[Fiction] [M] Underage Belinda.

It started about 3 years ago, me and Alice used to go down to the beach every weekend. Occasionally Alice used to invite some friends over to join us, and i would do the same, but that was more her domain.

Going to the beach was probably my favourite time of the weekend because I got to spend time with her and time outdoors. Alice and I have a complicated relationship, not in the sense that there is tension, but she is very much into a less physical relationship where as i thrive on love, affection and physical interaction. She had these boundaries, some that I could cope with and some not. She was not fond of affection in front of people, but when we were alone, she would cuddle and maybe a kiss here and there, but nothing more than that.

Alice to say the least was a very pretty girl, she had long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and she had this look to her as though she was always glowing, i would say i fell in love with her at first site, but it wasn’t true, i find it hard to trust people, my past is not a light one and i find it difficult to believe in love.

This weekend that had just passes, we went down to the beach and had a few laughs, went for a swim, the usual. She was adamant on going to her friends house for a party. I detested these things, Alice would get terribly drunk and I would be the one to look after her. The evening of the party we went through to her friends place, her name was Belinda and we didn’t exactly get along, especially as much as I think Alice would like, but we could manage in each others company.

Before the evening could start Alice was already on to her 3rd shot of tequila, what it was about that horrid substance she enjoyed I could never understand. Belinda had this massive house, her parents had been gone since the beginning of the week and she decided to host a party. Alice had only just turned twenty and why she was friends with Belinda who was only 16 I honestly couldn’t figure out why, but I never questioned her on it, and gladly am supportive.

Me being 2 years older than Alice put her dad on edge, but mostly he was okay with it since i was “responsible” and a gentleman. I never thought of myself as responsible, I mean I cant even remember to feed the dogs most nights, and Alice or my mother has to remind me, but nevertheless, he allowed sleepovers.

Alice got quite drunk at the party and as usual she ended up sleeping in the guest room. I didn’t know anyone there apart from Belinda, and I wasn’t keen to keep myself entertained in her company.

At this stage of the evening, Belinda was also pretty wasted, I don’t really approve of the underage drinking, but its not my party, so I tried not to let it bother me. As much as Belinda and I have our differences, she always seemed to have some sort of crush on me. She was acting sexy and trying to get my attention, but that is always how she was when she got even remotely intoxicated.

I went up stairs to check on Alice, she was fast asleep and she gets grumpy when she is disturbed, especially while under the influence. I shut the door only to find Belinda in front of me. I got a slight fright, being angry at myself for flinching a bit. Belinda laughed at my jolt and I felt embarrassed, but her laugh caught my attention. Suddenly i found this warmth inside me and this curiosity leaping across my brain. I wasn’t thinking of her laugh i was thinking of Belinda, naked.

I shrugged off the idea in my mind and gave an agitated voice asking her what she was doing sneaking up on me for. She iterated that she wanted to get Alice a gift for he up coming birthday and asked me if I would please tell her if what she had bought would be good enough as a birthday gift. Hesitantly I said sure, i was agitated and intrigued at the same time.

Alice grabbed my hand directing me to her bedroom, I was reluctant at first, but I decided to go inside because Belinda genuinely looked concerned about this gift. Belinda always wore reveling outfits and this night was no different, although I found myself enjoying her slick body, her tanned skin and her tight bum. I tried to hurry this up asking what she needed me for. “I bought this for Alice, and I was wondering if she would like it”, I was confused as there was nothing where she was gesturing. I asked her what she is talking about and within a second, her skirt was pulled down around her thighs, revealing a pink Lacey thong.

I was shocked to say the least and turned around to stop my mind from enjoying the images. She spoke up, “I thought maybe because i was buying this for Alice, that you might enjoy it too, and I wanted to see if you would like them on me”. “Fuck Belinda, are you trying to get me into trouble?”, I asserted as I felt a bulge in my underwear. She giggled, smiled and bit her lip as she shy’d away slowly gliding her hands down her hips to her thong lining.

