Janice and the Mushroom King Part 1 [f] [voy] [fantasy]

Billy Hickfort lived with his blind stepdaughter, Janice. By day she would go for long walks in the woods by their old trailer while Billy trapped critters and worked his still.

One evening Janice came stumbling home with a smile on her face, her cut-off overalls and long red hair crusted with some variety of pale goo, a huge wad of cash in one hand.

"Well shit, Janice! What in tarnation happened to you? Where'd you come across that currency?"

"You won't believe it," said Janice. "I met a faery in the woods. He said he was High King of the Mushrooms, and he had a mushroom drainin' job for me if I found it agreeable. Now you know I likes to help out round here with money when I can, so I said I'd give it a try. The King led me to a mushroom growin' sideways from the trunk of a tree, and he told me to tug it and squeeze it and rub it 'til it pops, and when I was done he gave me a big old handful o' bills. He said I was a born-natural at it! So he led me all round the woods and worked me 'til I was sore. I was squeezin' all kinds! Big ones and little ones and thick ones and thin ones and smooth ones and veiny ones and even one with a kink in its side, and the faery give me more money each time."

Sure enough, it was about four hundred dollars in crumpled bills. Billy had never seen so much money in one place.

"He said there's always more mushrooms fer the drainin', so he'd have me back tomorrow if my daddy said it was alright."

"Hold on now. Are you sure this Mushroom King fella's on the up-and-up?" asked Billy.

"Oh sure," said Janice. "He's real nice and respectful. He gives me one of those wet-wipes to wipe myself down after each job–you know how clumsy I can be on account of my sight. That mushroom juice was spatterin' me just about everywhere!"

"Well shit, that sounds legit," said Billy. "If you're happy doin' it, I'm not of a mind to git in yer way."

So the next morning Janice hollered goodbye and stumbled off into the woods. She found her way back before sunset, glistening from her tied-off shirt to her daisy-dukes, even more cash in her hands.

"Well, how was work, darlin'?"

"Started out much the same as yesterday," said Janice, "except today the King had me put my mouth on the mushrooms to suck the juice out. He said it was the quickest way to do it and I could make even more money that way. They tasted real weird at first but I got accustomed to it pretty quickly. Boy, I think I must have sucked on two-score of mushrooms! My throat's a little sore from drainin' the longer ones and my cheeks are achin' from all the suckin', but goddamn Daddy, I think I have a thousand dollars here!"

Sure enough, it was about eleven hundred dollars in crumpled bills. Billy's hands were shaking as he put it with the rest in an old moonshine jar under his bed. "Hoo-eee, Janice! Your momma would be real proud," he said. "Look here, I've fixed yer fav-er-ite squirrel stew to keep your strength up." So they supped on their stew, then Janice washed herself behind a curtain out back, put on her night-clothes and felt her way into her hammock to have an early night.

Billy decanted himself a mug of moonshine and sat on his porch, deep in thought. He regarded the darkening woods with a devilish glint in his eye and eventually turned in himself.

The next morning Janice set off for work and Billy let her wander a-ways into the woods before following with his varmint gun over his shoulder and an empty moonshine cask under his arm, making sure to keep downwind of the girl on account of her keen sense of smell. Soon enough Janice came to a ring of white flowers in a clearing, and a foot-tall mushroom-headed nymph flew down from the trees to sit on her shoulder, dragonfly wings flashing in the morning sun. It was carrying a roll of twenties held together with a little rubber band and an empty gourd, presumably for the gathering of mushroom juice. On closer inspection it wore a little spiderweb crown atop its mushroom head, bejeweled with dew.

"Good morning! We have a big one to start with," said the Mushroom King, guiding Janice with a tiny hand behind her arm. "You need to work it like I showed you yesterday. It'll take every last bit of your skill."

"Sure thing," said Janice. "I like a challenge."

Billy watched as the Mushroom King led Janice to a dark nook in the woods where a tall dark mushroom with a fat purple cap had sprouted from the root-ball of a dead tree. She let out a small gasp when her fingers took in its sheer girth. The cap alone filled the palm of her hand. "Lord above, you weren't joshin' about this one." She knelt and put her lips around the cap as best she could, using her tongue to wet it thoroughly and gently explore the system of ribs and veins beneath. Her hands ran from root to tip, kneading and squeezing, tugging and rubbing. The mushroom became dewy and engorged, twitching and fattening as she worked it.

"You need to get the whole head in your mouth," said the Mushroom King. "I know this type. It needs that good, deep suction, or we'll be here all day."

"I just don't know if it'll fit," said Janice.

"Just relax your jaw and lips," said the Mushroom King. "It'll come natural." Janice did as she was bid, and the rubbery cap slipped into her mouth, stretching her lips to capacity. "That's it. Don't fight it." She closed her eyes and bobbed up and down upon the flexing length, groaning and humming as she did. Her breathing became labored and a patch of sweat spread across her tiny Dixie-flag crop-top, running in beads down her bare back. When finally she found her rhythm she was taking and releasing a full six inches of stalk with each bob, her small throat bulging like a tree-frog each time, spit running down her chin.

"Shit, young'un," whispered Billy. "I didn't know you had it in ye."

In short time the huge mushroom shuddered from root to tip and twin jets of ghost-white mushroom juice came flooding from Janice's nose. She fell away coughing, collecting it up between her hands and chest as it arced and spilled from puckered pores on the great purple cap.

The Mushroom King cheered and performed a loop-de-loop. "I've never seen so much juice spill from one mushroom," he said. "You have a real talent. A real one-in-a-million talent." He uncorked his gourd and Janice poured as much of the juice as she could into the open hole. When she caught her breath the nymph handed her a wet-wipe and let her clean herself down before peeling off a full hundred dollars from his roll.

