Brimstone Series Book 2 – Episode 3

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My lips were puckered to the side and my fist tucked under my chin. I had spent at least half an hour just standing there, nerves keeping me from resolution.

Beginning the process again, I flipped through my small, limited closet. I wasn’t sure what to wear today. Normally, I wouldn’t give my wardrobe this much thought – I preferred classic pairings, but today I was battling with internal morals.

On one hand, the thought of dressing up for Chris appealed to my lewd sexual fantasies, which have not stopped, but rather they increased in frequency after I began this position, the proximity as kindling to my fire. But on the other, the thought of his invitation for lunch being more than just a business move was damn hard to believe.

He was an iron curtain, his demeanor solemn, words few and far between. Our typical interactions were mechanical and brief, which is why this invitation was that much more bizarre. I didn’t see why we couldn’t discuss business in the office, so it was either a way to grow our employee-employer bond, or . . . he had ulterior motives.

I caught those green eyes boring into me before he left hastily, and I wasn’t sure how to interpret that. It could have been in attraction, and if so, I wouldn’t mind living my fantasy of him ripping off my skirt and bending me over right there in the office. Yes, sign me up and throw away the receipt. But it could also have been in regret; perhaps he was unhappy with my performance so far.

Picking out conservative navy dress pants and a white top, I decided to play it safe, thinking that things will work out if they are meant to be. Little did I know that it wouldn’t matter at all.

It’s now past noon, and I haven’t had a second to even use the washroom, much less think of anything else. I’ve been signing quarterly bonuses, read fifty-four pages of New York safety codes, and made about three dozen phone calls to find two more associates to replace the two I just had to fire.

Why? The two of them decided to bump uglies in secret, and now that they broke up, their sour tension was affecting everyone’s mood. I had no choice but to fire them both out of fairness, which meant we needed replacements, fast.

I had seven interviews lined up in the next three days, two of which were today. The first candidate should be here any minute now, and out of common decency, I moved to conference room B to honor Luke’s privacy.

An instinctual smile spread across my face as the door opened, as I wanted to make a good first impression on the person I potentially had to work with. Looking up, my eyes grew wide as not Kevin Spence, the five-foot-five interviewee I was expecting, but a six-foot-four Chris walked in. Shit, I totally forgot about lunch. ‘Hi,’ I said distractedly.

‘Hi yourself,’ he said more casually than normal, a small grin at the corner of his mouth. ‘Luke said you moved here. Was there something wrong with his office?’

His lighthearted demeanor was curious to me. ‘No, no, nothing wrong. Luke has been very welcoming to me. Steve visits a lot though.’ To make room for me, Chris moved Steve to Jacob’s office. As far as could tell, they treated the dude like a glorified associate, but though he made a whole scene about having to leave, he was always cool with me. Though it did strike me as strange; Chris could have easily put me in Jacob’s office.

‘Oh?’ He said, scratching his square chin. Though it wasn’t even one o’clock yet, his stubble was already fighting the results of his morning shave. ‘Did you want to move to my office?’

My brows raised. Did I get water in my ears in the shower this morning or did Chris just offer to have me work in his office? Though this made my theory of ulterior motives that much more convincing, I still couldn’t be sure. Maybe he was just offering to be polite, and as uncharacteristic as that seems for him, it made sense if he was trying to improve our work relationship.

‘No, no, that’s not necessary. I’m quite happy where I’m at,’ I said politely. ‘And I wanted to apologize to you, I don’t think that I’ll be able to do lunch today, I’m due for an interview any minute now.’

He frowned while folding his arms and staring at me. An awkward silence passed between us. I looked away, pretending to be busy with paperwork. I wasn’t sure if he was disappointed at the felled lunch plans or my refusing his invitation, but part of me hoped it was both. After a few moments, he found his tongue. ‘Right, of course. Another time then.’

The door opened. ‘Hi, are you Miss Kavanagh?’ A young, handsomely dressed man with a briefcase entered the room.

