper, “Sexy stories.”

“Ooo,” Shelly grinned. “Can I read along?”

“Sure,” he said and moved closer so they could both see the screen. “This one is called *The Summer I Grew Up* and is about Stephanie Larson hooking up with her older brother’s best friend and some other people.”

Jeff read faster, so he let Shelly flip the pages as they worked their way through the first chapter. She was quiet and focused on the story, clearly caught up with the detailed descriptions of the teen girl’s first orgasm.

Amy came out about halfway through the chapter and smiled at them sharing the phone. Jeff noticed she was wearing the shirt he’d put in the dirty clothes. He raised his eyebrows when she gathered a double handful of the shirt and took a deep breath of it before turning off the lights.

“Move over, Lori,” she said and tucked herself into bed.

Jeff returned his attention to the bright screen. When he finished the page, he watch Shelly as she read. Her cheeks got pink on the good parts and by the end of the second chapter she was shifting around like she had an itch.

“Is it really that good?” she whispered to Jeff after glancing that Lori and Amy were occupied with a show on the television.

“What?” he whispered back.

“When he used… his mouth… down there?” She went past pink and well into red before she finished asking.

He nodded. “It’s *really* good.”

That news made Shelly bite her lip before returning to the story. She read a while more before asking. “Do guys really shoot off like that from rubbing?” she asked in a whisper.

“Yeah, it’s pretty accurate.”

Between the story and Shelly’s questions, Jeff found himself uncomfortably aroused. He reached into his boxers to adjust himself.

Shelly looked at him with a shocked expression. “What are you doing?”

“Sometimes when it grows, it pulls my hairs,” he whispered. “Hurts like hell.”

“Oh my God,” Shelly whispered to herself and returned to the book.

They continued to read until their parents returned from the bar with quiet laughter and murmuring words. A few minutes later the lights went out in their room as well. Jeff noticed someone over there closed the door between their rooms very quietly.

Amy turned off the television a few minutes later. “Lori’s out,” she whispered and then giggled softly. “G’night you two. Don’t have too much fun.”

“Ha ha,” Shelly whispered back without humor.

Jeff powered down his phone and reached over to the nightstand to plug it in to charge. When he rolled back, Shelly snuggled up to rub her face against his chest. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her hair.

Just as he was drifting off to sleep he heard a faint rhythmic squeaking. He looked over at the other bed, but Amy and Lori were unmoving and apparently asleep. Shelly stirred in his arms.

“What’s that noise,” she whispered.

That was the moment when Jeff realized where the sound was coming from. *Their parent’s room.* “Oh no,” he sighed and chuckled silently.

“What?” she asked again, whispering in his ear. Her breath made him shiver.

“Someone is having sex next door,” he whispered in her ear, using more air that was strictly necessary.

Shelly giggled. “Oh my God! Who do you think it is?”

“I don’t even want to imagine.”

“Wait, that means whoever is having sex is right next to…” She paused and sucked in a breath.

“It’s not that different from you moving my hand over your panties last night.”

“We were quiet,” Shelly insisted and then laughed quietly. “They are less than ten feet from us having sex right now. I can’t *even*.”

“How do you think you got here? Once upon a time your dad had an orgasm and filled your mom up. Then one little sperm cell—”

“Stop it,” Shelly giggled.

A low groan sounded followed by a long, wet fart. Jeff had to cover his mouth and hold his breath to keep from howling in laughter. Shelly clutched desperately at his shirt and sputtered into his chest.

“That was definitely Uncle Bob,” Jeff pronounced in her ear and she shook from stifled laughter.

“Holy crap,” she moaned.

“Yup, you might have a little brother or sister on the way.”

She smacked him in the arm while still chuckling. “Stop it, it’s not funny.”

“Then why are you laughing?”

