Still Feeling You [F4M] [morning after] [afterglow arousal] [solo play][First person] [short]

My eyes blink open and I can make out the first beams of the morning sun. I sigh and stretch in our bed, my hand gliding across the pulled back sheets. I thrust up to my elbows, you aren’t here. It takes me a few moments to remember you had to be up early this morning.

I lay back down, the comforter only covering my legs up to the knees. My sigh when I do so is one of breathy disappointment. I furrow my brow and look at the ceiling. *I wish you were here.* Lifting my left leg, I cross it over my right. Suddenly a twinge between my legs. It jolts me wide awake. I’m immediately aware of every sore muscle and any nerve ending below my waist. I cross my legs a little tighter and my thick thighs squeeze my labia together. My mouth falls open and I pull it to a close to quickly bite my lower lip.

I rub my legs up and down against one another savoring my body’s responsive memory of you. *I love this feeling.* Closing my eyes, I begin to lightly trace my fingertips along my naked torso. I love how my body feels after a night of lovemaking between us. I’m never sure if it’s the passion, the love, or the sex itself that makes me feel this way… but I love the after glow almost as much as the act itself. Most every time after we finish our romps my pussy feels so… so *fertile*. That warm, squishy, slick feeling you leave me with. The same sort of feeling that’s still with me hours later. *God, I need it.*

Just like I crave your cum being shot inside of me. I think about it often. *Especially* when I feel like this. I reach down and cup my pliantly bred sex. I don’t have to dip my fingers inside of me to know there’s more than a drop or two of your spunk still inside of me. I smile, one of complete pleasure and satisfaction. If I, if *WE* had our way… the very first workings of new life are taking root deep in my womb. I feel it’s totally possible right now. The way you breed me, the promises your body hold for me… it makes my body melt into the mattress now. It opens me up and makes me want to shut you inside of me. I look at my phone. *UGH! …. Tonight cannot come soon enough!* I’m transported to just merely hours ago.

*A vision of me gripping your ass, my nails marring your flesh pulling you closer. Further inside of me. Your trusting so deep already but I need more. I’m greedy for every damn inch of you. Your body is over mine and I watch a bead of sweat fall from your forehead and land between my breasts. It slides up, not down; elevated hips make for such a reverse. I use my heels to pull you in deeper for your final thrusts. I cry out as you fill me up to the brim with your seed. I hold you close. And ask you over and over to not pull out yet. To stay inside of me. We lay there and your an attentive lover as you soften inside of me.*

The thought brings me back to the softness I’m feeling right now. I squeeze my legs together again and give a moan as my squishy, sensitive, and bred pussy squeezes into itself. I thumb out the text with purpose, each finger press firm and needy. *You better come straight home, babe. You left something turned on.* I giggle and then stretch flipping over to my flat belly. *Not for long* the sensual and fulfilling thought dominates my mind.

When gravity pulls my mons against the mattress I whimper and push my face into the pillows. *They smell like you…. oh dear God.* I take the pillow and shove it between my legs. I lift up and begin to grind against the firm filling locked inside the pillow case. I imagine any part of you under me. Riding those parts. Your thigh. Your middle. Your hand. Your face. Your cock. I close my eyes and pant hard. My soft and slippery cunt is going to cum all over your pillow. I am on all fours in our bed and humping your pillow.

I scream out hoping that in some way I’ve pulled the last bit of your remaining seed far inside of me until you can give me another load. I always want to feel you inside of me. One way or another. Until you give me our baby for sure, all the cum you produce will do. It will do *very nicely*.



  1. ? Dear God… That was incredible. I love the way that the presence of your lover is still with you throughout. It’s like love-making in absentia. The breeding fetish is a strong one for me, so I found its inclusion very effective for a couple so intimately linked.

    Excellent work, you’re very talented. ?

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