Timebenders 2: Channel-Surfing, Chapter 19 [timestop nc mf]

***Sorry, I know I’m behind on posting! Hope you enjoy!***

Pyotr woke up the next day feeling refreshed. The sun was on his face, his bed was comfortable, and there was a warm body cuddled up against him. Sera, probably; she’d been so down lately, maybe she needed the comfort of touch. He reached over and gave her shoulder an affectionate squeeze.
“Morning, big brother,” Anna whispered in his ear. She cuddled closer and laid her head against his chest.
Pyotr’s eyes snapped open, then squinted again when the sun assaulted them. “Agh! Annushka?” He pulled his arm away. “What are you doing here?”
“Shush, you’ll wake Sera,” she replied, scooting up and kissing his cheek. She smelled like vanilla and some sort of flowers.
“Annushka,” Pyotr whispered, “you cannot do these things.”
“Why not? Sera cuddles with you all the time.”
“That is different! We are…“
“Are what? Siblings? So am I! I just want to be close. I’m lonely. You two are always together, Zarya’s gone with her family, and I’m all alone.”
Pyotr sighed. He leaned over and kissed Anna’s forehead. “I am sorry. You are right, we were unfair to you. I will make it right, but give me… time.”
Anna smiled warmly. “I can do that,” she whispered. One of her hands slid down along his thigh, stroking his cock through the shorts he wore and making it twitch. “Don’t take too long.”
Pyotr watched Anna leave, trying to ignore the thong poking up from her pajamas. After she was gone, he fell back onto his pillow and sighed in frustration. Life was getting more complicated, lately. All he wanted to do was master Space and Time, not wrestle with morality.
“She’s afflicted, you know.”
“Sera!” Pyotr exclaimed, sitting up fast enough to slam his forehead painfully into the bedframe. “You are awake?”
“When have I ever been a heavy sleeper?” she replied dryly. “I woke up over an hour ago, when she came in to lie with you.”
Pyotr frowned. “What do you mean, ‘afflicted’?”
“By the Mara.”
Pyotr waited for his sister to explain what that meant, but she didn’t. “Did you just say ‘Mara’?”
“It was in you, before. I felt it touch me. It’s come to punish me for misusing our culture.”
“Wait.” Pyotr thought for a moment, recalling the old stories their mother had told them as children to scare them into being good. “You mean a Night-Mara? You think a Nightmare has been haunting you?”
“I know it has. It used you to get in, then it…” There was a pause as Sera’s voice caught in her throat. “…and now it’s in Anna, making her be weird.”
Pyotr rolled his eyes. “Sera. There is no such thing as a Mara. These are old stories from older countries, for the scaring of children. Nothing more.”
“I felt it! It touched me when I was teasing you. And it attacked the team!”
“Your gymnastics team?” Pyotr turned to sit on the side of the bunk, but didn’t look up at Sera yet. “Did something bad happen? Is that why you’ve been sick?”
Pyotr heard Sera turn over to face the wall, but she didn’t answer.
“Serafina,” Pyotr demanded sternly, “tell me what happened. Please.”
There was another long pause. Pyotr thought she wasn’t going to answer, but just as he shifted to stand up, Sera finally spoke.
“It raped us.”
Pyotr felt himself go white. “What?” he whispered.
“It started in the gym. A wardrobe malfunction, a missing underthing. Strange stuff. But then, in the shower…”
“Go on.”
“In the shower, it was… like a vision. For a few seconds, all the girls were moaning, naked together, and I felt someone… behind me, holding my hips. Then a flash of pain from… somewhere else… and it was over. Nobody wanted to talk about it, but I knew that they all felt it, too. And now, the monster is in Anna, using its Madness to make her do strange things.”
Pyotr felt his face turning red with anger. Jeremy had done this. He had hurt her. What else had he done? Who had he hurt? Standing up, Pyotr turned around and opened his mouth to speak. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to say: to apologize, to explain, to promise he would fix this. But he knew he needed to say something. “I-”
“Your pants are ringing.”
