[mf] Sucky Vacation 3

Chapter 3

Jeff and Christina reclined on lounge chairs by the pool with their pinkies hooked together. The warm afternoon sun baked them dry after their swim. Jeff glanced at her again and smiled at the memory of stirring her up all morning. He had never enjoyed hooking up more and wished for the hundredth time that Christina was staying longer at the resort.

“They’re back,” Christina sang.

Jeff followed the direction of her gaze to see their families walking past the pool. They all carried bags from their shopping excursion and were chatting with obvious excitement. Well, all of them except for Amy who walked with the douchebag at the end of the procession. She had a sour look on her face and the douchebag kept pleaded with her about something.

Amy wore sunglasses now, Jeff noted, as she turned her head to scan the pool area. He knew the moment she saw them because she instantly looked away and sped up her pace toward the elevators. The douchebag had to trot to keep up.

“Amy’s keeping Mario on a short leash,” Christina observed.

Jeff made a non-committal hum.

Something was off with Amy. She had asked if they were cool when they woke up together and Jeff really was fine with what happened. Amy sought out the douchebag at breakfast and ignored Jeff completely, but now she seemed bothered that he was spending time with Christina. Maybe *she* wasn’t so cool with what happened. He needed to talk to her about it when they had a moment alone.

Before long, Jeff spied his Aunt Jackie leading over his two younger cousins dressed in their bathing suits. She approached and Jeff lifted his sunglasses to smile at them.

“Y’all have fun?” Jeff asked.

“They had *so many* shops,” Shelly squealed. She was clearly excited because she normally kept her lips together when she smiled. Now her wide grin exposed her shiny braces. “I found so many cute things, but Mom wouldn’t let me spend all my money.”

“You need to save some for the parks,” Aunt Jackie said with an indulgent smile. “Did you guys have fun?”

“It’s been a very relaxing afternoon,” he said and swung Christina’s hand.

“Good!” Aunt Jackie touched Shelly and Lori on their backs. “Would you mind watching the girls for me? We’re meeting Carlos and Juna at the outdoor bar for a drink. I swear I won’t dump them on you forever like I did yesterday.”

“Thanks for asking,” Jeff said. “I’d be happy to watch them for a while.”

“Jeff, did you hear? They’re showing a movie outside tonight,” Lori exclaimed. “I heard we can watch it from the pool!”

Jeff grinned at her enthusiasm. “That sounds great. Go jump in and swim. I’ll come play with you guys in a little bit.”

After they jumped in the pool, Aunt Jackie turned back to Jeff. “Thanks so much. I really appreciate you watching them.”

Jeff nodded and slipped his sunglasses back down as Aunt Jackie headed to the bar.

Christina chuckled and whispered, “Very relaxing afternoon, maybe, but this morning was *amazing*.”

“We made it to relaxing eventually,” Jeff whispered back and squeezed her pinky.

“Oh, God, I wish I could stay longer. I’m still tingling.”

Jeff answered with a happy sigh.

“Uh oh, looks like trouble in paradise,” Christina said.

Jeff saw Christina nod off to their left. When Jeff turned, he saw Amy stalking their direction with the douchebag following at her heels. She was wearing her turquoise one-piece and sunglasses.

“Jeff, can I speak to you privately,” Amy said as soon as she arrived.

The douchebag rolled his eyes heavenward and shook his head before jumping into the pool. Shelly and Lori immediately began splashing him.

“Keep an eye on the kids for me?” Jeff asked Christina.

“Sure,” Christina said and released his pinky.

By the time Jeff pushed himself up, Amy had already started back to the elevators. He followed and only caught up because she had to wait for the elevator to arrive.

“What’s up?” he asked.

Amy glanced around then lifted her sunglasses. Her left eye was blazing red.

“Let me guess,” Jeff said, suppressing a grin. “The douchebag got cum in your eye.”

“That *fucker*,” she seethed. “He dragged me into a dressing room and begged me for a handjob again. I finally did it just to shut him up about it. But when he got close, he tried to cram his *dick* in my mouth. When I wouldn’t let him, he shot all over my face and got his spunk in my eye.”

“I’m sorry, Angel.” Jeff said to calm her down.

They got in the elevator when the doors opened. Amy had burned through her anger and as they rose she just looked worried.

“It hurt so bad and now it’s all red. I didn’t know who else to ask about it.”

“Well, the good news is you’re eye can’t get pregnant. Have you washed it out yet?”

“No,” she said and wiped the tears off her face.

“Let’s go wash it out and I’ll see if I’ve still got some eye drops.”

When they got to the room, Jeff realized that housekeeping hadn’t come by to clean up. He also caught the lingering scent of sex and glanced at Amy to see if she noticed it. She was too preoccupied with her eye, so he led her into the bathroom and sat her on the closed toilet seat.

“Thanks for helping me,” Amy said as she stared at her fingers in her lap.

