Professor P’s Truth Serum — Part 1 [M/f][drugs]

My first story. If there’s demand for more, there’s more.

Taryn is sitting in front of Professor P, mouth hanging slightly open, breath caught in the back of her throat. She looks at the front of his khaki dress pants seeing the outline of his cock through them, eagerly awaiting her chance to see it. She knows it will be big. The thought of touching it with her hands, putting her pouting little lips on it, tasting it with her delicate tongue, feeling it penetrate her tight pussy, and stretching her out gives her a tingle down her spine. The tingle spreads through her midriff down to her legs and settles in her pussy, a warm and aching dampness gathering in her panties.

“Taryn, what is the next step?” Professor P says, drawing her attention up to his face and looking deeply into her eyes, “…Taryn?”

She blinks and realizes she is sitting in class staring dumbly at Professor P with her pencil in her mouth, almost drooling. People are starting to giggle as her fantasy-world fades and thought returns. Professor P persists, “Taryn, what is the next step in solving this stoichiometric equation?”

Taryn has no idea what is going on, she definitely hasn’t been paying attention to the lesson. Her eyes flick down to the slight outline of Professor P’s cock again, then back to his waiting face, then to the board with the equation. Suddenly, her cold plastic seat is VERY uncomfortable on the soft skin on the bottoms of her thighs and contrasting drastically with the warm wet feeling in her pussy. The giggles get louder and she feels her face flush.

Then, thankfully, the bell rings.

“Alright, we’ll pick this up again next class. Make sure you understand this for the next exam, it’s crucial for understanding the rest of Chemistry,” Professor P says, smiling at the class, “Taryn wait a moment before you go.”

There’s a chuckle from the other students and a slight “Ooooo…”, taunting her as she’s about to get in trouble. Taryn gathers her things and comes forward to Professor P while he cleans the whiteboard. Taryn pushes down her lingering sexual tingles, but can’t help but check out Professor P as he works.

She always appreciated that he dresses much more nicely than the other science teachers, frequently wearing slacks and button down shirts. He is youngish for a teacher, maybe late twenties, but she isn’t good at estimating age. Light brown hair, kind hazel eyes, square-jawed and a great smile which lights up his face. Professor P is taller than her petite 5’2″, pushing 6 feet tall, broad shouldered, fit but not super lean, he looks very sturdy and when he rolls up his shirt sleeves his arms make her think he could pick her up and throw her around without breaking a sweat. She starts to drift away again at the thought of him tossing her around but fights her way back. Professor P starts talking without looking at her, “What happened today? You seemed to be spacing out the entire lesson. I know you know how to do this stuff, you do all of it right on homework… plus this is your third time in my class!”

This is true. Taryn has been in Professor P’s Chemistry class two times before and failed both times. She is a senior in a sophomore level course which is incredibly embarrassing but she needs to pass this course to graduate. “I… I don’t know Professor P. I get it when I’m at home, then I get to class and I just can’t stay focused!” Taryn’s eyes drop unconsciously down to Professor P’s crotch again for just a moment, then back up to his face as he finishes cleaning the board.

“Well I know you need to pass this class to graduate, so I’m going to make you a deal. Why don’t we meet after school a few days per week and go over the material one-on-one without the distractions of class. If you decide to show up to these sessions for the remainder of the year and still fail the exams, I’ll be confident that you understand the material and pass you,” Professor P offers and watches Taryn’s slightly plump lips pout out in an adorable face of frustration.

Taryn’s apparent frustration is her fighting down equal part excitement and fear. She will get to be alone with Professor P AND get to graduate, but now she will BE ALONE WITH PROFESSOR P which makes her stomach fill with butterflies and pussy tingle with remembered desire. She agrees, “Yeah, that sounds more than fair. Thank you for taking the extra time for me Professor P!”

“Of course, see me in my office at 4PM, we’ll study for an hour, and have you on your way home by 5,” he says, moving to gather his things.

