Janice and the Mushroom King Part 2.2 [Mf] [voy] [oral] [weird] [fantasy]

Billy circled around the swamp and clambered into the stump as quietly as he could. He undid the zipper of his overalls to expose his member to the air, which was a great relief in itself. He found a knot-hole at just the right elevation for his oak-hard cock and slid it through. He took moss and grass from within arm's reach and packed it around the hole until his thick and expectant cock looked like it had sprouted there as naturally as any woodland agaric.

The faery led Janice to the stump. "This should be a straightforward one," he said. "Though this variety may feel or taste a bit unusual. I can assure you that it looks like it's in quite good health, however."

Janice ran her hand down the bark of the stump. "I know this old tree," she said. "Daddy sometimes holes up here when he's out huntin'." Billy breathed as shallow and silent as he could. The girl was less than two feet away. The sticky-sweet smell of her perfume mixed with her sweat and feminine excitement and the woody mushroom musk that clung to her seemed to billow around Billy and he fought an urge to plunge his face into the girl's neck and clamp his thick arms around her and steal a deep draught of her. Instead he focused entirely on his penis, which raged just inches from her searching fingertips.

Then she found the tip, and wrapped her small cool hand around it. Billy bit his lip and held back the cum-wave that had welled up within him already.

"Lord," said Janice, "this one's real warm."

"My Kingdom harbors the greatest variety of any," said the Mushroom King. He looked Billy in the eyes and shook his head grimly. "A surprise around every corner."

Janice cupped the cap of the strange mushroom to get a feel for its girth, then stroked its length, then knelt by it and whispered “hello,” her hot breath eliciting a throb from somewhere deep in Billy's balls.

Billy's eyes rolled as she touched her lips to his fat tip, then passed her teeth over him, taking him wholly into the wet warmth of her mouth. She rolled her hot tongue around his glans and tickled his taut frenulum. Then she withdrew, her saliva cooling instantly along his length.

"It sure tastes odd," she said. "More salty or somethin'. I don't mind it." She gave him a couple of gentle tugs then accepted him once more in her mouth. She began to suck, and bob, and worked herself into one small crescendo after another, her hair falling cool and soft around the base of his dick. Billy felt a cum-tsunami well up within him. She rolled her tongue around the tip, exploring his urethra, sucking harder.

Just seconds from what Billy felt was certain to be the orgasm of his life, his stepdaughter stopped, stood, and wiped her lips on her forearm. "You hear that?" she asked.

"Hear what?" asked the Mushroom King.

"Way in the distance," she said. "It's an engine. An old Ford. My hearin's keen as anything."

Billy wanted to scream.

"That's a '65 F-100! There's only one half-assed road in these hills and the only destination on it's our homestead. You know what this means?" Billy began to hear the low rumble of an engine and the far-off crunching of gravel. "Cousin Loretta's visitin'!" Janice hopped with joy.

"Ah!" said the Mushroom King. "So you have a guest!"

"I'd better hurry home," said Janice. "Daddy would want me there to greet her and make house."

"I'm certain of it," said the faery with a cruel grin. "Well, you've excelled yourself today. That old toadstool can wait. I doubt we'd get much out of it anyway."

"Goodbye then," said Janice, feeling her way around the stump with her cane. “Just wait ‘til she hears about my new job! Thanks again!”

Billy's wet penis flexed in the air, useless and thwarted. He silently chewed on his fist until the girl was out of earshot, then growled oaths at the faery, who in turn fluttered away over the swamp giggling to himself.

After a while Billy made himself decent, gathered his things, and slumped home with his cock shrinking and shrivelling and miserable.

Janice and that god-damned Loretta owed him a debt.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3ea12m/janice_and_the_mushroom_king_part_22_mf_voy_oral


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