Pyotr looked around, confused, then realized that Sera was talking about his cellphone. It was indeed softly ringing on his nightstand. He picked it up and checked the screen; it was an unknown number. Probably just someone selling something, but for some reason he connected the call anyway.
“Hello?” he said.
“Pyotr? Are you alone?” The voice was familiar, speaking in hushed tones.
“Petra, is that you? Jeremy is not here, I am at home.”
“I know. He’s upstairs. We need to talk. Can you meet me?”
She sounded upset. Pyotr frowned. “Of course. Where should I go?”
“Just come to our house. Stop time and pull me out with you. You know how?”
It took a second to process what she’d said. “Yes… yes, I believe so. When should I be there?”
“Right now.”
Petra hid the little disposable phone in a ceiling panel and paced nervously. Jeremy didn’t search her things very often anymore, but she knew he would be angry if he found out she had a secret phone. She would get rid of it later, when he was out. For now, it would be safe in her bedroom.
A few seconds later, a familiar silence fell over the world like a shroud. It was bittersweet for Petra; the silence always reminded her of her father. It reminded her of his death, but it also made her remember what it felt like to be in his arms again.
Pyotr stood at her side, out of breath. “I came over as soon as I could,” he said.
“What did you do, run over?” Petra asked.
“You realize you can stop time, right?”
Pyotr chuckled. “I suppose I could have walked and stopped for a nap halfway. Sorry.”
Petra shook her head. “It’s sweet. You’re a good friend.” She sighed. “That’s why I called you. I know that Jeremy is using again.”
“Using? You mean drugs?”
“I mean time. He hasn’t used the remote for anything more than theft since my… in a long time. But the way he talks, the way he moves… I can tell things are different.”
Pyotr nodded. “He has become more… what is the word? Like ‘mean’, but more…”
“Malicious,” Petra offered.
“Yes, perhaps. Malicious. I worry about him.”
“Has he raped anyone?” she asked bluntly.
Pyotr went pale. “I…”
“He used to,” Petra said, sitting on her bed and looking down. “Do you know why I’m with him?”
Pyotr shook his head. “Because you love each other, yes? He speaks so highly of you, he treasures you.”
“He possesses me, you mean,” Petra said, a little flickering flame of anger flaring up somewhere deep in her heart. “I gave myself to him. He owns me.”
“What? Why would anyone do this?”
“Because he’s dangerous. He has a temper, and he uses my… he uses the power he stole to take whatever he wants. What he wanted was me, so I gave myself to him, thinking I could keep him calm, keep him safe. It worked, until now.”
Pyotr shuddered and sat down next to her. Petra could tell he was struggling with this. He’d idolized Jeremy, bought into the front of the good and caring friend, and now that Jeremy’s true nature was showing through, Pyotr couldn’t handle it.
“He has, hasn’t he?” Petra said softly.
Pyotr looked down at his hands. At the glove. “I… we both…”
“Not like that,” Petra said, reaching over and setting her hand on top of his. “I’m sure you’ve… played with people. Pranks, tricks, punishments, rewards. Daddy and I used to. It’s not the same. Has he really hurt someone? Broken them, made them truly know they were attacked?”
Pyotr clenched his fists. “Yes,” he said darkly. “He has hurt a good person. Hurt her badly.”
Petra nodded. She didn’t pry for details; obviously she’d found a fresh wound. “We need to stop him,” she said. She was almost whispering, but in the silence of her frozen room her voice was almost deafening.
“I believe I can help you with that, Pet,” someone said.
Surprised, Petra twisted to look at the door. She took a moment to focus her eyes on the man standing there. Then she screamed.
Jake hadn’t been sure what to expect. After all, he was meeting an alternate-universe version of his daughter in a world where he’d been dead for a couple of years. There wasn’t exactly a protocol for this sort of thing. Still, if he had been required to guess, “screaming and hiding” would not have been among his predictions.
Yet there she was, cowering behind a closet door. The boy who she’d been talking to stood there stunned, looking from the closet to Jake and Petra and back again.
