[F4M] Hunted

*Just Breathe.* I will my body to do the simplest of actions. *Breathe.*

I close my eyes as I lean against the rough skin of an old tree. I grip the bark under my palms to keep me centered. I pull in a deep breath and hold it for a few heartbeats before releasing it. I open my eyes and search the darkness around me. The moon offered little light, yet much ambience to this eve. *A hunter’s moon.* I shiver and take in a shuddering breath. There was a hunt taking place alright.

It wasn’t intentional, my idea for a midnight stroll was completely innocent. Sleepless and hot from being bundled up, I decided a nice walk in the cool night air would calm me and cool my body into relaxing. I’d walked these woods many a time, I wasn’t afraid of them. I walked for about fifteen minutes before I felt the air change. I walked slower trying to decipher what it is that has shifted the balance in this place. I could still hear the crickets and small creatures scurrying through the felled foliage. And then, I heard the deafening sound of a branch snap under the tread of something heavy. I looked in that direction quickly.

I search the blackness. I can’t see a thing other than the rough outline of trees. I can’t see anything, yet I know something is there. I hold the air in my lungs as I spy a tree that oddly resembles the size and shape of a mortal man’s frame. I can’t see them, but I know that frame has eyes. And a toothy grin. I instantly feel myself lower on the food chain. This is a predator staring me down and I’ve now become the prey. My skin breaks out into gooseflesh as I let go of the breath I had been holding with an audible gasp. The shadow shifts and on instinct I turn quickly to run.

My feet consume the ground beneath them as I dart into the trees stretching before me the opposite direction of my would-be hunter. I hear his heavy calculated tromps falling behind me. I know he can’t possible be this close, but I swear I can feel his hot breath showering my neck. My lungs are burning, and I chance a glance behind me. I see his shape, large and domineering; he is not as far behind as I would have liked. I feel my heart thunder as I continue the chase deeper into the woods. *I need to find somewhere to hide, he’s going to catch me.* I scan the barely illuminated scenery. I feel a bead of sweat descend between the swell of my breasts. *THERE!!* I see a small opening through two juniper bushes; he’ll either have to tear through them or back track and go around. I slip through and feel the sting of skinned flesh upon my shoulder. I grunt but push through. The hair on my skin prickles when I hear a beastly snarl and the struggle of branches. I gasp, but don’t dare stop. My lungs are on fire and I’m huffing unable to truly catch my breath.

I hear the bushes giving way as I maintain my escape. *It’s not enough, I won’t make it.* I examine the wild spread before me. There is a large tree, but it seems too obvious. I settle on a medium one that I know will still hide my frame well. I slink behind the body of the tree and press myself up tight against it. I fight every urge to peak around the pillar at my back to see if the beast has torn free and stalks me still. *What made this a clever idea, again?* I reel my thoughts on why I decided to leave the safety of my tent.

After a day full of activity and laughs, I should have settled right into sleep. It’s not as if we hadn’t been camping a sizable number of times, I loved it. In fact, this was one of the bigger trips we took yearly. It was a way to get old friends together and break away from the daily grind. The trip was nearly over, I was sad for that; however, this trip had been torture thus far. The last several days I had found even the simplest actions and words affecting me. I went to sleep and woke up with an empty ache between my legs. I walked around amongst friends in a state of almost constant arousal. I needed to be fucked. I needed to feel the rigid steel of a man piercing my needy cunt and hosing down my insides with his seed. I was slicker than my usual, I was always *ready*. I knew it could only mean one thing. I was ovulating. I had at least one egg waiting in my womb and my body was telling me not to let it go to waste.

*But how could I not?* I can’t exactly spend our reunion camping trip being screwed from dusk til dawn. There would be other eggs. There would be more sex. There would always be more cum to fill me. But *damnn…. I needed to be bred.* The instinct was so great, how could it not catch the attention of the moon, these woods… *of my hunter*. The woods quiet around me and my thoughts shatter into nothingness. It’s as if I’ve summoned the primordial male instincts of my predator by purely remembering how badly I want to fuck. Instantly, my panties flood at the thought of this wild man pillaging my hot folds and claiming my womb for his progeny.
I know I shouldn’t, but I shift as quietly as possible and place my palms against the rough bark for leverage. The same bark which patterns my back in little indentions and lifted patches. I chance a small peep around the trunk. Everything is quiet, and nothing is moving. I only hear my heart thundering in my chest. I think I heard something shift, I lean forward a little more craning my neck. I feel a cool dark shadow encompass my body. I gasp.

“Looking for me?”

He exhales his curt statement and his voice oozes with victorious control. I feel my twat clench tightly seeking out the male proportion of the body behind me. Before I can turn, he steps closer. He places his hands atop mine on the bark of the tree and pushes his body flush to my own. I feel him hard and large at my rear. I pull in a shuddering breath. I can’t mask my excitement, can’t ignore the electricity in the air around us. I can smell his natural scent and the fine mist of moisture from his breath when he leans in close to speak in my ear. He starts by chuckling slightly. *Darkly*.

“Doesn’t matter. I’ve found you. And you won’t get away this time.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/82u8q1/f4m_hunted


  1. That was great. I love sex, true, but instinctual and primal urges make it seem so imminent and overwhelming. It ended, but that merely made my mind wander. What happened to our couple?

  2. The background you gave. The emotional context. And then going into the hunt. Umph…

    I was SO READY for him to impregnate you.. and not even one of my personal kinks!

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