High-end Customer Service Part 1 [MF][BDSM][human trafficking][anal][oral][rough]

Disclaimer: This is not how BDSM is supposed to work. The keys to BDSM are consent and safety. Human trafficking is also very bad. But it’s all fantasy here, and these are supposed to be the bad guys in a longer work.

Feedback and criticism is welcome.

Markus Fleisscher toyed idly with the thin loop of leather he held in his loose grip. The chain connected to it dangled gracefully toward where it lightly scraped the floor, making a rhythmic *skritch* *sxratch* sound against the elegantly stained hardwood floor in time to the efforts of the equally elegant, statuesque redhead bobbing between his legs about whose neck was clasped the collar attached to the other end of the chain. The woman’s proportions were exquisite, her skin flawless porcelain, her face delicate perfection, her submission complete. Natasha had been an expensive investment, theoretically at least, but he considered her to be worth every single cent he had missed out on by not selling her. And that would have been an exorbitant sum, in the tens of millions of dollars.

He grabbed the leash just below where it attached to the collar and forcefully pulled down. The woman compliantly took more of him in her mouth until her lips were wrapped around his base. Fleisscher made his intentions known by holding the leash in place. He didn’t need to exert any pressure, simply holding it there was enough. Natasha was too well trained for that. She worked her tongue on him and repeatedly swallowed, his large cock held snugly in her throat and receiving the benefit of her ministrations. This was accompanied with small gagging noises that were wholly unnecessary, but that she knew he liked to hear.

Fleisscher returned his attention to the business at hand. “The senior class appears to be on track for their graduation. We’ll be starting orders soon, so meetings and trials will need to be scheduled for them. I’ve heard that the juniors are all working out, but that we’ve got a couple issues with the sophomores. Is that true?” he asked, looking pointedly at a fit man with a greying goatee.

The man in question nodded and responded, paying no apparent notice to what was occurring during the conversation. “Yeah, that’s about right. We’ve got a couple discipline issues among the sophomores, but I don’t think it’s anything we can’t handle the usual ways.”

“What kind of discipline problems are we talking about Conrad?”

“A bit of willfulness, mostly. Refusal to follow instructions, small rebellions against dress code. Like I said, nothing we can’t put a stop to, but it *will* need to be stamped out now or it could be costly.”

“I see. I’ll leave you to it. That’s definitely your area of expertise. How are the freshmen coming along?”

Conrad flashed a wicked grin, “Quite well, if I do say so myself. We’ve got a couple of born cocksuckers in that class, and I say that from experience. I think the faculty will be very enthusiastic to work with those girls as they progress.”

Fleisscher gave a satisfied nod and reached down to grab a fistful of Natasha’s hair, guiding her to start moving a couple inches up and down, never letting him leave her throat. “Excellent, sounds like things are well in hand. I’m expecting we’ll be getting an influx in orders over the next few years as some of our initial deliveries start to age out of the system. Curtis, have you run the numbers on that buyback program I floated to you a few weeks ago?”

The man in question, short, bald, with slightly darkened round glasses, shrugged. “I think it could be a good system if we do it right. Offer a percentage of the original purchase price, no more than half, prorated based on the age and time in service, and then contract to a high end brothel or escort service? On lower end product we could probably make back the money in a reasonable time frame, and on high end girls it could be a loss leader to incentivize purchases, and especially repeat customers. We definitely run the highest prices in the industry, but it’s a prestige good like a Rolex, so past a certain point higher prices increase demand.”

“Thank you for the economics lesson. Let’s test the program with some select clients and see how it goes over. Now, Melissa, how have recruitment and summer camp been operating this quarter?”

A beautiful middle aged woman smiled widely at him, its warmth not reaching her eyes. “Recruitment is proceeding well. We’ve noticed an uptick in requests for eastern Asians, so we’ve expanded operations in China. As usual, we’re getting good results from Eastern Europe,” at this she gestured to where Natasha was still going strong. “As you can obviously see. We’ve been toying with the idea of opening a dedicated African recruitment arm, but we’re not sure about the cost benefit analysis on it. Curtis has yet to get back to me on that one. We don’t get many requests for African girls, but when we do it’s not really feasible to continue asking our European crew to cover another continent entirely. We could try sourcing black girls from other locations, but it tends to be harder to get them from France, the UK, America and other highly developed areas. Summer camp is also in good shape. Most of these girls are used to harder work than what we’re putting them through, so we don’t get many complaints. And they jump at the chance for an education, so they work hard at their schoolwork as well.”