“I’ve got a gun in here!” the other Petra warned. “Don’t come any closer!”
Jake shrugged and sat down on the bed. “As you wish, Pet,” he said softly. His own Petra joined him, sitting close to him but remaining alert.
“I’m not crazy, you know,” closet-Petra called. “You died. I saw it. You can’t be him.”
“I agree,” Jake replied, leaning back a little and looking around. “But still, here we are.”
The room was plain and spartan, but here and there he could see echoes of the girl he knew. The laundry spilling out of the hamper. The little stuffed cat by the pillow, so much like one she had had as a little girl. A tiny bottle of a familiar perfume, all but unused.
“I am sorry,” the boy said, straightening up, “but I have been left behind. Who are you, and how is it that you are moving?”
Jake gave him a reassuring smile, standing and offering his hand. “Jake Stevens,” he said. “Petra’s father. In a manner of speaking.”
The boy shook his hand slowly. “Pyotr,” he said. “Pyotr Reznikov. I thought you were-”
“Dead? Seems that I am, in this world. Looks like something went wrong here that didn’t happen in my version of things.”
“Understatement,” Petra – Jake’s Petra – said. “This world sucks. You’re dead, Mom’s got the house and money, and I’m a prisoner in Jeremy’s sick little ‘playing house’ fantasy.”
The closet door creaked open a little. “You can’t be here,” closet-Petra repeated. “This can’t happen.”
“Come on, broken-me, think it through. You’re a genius. The powers came from a remote. Remotes have other buttons.”
The door opened further, and Petra’s face – so much like Jake’s own little girl, but yet so different – came into view. “You changed the channel?”
“Yep! We’re from channel one, this is channel two!”
“Channel… the many worlds model??” Pyotr stepped closer, eyes wide. “This changes so many things!”
Jake raised an eyebrow. “Uh…”
Pyotr was practically vibrating as he tapped notes into a tablet he’d produced from somewhere. “If there is a fifth dimension to manipulate, then the energy manipulation will certainly work! The whole machine could…” He stopped, flushing slightly. “Sorry. It is nothing. I am just building a time machine.”
Jake frowned. “Building a-”
The closet door was open; Petra had stepped out and was staring at Jake, eyes like dinner-plates on her pale, gaunt face. She looked haunted by pain and regret, and it was all Jake could do not to sweep her up in his arms in that very second, but he reminded himself that she was in a fragile state of mind.
“It’s really you, isn’t it? I mean, not really, but really?”
Jake smiled warmly. “Yes, Pet,” he said, taking his own Petra’s hand. “It’s me, and it’s you. It’s us.”
Pyotr’s mind was running on overdrive all the way home. The encounter with Petra’s alternate self in itself had been extraordinary, and he was excited at the plan to intervene before Jeremy went any further into darkness, but even more important than that was the proofs.
Proofs that he had been right. Proofs that there really was a multiverse based on alternate outcomes to random events. That in itself, in fact, had vast implications for life and the universe. Hell, it single handedly showed that uncertainty was a legitimate interpretation of quantum reality, that humans really could make different decisions with the same set of information. Or rather, that they would make every decision at once. Everything existed at once.
More importantly, his machine would work.
He had been afraid to proceed with the latest testing; his calculations showed a pretty extreme risk. After all, his machine was going to attempt to siphon power out of other universes. It had to; the energy required to maintain a connection to the past was basically infinite. The trouble was, if he was wrong and the other universes weren’t there to draw from, one of three things would happen. It might just not work. Or it might explode, potentially killing anyone nearby.
Or it could end the world.
The realization that he had built a doomsday weapon had weighed heavily enough on Pyotr’s mind that he had almost been willing to give up the project again, or at least to start his approach from scratch. But the other Jake, the other Petra… their very existence proved otherwise. The machine was safe. The machine would work. He could protect Sera from Jeremy, change his past with Anna. Perhaps he could even save his friend from becoming the villain he seemed to be.
It was all just a matter of time.
