Poker Party Favor – Part 2 [Str8, D/s, MMMMF, Tease, Exh]

Part 2

Shy moved over behind Dave and started rubbing his neck and shoulders as Dave began shuffling. Her hands at first dug into the muscles, massaging deeply, then as the hand progressed, stroked softer, caressing up and down his neck. Dave frowned when he looked at his hand and folded early. Instead he leaned back to enjoy the attention.

When Dan raked in the chips and panties, he didn’t even speak, just smiled and took a page from Dave’s book and pointed at his neck. He was lucky enough to win the next hand as well, enjoying an extra long rub, Shy’s hands eventually running further down his back making Dan squirm a little as she touched a more ticklish area. She giggled as he turned to give her a mock angry look.

After two wins for Seth, which Shy spent rubbing his temples and neck, as well as fetching a beer and a bowl of fresh snacks, Chris won a hand. He didn’t bother with the neck rub, instead calling her over and pushing his chair back.

Never one to waste time, Chris grabbed Shy by the arm and pulled her onto his knee, causing her to squeal. She gave a little laugh and glanced at me through slitted eyes. He rested a hand on the small of her back as he held his cards, bouncing his knee a little, Shy’s tits jiggling with each bounce.

This continued for a while, passing Shy from neck to neck and knee to knee. All the while my stack dwindled and I couldn’t buy a pot, let alone win one through the cards or my play. Down to my last 1200 in chips (we started with 5000), I saw AK in my hand and raised. Dan had Shy on his knee at the time, and was a quick call, as was Seth. Dan bet out after, but as soon as I saw the Ace on the flop, I went all in over the top. No one was willing to risk me having something amazing, and I managed to up my chips to a level I could play for a bit again…and I had Shy back.

I pulled her square onto my lap, one hand pushing her dress higher, my fingers immediately stroking up and down her wet slit. She wiggled back against the hardness in my lap and closed her eyes. I teased her for a bit as the cards were dealt out, and knew when I saw my cards that I wasn’t going to be able to play them So I concentrated on my fingers, dancing them along her bare skin and teasing her mound. When the hand was about to end, I pushed her up.

“While I still have you….” I said, shaking my empty beer at her.

She got halfway to the kitchen before something alerted her that a portion of her bare ass was exposed. She adjusted her dress, but not before a couple of the men got a peek. None said a word, but I could see the flush on Dan and Kevin’s faces for sure.

Chris managed to win the hand as Shy was grabbing my beer. “Grab me a fresh one too, Shy.” He called out to her.

She flounced in with a smile, setting mine and then Chris’s down in front of each of us. He pulled her back on to his knee, then tugged her higher, onto his lap, scooting his chair in a little. I watched only out of the corner of my eye. I knew the night had begun when I saw her eyes widen a little, then half close, her hips gave a small wriggle in his lap, settling herself deeper, one of his hands conspicuously absent. A quick hand later and she was back on Kevin’s knee, being bounced, then over to Dan, who had her rub his temples and then hands, after he’d folded. Chris soon won again and repeated his earlier maneuver, pulling her down right on his crotch and pushing the chair in. This time, I could soon see her hips moving against his lap and he studiously watched his hand and glanced around casually. After another Seth win, he actually pulled her down on to his lap as well, but his hands stayed above the table.

After a mediocre hand that managed to score a win, Shy was mine to tease some more. I nipped her soft neck as she sat down, my hand finding her pussy dripping, much wetter than before. Chris excused himself to the bathroom, so I took the chance and whispered in her ear. “What did Chris do to you?” She shivered in my lap, rubbing her soft ass against my hard cock, restrained by my jeans. She turned her head and again whispering to me.

“Mmmm…first he pulled me onto his lap and just rested his hand on my thigh, but he soon used his fingernails to scrape lightly up and down my thigh, then inner thigh. God, I could feel his cock through his pants against me. So hot. The next time he slipped a hand higher and immediately began fingering me.”

I nodded, smiling , then reminded her. “Unless they want to fuck you, they may do as they please…” She shook her head with a happy smile. “I remember…may I cum…if they can make me?”

I saw Chris returning, and just nodded to her. I lost the next hand in a showdown with Dan, and reluctantly stopped stroking her clit lightly, letting her up.

The winner took a lead from the rest and tugged her down onto his lap. He looked across the table at me. “Whatever we like right?” He asked, staring me down.

