My first try- Master Valentin Disciplines the New Maid [m/f]

Master Valentin Walker had a strict policy against those who would rob and deceive him. Today, his estate’s most recent hire had crossed that line. She had been tasked with delivering a triple tiered cupcake display to the dining room for the evening’s banquet. Somewhere in the admittedly long transit from kitchen to the dais in the event hall, one chocolate frosted cupcake had been lost.

It was only a dessert—but in his experience, a maid whose small crimes went without apprehension eventually set eyes on his personal heirlooms.

Not to mention, he’d had his eyes on the new hire. There was something in the way she walked, a salaciousness to the sway of her hips that could not be intentional, yet could not be hidden. In a sea of uniformed girls, Master Valentin never failed to spot her. He never set out looking. His gaze just seemed to trail Selena Vosshall.

He found Selena in the dining room, bent over to scrub a drop of dried wine off the floor with her dish rag. He imagined laying a hand on her shapely derriere, placing it under her skirt, resting it on the curves beneath.

Soon, he thought.

Instead, he barked, “Miss Vosshall. I need to speak with you.”

“Surely, Master,” Selena answered, straightening up. She smoothed her skirt down as her cheeks went red.

Her pulse climbed as she followed the suited lord of the estate out of the grand dining hall and through the well decked hallway to some unknown place. Finally, she thought. Before she took the job, she had been warned of the Master’s unusual discipline. Well-meaning young women spoke in whispers about strange rules and stranger punishments. But she was perfectly capable of handling eccentric, rich men. And if Valentin Walker failed to live up to the rumors, then it was she who was in trouble- she wouldn’t have any story about worker’s rights violations. And when a breathtaking young bachelor like Master Valentin was at the epicenter of the allegations, Selena was guaranteed a cover story.

Poor Valentin Walker. Little did he know that the latest hire was not in fact a champion carrot chopper, but an undercover agent of the press.

Master Valentin led Selena into a study she had never seen before. Of course, there were probably many rooms in the mansion she had not seen yet. Perhaps this was the one where he kept his fabled implements.

He drew the long curtains and seated himself in a dark leather armchair, but did not ask her to sit.

“Miss Vosshall,” he said sternly. “Do you know why you are here?”

“I do not, sir.”

“That’s Master. You will always refer to me as ‘Master’”.

“I apologize, Master.”

“Miss Vosshall, I have little patience for thieves in my estate. They are parasites who seek to benefit from my hard-earned riches. But even the largest tapeworm was once small. That is why I have especially little tolerance for petty crime.”

“I understand, Master.”

“Do you? It seems that in your custody, a cupcake was lost.”

Selena was silent.

“Now, answer me truly, Miss Vosshall, and I will not fire you. Did you take that cupcake?”


“Say it. Say what you have done.”

“I took the cupcake.”

“That is not enough. What did you do with it?”

“I took the cupcake, and I ate it.”

“Why did you eat it?”

“Because it looked so delicious.”

“No, that is not why you ate it. You ate it because you have no self-control.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Say it. Say why you ate it.”

“I ate the cupcake because I have no self-control.”

“Good. Now, the fortunate thing about your situation is that it can be remedied. Even small children can learn self-control. And it is your lucky day, because I have a method of instilling this discipline in even the most wild and uninhibited young woman.”

Selena had hit the jackpot. This was the story. In a confusion of sexual and journalistic passion, her panties had even grown a bit damp.

“Miss Vosshall, please approach me.”

As she stepped near Master Valentin, he grabbed the back of her uniform and pulled her across his knees. She found her face hanging off the side of the chair, looking down at the luxurious carpet. She could smell him, thick and musky like a forest. Now, her career sensibilities had gotten her in quite deep, and she was almost not sure she wanted to continue.

Of course she did. This story was going to be huge.

Master Valentin placed one large, muscled hand in the well of her knee and stroked small circles. It was soothing, almost like being a little girl again.

Then the hand began to climb. It grazed the inside of her thigh, igniting a hot streak up to the place between her legs. Involuntarily, she felt herself grow wetter.

With one hand resting on the small of her back, the other lifted her skirt high. Although Selena could not see what was happening, the cool air on her backside told her she was exposed. She had never encountered such treatment. Master Valentin ran the delicate lace of her panties between two fingers as if he feared breaking it. He pulled the cloth up a little, observing the way her perfect rear flexed slightly. She was nervous now, he could tell. That was how he needed her.

“Before I can teach you, I need to punish you. You’ve been such a bad girl. Such a bad thief.”

He pulled her panties to one side, revealing one smooth skinned white cheek. He traced a delicate circle around it, watching the supple flesh give to his lead. That derriere, these tantalizing hips that had caught his eye so many times, finally splayed out beneath him, a buffet for the taking. Like a spider eager to toy with the trappings of his web, Master Valentin pulled a wooden spoon from inside his jacket.

“Do you see this?” He held it before her face. “I am going to use this on you.”

