Slave Maker Chapter 1 (M/f, non-con, abduction, anal, oral, torture, humiliation)

He gazed at the screen while the algorithm worked its technological magic. Faces and words flittered past, leaving a brief and fleeting impression on possible candidates. After the search was finished, too many results remained, so he entered further parameters that needed to be met.

“Alright…decrease the age from 35 to 30, take in the weight a bit, increase cup size. Try that.” Again, the program searched through the list, further refining possible choices. A few moments passed, and three faces appeared on the screen, complete with personal and intimate details. Height, weight, measurements, age, known languages, estimated income, family history, education, it was all there.

“Hmmm…I think not. Too much family, do not want her to be missed. How about you…possibly, possibly. And now for number three. Oh, that is interesting.” He clicked on the third face, probing deeper into the details of the result. “Akiko Tanaka. Orphaned at an early age, bounced around between foster homes, no known relatives, average student. Only 4’11” and 104 pounds, what a little thing. 21 years old, working a dead-end job as a fast food server. She even speaks English. Yes, you will do quite nicely.” He perused the available pictures, trying to picture her naked and thinking of how she might be in person. “Lovely tits as well, 30 D is definitely a find.” A few seconds passed, and a smirk slowly crossed his face as he stared at a picture of her in a skimpy bikini. “And I see a few modifications have been made. Excellent.”

Less than an hour later, the plan was already in motion. Her resume was easy enough to find, and after some searching he found her large collection of drawings. Accomodations were obviously not an issue and the plane ticket had cost less than anticipated (not that money was a concern). She’d have to be daft not to jump at an opportunity like this, even if it wasn’t a sure thing for her. “You and I are going to have lots of fun together,” he said with a menacing grin. “Lots and *lots* of fun.”


Akiko waited while the plane taxied at the airport, checking her phone nervously. They had paid for her plane ticket from Japan, and business class nonetheless! Akiko had only been on a plane once, and that was in the very cramped coach seating. She wondered how long it would be before they got rid of the seats alltogether and just had people stand back there. Stretching her legs and thoroughly enjoying the space, she remembered the wonderful meal they had served in-flight. Chicken teriyaki with steamed vegetables, a ceasar salad on the side, and a delicious fudge brownie for desert. She couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten so well, with her paltry income barely covering the rent.
Still no messages beyond the first. Surely there’d be something, them wanting her to check in to a hotel, or at least let them know she had landed on time? She didn’t have enough money to stay more than a night or two here, and that would mean skipping some meals. “I really hope they have something planned for me” she whispered under her breath. If only she knew.


The driver stood patiently, holding the laminated card stock sign with “Miss Akiko Tanaka” printed in a large, elegant, but easily read font. He watched the passengers collect their baggage with mild interest until he saw a young woman slowly approaching him. He took the time to admire her outfit – a slim black dress draping down to just above her knees with a modest dip showing a hint of cleavage, a golden bracelet that was clearly older than she was, her long hair braided down her back, and high heels.”You must be Akiko” he said with a polite smile, picking up her rolling suitcase with ease despite its weight. She stared at him, impressed with how easily he picked up the suitcase when she struggled to lift it off the baggage claim belt. “Yes, that’s me. Are you here to take me to the interview?” she said in a nervous voice. “Well, sort of. You see, the interview has been delayed until this evening, so you have been invited to stay at the owner’s house.” Her face lit up and a visible wave of relief washed over her. “Really? Wow, that’s great!”
He carried her luggage out of the terminal and into the parking structure, walking at a slow pace so she could keep up. Her gait was awkward, hesitant. “First time in heels?” he asked while opening the trunk to the two-door sedan. “No, it’s just been ages. Is it really that obvious?” she asked with an embarrased smile. “Not at all. I just have a careful eye for details. Please, get in miss.” He opened the door for her and placed his hand in the small of her back, gently but firmly guiding her to her seat. “Thank you, you’re so polite” she said, lingering a bit to smile at the kind stranger. He’s more handsome than I first noticed, she thought to herself. switching his gaze to her breasts while she moved to get her braid from her back. “Yes, I’ve been braiding my hair ever since I can remember. Do you really like it, or are you just saying that to get a bigger tip?” she teased with a smile. “Oh, no tip necessary miss. I am merely remarking on obvious beauty. Speaking of, do you mind if I ask where you got that bracelet?” he asked, gesturing to the gold bangle adoring her wrist. “Oh, this? It’s the only thing I have that belonged to my parents. They died in a car crash when I was little, and through the years I’ve lost everything to one foster home or another. This bracelet has only stayed with me because I never take it off.” She looked at the bracelet for some time, clearly lost in memories.