Janice felt at the money and grinned blindly up at where she supposed the faery was. "What's next?" she asked. "'Nother biggun'? I'll be able to buy us one of them fancy double-wides at this rate. I'll have a bedroom of my own!"

"Gosh, you are eager!" The Mushroom King led her away from the fallen tree and the spent, shrivelling phallus that had flopped exhausted to the ground. "With that attitude you are really going to go places. Why, wait until the Queen of Clams hears about you. She's been looking for reliable help for years. Would you be interested in working weekend shifts, or would you prefer the time to yourself? As long as you say you'll keep working for me, I'm easy!"

They went on in much this way with Billy following close behind until they reached the narrow mouth of a cave by one of the little streams that criss-crossed that part of the woods. Billy watched as Janice felt at the mossy cave-mouth, a jagged crack in the firmament that might just allow the passage of a slight frame like hers, but would deny a rounded-out bulk such as Billy's.

"Ooh," she said. "It's cold as winter in there."

"Go on," said the Mushroom King. "It widens after a few feet. Some of the most precious and delicate of my subjects are to be found in caves such as this. I trust the dark won't bother you."

She worked a smooth lean leg into the gap, then ducked her head into the darkness and scraped past the narrowest part, back arched. Her small hard nipples were chilled to attention and snagged by the unyielding rock and she was forced to fold an arm across her chest to flatten her breasts. A shove from her free leg saw her tumbling through with a rattle of shifting gravel.

The Mushroom King rushed to the gap, fluttering in agitated circles. "Are you alright?"

"Jus' fine," said Janice, her voice sounding small and far-away. "It does widen out. It'd be right cosy if it weren't so cold."

"Feel your way to the back," said the Mushroom King. "You'll see a clutch of luminous green Glow-Spears…ah! Sorry! Feel for the stubby pointed ones that smell like woodsmoke. The cluster must be worked to fruition simultaneously, so you may need to be creative with your hands and mouth."

The gap was silent for a while. "I think I've found 'em. Oh–they're wrigglin' in my hands."

"They'll do that. They're some of my more motile little friends. If you're friendly to them, they'll be friendly in return. Such is the way of the mushroom."

"Lord…oh! Wow-whee…!" Janice continued to make sounds like that for a while. "They're big now, like a hand of fat fingers. I think they want in my mouth, all at once." She went silent. The Mushroom King waited by the cave-mouth, readying his gourd.

Billy took his chance. He sprang from his hiding-place, rifle raised at the Mushroom King. "Not a word," he whispered. "I got a bead on you. I'll hole ye in a second."

The Mushroom King turned slowly, tiny hands raised.

"Over here," whispered Billy, "while our girl's at work." He crept away from the cave, rifle fixed on the faery, who followed with a trembling scowl and eyes like gleaming wet blackcurrants beneath his red cap and crown.

Billy stopped in the shade of a wide and ancient tree-trunk where the stream narrowed into a noisy spout, inviting the faery to join him with a gesture. "You're making a mistake," said the Mushroom King as he rounded the trunk.

"Oh, I don't think so," said Billy. He uncorked the empty moonshine cask under his rifle arm. "How's 'bouts you cram yerself in there and make yerself comfortable. I don't want you flutterin' away on me while we talk, and I don't want my finger to slip on this rattly ol' hair-trigger."

"Is it the money you want?" The faery tucked his wings and felt at the lip of the hole. "Take it. By Oberon, the fumes are awful!"

"Settin' out I'd fully intended on takin' yer billfold," said Billy, "but now I figure Janice will earn it all soon enough, and then some. Lord above, the scales have fallen from my eyes. That girl is a revelation."

"The scales are dissolving from my wings," said the Mushroom King, now fully ensconced in the cask but for his wide head. Billy let the gun drop. "What exactly is your intention? I thought Janice had your blessing to work for me."

"Ooh boy, she has, she has," said Billy. "That's not going to change, and yer gonna keep payin' her handsomely, and she doesn't need to know about any gentleman's agreement we might arrive at in exchange for her continued availability for yer highness' purposes."

"I'm not sure I follow. It's the fumes, I'm sure."

"Just follow this. First, you're going to encourage her to be as adventurous as she might need to be to service the fungi of this great locality," said Billy with a grin. "Just as adventurous as she might need to be. Anything goes. You might assume I mean 'anything within reason', and that would be incorrect. That girl's a whole lot more than jus' hands and a mouth."

"Well, fine," said the Mushroom King. "I'll be certain to utilize her to her fullest. Can I go now?"

"Second," said Billy, "I've already taken a firm likin' to watching her at work. I'll be followin' ye now and then, in-secret-like. You aren't to be acknowledgin' my presence in the least."

"Suit yourself. You are her guardian by marriage. That is your right."

"Lastly," said Billy, adjusting his stained overalls, "there's going to be an extra mushroom on your route upon occasion, if you git my meaning. A big ol' veiny pink throbber. I expect it to be drained by whatever means necessary, but you personally don't need to sequester the juice from it 'less you particularly want to."

"By Oberon. I see now."

Billy giggled into his sleeve. "I think we both stand to gain here, yer majesty. Do we have an accord?" He held a rough hand towards the cask. The nymph shrugged an arm from the hole and the pair shook on it. "Go on then," said Billy, helping him from the hole. "Grab up your things and git. I'm sure she's near done."

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3e0n7v/janice_and_the_mushroom_king_part_1_f_voy_fantasy


  1. It’s going to be a super-dumb story but I’m glad you guys are liking it so far. Part II will be along as soon as I get a couple of hours to write it.

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