He removed it from her view and raised it over her behind. Then, without mercy, he paddled her rear. She cried out and jerked away, but he held her in place. The struggle ground her body against his crotch and he grew harder.

He began to stroke where he had hit, soothing the rising redness, and Selena stopped fighting. She was mesmerized by his touch, lost in a stupor of sensation.

Then, right when she was beginning to trust that she was safe under Master Valentin’s hypnotic touch, he said, “Again!” and struck.

She bucked against him again, this time with less force, as she knew she could not escape his powerful grip. It was a ceremonial show of will at best. Selena knew she could not leave, could not miss the story. Even if she had wanted to, she sensed she was in the palm of a man more dominating and fearsome than she had imagined.

“Now, I am going to do it one more time,” he said gently, rubbing the twice-marked spot. It would be red and sore for days, and that pleased him.

“Please,” she begged. “It hurts.”

“This is the only way you will learn, my sweet,” he said. He kissed the back of neck, the hot breath making the small hairs rise, making her body ache for more of his touch. But she was met only with a harsh, raw smack from the wooden spoon.

“There,” he said. “Your punishment is complete.”

She started to try to rise, to get far from this man who filled her with the most conflicting desires, but he held her down and grabbed her wrists. “We are not done. I only said the punishment is over- but I don’t believe in punishment alone. I believe in rehabilitation.”

He took the paddle and held it to her face. “Bite this,” he said. She took it between her teeth, unsure of what he was intending.

“You are loud, Miss Vosshall. I can’t have you making so much noise for this part. Now, I am going to teach you about self control. Try and relax, if you can, the lesson goes easier that way.” He pulled her panties far aside now, exposing the wet lips hidden behind the lacy fabric. Selena had the most erotic body to Master Valentin, and it thrilled him greatly that the rules had been subverted by such a delight. He was looking forward immensely to her education.

When he laid his hand over her soft cunt, Selena’s whole body lurched with heat and want. She pulled away and also deeper into his touch, edging his thumb nearer to that sensitive spot from which the most tantalizing electricity emanated. Though she clenched the spoon in her teeth, a soft moan came from deep within her belly, one she did not remember initiating.

He began to rub in small circles, pushing aside the heaving flesh of her wonderful thighs to stroke the warm wetness between her legs. She twitched with pleasure, little shocks that shook her derriere and reminded him of the spanking he’d just doled out. Although this lesson was for her, Master Valentin’s self-control was in dire straits. He wanted to take out his cock, slide it into the space that grew readier with every flick of his fingers.

Selena moaned without control now, completely lost in the pleasure Master gave her. Her body surrendered to him effortlessly. She thought of one thing only, the desire for his hands to reach inside her, fill her, bring her to a roaring climax that would tear through her body like a storm.

“Selena,” he whispered. “Do you want to come?”

“Yes,” she moaned through the spoon. “Please!”

“Are you ready for it?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Well, you will have to wait.” He took his hand from her cunt. She was bewildered now, in an altered state of intense pleasure and frustration that grew every moment he refused to touch her. Selena began trying to rub herself on his leg somehow, anything to keep the pleasure going. When that didn’t work, she reached her own hand back, but he grabbed her wrists and pinned them on her back with one hand. With the other hand, he gathered her tied hair in a fist and pulled her neck up.

“No, no. This is self-control. Delaying reward.”

She made a flustered moan. She looked like she wanted to unleash a verbal barrage on him, but he did not give her permission to unclench her teeth from the spoon. He liked her so much better unable to speak.

He breathed into her ear, nibbled on it, then let her head fall back down. Then he moved to new territory, slid his hand in the top of her shirt, found her breast beneath her brassiere and tugged on the nipple. It was hard already.

She moaned, and moaned. Her pleas went unheeded. Spit dripped on the carpet, but he did not mind. Although it pained him to torment her so, he rubbed and teased her helpless nipple.

Selena wanted his touch desperately. She was hungrier than she had ever been before. She would do anything he asked. Anything to make it end, and yet, to never escape this dreamlike place, where unions and journalistic standards melted away, leaving only a throbbing, all consuming desire for more, for release.

He let her nipple alone, cupped her breast and squeezed. Finally convinced by her animalistic whines, he traced his down her back—agonizingly slowly—and replaced his grip on her cunt. It was absolutely sopping.

“Now, I think you have learned your lesson. Would you like to come, my sweet?” he asked, placing the other hand on the underside of her soft throat.

She released a long, sighing moan, and he commenced rubbing. It was only a matter of seconds before her whole body bucked, threatening to fly off his lap if he did not hold her tight, with such an immense release that twisted her fingers and toes. When the rocking and crying subsided, she lay limp on his lap, spent and warm and thoughtless.

He turned her over and cradled her head, watching her eyes flicker with a dim consciousness. Master Valentin crowned her with a gentle kiss that belied the savagery of his discipline.

She had her story. But she had not considered the possibility that the truth may be worth keeping to herself, worth pilfering glassware next time.


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