Let Me Whisper In Your Ear [mf] [exh] [oral]

Wrote this a while back for a prompt on r/DirtyWritingPrompts about a girl who secretly longs for her male best friend to leave his abusive girlfriend. Enjoyed writing it, so I thought I’d post it here. It’s in two parts, so scroll to Part 2 for the good part if you want. Contains extreme vanilla, some light exhibitionism, and 4700 fucking words.


## Part 1

“So then what happened?” Sarah asked distantly as she leaned forward over the table, quietly hoping that Reed would notice the soft brown cleavage crowding its way out of her sweater.

“Then she just… kicked me out,” Reed explained meekly. He shifted the ice pack around his matted brown hair and slouched into the cafe booth, melting into the vinyl. “Shoved me outside and threw my stuff out and locked the door.”

Tay’s Tea Cafe was a popular college spot, especially since the campus library was always overfull and didn’t serve boba milk tea until 2AM. Every night was full of freshman vampires right up until last call, all coming in to cram or sober up. The dark beech walls and white tabletops glowed under the soft pendulum lights scattered throughout the room at different heights, like stalactites in a dim wooden cave. But there was a quiet, more private area behind the cashier with booth seating separated by frosted glass dividers where people could self-pity in peace, so of course that’s where Sarah had found Reed.

This time was a little different though — Angelica had actually roughed him up. He had a scratch under his eye and squeezed a disposable ice pack against the back of his head. “Why? How? It’s your dorm room,” Sarah worried.

“*Oh, gee, really?*” feigned Reed just before realizing sarcasm wasn’t helpful. He adjusted his square black glasses. “I mean… I don’t know. Sorry.”

“Stop being an asshole,” Sarah groaned. “Don’t you have an extra key? Or like, can’t the RA let you in?”

“No key,” sighed Reed, scratching absentmindedly at his track pants. “She stole my spare. And the RA won’t answer. Probably out drinking or whatever. Who cares.”

Sarah swept a lock of long black hair out of her almond-shaped eyes and slid her hand across the table. She gingerly placed it atop her friend’s, hoping that somehow the touch would convey the message she’d been trying to give him for as long as she’d known him. “So are you, like, ready to break up with this bitch already?”

Reed glanced at the floor and said nothing, as usual.

“Let me guess — you made a move on her again, but she went ballistic this time? How long have you been together now? Normal girlfriends don’t get all violent when you ask them for sex, Reed.”

Reed frowned. “Oh yeah, what do you and your boyfriend do?”

“*We fuck!*” exclaimed Sarah, throwing up her hands. “Like normal people!”

Reed rolled his eyes and sulked. “Lucky you, I guess.”

“We used to at least,” Sarah admitted, cupping her chin in her hands. “He’s hardly even talked to me in, like, weeks. I think he’s fucking somebody else. Probably just wanted to add ‘chubby Filipina’ to his fuck-it list.”

“For the hundredth time, you’re not fat, Sarah,” groaned Reed. Sarah always used this to fish for compliments, but she filled out a pair of stretch pants and a hooded sweater just fine, and she knew it. She wasn’t as busty as she wished, but her hips and thighs were a wide, swaying target for many glances, and she secretly loved it. Her winter wardrobe consisted of sweats with words printed across the ass and the tightest yoga pants possible. She didn’t want boys to have to use their imaginations very much — that was how she’d met her boyfriend, after all. She quietly rubbed her thighs together the secret way she knew how, teasing herself a bit. The anxiety of having no sex for weeks grated her nerves.

“And you’re not a piece of shit, Reed, so why do you let her treat you like one?” Sarah asked, eyes beaming with hope.

Reed sat quietly, as usual, too distracted by the voices in his head telling him how shitty he was to reply.

Sarah huffed. She couldn’t understand why so many guys just seemed to want the Angelicas of the world: tall, pretty, bossy blonde girls who they’d have to beg to get any sex from. “There’s gotta be like a *thousand girls* on the track team with you that’d love to get fucked,” Sarah said angrily. “Just go pick one and get it over with.”

It bothered her that Reed — a name people teased him over in high school for being as thin as one — was a perfectly fuckable boy wasting his time on a girlfriend who’d dragged him around by the ear since high school, calling him names, never putting out, breaking up with him, taking him back, and humiliating him along the way.

“Oh yeah, how would I do that,” Reed answered, barely asking the question.

“Just say, like: ‘*Hey, we should go for a run together sometime,*'” Sarah said, doing his best Reed impression, “then get her back to your room for a shower and fuck her brains out. Easy!” Sarah daydreamed for a moment at the idea of being fucked from behind in the shower and rubbed her thighs together more deeply.

Reed chuckled. “You make it sound so simple.”

“Just like that! *It is simple*.” Sarah paused for a long moment before beaming Reed with her brown eyes. “What’d you even say to Angelica anyway?”