Taryn turns to leave with an obvious pep-in-her-step. Professor P watches her go. He doesn’t know if she realizes that her pep bounces her short skirt up and he can see a little of her pert ass peek out from under the material. Professor P watched Taryn blossom over the last couple of years into a gorgeous woman. She is petite in frame and her figure is shapely. He estimates she has C cup breasts and appreciates her slim waist and perky ass. She frequently wears low-cut jeans or a short skirt, showing off her fit, flat stomach and perfect ass. Her tops are tight but without a bunch of cleavage pouring out… unless it is a very hot day. Professor P admits to himself that those are good days with a sly smile. Her face is high cheek-boned down to a little chin, with those pouting lips, a small nose with slight tilt up, and eyes which glitter when she smiles. A smattering of light freckles across the bridge of her face give her some asymmetrical character and her straight brown hair flows down past her shoulders.

He is very aware that she is attracted to him, it’s hard not to notice when an attractive woman stares at your crotch with a pencil stuck semi-lewdly in her mouth. He has spent many nights thinking about being that pencil, with her pouty lips wrapping around his cock, her mouth sucking on him, pushing all the way in until her throat is gripping him. His cock twitches at the thought, responding immediately, beginning to get hard; he pushes the thoughts away so he won’t tent his pants and makes his way back to his office to ensure everything is ready. Taryn turned 18 recently and he has been thinking about doing this for a long time but wanted her to be of legal age before putting his plan into action.

Before he became a high school chemistry teacher, Professor P had been a Defense Department research chemist. His research led him to develop a Truth Serum of sorts. The effects of the serum lowered inhibitions and impacted the reward centers of the brain, capitalizing on and enhancing the chemical release associated with not having to carry a mental burden around anymore. In other words it made people being interrogated feel very good about sharing their secrets and left them with the memory of having done the right thing by telling the truth. The result was a kind of pleasurable stream of consciousness, where one truth would spill into the next. After leaving the Defense Department, Professor P understood the potential of this chemical and spent a fair amount of time replicating his success.

4PM rolls around and Taryn knocks on Professor P’s door. “Come in,” Professor P’s friendly voice says from the other side.

“Hello Professor P!” Taryn bubbles, her nervousness coming through, “thanks again for taking the time to see me, I’m sure you have better things to do than spend the afternoon with me.”

“Not at all, my job is to make sure everybody understands the material. Contrary to your exam scores, I suspect you do understand Chemistry, but I need to make sure before I can let you pass my class. Before we get started can I offer you something to drink?” Professor P says, trying to seem nonchalant.

“Yes please, some water?” she replies, distracted by getting her books out of her bag.

Professor P gets up from his desk and grabs a couple of beakers he reserves for drinking then walks into the connected lab classroom to get water from the lab bench. He opens the drawer on the bench, pulls out the Truth Serum, squeezes a dropper full into one beaker, then fills the rest with water. He returns to his office and places the beaker in front of Taryn, who is looking through her notes. She reaches out without thinking, picks up the beaker, and takes a big gulp. Professor P grins, takes a big gulp himself, and stands behind his desk. The effects aren’t immediate, but he knows within a few minutes the chemical will begin to take effect.

Professor P begins a discussion about Chemistry. Taryn is obviously nervous and gets half-right answers, her eyes frequently lingering on his body. She attempts to cover this by grabbing the water and taking drinks. Professor P puts his hands in his pockets, pushing his hips forward, and feeling the material of his pants stretch over his hips. He is sure she can see the outline of his cock and her eyes linger longer and longer each time she takes a look. He gives her a problem to solve and as she works he decides to make his move while she’s distracted.

“So why do you have such a hard time focusing in my class?” Professor P says, trying to keep his voice steady and control his excitement.

“Because I’m imagining you fucking me silly,” she replies only half paying attention with her eyes on her work.

The realization of her response strikes her a second later and her lips open in a half-contained gasp. She looks up from her work at Professor P, her mouth opening and closing a couple of times with no words coming out, her eyes big and surprised. “I… I don’t know why I said that,” Taryn says quickly, “but it feels good to tell you.”

“Oh! I’ll bet it does. That would be VERY distracting…” Professor P says, trying to feign surprise, “I’ll admit that I’ve thought about you too from time-to-time.”

“REALLY?!” she beams, mouth and eyes still wide in disbelief, but with a happy glint, “I would have never guessed it. You always play it so cool.”

Professor P shrugs, sits back, and says, “I have to. I’m sure you understand the consequences of a teacher-student relationship… ESPECIALLY an underage student.”

Taryn nods emphatically, her perky tits bobbing up and down. Professor P does his best to resist, but can’t help it and looks. Taryn notices and says perkily, “But I’m 18 now… and I can keep a secret, like for example I kept the secret that one time I had to use the restroom during your class in order to finger myself to make sure I could concentrate!”