Somehow, Pyotr had gotten past her. Anna wasn’t too surprised; her mind had been wandering terribly, these days. Ever since she’d given in to her feelings for his brother, ever since she’d first held his cock in her hand, she had been simultaneously lost in thought and intensely focused.
There was a kind of peace to it, as well. Ever since she’d mended her relationship with Pyotr, going from adversary to ally, she’d felt as if her life finally had purpose, a purpose she’d first felt as a small child and since nearly forgotten. Something to strive for, to hope for.
She walked out into the yard carrying a bowl of apples, smiling. It felt good to smile. Pyotr had been smiling more, as well, since he’d started really getting to work on his machine. She hoped it did what it was supposed to.
There was a banging sound on metal on metal coming from the shed-cum-lab; her brother was hard at work once again. The sound stopped briefly when she knocked, and a small click told her Pyotr had used his remote system to unlock the door. He always had been a real genius, but lately he’d gained a lot of skills at building things as well. It made sense; her brother could do anything. He just needed someone around to make sure he remembered to eat and sleep, she thought, swinging open the door. And now, Anna intended to be that someone.
The machine had grown considerably. Exposed metallic tubes fed into mysterious containers made out of old steel barrels. A thick cable was spliced into the power line, ignoring the outlet completely. Some sort of copper wire ran in beautiful but seemingly random patterns over the walls and ceiling, making the place feel like a high-tech version of some sort of roman chapel. And in the center of it all, her brother was hammering a railway spike into the floor to hold steady what looked like an old shower stall, covered in black house paint.
“Wow,” Anna said quietly. “What is all this?”
Pyotr drove the hammer down a final time, then stood, wiping sweat from his brow. He was wearing a coverall like a mechanic, unzipped in the front so she could see his sweat-stained undershirt. “”It’s time,” he announced, grinning at her. “Or rather, it’s a bridge, and time is the river… except if it’s a river then it’s a boat…”
His stomach made a sound, so Anna handed him an apple, setting the rest on the worktable next to a chaotic mess of notes and sketches. “Are you alright?” she asked.
Pyotr bit into the ripe fruit, “That depends,” he replied with a shrug.
“Depends on what?”
“Quantum entanglement.”
Anna blinked. “What?”
“It’s the only way,” he explained. “To account for the movement of the planet, which is… really, really fast… you have to build the whole damned thing with the assumption that the same atoms at different points in time will have an entanglement link. That way, the payload arrives intact instead of slamming into the wall at a thousand miles an hour. Or rather, through the wall. And anything else in its way.”
“That sounds… actually pretty awesome,” Anna said. “So is that what this thing does? Launch little satellites straight into orbit?”
Pyotr bit into the apple again, chewing thoughtfully while he typed into his laptop with one hand. “That’s not a bad idea,” he said after a moment. “Provided you could overcome drag and keep it from simply exploding. But no, not this time.”
“Then what does it do?” she asked, looking around. “This looks like something out of an old movie.”
“Maybe nothing. Maybe everything.” Pyotr reached over and took a fresh apple. His hand brushed Anna’s bare arm, and she felt goosebumps rise in its wake. “Hand me that knife.”
Anna looked behind her and picked up the knife he was talking about, one that looked to have been pilfered from their mother’s kitchen. She handed it to her brother, who cut the apple in half in a swift, precise motion.
“Hold this,” he said, tossing her one half of the apple. The other half he picked up, stepping over a coil of wire to set it inside the shower stall and closing the door. He pressed a couple keys on the laptop, then stepped back and stood beside her, waiting.
For several seconds, nothing seemed to be happening. Then there was a humming, low, so low that Anna felt it before she heard it. It shivered into her bones and made the whole lab seem like it was some big monster waking up around her.
The hum grew louder and louder, then abruptly stopped. Anna looked at Pyotr, but he was still standing still, excitedly watching the black-painted stall. She was about to say something when a sudden flash of light almost blinded her, followed by a soft “whump” sound.
“Ouch,” Pyotr said, rubbing his eyes. “Guess it needs another coat of paint.
Anna blinked a few times, looking past the negative image of the stall that floated in her vision. “What happened?” she asked.