“No problem,” Jeff said as he dug through his shaving kit. He found the eye drops and ran the water until it was tepid. “First, splash some water in your eye to wash it out. It’ll probably hurt a little, but you need to get everything out.”

She bent over the sink and splashed water in her face with a hiss of discomfort. When she sat back down, Jeff pressed a hand towel to her face to dry her off.

“Tilt your head back and hold your eye open,” he said as he took the cap off the eye drops. She held her eye open with her fingers and he put a few drops in. She blinked a few times and wiped the excess off. “It’ll take a few minutes to work.”

Amy stood to put her arms around Jeff’s waist for a deep hug. Jeff returned the hug and buried his face in her hair. They stood there for a long moment, then Amy let go and took his hand to lead him to the unmade bed. When she fell back on the tangled sheets she got a funny look on her face.

“What’s that smell?”

Jeff followed her backwards into the bed. “Probably me and Christina.”

Amy froze. “You guys hooked up?”

“Yeah.” Jeff watched her carefully as she processed what he said. Her eyes filled with tears again and she bit her lip. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she whispered and wiped her eyes.

“Does it bother you that we were together?”

She didn’t answer right away. Instead, she got back out of the bed. “I can’t.”

“Can’t what?”

“I can’t be in that bed,” Amy said and headed for the door.

“Amy, wait.”

Jeff watched her leave. He wanted to talk to her, but didn’t really know what to say. He might have hooked up with Christina, but she had jerked off the douchebag. While Jeff might have wished it had gone better for her, the fact she did it didn’t make him angry or jealous.

He shook his head and got up out of the bed. When he got back to the pool, Amy was sitting in the lounge chair he’d been on next to Christina. The pair were talking, both in sunglasses which made it hard to read their expressions. Jeff decided to let them chat and went to play with his cousins in the pool.

Shelly and Lori we playing some kind of chase game with the douchebag and the mini-douchebag. Jeff jumped in the pool and made a big splash over them all.

“Jeff!” Shelly wiped the water out of her face and jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his neck for a quick hug. Then she tickled him until he lost his balance and pushed him underwater.

Jeff came up roaring like a lion with a huge grin on his face. Shelly and Lori squealed as they swam away with Jeff following right behind them. The douchebag duo came up alongside Jeff, like they were on the same team. Without missing a beat, Jeff put his palms on both of their heads and pushed them down in the water at the same time.

Shelly and Lori split up, so Jeff pursued Shelly since she was the one who dunked him first. Her grin as she backed up in the pool indicated she wasn’t trying very hard to get away.

“What are you gonna do to me if you catch me,” Shelly said over a giggle.

“First I’m gonna catch ya,” Jeff growled. “Then I’m gonna *eat* ya!”

She screeched and tried to swim away, but Jeff caught her foot.

“Come here, little girl.” He pulled her closer by her leg, but she didn’t stop kicking and splashing. Just as he got her close enough to grab her around the waist, someone jumped on his back and covered his eyes. Someone with *boobs*.

He immediately took a breath and dropped underwater to shake whoever she was off. She loosened her grip and Jeff turned suddenly to bury his face in her stomach and blow a huge stream of bubbles.

“Stop!” Christina shrieked. “Oh my God, that tickles!”

He let her go long enough to catch a breath and then launched himself at her retreating body. She fended him off, but just when he got his hands on her Jeff was suddenly beset on all sides. While the tickle war raged, he felt someone deliberately cop a feel of his cock through his board shorts. From the direction, he knew it wasn’t Christina which shocked him a bit.

When he finally got his head above water, he saw that Amy was still in the lounge chair. That surprised him even more. He scanned the laughing faces of his attackers and hoped it wasn’t one of the douchebags. Shelly was a little more red-faced than usual and wouldn’t meet his eyes. He shook his head at the little rascal.

“Alright, you win. I give up!” Jeff fell back and floated to catch his breath.

Christina swam up next to him. “That was fun!”

Jeff just chuckled.

“You wanna head over to the hot tub?” she asked.

Jeff dipped his face under to slick back his hair and then got his feet under him. “Sounds good to me.”

The large hot tub was set apart from the pool and was large enough to fit a dozen people. There were two other couples in the tub when they arrived. Jeff stepped in and held a hand out to help Christine get in.

“Chivalry isn’t dead,” an older blonde woman said with a smile.

Jeff smirked as he and Christine settled down into the warm, bubbly water.

“He’s a *true* gentleman,” Christina said to the woman in a stage whisper.

“Oh?” the woman asked.

“Yes. With him, ladies always come first.” She raised an eyebrow to indicate the double entendre was intentional.

That set the other two couples laughing. Jeff pulled Christina close, his ears burning in embarrassment over the complement.

“So how long have you two been married?” the woman asked. “You look younger than my son.”

“We just met yesterday,” Christina said as she turned to gaze into Jeff’s eyes. “It was love at first sight. But I’m leaving with my family tomorrow so Jeff will have to find something else to live for.”

Jeff rocked his head back and laughed. “You’re a nut,” he said and gave her a peck.