“Curtis, get that analysis on Melissa’s desk by the end of the week. And I’d like a copy, along with a competitor analysis on African operations. I’d like to see what Howard and company are up to over there. Any body have anything else for the quarterly check in?”

Nobody else in the room seemed inclined to bring anything else up, so Fleisscher dismissed them with a wave of his hand, turning his full attention to Natasha. He used the leash to roughly pull her mouth off his dick and then slapped her full force in the face, sending her sprawling toward his desk, the spit and drool worked up by her blowjob smearing across her face and causing her makeup to start to run. He yanked her back toward him, the chain pulling taut and the collar constricting around her. Grabbing her by the throat and dragging her over to his desk, Fleisscher tossed the girl onto the mercifully clean, expensive, all-wood piece and made his way to where her head hung off the side, keeping the leash pulled tight all the while.

“You know I have to concentrate and pay attention during these meetings, bitch, so what was the big idea?” he growled.

“I’m sorry, sir, but…” Natasha managed, her faint Slavic accent betraying her Ukrainian heritage, before Fleisscher wrapped the leash around her wrists twice, binding them together before jamming his cock into her mouth once more. He violently fucked her face and pulled her deeper onto himself with every thrust by pulling up painfully on the chain now around her wrists. The gagging sounds were no longer feigned and she moaned in time with the steady thunk of the back of her head slamming into the desk. He hunched over to get a better angle at her throat and reached out with his free hand to aggressively fondle a tit that had bounced out of her mostly open blouse.

“This is what fucking sluts like you deserve, isn’t it? All you wanted was to have my cock in your throat, right?” He slid his hand from her breast and tightened it around her throat, squeezing hard enough that his hand grew red from the effort. Natasha’s pained moans turned to frightened squeals as he continued to roughly assault her throat with both his hand and his dick. Finally he relented, pulling himself out of her mouth as abruptly as he’d entered it and spinning her around, stopping her by her stockinged leg. Fleisscher unrelentingly jerked her ass off the desk and flipped her over onto her stomach, her heels clicking as they made contact with the ground. He flipped her far too short skirt up, and in one smooth motion lined himself up and slid his cock into her asshole, causing her to shout and strain against his hand pressing down between her shoulder blades.

“You’re too much of a slut for me to want to fuck your pussy. You don’t deserve the easy way out of this, anyway. If you want to come, it’ll have to be from having my dick splitting your ass open.” Fleisscher picked up a rhythm of slowly pulling out almost all the way and then roughly shoving himself back into her. He grabbed the chain right at the collar with one hand and a handful of hair with the other and used those handholds to power his hard thrusts forward.

Natasha grunted in time to his rhythm, quickly adjusting to the familiar feeling of his cock in her ass. She could feel the beginnings of bruises forming on her legs where they were being slammed into the desk, and she took pleasure in the pain being inflicted upon her. The sensations soon piled up as they always did and she found herself begging, as she always did.

“Sir, can I please come? I need to come, you feel so good inside my ass,” she moaned like a whore in heat.

“You’re going to come from me raping your ass?” Fleisscher seized the opportunity. He pulled Natasha into a standing position by her hair and quickly unwound the chain from her wrists, which were red and raw from the friction. He dropped the leash between her legs and grabbed the leather loop, maintaining his rhythm the entire time. Nestling the links snugly against her clit, he pulled the chain up and began rubbing it against her while pulling her hair down until he could hold both with the same hand. He slowly moved his left hand up and down, pulling the leash along her clit and forcing her back to arch savagely. He brought his right hand up and started mercilessly slapping Natasha’s exquisite tits, building his tempo and slamming into her sore asshole harder and harder.

“Are you going to be able to come from ***that**, bitch?” he taunted. She shrieked and started wriggling against him in response.

“I’m coming, Sir, I’m coming!” came the breathless reply.

At her exclamation, Fleisscher shoved Natasha to her knees, shoved himself back in her mouth, and ran the leash through both arms of his heavy office chair. He pulled hard on the leash and used it to hold her head still, choking her with the collar. He pinched her nose shut and aggressively fucked her face for another minute before climaxing. Half his semen filled her mouth and throat and he pulled out to let the other half liberally coat her face and exposed tits.

Looking down at her with a critical eye, noting her smeared makeup and the glaze she was sporting, he thought about how it was incredible that she could get off to that kind of treatment. He was lucky to have had his people pick her up in recruitment a few years ago.

“Take that shirt off, and the skirt too. No time to clean up. I’ve got a meeting with sophomore faculty in ten minutes and I need you to take notes,” he instructed, and Natasha hurried to obey.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/828dvc/highend_customer_service_part_1_mfbdsmhuman