Bedfellow – Ch. 4 of my Canadian political erotica

“You can’t please everyone.”

Her words cut into the night like embers biting into flesh. The sting lingered after they had parted ways, a reminder of the carelessness he had exhibited. Trusting her clearly wasn’t worth it – how could anyone think it was time to change course so close to success.

It was the last days of the elections in Calgary, 2010, and the young Nenshi was about to make history. While America was freaking out over mosques in New York City, the most booming city in Canada was making history, and electing a Muslim. The banality of it seemed amusing, the attention given to something so trivial with so much at stake. But, distractions made for good business, and from here on out, it was all about business.

The two sets of lips danced over his rigid cock as he stretched back over his bed, lounging over the soft down sheets. His toothy grin lit up the mirrors on the ceiling as he watched the multi-colored tangle of arms and legs writhe over him. One woman lead his riding in donations, raking in more money from the housing development folk than he had been able to on his own for a decade in municipal politics. The other a lawyer from Toronto, and she ensured that things worked well with Ottawa and the Trudeau camp, that no lines were crossed too quickly.

The three made strange bedfellows, but, such was the machine that drove Nenshi from obscurity, to being a mayor, to being at the right hand of the Prime Minister. It was in keeping such strange company happy that again and again, his station in life climbed higher. As one woman kissed down his legs and onto his feet, the other took him deep in her throat. As climax neared his blackberry lit up. Looking down he grunted, “Don’t stop.”

He pressed an extended index finger to his lips and hissed a gentle ‘shh’ to his companions. Like most conversations with Trudeau it was brief, and more listening than talking. By the end, while cumming deep into the young woman’s throat, he bellowed at Trudeau, “Just you watch. I’ll keep them all happy.” He dropped the phone into the tangle of their clothing at the side of the bed, and rose to tower above them. Licking his lips he lead the women to the edge of the bed, their legs hanging over the side, and placed a pillow under each of their heads.

“Who’s first?”

I hope you enjoyed, I appreciate your feedback, and you can read more at