“Well then I hope your father doesn’t see how you look at Jeff,” the woman warned with a saucy lilt in her voice. “There’s no mistaking that connection.”

Jeff looked around, pretending to be scared and made them laugh again.

“Oh, stop it,” Christina laughed as she elbowed Jeff in the side.

They all chatted for a while. Jeff had fun pretending he and Christina were a couple. At dusk, the resort staff rolled out a large inflatable movie screen and blew it up next to the pool. Lori came running over to the hot tub dripping water.

“Jeff,” Lori exclaimed. “They’re gonna show the movie!”

Jeff urged Christine up and stood to help her out. “That’s our cue. G’night, folks.”

As they stepped out of the hot tub, Jeff overheard the older woman say to her husband. *”Oh my God, would you just look at him! I don’t care, he’s hot!”*

Jeff smirked to himself as he walked away. The compliment felt good, even if it was a little creepy coming from someone his mother’s age.

When they got back to the pool, all six adults had joined the kids in the pool. Christina didn’t let go of his hand when they dropped in the water. Her parents shot at each other an amused look when they noticed.

The feature was one of the animated movies the resort was known for and Jeff had to admit watching it with his arms around Christina made it wonderful. They snuck kisses when no one was looking and he kept her humming with a touch here or caress there. By the time the movie was over, he was aroused but it was tempered with sadness.

“Will y’all be down early for breakfast tomorrow,” Jeff asked Christine as they exited the pool area.

“Yeah. Will you come say goodbye?” she asked, her voice tight with unshed tears.

“Of course,” he said and kissed her briefly despite the audience surrounding them.

“I’ll see you then,” she said as she stepped away, releasing his fingers at the last possible moment. When she rounded the corner with her family, Lori started singing.

“Jeff’s got a girlfriend! Jeff’s got a girlfriend!”

He rolled his eyes and led the way to the elevator. Mom and Aunt Jackie put their arms around his shoulders after he’d pushed the button.

“She seemed nice,” Mom said.

Jeff nodded.

“Nice and *hot*,” Aunt Jackie said and got them all smiling.

“Too bad she lives in Miami,” Jeff added with a shrug. “Life goes on.”

“So much wisdom for a teenager,” Aunt Jackie teased and mussed his hair.

It still hurt. Finding someone you could connect with didn’t happen everyday. Sometimes sex was just fun, but if Christine lived closer he could see them doing more than just hooking up. The pain wasn’t just about losing someone fun to hang out with, it was losing the possibility of something more.

His cousins were arguing about who was going to shower first when Jeff picked up his night clothes and locked himself in the bathroom. The outraged banging on the door that followed made him grin as he started the shower. By the time he was out of the bathroom, he was exhausted. Too little sleep the night before, an energetic morning with Christine, and a lazy afternoon at the pool took its toll. He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, even with the lights and television on.

Jeff woke when someone climbed into bed with him. Amy must have changed her mind about the lingering scent of sex and Christina in the sheets. The room was dark when he rolled over to tuck his cousin’s slim form against his chest. She hummed when his hands slid over her breasts and stomach.

He was mostly back to sleep when he felt her hand cover his own and push it down to her panties. Jeff took the hint and began to rub slow circles on her mons. The texture of public hair through soft cotton panties aroused him enough to press himself against her ass. She breathed faster and deeper while he kept the same slow pace.

He palmed her breasts and began to work her nipples through her satiny soft night shirt. She arched her back in response, driving her panty clad bottom against his stiff shaft. Despite his activity, Jeff was still half asleep. He nuzzled her hair and enjoyed the silky texture against his cheeks.

She turned her face toward him. Jeff placed gentle kisses on her cheek and ear. He dug in deeper with his fingers, pushing against her damp panties until she began to move her hips in a slow counterpoint. Her fingernails dug into the back of his hand as she pushed him to rub harder.

The heat of her pussy radiated against his fingers. She moved her top leg over his legs to open herself to his touch. He moved the gusset of her panties over slightly so he could trace along her wet slit directly.

“Yes,” she whimpered. “Don’t stop.”

Exposed to his touch, Jeff stimulated her more directly. His finger dipped down into her slippery mess and then traced back up, tickling right under the swollen bump of her clit.

She stilled and held her breath while he worked that spot. Jeff moved his other hand up in case he needed to cover her mouth. When he touched her lips, she sucked hard on a finger. Then she shivered like she was cold and his fingers in her sex felt the faint pulses of her orgasm.

She wriggled in his arms, her body twitching as he rubbed her through the peak. The only sound she made was her fast breathing and tiny grunts with each pulse. A moment later she was pulling away from his fingers. He adjusted her panties to cover her again but left his hand cupping her sex.

She stilled in his arms, her breathing slowing into sleep. He placed one last kiss on her cheek and settled deeper into the pillow with her. He was still hard, but was too tired to care. Sleep claimed him again and didn’t let go until morning.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7y8xs8/mf_sucky_vacation_3

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