I smiled at him and shook his hand. ‘Yes, you must Kevin. Thanks for coming on such short notice. And this is Christopher Brimstone, he is the – ’

‘Oh my goodness, it’s an honor!’ Kevin gripped Chris’ hand and shook it fiercely, staring up wide-eyed at him. ‘I can’t believe I’m meeting you sir, how are you?’ He was obviously no stranger to Chris’ impact in the law universe.

Though Kevin was more than friendly, Chris had a horrible scowl over his face. ‘Fine,’ he muttered irritably as he yanked his big hand out of Kevin’s grasp, and left without saying another word.


Thanks for coming on such short notice.

It was obvious she didn’t want to have lunch, but instead of telling me the truth, she used a last-minute interview as a means to avoid spending thirty minutes alone with me.

And the way she smiled at that kid when he walked into the room. She never smiled at me that wide when she saw me. That coif-haired fucker is never getting to work at this firm, I’ll make sure of that.

I don’t know why this bothered me so much, I was no stranger to getting rejected by women. Unlike my brothers, I didn’t have natural confidence or a personality that put women at ease around me. Before Abigail, there was a year where Luke and Jacob used to go clubbing all the time, and I’d always refuse their invitations. I just didn’t know how to be around women; they were too complicated for me.

It took me years to understand that you shouldn’t be direct with them, but I didn’t have another gear. I didn’t have the patience to play the chasing game like Luke did. I didn’t have to charm to have girls melt like Jacob. Hell, I didn’t even have the weird, twisted personality like Steve did that some girls found adorable. I made peace with the fact that I didn’t have game a long time ago, and it’s why I put all my energy into work.

But getting rejected by Stacey felt different. There was a pit in my stomach, a hole there that I couldn’t ignore, and I didn’t know how to fill. It felt like I lost something, even though she was never mine to begin with.

I begrudgingly wolfed down a ham sandwich from the deli downstairs, not even tasting it at all, and tried to focus on my write-ups. Half and hour in, I barely had two sentences typed up. Cursing, I decided I needed to go to the gym and work this off. After my first and only girlfriend broke my heart in college, the gym was the only thing that kept me from wasting away in my room.

Grabbing my workout bag, I jogged to the Gold’s two blocks away, where I had a membership. Their change room was under construction, so I decided to change in the bathroom stall, not wanting that little inconvenience to get in the way of my workout. There was a park on the way back with an outdoor shower and I could change back into work clothes at the office.

Two hours later, my chest and back were burning. That nauseating pain of rejection still throbbed, but at least my mind was clearer. After finishing my last set of pull-ups, I grabbed my items from the locker and headed for the park. Thankfully, it was a cloudy day, so few people were there to witness me wash myself.

By the time I got back to the office, I was feeling much better. My body felt light, and my mind was focused enough where I felt like I could work again. Swinging shut my office door behind me and closing the blinds, I began changing, slacks first. But before I could get my dress shirt on, I heard my office door open and crash into the wall.

‘Shit,’ I muttered as I swung around, realizing I didn’t flip the lock. My breath caught in my throat as I saw Stacey standing in the doorway, her eyes firmly glued to my chest, mouth slightly ajar. Her eyes glimmered a hungry hue, and fuck, I wanted to fill that open mouth. A moment that seemed to last an hour passed between us, and then we both spoke at once.

‘Fuck, I didn’t – I forgot to –’

‘You’re – why are you –’

‘Change room was closed –’

‘I’m so sorry for bursting in –’

‘Can I help –’

‘I’m going to leave now.’

And she slammed the door closed, leaving me alone again. I blinked a few times, processing what just had happened.

Slowly, I slipped into my dress shirt, and grinned to myself as I adjusted the cuff links.

She left in a real hurry, but not before she had her fill of me with her eyes, which meant that, oh yes, there was still a chance.


Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck.

Legs wobbly, I sat down on the toilet cover, finding solace in the bathroom stall. My heart was pounding, and my breaths deep and labored. A wet heat burned between my legs, and I knew exactly why. Christopher Brimstone was a fucking Adonis.

I went to his office to apologize again for missing lunch today and to reschedule for another time. I was expecting him to be sitting at his desk, on his computer like usual.