Again that look of surprise, wide eyed and mouth shocked into an O. This time her eyes close with a slight flutter.

Professor P can tell that the Truth Serum is working in full effect. He leans over the desk and attempts to push the conversation, “Oh did you! That’s pretty naughty! What is it that day that made you so distracted?”

Taryn thinks for a moment, then her voice is far away and remembering, “You were wearing those pants,” indicating his khakis, “and every time you would stand at the front of the room I would be able to see a… bulge. And an outline. I was sure it was your cock and just thinking about it made me all horny!”

Professor P moves his hips and the bulge appears. “You mean this bulge?” he asks, feigning innocence again.

“Mmmhmmm…” she says, staring at it with her lips pouting out and eyes fluttering.

A familiar tingle runs down her spine and places itself in her pussy. It is warm and aching from her day imagining a scenario unfolding just like this. The tingling in her pussy turns into a flood. She bites her lip and admits to herself with another little wave of pleasure that if Professor P asks her she will tell him all of her deep, dark desires.

Professor P is captured by that pouting, lost, horny look and his cock begins to stiffen. Diving deeper he asks, “What did you think about while fingering yourself?”

She doesn’t look away from his growing bulge as she responds, “I thought about the way your cock would feel in my hand, I guessed it would be huge. I wondered how it would taste in my mouth and if you would want me to suck it like they do in porn movies. Then I imagined you on top of me spreading my pussy lips open, slowly pushing inside, stretching me out…”

“You ARE very naughty… You watch porn movies?” Professor P asks a little surprised, “How long have you watched those?”

“About a year now,” she says, entranced by the bulge of his hard-on, not paying attention to the conversation at all.

Taryn’s eyelids flutter again and her eyes roll up for a second enjoying her truthfulness. She continues without needing a prompt, “I used to watch really plain stuff because it all seemed so weird, but as I got comfortable with what got me off I would watch the more aggressive stuff. Sometimes I would imagine it was you doing those things to me…”

Professor P’s cock moves to full attention as she speaks. He notices Taryn’s hands are rubbing the chair’s armrests like she is trying to rub her own pussy. Her pussy is on fire, full of electrical energy, aching with desire. Her eyes are locked on Professor P’s hard cock, she knows she will taste it today and that he will finally be hers. Professor P moves around her and towards the door, dropping all the blinds in his office, reducing the light to just a glow, then switching on a lamp in the corner to bring up the visibility. He says, “Well you clearly know what you want. What are you waiting for?”

She springs from the chair and throws herself up at him. He catches her small body and easily lifts her by her asscheeks bringing her mouth to his. His tongue works in circles around hers. He sucks her lips slowly, licking them teasingly, she sucks his tongue into her mouth and imagines it is his cock.

Professor P lets her down slowly and as her feet touch the floor, he spins her quickly around so she is facing away from him. His hands work their way up and down her tight body, groping her tits hard through her bra, running down her belly, across her thighs, creeping up her skirt to gently stroke at the outside of her pussy, and finally pushing down hard on the big soaking wet spot in the middle of her panties. “OH FUCK!” Taryn moans as he touches her pussy through the underwear for the first time.

“I’m so turned on Professor P. You’ve got my pussy soaking wet already and we haven’t even really begun!” she coos into his ear, eyelids fluttering, as he leans down to kiss the nape of her neck, “I’ve been imagining this for a long time and have a lot I want you to do to me. You’re mine until I’m through with you.”

He hears the words and can only reply, “Yes, ma’am.”

Professor P is almost lost in desire. The feel of her skin under his hands is softer than he imagined and her sex smell is strong, sweet, and intoxicating. His cock presses against Taryn in the middle of the back and aches to be freed from it’s pants-prison. His hand on her pussy starts to move in circles, pressing down on the damp spot in her panties. Taryn arches her back, moaning loudly as the sensation shoots up her spine and she rocks her hips forward and back in rhythm with the hand movements. Professor P pushes his hand down her back and across her butt over her skirt, then back up under it tracing the line of her thong down between Taryn’s ass cheeks. She shudders deliciously as his hand rubs near her asshole. “Seems like you enjoy having your asshole played with. Do you like it when I touch your asshole?” he whispers in her ear, turning her with ease once again so she is standing in profile to him. Now his hands can touch both pussy and ass easily at the same time.