“Sorry to hear about your parents. That must have been tough growing up with no family.” He closed the door and got into the driver’s seat next to her. “It was, but I have a few fond memories. At least I’m here now, right?” she queried with a forced positive inflection. “Yes, that’s the important thing. Tell me, are you nervous about the interview? You can trust me with a secret” he said with a wink. “You kidding? I have barely slept since I got the invitation! Really, I didn’t know my drawings were very popular, especially over here. Japanese culture can be hard for outsiders to fully appreciate, and my drawing style isn’t the greatest. I’m very excited as well of course! Even if I don’t get the endorsement for my art, I’m happy just to be acknowledged.” He started the engine and looked at her. “If your artwork is half as beautiful as you are, I am certain there is nothing to worry aobut.” Her cheeks went red at the compliment and she glanced away shyly.

“I still think you are paying me all these compliments just to get a bigger tip” she quipped while slowly looking at him. He must have huge muscles under that suit, I can see his biceps through his jacket! I bet he has a six pack too. He noticed her gaze ligering on him and smiled at her politely. “Like I said, no tip necessary. Your company is more than sufficient.” She saw him staring into her eyes and looked away again, uncomfortable with the amount of attention but thoroughly enjoying it all the same. “Well, maybe I’ll talk to the owner and let him know what a wonderful job you are doing here.”


The drive was long, and the music was soft and lulling. She soon reclined her seat and drifted off to sleep, thankful for the reprieve. When they arrived at their destination, he parked and took several minutes to admire her lovely figure. Eventually he placed a hand on her upper thigh and gently shook her awake. “We’re here, miss. Time to wake up.” She sighed gently and slowly opened her eyes, feeling well-rested. She absentmindedly placed her hand on his before she realized he was touching her, and smiled at him sleepily. She let her hand linger for a moment before he slowly slid his away. “Thanks for letting me sleep, I really needed that.” He got out and opened the door for her before collecting her bag from the trunk. “Go on up the steps, please. I have unlocked the house remotely.”

She walked toward the large structure, wondering how someone could live in such a large dwelling. There must be a hundred rooms or more, she thought. Three stories, and no neighbors in sight. Trees everywhere, and who knows how many staff members he has employed? Hell, even if I don’t get the job this is going to be fantastic! She reached the large oak door and noticed the screen embedded in the wall. Fancy, digital security and everything.

As she opened the door he had his eyes fixed on her backside, taking the first chance to enjoy the sight of her lovely little ass.

When she entered the mansion she couldn’t help but gasp. Everywhere she looked, the residence gleamed. Shiny floors, polished fixtures, expensive furniture, and large paintings were all over. She had never been anywhere nearly as refined. “Where is everyone?” she asked, still in awe at her surroundings. “It’s just us right now. The owner will be back later this evening. Please, come to the dining room and get something to drink. I bet you are thirsty.” She followed him into another room with the largest table she had ever seen. “I thought this kind of place only existed in fairy tails” she whispered, more to herself than him. “Have a seat, I will be right back. I hope tea is alright.” He quickly disappeared into another door.

She picked up a fork and thought it must be real silver.
Quality down to the last detail. While she was admiring the large chandelier, he returned with two glasses of tea. “Sugar?” he asked while setting hers in front of her deftly. “No thank you.” He sat next to her, pulling the chair close to her. “I hope you do not mind if I have a drink with you” he said, not waiting for an answer before taking a swig of the tea. “Actually I’m glad for the company. Thank you for being so comforting to me, I’m glad it was you that drove me.” She took a drink of the tea, noting a blend of herbs and a few spices that she had never tasted before. “This is delicious! What’s in it?” He smiled at her and replied “Oh, just what needs to be in it. Do not worry, there is no peanut oil.” She stopped, mid-drink. “What did you say?” she asked, setting down the now empty glass. “I said there is no peanut oil. You do not need to worry about your allergies.” She looked back at him, shocked. “How….how did you know I’m allergic to peanuts?” He stared at her, a bemused expression slowly filling his face. “Oh, drat. So close to the finish without any blunders, and I let something like that slip. Silly me. Still, it will not matter.”

“Who ARE you?” she looked like she was panicking, but she hardly moved at all. Her head began to slump towards the table, and she drifted off to sleep. “Do not worry who I am, little pet. You will soon know me as your new owner. Sweet dreams.” His mind raced with what was to come. “Lots and *lots* of fun.”