I did not expect him to be topless, and I definitely did not expect myself to be this aroused. I couldn’t help but stare at his exposed upper body, and he was much more muscular than I remembered.

His shoulders and chest were thick and bulky, the heaving muscles catching the afternoon light in their glorious size. The maze of his abs were defined and stretched beautifully over his long torso, flexing with each breath.

I’d been using mental snapshots of him clothed during vibrator hour as the image of him by the pool had become fuzzy in my head, but now, I had plenty of Chris porn to work with.

Pushing my underwear to the side, I found my womanhood and rubbed in a circular pattern, the carnal pleasure immediately rushing through me. I imagined that they were his fingers, and began stroking more firmly, like how I thought he might do it.

With my other hand, I slipped two fingers inside, imagining that it was him inside of me. I thrust my fingers rhythmically in and out, and tried to push in as deep as I could with every stroke. Though I had no idea how big he was, I had a general ballpark from Abigail’s stories about Luke. They were brothers, and if genetics had anything to do with it, Chris was packing heat. Scrunching my face, I diverted my thoughts away from my best friend’s fiancé, and imagine Chris’ hardness splitting through me, filling me up.

Before I knew it, I was right there to the point of orgasm, and forgot that I was in a bathroom stall with my back leaned against the questionably-clean toilet tank. In my mind, I was pressed up against Chris’ hard body, and he was taking me from behind, taking what I was willing to give. What I wanted to give. I issued a guttural moan as I found my release, reality rushing back to the forefront of my consciousness.

‘Oh my god Stace, that was so fucking hot. What were you thinking of?’

I froze, the sound of Jillian’s projecting voice reverberating off the slate walls. There was little I could do; she knew I was in the stall and she heard everything.

‘I’m so sorry Jill, I – I’m so embarrassed,’ I said sheepishly, standing and opening the door. ‘I had no idea – fuck I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t be sorry, trust me, I’ve been there,’ she said convincingly, and I cringed. This woman was a little too comfortable with me for my liking. ‘Just tell me what was on your mind and I’ll keep this between us,’ she winked. ‘I might want it for myself later.’

Nausea rolled through me at the idea of telling her what I was really thinking, so I quickly made something up. ‘Oh. Uh, you know, Dwayne Johnson?’

She let out a whore moan right there in front of me. ‘Oh my fucking god, yes, I would let that man do whatever he wanted to me. Those muscles are panty-droppers.’

‘Yeah,’ I laughed nervously. ‘Right then, I should be getting back to work. You won’t tell anyone about this right?’

‘About what?’ she said as she continued washing her hands, frowning as if she had no clue what I was referring to.

I let out another nervous laugh before leaving briskly. Walking quickly back to Luke’s office, I was startled to find that it wasn’t empty like it was before I left.

There was a man sitting in Luke’s chair, but it wasn’t him. It was the other managing partner. ‘Hi again,’ Chris rumbled, and the mere sound of his voice made me breathe a little faster.

‘Uhm. Hi,’ I managed. I don’t know why he wanted to see me so soon after I embarrassed myself in his office. I would have though that he would want to avoid me for at least a week after that awkward fiasco.

‘Do you have dinner plans tonight?’ His voice was confident, alluring.

I swallowed dryly. I had leftover chicken parmesan that I was planning to tidy up, but something about the way he was staring at me made me want to find out where this was going. ‘No, not really.’

‘Good. Then let me take you to dinner. To talk business of course.’ He put obvious emphasis on that word, and at that moment, I knew. I knew that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. It was a satisfying relief to finally understand where I stood, but at the same time I couldn’t let him know the feeling was mutual or else he’d hold too many cards.

‘Sure,’ I said simply, brushing any lust off my face. ‘Seven-thirty?’ He could pick the place but I wanted some control too.

‘Sounds good to me. I’ll send you the restaurant details.’ He rose, and began making his way out of the room. As he passed me, his arm made contact with mine, and I sensed his hard triceps through three layers of fabric. ‘See you later,’ he said slowly.

‘See you later,’ I mimicked quietly, nearly a whisper. And then I was alone. Alone and seeking release once more.
