Did You Have Fun Getting Gangbanged Last Night? [MMf][Gangbang][Public]

Sarah was sometimes ashamed of herself, she had dated plenty of incredible guys who treated her like a queen, but none of them had fucked her the way she wanted. They were all soft and romantic, and that just wasn’t enough for her. She wanted more, she needed more, she wanted to be treated like a slut, and that’s what Charles did. She had met him online and they had started messaging back and forth, trading pics, and eventually evolving into a relationship of online dominance. Charles would give her tasks, horrifically disgusting things that she would do to herself, all for his amusement, and Sarah loved every single second of it.

Sarah knew she wasn’t a model, but she liked her curves and she felt cute for the most part with her shoulder length brown hair and eyes to match. She was 5’1 and weighed 160. She wasn’t fat but she felt like her short stature made her seem bigger, but she couldn’t deny that her hips were nice and rounded and her 43DD tits definitely caught people’s attention on the street, and Charles loved them. One of his favorite things to have her do was hurt them for his amusement.

Over time, they grew close, but despite both living in Chicago, they had yet to meet in person. Sarah was desperate to meet the man who treated her so horribly, and she begged him all the time for more. He would always tell her “When the time is right.” Sarah was beginning to think that it would never happen, and that she would never get the chance to be truly fucked and treated like the whore she wanted so desperately to be. But, as Sarah would soon find out, Charles had something special planned for her.

“It’s time Sarah. I have arranged for us to have a play date of our very own. This Friday night, you will meet me downtown at the Hilton, we are going to a party. Wear a nice dress for me little girl. I intend to show you off.”

Sarah’s breath caught in her throat as she read the text over again. “Friday? That’s only a few days away!” The logical part of her brain was in a panic, terrified that she was considering meeting a man she had never met to go to a party with him. As scared as she was however, the idea of finally meeting the man who had been so rough with her online was extremely exciting, and her fingers seemed to move of their own accord as she messaged him back.

“Friday at the Hilton, yes sir. I will wear the black dress you bought me. I can’t wait.”

That week seemed to zip by, each day going faster than the next and each night bringing new tasks from her master. Friday was there before she knew it, and Sarah received a text just as she got off work.

“The Hilton, 7. Be sure to look nice, and be prepared for a nice dinner.”

“Well that doesn’t sound too bad!” Sarah thought to herself, and it wasn’t. When she arrived at the hotel bar at 7 Charles was at the door waiting for her, he was as handsome as she had always thought he would be from his pictures. Charles appeared well dress in a sharp gray suit. He was much taller than Sarah, standing at 6’2 with dark brown hair and eyes to match, and large broad shoulders with strong but lean arms that wrapped around her body in an embrace.

“It is so good to finally meet you Sarah. I have waited a long time for this, but tonight is going to be a lot of fun!”

The two of them made their way inside and headed into the restaurant. Charles was an absolute gentleman, holding open doors and pulling out her chair, even ordering for her all with a handsome smile on his face. The dinner was excellent and the two of them laughed and talked like old friends. As the server walked away with the bill, Sarah finally got the courage to ask what had been bugging her all night. “So…” she asked with a sly grin across her lips, “What do you have planned for us tonight, Sir?”

A dark look crossed Charles’s face, the glint in his eye that Sarah had learned meant he had something particularly twisted in mind from the times they had video chatted. “I’m glad you asked my pet. We are heading upstairs to one of the party rooms. I have been invited and decided to bring you along. After that, you’re going to get fucked in every way imaginable. How does that sound slut?”

Sarah knew she should be offended at being called a slut in such a fancy restaurant surrounded by people, but it didn’t. Sarah’s hands fell into her lap, clutching at her dress as she pressed her legs together tightly with the sudden waves of arousal that were pulsing through her at his words. “Tha- That sounds lovely Sir.” She whispered, stammering over her words.

“Good girl. Now I will tell you now, once we get upstairs I won’t accept the word ‘No’. It will only make me more excited, however the safe word is Red so if you ever need to stop, what do you say?”


“That is correct, good girl. By the way, I can tell by the half dumb look on your face that you’re excited. I hope you maintain that enthusiasm. Ah thank you sir!” Charles signed the receipt and handed it back to the server, as he stood up and walked around the table, offering her his hand. “Shall we?”

She took his hand and let herself be lead to the elevator, her thoughts completely scattered by the idea of what was going to come next. On the way up, Charles told her to remove her panties so that her pussy could be easily accessed, and she did, glancing up at the camera as she slipped her panties down her thigh. Charles picked them up off the floor and slid them into his jacket pocket with a knowing smirk.