“See for yourself,” Pyotr replied, stepping over the wires again and opening the door.
A fog rolled out of the shower stall, chilling the air in the lab. Anna stepped forward cautiously, rubbing her arms and regretting her choice of a tank top, or at least wishing she’d worn a bra. She clutched her half apple, peering in where the mist was clearing to see what had become of its twin.
There was nothing there. The apple was gone, and Pyotr was grinning like he’d just created a pile of money and candy.
“There’s nothing there,” Anna said.
“Exactly! Not even air! We heard the air rush into the gap. Now we just have to wait.”
“I hate waiting,” Anna said, lifting the half apple to take a bite.
Pyotr took it from her before she could, setting it on the workbench. “It will not be long,” he assured her. “And it will be worth the wait.”
Anna wanted to ask more, but the look her brother gave her told her that it was a time for quiet, and she didn’t want to ruin the moment for him. Whatever this thing was doing with the apple, it had him very excited.
After a minute, the air seemed to get suddenly very warm. That was the only warning; almost as soon as she noticed it on her skin, Anna was blinded again. Or rather, there was a black… something. Like a flash of dark, coming from the open shower door, followed by a strong gust of air.
“Yes!” Pyotr exclaimed, running over to the stall and picking up the half apple. “It worked!”
“What worked? All you did was make it disappear and come back.”
Pyotr chuckled. “I did a universe more than that,” he said, tossing her the apple. “Look.”
Anna looked, shrugging. “I don’t see anything.”
“Exactly! Now look at its twin.”
Anna glanced over at the workbench, then back at the fruit in her hand. “It’s brown.”
“It’s aged!”
“So you made a fancy refrigerator?”
Pyotr laughed. “No, Annushka,” he said, grabbing her shoulders. “I made a Time Machine!”
Anna blinked. It was such a bizarre thing to say, but if anyone could do it, it was her brother. Before she could say anything, she found herself swept up in a hug by her laughing brother.
“I knew it could be done!” he exclaimed. “The glove proved it, but I solved it!” He was squeezing Anna tightly, and she was squeezing him back, caught up in his infectious mood. She gazed up into his face, feeling her heart swell at the sight of him so happy. Then, without thinking about it, she kissed him.
For a second, he kissed her back. Then he stopped; Anna felt his lips freeze in place. A second later, they softened again and parted; his arms again tightened around her, and his tongue advanced to meet her own.
It was like being on fire. Lips and tongues and excited moans all mixed together. Anna pulled the zipper down on the front of Pyotr’s coveralls, barely keeping on her feet as her brother bore her back toward the workbench. She felt his hands on her ass and then her hips, grabbing and lifting her to sit on the raised surface while her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling the bulge under his clothing against the white-hot opening that squirmed beneath her shorts.
Somehow in the tangle of limbs Anna found herself leaning back, lacing her fingers behind Pyotr’s neck to keep from falling away. Her shorts and panties came down only far enough to expose her to the air before he hooked his arms under her knees, entering her with a single powerful thrust.
Anna gasped, then cried out as she felt her brother’s cock pull back and surge into her again, and then again, passionate motions driven by a desire like the sun. Her pussy gripped him tight, reshaping to allow him in, as if she had been born to hold his sex inside her.
She lost count after the third stroke, giving herself over to pleasure. She pulled herself up and locked her mouth on his, kissing him like he was her source of air; her hips twisted and bucked, trying to take him in deeper.
Suddenly, Pyotr’s moans turned into stuttering grunts of bliss. Anna felt him slam into her harder; a shiver rolled through her as she realized he was cumming. Her legs wrapped again around his waist and he held her hips, grinding into her and shaking.
And then as quickly as it had started, it was over; Pyotr relaxed his grip and their kiss broke. She could feel him inside her still, pulsing with his frenzied heartbeat. His forehead, cool with sweat, rested on her own.
“Anna,” Pyotr breathed, swallowing and starting to catch his breath. “Anna, I…”
“I love you, brother,” Anna purred. “I’m so happy.”