“MmmmHmmmmmm…” she moans, eyes fluttering, “I’ve tried anal before and it felt good. Someone found out and started rumors about it here at school… They called me a slut.”

Professor P smiles at her for a moment as he continues his teasing circles on her panties-covered pussy and running fingers between her ass cheeks, the wetness from her pussy making her asshole slick. Taryn continues in a breathy voice between moans, “But I do like it… That makes mmmmme a dirty girl doesn’t it? MMMMmmmmm. Only sluts like it innnn the asshole… I want to be slutty with you!”

Her body is living fire with the source like a hot coal in her pussy and the fingers brushing her asshole fanning the flames. She is dripping wet, the cloth of the panties a poor excuse for absorption, and she can feel the wetness creeping down her thigh. Taryn can’t remember ever being so wet and oddly the smell of her sex is sweet instead of it’s usual muskiness. Professor P stops moving his hands on her pussy and ass leaving Taryn feeling abandoned in her time of need. “I agree, that does make you a slut. I’m yours to play with so use me like a slut would and tell me what you want,” he says and deftly slips his fingers into the waist band of her panties, pulling them to the ground, exposing her pussy to the open air for the first time.

The sudden coolness gives her goosebumps and her nipples stand at full attention. They push painfully against her bra but that is only a momentary concern as Professor P pulls both her shirt and bra up over her head. Taryn pouts her lips at Professor P and says, “Well this isn’t fair you’re still fully dressed and I’m naked. How is this Slut supposed to get her slutty fill of dick if she can’t see what she’s working with? Let me take care of you Professor.”

She runs her hands along the front of his shirt, then begins unbuttoning buttons. She opens the front and coos at his chest, “I really like the way you dress Professor P, you always look so good. I also like how strong you are. Like the way you could just pick me up and flip me around to put me in whatever position to pleasure me. I can’t wait to have you hold me up and just fuck my tiny pussy with your hard cock. My pussy is dripping wet for you.”

Professor P’s cock is rock hard and beyond aching. Taryn finishes taking off his shirt, moving teasingly slowly, dropping it lazily on the floor. She reaches out and brushes her hand on his erection through his pants. Tracing the shape of it with a finger. Her eyes open in surprise and exclaims, “Professor P, this is a HUGE dick! Bigger than I thought it would be! I have to see the whole thing!”

She undoes his belt buckle and unbuttons his pants then pulls them down as she goes to her knees in front of him. Her cute face stares up at Professor P, pouty lips parted slightly, tongue on her upper-lip like she is concentrating on a hard problem, then she tugs down his underwear in one quick go. Taryn gasps, her eyes going full wide then twinkling as she grins up at him. She whispers, “It’s gorgeous! I’ve never seen a cock this big in before! Can your Slut touch her prize cock?”

Professor P beams down at her, “Of course she can, it belongs to her after all.”

Taryn takes hold of it in one hand then realizing it isn’t enough, added another hand on the other side further up the shaft. She can’t close either hand all the way around it and the head is still poking out. Grinning at it’s size, Taryn pumps it gently with both hands making Professor P’s knees weak. He has imagined this scene many times before, looking down at Taryn’s beautiful face as she’s on her knees in front of him, stroking his cock with her hands, licking her lips with anticipatory delight.

Taryn comes up as tall as she can on her knees and gasps as she holds Professor P’s cock against her soft cheek, “Oh my god it’s bigger than my face! I don’t know if your Slut will be able to fit all of this in her tiny little mouth… let alone my pussy. I might not be able to be your Slut after all. We’ll have to see if I can earn the title.”

She moves Professor P’s cock along the soft skin of her face, smelling it and enjoying the feel of it’s hot, supple but hard texture. Taryn mews coyly up at Professor P, “Thinking about your dick pleasuring my pussy makes it tingle. We’ll have to try that soon, but first I want to taste it. May your Slut taste your cock Professor?”

“Yes she may,” he says, bracing himself to avoid cumming immediately. He wants this to last as long as it can.

Taryn holds Professor P’s cock in both hands right in front of her face and gently brushes it against her lips smearing the pre-cum starting to bead at the tip lewdly all over them before tasting it. “MMMmmm… it’s sweet like honeysuckle!” she slurps as she licks it all up.