The elevator slowly ground to a stop and the two of the disembarked, walking down the hall towards the double doors at the end. Charles knocked and was greeted by a man wearing an open jacket which looked very similar to his own.

Charles, come in! So glad you could make it! And this must be the toy you were telling us about, how lovely. I’m sure she will do fine!”

“Oh I think she will be just fine Tom!” Charles said with a chuckle shaking the mans hand and winking at her.

Sarah’s face flushed red as the two men laughed together at her obvious discomfort. “Did he just refer to me as a toy? These must be some of Charles’s very close friends.” She thought to her self as she followed the two men across the room. Sarah looked around the room and noticed the large group of men scattered about, all wearing similar suit jackets and realized with a start that there were very few women besides her. The few she did see were all well dressed and beautiful, and clearly accompanied by the men they stood with.

Charles and Tom made their way to the bar at the far end of the room, passing by several pieces of furniture including a large sturdy table with ropes wrapped around the legs and a beautiful king sized bed directly in the middle of the room. Sarah continued to gawk as she saw all of the various sex toys laying around, and her brain began to form a picture of what she was seeing, realizing that this set up was very similar to some of the porn videos she had seen in the past.

“So tell me Charles, does she know what she is in for yet?” Tom asked with a chuckle, looking Sarah up and down.

“We were just about to discuss it actually.” Charles said with a grin. “So Sarah, have you figured it out yet? Surely you know what the plan is for tonight, don’t you?

Sarah jumped at the question, her mind enthralled with the possibilities. She had confessed many fantasies to her Sir over the last few months, one of which was to be fucked in public. She never thought it would happen though, and definitely not like this! Despite her fear, she grew bold, determined to show she could handle it. “You’re going to fuck me, right here, while everyone watches, aren’t you Sir?”

The two men were grinning at her at this point, and Sarah noticed Tom moving around to stand behind her at the bar, her body wedged between the two of them. “No, not quite Sarah.” Charles said, the dark look playing across his face again. “I’m not going to fuck you here.”

“But you said-!”

“I said you were going to get fucked in every way imaginable.” He said abruptly, cutting her off. “I never said I would be the one doing it.” As he said that Sarah felt Tom’s body pressing against her from behind, his erection pressing firmly into the small of her back. “I know what you want Sarah, your biggest fantasy is to be gangbanged, isn’t it?”

Sarah was lost, her mind was telling her to run but her feet were rooted to the spot as she hung on every word, not even moving as Tom’s hands wrapped around her waist. She stared into her Sir’s eyes, licking her lips and nodding her head slightly up and down.

“Good girl. Everyone in here is a kinkster, they are all friends and acquaintances and I know them to be respectful and safe. They also all know the safe word and you can stop at any time, but I have offered you to them. Every man in this room is waiting for you to climb on that bed, but the choice is yours. You and I can walk out of here right now, and head to my room to be alone. What do you want to do Sarah?”

Sarah stood quietly for a moment, sipping her martini and looking around the room, suddenly feeling like every eye in the room was on her. She had admitted to wanting to be gangbanged, and she knew that Charles had always been respectful of her wished and boundaries. She was scared, but the thought of being used in such a way was to much to bear. Finally turning toward Charles, she nodded her head again.

“That’s not good enough Sarah, I want you to say it. Beg me to let you be gangbanged.”

“Please sir…” she whispered, “Please let your friends gangbang my holes.”

“Good girl.”

Charles set down at the bar as Tom lead her to the platform with the bed. Everything began moving quickly for Sarah as two as a beautiful redheaded woman from the crowd approached her and helped her undress. Her dress was unzipped and slid down her shoulders, while she kicked off her shoes and sat on the bed. The redhead folded the dress and carried it and the shoes behind the bar. Tom climbed on the bed beside Sarah, his jacket and shirt gone, and began kissing her deeply, his hands exploring her naked body. The two of them laid back on the bed and Sarah lost herself in his touch, reveling in the feel of being so exposed and listening to the sounds of the party gathering around her.

Sarah looked around the growing crowd as Tom climbed off of her and slipped his head between her naked thighs, slowing kissing and biting his way towards her pussy. Her eyes finally found Charles who was still sitting at the bar and watching his toy get eaten out. She let out a moan as Tom worked at her already soaked pussy, her head rolling back and forth as she watched other men in the crowd begin getting undressed and felt their hands begin exploring her.