“If you cross a line, she will tell you, I’m sure. So…like I said. Drinks, laps, snacks…whatever you like.”

Dan’s mouth widened in a smile and his hand moved slowly off the table, sneaky enough that only someone watching closely would notice. I saw Shy’s eyes widen a little and then a little smile crossed her face. After a minute or two, her face became flushed and by the time Dan won the next hand as well, her eyes were completely closed.

Dan grabbed the cards with one hand, then the other emerging from under the table to begin shuffling. he leaned into Shy’s ear and whispered something, and I saw her hand move below the table. She smiled again after a moment, and I could see her arm slowly moving back and forth. Dan dealt out the cards, giving me crap. I folded and got up to grab myself a drink.

“Anyone else need anything, since our server is now beholden to only one of us at a time?” I asked, chuckling. A couple of beer requests were yelled out, and I made my way into the kitchen to grab them. I made sure to walk behind Dan and Shy when I dropped off one of the requested beers. Walking quickly, so it didn’t look like I was spying, I caught the smallest glimpse of her dress tugged up in front, and her hand slipped into Dan’s open zipper.

I made my way past, erection throbbing in my jeans and sat back down, quickly opening and downing half my beer. I folded the next two hands as Shy was quickly passed from Dan, to Seth, who didn’t take any liberties, merely having her sit on his knee. Dan won the next hand and told Shy to come stand next to him. His hand disappeared under the table,and he soon nodded to his lap. She quickly sat down. I could see her knee rise up over the edge of the table as he picked it up to slide it over his, forcing her to straddle his lap. His hand moved back down behind her, and I could see her dress bunch up a bit behind her. Shy gave a little whimper, covering it with a cough, and began shifting back and forth a small amount. She looked around the table, eyes settling on me, slowly closing and opening, rolling back a little bit in her head.

Dan made a massive bet that hand, no one willing to challenge it on what they had in front of them. The next hand I got dealt a monster hand, 2 aces. Dan and Kevin were the only two to call my initial raise. When a 3rd ace came down on the flop, I was 99% sure I had the hand won and decided to slow play it. Dan placed a minor bet and Kevin got the heck out. I looked over at him, studiously examining his cards. Shy had leaned back against him, her eyes mostly closed. I saw her hands gripping the edge of the table, squeezing it. The 4th card came out, and Dan made another bet, slightly larger this time..

I considered folding the hand to let whatever was happening on the other side of the table play out. My chips were far too low to do that now though, instead I did the next best thing and began to stall. I counted my chips, I recounted the hand out loud…then eventually called, waiting on the last card. The same dance repeated itself, and since the card was no help to any hands possible, I knew I had won. I stalled anyway, watching Shy grip the table tighter and her wriggling becoming more pronounced. Dan’s face got a little tight, and I could see him struggling a little as well. Now was as good a time as any to interupt, and called the bet, showing my 3 aces.

“Bring your ass back here Shy.” I said, throwing a bit of command into the tone. She opened her eyes and started to stand up, then thought better of it before pushing her dress down. She unsteadily walked towards me, her eyes slightly glazed over.

I stood up and walked towards the kitchen, pointing at her to follow me.

She cried out softly as shoved her over the edge of the kitchen table, yanked her dress up and pushed two fingers inside her. Her pussy was soaking wet, dripping down her thighs, my thumb brushed her clit, finding it hot and erect…super sensitive. She whimpered into the wooden table as I finger fucked her, so wet my fingers smoothly slid in and out.

I kissed her cheek and whispered, “Tell me…now.” in her ear.

She moaned quietly “The first time, he…moan forced my hand into his pants to stroke his cock while he teased my clit….then he pulled me onto his cock and made me rub back and forth across it. It’s huge….I was so close too…”

I fingered her faster, her breath catching, clenching around my fingers, all the signs of her nearing release. “Anything else?” My thumb pressed down on her clit, rubbing in small circles.

“Oh god….please…I was grinding on it and sliding it between my lips…it was so slippery and wet…he tried to slide his cock me, but I moved away….please….can I cum Sir? ”

I thrust my fingers faster in and out, holding her in place on the table. She cried out again…and I stopped, stepping back and grabbing a bowl of chips to take to the table.

“Not yet, little slut. Not yet.” I gave her an evil smile and walked back to my chair.