Then opening her mouth she gently kisses the tip, then the under side, then the left side and the right side. Taryn looks Professor P in the eye and winks then sucks the entire tip into her mouth. Her eyes roll back in her head in unbridled ecstasy as her hands start to pump together in rhythm with her bobbing head. Taryn sucks like she is dying of thirst and this dick holds the last drop of water. Professor P groans from deep in his chest and says, “Oooooof you really know how to suck a dick!”

Taryn moans around the big cock in her mouth. Her pussy is hot and she can feel wetness down her thighs as she opens her mouth wider to push more cock into it. Hands pumping steadily, she slobbers on more and more dick. She pulls the wet mass out of her mouth with a POP and a thin string of drool drips down her chest. She slurps up at Professor P, “Your cock tastes INCREDIBLE. I want to put the whole thing in my mouth and suffocate on it!”

Professor P grins as Taryn’s eyelids flutter and says, “You are a grade-A slut Taryn. It’s taking all my willpower not to cum all over that cute face. I want to be yours for as long as you need me.”

Taryn smiles up at him cutely while still pumping slowly on his cock, her spit lubricating the way. “You better not cum until I give you permission. Remember, you’re my sex toy,” she says, winks at him again, then spits on his cock and pushes the tip plus another couple inches into her tiny mouth. She starts to gag as she pushes harder and removes a hand from the big dick in front of her in order to pull on Professor P’s butt. She locks eyes with him as she gags again and another half-inch disappears, she’s more than halfway down. He can feel her throat open up to him, sucking him in as she swallows over and over again. Professor P groans as his balls beg for release, but he manages to hold back. Taryn pulls him all the way out and drool pours out of her mouth. Her face is covered in slobber, her chin a mess of spit, dripping all over her tits making them shiny and slick. Professor P says, amazed, “You’re a beautiful cock-gobbling slut. I can’t believe you’ve sucked down more than half!”

Taryn regards him cooly as she pumps away on him with very slippery hands. “You don’t think I can do it do you?! Hmmm… I’ll show you,” she challenges while trying to catch her breath.

She pulls him over to a lounging chair and kneels on the cushion with the armrest in front of her. Now with her mouth and throat aligned, Taryn begins pushing the cock back in her mouth, easily accommodating the portion she took before and another inch. She pulls his hips forward once again, gags, swallows, pushes him out just enough for some air, takes a deep breath, and pulls him in again. Another gag, another swallow and the whole thing is stuffed in her tight little throat. The warm glow of the Truth Serum rolling over her like thunder and her pussy oozing down her legs and onto the chair.

Taryn looks up at Professor P with his balls on her chin, tears down her cheeks. His balls quiver, feeling the sucking pull of her throat and looking down at this gorgeous slut depriving herself of air to suck his cock instead. Somehow he manages to pull back from the brink once again. Taryn moans loudly, slowly pulling his giant dick out of her mouth with a torrent of spit. She rasps at him, “Well, since you didn’t think I could do it, you don’t get to throat fuck me.”

Professor P groans, “I don’t think I could. I was so close to blowing my load right there at the end.”

Taryn pumps his slimy, spit covered cock lazily, grinning at him fiendishly, “Maybe I should make you throat fuck me then and if you cum, there will be consequences… let me think about it.”

Taryn puts on a show of thinking about it and while she considers she rubs her whole face with his dick, running it over her lips, moaning and blowing bubbles in the mess of slobber. She slaps her face with his cock, tapping it on her cheeks, groaning as she punishes herself. Finally it seems like she made up her mind. “I’m a bad girl Professor,” she says coyly, “I sucked a huge cock down into my throat like a slut would. Will you show me other things sluts do?”

Professor P has a flash of inspiration and can only reply, “Yes, ma’am.”

He pulls away from her stroking hands and grabs her shirt to make a blindfold. “Are you going to punish me Professor?” Taryn asks eagerly, “I was a dirty slut with your cock. I’m covered in cocksucking spit and my pussy is sopping wet.”

“Nope, I’m making another one of your wishes come true. It will take a moment to set up and I want the reveal to be a surprise,” Professor P replies.