She looked at me with here gorgeous blue eyes, staring into the person I had wished I was not enacting. I broke, instead of leaving I stared, and told her they were sexy and that I thought they looked great on her. “Do you want to feel them?”, she said as she walked closer. I wanted to say no but my hand reached out. I felt the soft Lace on the back which perfectly molded her ass. She was beautiful and I could not understand my attraction considering our history.

I placed my other hand on her hips and pulled her closer, staring deeply into her eyes where for more than a few seconds I had gotten lost. I bent down as she lean’t up, our lips meeting in the middle. We were kissing. I felt her urge for more, and I gave in. I felt her tongue against mine and felt as her passion intensified and her tongue caressed mine. This is not a feeling I was used to. I slid my hands down removing her skirt, bent down and slipped off her Tommy shoes.

She faced away walking slowly toward her bed, one foot after another eventually coming to a halt and gently getting onto her knees on her bed with her ass in the air. She faced me and gestured for me to come closer, so I did. Her eyes screamed that she wanted me, and her body enforced it. When i reached her, she undid my belt, then my button, then pulled down the zip. She dropped my jeans exposing my aching hard on through my jocks.

She bit her lip as she grabbed hold, moving her hand up and down my shaft over the material. “Fuck, she is 16”, I thought to myself, but my Lust for her had taken over and i began caressing her hair. She pulled my jocks off over my now extremely hard cock and began to move closer toward me. I looked down as she slid my thick hard cock into her mouth and generously pushed until she had taken almost half of me. My body cried out in pleasure as this is not something I had ever experienced with Alice.

She began to stroke my cock as she pushed me in and out of her mouth. I was being driven wild and all I could do was hold my hand on her head and help her along. She began to move faster and faster as she heard my moans deepen. “Take it you dirty girl”, I muttered as my pleasure overwhelmed my body. She stopped and glared at me. For a few seconds I felt as if my world had come raining down, until she began to move again. She pulled her mouth off to look at me, bit her lip and said, “I want you to cum inside this dirty girls mouth”.

I couldn’t believe what was happening as she took me yet again inside her warm mouth. I cried out in pleasure, more and more as she sucked on me harder and harder. I could feel I was getting close, quicker then when I used to Jerk myself. She began to moan on my cock, the vibrations causing unexplained and uncontrollable sensations. I held her head tightly as I started to cum, i may have pushed a little too hard, but she didn’t stop me. I came into this gorgeous girls mouth and there was not a single thing I could do to stop it, i was already cumming and focused only on the pleasure. I shuddered as the cum stopped flowing, but she continued to suck on my cock. She sucked slowly all the way up the shaft until her lips were closed and she had distanced herself a bit.

She leaned back, laying on her forearms, with her legs out in front of her, now crossed. She opened her mouth letting my load trickle down here stomach toward her thighs. My cum met the lining of her thong and began to soak into it. She licked her lips scooping some of the remaining cum with her finger tip into her mouth. She leaned forward and whispered to me, “Now this thong is ready to give to Alice.”. I felt a warm Lust feeling pour through my body like a wave, and immediately felt dirty.

I pulled up my jeans, covered my cock and fastened my button and belt. Belinda stood up shimmying her skirt back up her legs covering her lining soaked underwear. She stood up pulled in and gave me a kiss. I turned to walk out, straight to Alice. I woke her up and made my intentions clear that I wanted to leave. We arrived home and I put Alice into bed. I lay awake the entire evening thinking about what had just happened and all I could think was that I wanted more.

2 Months had passed, Alice’s birthday had come and gone and Belinda had given Alice the same thong she wore on that night. Nothing will satisfy the craving that now fuels my Lust, not even myself.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/7y3w5u/fiction_m_underage_belinda


  1. found a typo, “Alice grabbed my hand directing me to her bedroom…” should be Belinda.

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