My first time, be gentle ok [mf]?

The title is both for the story and it's also my first time writing an erotica. Comments and feedbacks are appreciated.

Tara was a goddess, someone that really stands out in a crowd. A face that can make any man cry, beautiful blinding blue eyes, and long blonde hair, she’s tall but fit. Shy and slightly reserved, but she is friendly and has a smile so beautiful and innocent that would make Virgin Mary herself proud. She’s not a bimbo either; her brain is so powerful that it put many of her teachers to shame over the years. Now in her early twenties, just graduated from college a year early, valedictorian, and continue to pursue her dreams in grad school with a supportive supervisor, promising project, and a seemingly endless pool of resources. Life could not get any better for her. Or, so they thought. Tara never had a boyfriend, her only experience of kissing is from all those romance movies that she watched, and don’t even get me started about sex. She is as innocent as snow. Dime and dozen guys would always stare at her from afar and drool but never had the courage to hit on her. She was just too perfect, so much so that it really scared everyone off. Tara was more courageous though, in her own way. Her heart lingers for this mysterious guy since they were in high school. The guy is nothing special, smart but not that smart, attractive but not that attractive, interesting but always talks big, you know your typical guy. Eddy is quiet and doesn’t have many friends, but always stare directionlessly as if he is pondering the solutions to the universe. Tara always watched from afar and took every little details she could find out about him. Little did she know, he was doing the same. During his empty stares, he wasn’t trying to solve any deep philosophical questions or anything of that sort, he was dreaming about marrying the girl of his dreams, the untouchable goddess one day. There were so much tension between them but either was too ignorant to notice. Prom was fast approaching, both had fantasies about being with the other during prom and a happily ever after, but nothing came to fruit. Soon after, everyone left for college, Tara followed her dream or should I say dream man to college and picked the same faculty just so she could wake up to his face every morning. Years pass with the only exchanges between them “Hi” and “Bye” coupled with some embarrassingly hot blushing moments.

Fast forward to the present, it has been almost four years since they both entered college, Tara a successful grad student and Eddy still an undergrad struggling to pass. One afternoon, Tara got a call from her friend and colleague, who recently was diagnosed with cancer and was no longer able to TA an advanced seminar in physiology. Tara was informed by her friend to be her replacement and their next session is tonight. Nervous and unprepared, she scrambles as many literatures as she can find to become knowledge in the topic. She was focused to be the best TA ever, perhaps, a little too focused. She glanced over the name of the presenter, Eddy. Unlike most days, Tara put more effort in her attire, wanting to look mature for her students, she put on a new pair of black stockings, a beautiful blue one-piece, and dazzling makeup. When she entered the classroom, everyone was in awe, drooling at their new TA. Eddy was surprised when he looked up, as he prepares to come to the front to set up his well rehearsed presentation. Tara, too, was surprised, when she first saw him and blushed immediately and felt butterflies in her stomach. Tara did try to hide it, uneasy between her legs, yearning for her unrequited love, but somehow still allowed the seminar to continue. Eddy’s presentation was perfect, or at least that’s how he thought, when he put endless hours into perfecting it. Once in the presence of his goddess, his Venus, he seems like as if he can’t even string enough words together to make an intelligent sentence. After nearly an hour of mumbling and nervous hand gestures, the seminar was over. Everyone left the classroom, well everyone but Eddy. Was Eddy going to ask for another chance? Was he going to get down on his knees and beg? With his future depending on this seminar, how is he going to scavenge his miserable performance?

Not exactly. Suddenly, out of character, Eddy leaps forward and forces his mouth onto Tara’s, engaging in a deep and passionate play of tongue. Surprised and numbed, Tara blushes, her body becomes increasingly hot, and her heart rate skyrockets. Tara wondered if it was a dream, just at that moment, Eddy pushes forward, pinning her to the wall. A hard knock to the wall could have made her swear like a sailor on any other day was overshadowed by this strange tinglingness that she has never felt before. She could feel an unusual dampness around her private parts. Did Tara pee herself? Embarrassed, Tara tried to look down but unable to, Eddy pinned her against the wall so hard that she is unable to move even an inch. Eddy finally pauses and says, “You look so hot in this dress, how come you never wear anything like this normally?” As Tara tries to answer, Eddy start to kiss her from neck down, flustered, Tara unable to be intelligent and just gave out a big “Ahh….” For what seemed like an eternity, Eddy slowly made his way to her nice perky breasts. Eddy put his face against the beautiful white boobies and felt a sudden surge to bite the nipples. Creamy milk came out as Tara twitches and give out an unresistable moan. Tara put her smooth hands on Eddy’s head and held him in her chest, smelling his manliness. Tara grabbed his hair and said, “I love you, I want you to make me yours”. It is as if Eddy finally unlocked her chains unleashing a succubus from her angelic coat. Eddy responded, “Me too, you look so spectacular today that I just couldn’t resist, even if I had to lose everything, I just had to make love with you”. Eddy looks up and the couple lock eyes. Even without any experience, Tara still reached for his crotch, feeling a long hard cock that she has only read about in medical texts. She says. “Be gentle, ok?” Eddy unzipped his pants and unleashed his manhood and rammed into Tara’s tight untouched vagina. With the first stroke, without hesitation, Eddy rammed his above average 9 incher all the way into Tara’s womb. Tara gives out a scream and let out a little tear, but her butterflies in her womb seemed to ease the pain and her legs began to twitch, responding to the thing that she has waited for so long. Drips of blood are coming out of Tara’s apple pie. Eddy doesn’t care, he leans forward, pinning Tara to wall, holding her hands and passionately exchanging tongues with her, he jammed his rod into her with increasing speed and force. Tara squirms and moans, only to be muffled by Eddy’s tongue down her throat. She was in ecstasy, a feeling that she only dreamed and heard about. Suddenly, the couple both let out an unprecedented moan and warm creamy fluids comes out from both ends. Eddy pulls out, only to realize that he has made a big mess on Tara, who is still partially dressed, with some nice white compliments on the dress and the stockings and the smell of sex. Eddy puts on his pants and grabs his bag and gently grabbed Tara’s hand, guiding her to the door. Tara quickly put her dress back as best as she could and gleefully skips away ——–To be continued