It was dim, but their eyes had adjusted to the dark. They stared at each other in a moment of mutual embarrassment, then Shelly lifted her smiling lips to his. Jeff kissed his cousin tenderly, then broke it to kiss her upper lip alone, then her lower lip. He barely noticed the braces on her teeth until he tickled his tongue between her lips. She sighed and clutched his undershirt tighter in her fists to draw him back deeper.

Her tongue touched the crease in his lips, as if knocking politely. Jeff sucked the tip in and released her to explore. The minty taste of her tongue was arousing, but the way she slipped it along his teeth and teased at the corners of his mouth drove him crazy.

He rolled her backwards while they kissed. With his body half on top of her, he cupped the tender peaks of her breasts with his palm. Shelly pushed into his hand without letting his mouth go.

The erotic story had gotten them both hot, but now Jeff was boiling. He ran his hand from her breast to her hip, slowly tracing the curves of her stomach and mons. No panties? He ran his fingers down to the edge of her nightshirt and tickled it back up her thighs. His fingers discovered her wet heat at the joining of her thighs.

“Oh,” she moaned softly into his mouth.

Her skin was silky soft and the hair covering her slit was soaked and slippery. She moved her leg over to give him room to explore. The scent of her arousal bloomed and teased his senses. He kept kissing her, mirroring the motions of his tongue above and his fingers below.

Pushing against his hand, Shelly kept her fists tightly gripping his shirt. The way she arched into his touch made him want to taste her. He could tell she would be incredibly responsive, but they needed more privacy and time to enjoy it.

She was so wet for him that he chanced slipping his middle finger inside her. He was careful and patient, but he eventually managed to fit his fingertip inside her. Holding her breath, she pushed her hips down and whined low in her throat. Keeping pressure on her clit with his palm, he worked his finger deeper into her hot center.

She shuddered and the ring of muscles inside her squeezed tight enough to slow him. He backed out a little to give her time to adjust while rocking his hand against her mons. When he slipped in again, she opened her mouth against his neck long enough to bite down on his skin. Ignoring the pain, he made circular motions with his finger, easing deeper a bit at a time.

Now she sucked hard against his neck as she bit down, her breath hissing through her nose. He kept rocking his palm against her, circling the pad of his finger against her inner walls. Shaking like she was freezing, Shelly made little whimpering sounds against his neck. Her legs moved constantly, flexing and bucking to raise her hips into his hand.

She froze then. Her body tensing to stillness. Around his finger, those inner muscles quivered then began to pulse. The first few squeezes were fast and strong, then Shelly strained hard as her orgasm tore her apart. She blew out her long held breath against Jeff’s neck and gasped for air.

That was the moment when her tiny *poot* escaped.

Jeff tried not to laugh. She was clearly having a fantastic orgasm and he didn’t want to ruin it, but it was impossible. His giggle triggered hers. The two of them pressed their faces into each other’s necks to keep from making noise. Shelly couldn’t catch her breath. She just kept shaking and gasping.

Jeff pulled a pillow over to cover their heads and keep their laughter from waking everyone. He would slow, then Shelly would start to giggle again. She would finally wind down and Jeff would chuckle silently. They made a crazy feedback loop until, eventually, they stilled.

Jeff pushed the pillow off and smiled down at his pretty cousin. She had an embarrassed, but gleeful expression on her face.

“Well, he *is* my dad,” she whispered at last and Jeff bit his lips to keep from starting up again.

“Yeah,” he breathed. At some point he’d withdrawn his finger from her and now caressed her hair with his hand. “That was still awesome.”

She grinned openly and rolled her eyes, throwing off the embarrassment with a shake of her head. “Yeah, that was *really* awesome. Thanks for helping me figure stuff out.”

“Anytime,” Jeff said and kissed her once more before relaxing into the pillows next to her.

She pulled the covers up before rolling over to snuggle her back against him. He wrapped her close and pressed his face into her hair. After a few heartbeats, she faded to sleep and he joined her moments later.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/82t9t6/mforal_sucky_vacation_6

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