He blindfolds her quickly and hoists her off the chair. He’s thankful for the break as he needs to cool down. Taryn kneels down with her ass up in the air and begins rubbing her pussy, before long a finger creeps toward her asshole and begins probing in and out. Waves of pleasure spark into her pussy and ass. She dips a second finger into her asshole and tries to get more than two knuckles in. Professor P finishes moving the pieces into position and grabs Taryn easily from the floor. He spins her around so her back is against his chest and he’s holding her legs apart, she wraps her arms back around his neck and coos up at him. Professor P sits down and Taryn can feel him set her down with her feet on his knees. “Ohhhh… am I going to get to ride your big dick Professor?” she slurs in his ear, making it sound as lusty as possible.

“Something like that, Slut. I’m going to put just the tip of my cock inside, then we’ll take off the blindfold,” Professor P responds.

As he presses the girth of his cock against Taryn’s hole, she moans, “Oh fuuuuuck, that dick is going to make me cum so fast!”

Her body rocks and pussy oozes more wetness, covering Professor P’s dick and balls. “Well guess you are sorta pent up after all that sucking huh, you Slut?” he whispers into her ear.

“Mmmmhhmmmmm…” she murmurs, trying to settle back against him.

“Nope, no rest. You told me to show you what sluts do and sluts get fucked until they can’t think straight,” Professor P says firmly in her ear, taking his cock in hand and easing apart her pussy lips with the tip.

She wriggles back a little, not really trying to escape, but making it tough for him to line up against her tight hole. He grabs hold of her waist with one hand and pushes her slowly down onto his cock. Taryn begins moaning again, not pushing away so much, gyrating her hips to ease this girth into her tender little hole. Professor P holds her over his cock letting the pussy open up to him bit by bit. Taryn moans loudly, gyrating her hips harder as another little bit gets pushed in. “Yes, make your Slut’s tiny pussy yours, stretch it out, I want you to use me up,” she groans, “Fuuuuuck, it’s so big! MMMmmmm… god that’s good. If you keep pushing like that I’m gonna… gonna… cummmm!”

Taryn cums, her body rocking with the force of it, pussy contracting and relaxing, squirting, and finally relaxing enough to let the head of the big dick in. Her pussy drools more wetness down his shaft and Professor P can feel the walls clenching against him as they adjust to the width. “Well now, again? You ARE a real slut. Good job!” he teases, “ready for the surprise?”

“MMmmmHmmmm…” she purrs, trying to rouse herself from the post-orgasm stupor, “did I take it all? Can I finally just sit down and grind my pussy into putty?”

“Well, not quite…” he says and snaps off the blindfold.

Taryn’s eyes adjust to the brightness and she moans with pleasurable fear as she sees his setup. Right in front of the chair Professor P is sitting down in, is a full length mirror. Taryn can see her whole sexy body and she’s still suspended over most of Professor P’s cock. He’s got her weight easily in his arms and theres more than a few inches left to descend. “So you wanted a challenge? I think you can complete this challenge. You need to take my whole dick in your tiny pussy. I think your slutty body can do it, it’s obviously built to handle a cock as we saw before when you slut-sucked me aaaaall the way in,” Professor P says mischievously.

“Oh god… there’s so much more!” Taryn whimpers, “but I’m going to be a good slut for you Professor!”

“I know you will. You’re going to love it you slut,” he slurs luridly in her ear, “so get to work!”

He slowly begins pushing her down on his cock. She watches intently, focused on the cock pressing its way inside her, moaning like a whore, but never taking her eyes way. “Fuck this thing feels SO GOOD. I’m so full! I’m such a slut for loving this big dick stretching me out! MMMMMMM…. OH GOD. MMMM MMM MMMM…” she moans, “fuck me with that cock!”

Slowly but surely Professor P lowers Taryn onto him. She’s deliciously tight and he frequently stops and raises her up then begins lowering again, teasing her, stretching her. Her pussy creams up along his shaft, lubricating the way, and she rolls into another orgasm as he gets halfway in. Electricity shoots from her pussy, up through her back, into her brain, and back down making her legs shake. Eyelids fluttering Taryn exclaims, “OH GOD LET ME HAVE THE REST OF IT! IF YOU’RE MINE TO PLAY WITH, LET ME HAVE MY COCK.”

Professor P can only respond with, “Yes, Ma’am.”