Pyotr lifted his head, looking surprised into her eyes. She knew that he was thinking hard, taking stock of the situation. She also knew that he would probably conclude that they had made a mistake.
Anna kissed her brother, interrupting his thoughts. Her ankles were still crossed behind his waist, and she pulled him in tighter, squirming and softly mewling for him. “Please, Pyotr,” she pleaded, pressing her chest to his and nibbling on his earlobe. “Please, you don’t even have to love me back, just don’t push me away.”
Pyotr leaned back a little and looked into her eyes. A smile spread slowly across his face. “I love you too, Annushka,” he said softly.
Anna’s heart burst from her chest, spraying her brother with blood. Or at least it felt that way. She squealed in joy, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him tightly. “Thank you, thank you,” she cried.
Pyotr chuckled. “It is strange, but this feels… right.”
Anna felt Pyotr softening within her. “Something doesn’t feel right to me,” she said. Her hips squirmed again. “I need more…”
Pyotr chuckled. Anna felt his hand move a little. It was the hand that always wore that glove, some other project or experiment he hadn’t told her about. She gasped as he suddenly grew within her, becoming rock-hard once again.
Except that wasn’t even right; it was more like he was suddenly, instantly hard. It almost hurt, and the aftershock of pleasure made her spine tingle.
Anna was still tingling, almost sore from the way Pyotr had suddenly taken her. She wasn’t even sure when her shorts had come all the way off. Her entire body was singing as Pyotr started to move again, this time more gently. Slowly, his cock slid out and pushed back into her. His eyes were locked on hers, making her blush while his soft, loving thrusts coaxed squeaks and moans from her lips.
Pyotr’s coveralls fell to the floor. His hands glided up Anna’s sides, catching and pulling off her top. She bit her lip; this was her first time naked before him. At the same time, the way he looked at her, it was as if he knew what he would see already. Knew it, and wanted it all the more.
His hand cupped her breast, squeezing the flesh and pinching her nipple between two fingers. It was a loving move, but a possessive one; he was laying claim to her body while he made love to her. His other hand lifted to caress her cheek, and he leaned in to kiss her once more.
She was standing up now, bracing her hands on the workbench. She wasn’t sure how she’d got there, but she didn’t really care; Pyotr was behind her and inside her, with his chest hot on her back and his cock hotter in her pussy. He moaned in her ear, pushing firmly up into her over and over. One of his arms was wrapped around her waist and the other was over her chest, making her feel completely wrapped up by him.
His hand slid down her stomach, fingertips seeking and easily finding her clit. He moved as if he knew every inch of her by heart, gliding back and forth inside her and rubbing just hard enough to bring her to the edge of climax. He knew it, too; every time she was about to get off, he slowed down or even stopped entirely, fondling her breasts and throbbing in her soaked and needy pussy.
“Are you ready again, Anna?” he whispered in her ear.
“Yes, oh god, yes please,” she replied breathlessly. There was a dizzying sensation like she was passing out, and then she was on her back, laying on a soft blanket on the floor. Her brother was atop and inside her, bracing himself with one hand while the other laced with hers above her head.
He was thrusting faster now, and with every thrust he bottomed out, his hips brushing against her clit before cruelly pulling back again. He kissed her and she kissed him. The entire universe compressed into their linked bodies; worlds existed in their kiss. Their hearts beat at the cages of their bodies, desperately trying to reach one another, and Anna felt herself quivering and contracting. Some faraway part of her mind registered the fact she was cumming harder than she ever had before.
Pyotr was cumming too, driving down into Anna again and again, shooting heat into her very core. Anna’s eyes rolled back, blacking out her vision, while her other senses overwhelmed her.
A breath she didn’t know she’d been holding burst from her lungs when he finally stopped. Anna panted harder than before, giggling and squirming under Pyotr’s weight. “Wow,” she said softly.
Pyotr chuckled, making his shaft jump inside her. “Yes,” he replied softly, moving to kiss her. “Wow.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7vnkwc/timebenders_2_channelsurfing_chapter_19_timestop


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