Tom was excellent with his tongue and his skill combined with the thrill of being watched and touched was to much for the little slut, her head falling back as a moan escaped her lips. The crowd murmured its approval as she came and another man climbed on the bed with her. The two men helped the young woman roll over onto her stomach and pull herself to her hands and knees. Tom buried his self into her soaking wet pussy with one hard thrust, eliciting another moan from the woman and causing her mouth to gape open, which encouraged the other man to tale advantage. His hands slid into her hair and he guided his cock into her mouth.

The two men quickly found a rhythm, the cock in her mouth pulling back when Tom thrust forward, and Tom sliding his hard cock out of her pussy when the other cock pressed against the back of her throat. She almost felt overwhelmed, but Sarah had never had two cocks at the same time before, and she was thrilled, forgetting the fact that she didn’t know any of the people who were watching or even the name of the man who was in her mouth. Sarah soon realized that others were participating as she felt someone begin rubbing her clit while both of Tom’s hands were wrapped around her ample waist. The thought of a third individual using her was more than enough and she moaned around the cock in her mouth as her second orgasm hit.

“I’m gonna cum! Sarah, you’re going to make me cum in your pussy!” Tom howled as he began fucking her harder.

She heard Charles’s voice call out “She’s on birth control Tom, as long as Sarah doesn’t care, then you can cum anywhere you want!”

“Fuck!” Sarah moaned as she slammed her hips back, the cock in her mouth popping out. “Do it Tom! I want everyone’s cum! Cum in my pussy!”

The crowd cheered him on as Tom began fucking her harder, eager to fulfill her request. Sarah began sucking the other mans cock again, eager to make him feel good as well. It didn’t take long before she felt Tom plunge into her and hold himself there as he dumped shot after shot of cum deep inside of her. Sarah almost gagged herself on the cock in her mouth, desperate for him to cum as well, and he did, shooting his load into her throat and pulling out to let the last bit drape across her bottom lip.

This began a trend for the young slut as two more men replaced the first two, and Sarah began getting fucked again. She lost all track of time as she continued to get fucked, one cock after another, some long and others thick, some men she recognized as coming back for another round with her holes. After a while, Sarah called out that she needed a moment as another cock filled her, and she fell to the bed, rolling over onto her back to watch as the men around the bed stared at her stroking themselves. She could feel the cum dripping out of her pussy as her legs lay open, and someone else noticed as well. The redheaded woman who had helped her undress climbed onto the bed beside Sarah and gently kissed her lips.

“My name is Miranda.” She whispered. “You’re probably as sore as you can be, would you like me to make you feel better?”

“Yes please!” she whispered without a thought and watched as the fully dressed redhead slid between her legs and began licking at her swollen pussy. Miranda’s tongue was as soft as velvet as she worked, running her tongue up and down each lip and gently probed into Sarah’s cum soaked pussy. She moaned as the redhead continued to work on her, her eyes shutting as another orgasm ripped through her body. This last orgasm was to much for her, and she left her eyes closed, slowly drifting off to sleep.

When Sarah awoke the next morning, she was confused at first as she found herself in a bed in a room she didn’t recognize. As she laid there looking around, she realized she must still be in the Hilton as she could see their logo on a bathrobe that laid across the chair. She heard voices from another room, and quickly got up and put the soft robe on.

“Oh you’re awake!”

Sarah whipped around, startled at the voice to find Miranda standing in the doorway, wearing a bathrobe as well and her red hair wet like she had just stepped out of the shower. As if summoned, Charles appeared in the door way as well.

“Well good morning my pet! Sleep well?”

“I uhm…. Yeah actually. What happened?”

“You passed out after Miranda here was done with you.” Charles said with a grin, nodding at Miranda who looked away like she was embarrassed. “So I carried you up here and put you in a more comfortable bed. By the way, this is Miranda, although I think you two met! She is my wife.”

Charles had told her that he had a wife, but he had never admitted to how the two of them interacted in a kinky way. Before Sarah
could say anything, the doorbell rang and Miranda left the room to go get it. “So… That’s your wife huh? The woman who ate me out after you let me get fucked is your wife?”

“That is correct. She and I have been married for five years and she is a wonderful woman, I think you two will get along even better now!” He said with a wink.

“I certainly hope so, because I still want to fuck you eventually.’

“Oh we will get there!” he said with a laugh. “But first, I have a question for you.”

“What’s that?”

“Did you have fun getting gangbanged last night?”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7sjhwj/did_you_have_fun_getting_gangbanged_last_night