He lets go of her body weight and she slowly slips down his shaft. Taryn watches, helpless with weakness after her last orgasm, as the remaining inches of cock slide in, stretching her pussy well beyond anything she’s experienced before. When her clit hits Professor P’s balls, she gasps with resounding pleasure and leans back to rest against his chest. “Well, I must be your Slut, we fit so well together. You did such a good job lowering me gently, it’s time for me to take a turn and do some work,” she says, winking at him and licking her lips.

Sitting up slowly with her feet still on his knees, Taryn begins riding. Small circles at first to get used to the girth inside her, then bigger and bigger. She moves her hips faster and faster, grinding her pussy on his rod, creaming all over his balls. “OH MY GOD! OHH MYYY GOOOOD! MY PUSSY IS ON FIRE! FUUUUCCCCCK, I NEED MORE!” Taryn screams.

Putting her hands on Professor P’s chest, she slides up and down his shaft, slowly at first getting used to the length, then begins bouncing up and down. Riding all the way from the base to the very tip then dropping back down, slapping her clit against his balls, making a clapping sound. “Yes! Pound my pussy with your dick! MmmmmMMMmm! Pound your Slut’s pussy!” she begs.

“You’re pounding your own pussy, Slut. I’m loving every second of you fucking yourself on my cock,” Professor P says.

“Watching myself get fucked in the mirror, it’s like I’m watching myself in a porn movie! You’re stretching out my little hole and I love it Professor P! I can’t stop cuuuummmmming!” Taryn exclaims through another orgasm.

Panting, she shifts her weight forward and puts her feet on the ground and her hands on his knees. Her hips resume their bouncing, swirling, grinding fury. He can feel her rock hard clit on his cock and see her face in the mirror. Taryn’s beautiful eyes are barely focused in orgasmic delight, her face is covered in drool, and she’s moaning constantly as she rolls from one orgasm to the next. Professor P watches as she slams his cock into her tight pussy over and over again, her perky asscheeks and tits bouncing with each strike. “Ready to take it to the next level?” he asks mischievously again.

“MMmmmHmmmm…” Taryn replies, barely conscious of the words.

Professor P wets his thumb and presses it on Taryn’s asshole. Immediately she pushes back against it and groans aggressively. “Ohhhh god Professor P. That feels so good! Put a finger in your Slut’s ass!” Taryn slurs.

Professor P makes small circles on her tight asshole, working her into a frenzy. Taryn moans and groans as she pushes onto his thumb, feeling full with his cock. Her body is a mass of living electricity, each stroke on his shaft cranks the generator. The press of Professor P’s thumb on her asshole is the grounding wire, firing lightening from her pussy to her ass and then back again. Professor P pushes his thumb into her ass and she can’t keep the tide at bay any longer. Taryn screams in delight, pounding her pussy on his cock, cumming furiously, “OOOOhhhhhhh FUUUUCK. You’re a good toy and all Professor P, but I need one more thing to complete my fantasy. I want to watch you cum all over me…”

Professor P can only respond with, “Yes, Ma’am.”

Taryn leaps off him and kneels down in front of the chair as he gets up, her smiling face eager for him as she grabs his cock. She strokes him vigorously, sucking the tip of his dick, moaning and slobbering over him again. Professor P gasps, “Oh god, I’m cumming Taryn! I’m cumming!”

She pulls his cock out of her mouth as the first squirt erupts from him. It falls on her lips, coating them and she licks it up eagerly. The second is long and lands over her eye brows, nose, and leaks down onto her mouth. The third is thick, coating her chin, dripping onto her chest. Professor P’s legs shake as he cums, Taryn is in ecstasy lapping up his cum from her lips, stroking his cock. “Oh god, Professor P! You came so much! It’s so delicious!” she slurps, drinking him in.

“You’re such a slut Taryn. I’m so happy to be your toy,” he responds, “let’s get you cleaned up so you can go home.”

“Mmmm… Can I come back for more extra-credit tomorrow, Professor?” she murmurs.

He winks down at her. “Definitely. We have a lot of back work we need to catch up on,” he says.

As they clean up, Professor P notices a piece of paper that was slipped under the door. He grabs it and unfolds the message, which reads, ‘I KNOW WHAT YOU DID. MEET ME HERE TOMORROW. 4PM.’



  1. Holy hell, thank you! I have to change my panties now, gawd! Yes part 2 please!

  2. That was so incredibly hot and well written. I hope you are planning on part 2 or at least writing more stories!
    I look forward to reading more

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