“I dunno,” Reed started. “Roommate’s gone for the weekend. I was in the shower, she came by. I sorta started… touching her, I guess…” Reed trailed off, embarrassed.

“Then what?” Sarah asked, for her own sake. Just beneath the tabletop, she ground her thighs together anxiously.

“I don’t know,” he continued sheepishly. “She told me I was gross… told me again we had to wait until we were married or whatever. I got pissed, she got *super* pissed… who cares.”

Sarah’s frustration — at her boyfriend, at Reed, at herself — blinked an idea into her head.

“Okay look, just… tell me what you say to her when you want to fuck.” Sarah said, trying to pass it off as a plain, conversational question.

“What?” scoffed Reed. “No, I’m not saying that to you out loud.”

“Come on, just get into character. I know you can, I spent, like, two months playing Dungeons and Dragons with you in junior high,” prodded Sarah.

“That’s different,” Reed countered, physically swiping away her argument with a gesture. “And that campaign broke up because all the other guys wanted to bang either you or Rachel.”

Sarah squinted. “Yeah, thanks for bringing that up, shithead,” she scowled. She remembered that all too well. Reed deflated, knowing that he was way out of line.

“Look, don’t even apologize,” Sarah offered before he could start whining. “Just make it up to me by telling me what you’d say to Angie.”

Reed frowned, and replied after a while. “As if I wasn’t feeling awkward enough.”

Sarah paused her thigh-grinding for a moment. “How are you going to get any girl to have sex with you if you can’t just tell her outright?”

Reed’s eyes jogged a bit; he couldn’t really dispute her logic. But in his mind, he’d already made it clear what he wanted to Angelica many times before.

“You do tell her, don’t you?” Sarah dared.

“Of course. I mean, like… you know, we start fooling around a little, you know… and then I guess things just sort of… stop… then we fight–”

“–You don’t, do you?” Sarah slouched her head in disapproval.

“I just said I do! I mean, I don’t use the actual words but like–”

“–Oh yeah, what are the actual words?” she interrupted. They sat still in the last expressions they’d made before she’d heckled him, like they were frozen a photo. Sarah broke the stillness by raising her eyebrows at him, daring to let the awkwardness carry them both to hell.

Reed sighed in defeat and rolled his eyes as he stalled to muster the strength. “I don’t know, like…”

Sarah waited patiently.

“*’Do you… wanna go have sex?’*” he feigned.

Sarah rolled her cherry red lips into a thin line and squeezed them together as hard as possible to keep from laughing. Reed threw up his hands and jammed the ice pack into his backpack as he pushed himself out of the booth.

“See, this is… this is what I’m talking about! You’re just making fun of–”

“–I am not! No no no,” Sarah flustered, blocking her friend’s hasty retreat. She slapped her hands down on top of his and wrapped her calves around his leg. The ache between her thighs seethed.

“Stop, please stop. Please don’t go? I’m sorry. Just listen, okay?” Reed looked from Sarah to the cold, dark freedom of the midnight parking lot before letting his backpack drop to the floor again in defeat. “I know, I know. I’m a loser, alr–”

“–Just shut up and listen. You’re hearing this whether you like it or not,” she ordered as she unwrapped her legs from his. “First of all, just like I told you: if you can’t say it out loud to me, how are you going to say it out loud to her? Or any girl?”

“Alright, fine,” Reed confessed, partially so that she’d stop saying so. He already knew he had all the nerves and bravado of a sloth. “I mean… don’t girls think that stuff is gross? Like, being all macho or whatever?”

“Wanting to fuck is not macho,” Sarah promised, placing both hands to her chest in hopes to pull his eyes along. It worked for a moment before Reed’s thoughts brought his eyes back down to the floor, where they usually were.

“There’s nothing ‘macho’ about a guy who can just… say what he wants, you know?” she continued, playing with her zipper to draw his eyes back. “Anything else is just being dishonest.”


“No bullshit. Maybe she’s just as scared about it as you are and wants you to take the lead? Maybe she doesn’t want to have to initiate all the time?” Sarah paused for a moment to let it sink in. Reed stayed silent, but didn’t look down, which was as good as him agreeing.

“Second thing… sorry, but you *need* to up your game,” Sarah offered with the kindest face possible. “Like, by a lot.”

Reed eyerolled. “Oh, what, like: *’Come on baby, let me fuck that pussy, nyeeeh,’*” he suggested in his dopiest possible voice.

“Yes!” Sarah replied bouncily. The words kickstarted her again, and her thighs resumed their slow massage. It felt like forever since she’d heard those words.

Reed almost believed her for a moment, but sneered after he decided she’d pulled one over on him. “Shut up.”

“No, I’m *fucking serious*,” she said, pounding the table at the last two words to drive them into his skull. “If you set it up right and just say it like you mean it? *Sooo hot.* Say it again. But not in the special needs voice.”

“There’s no way I’m saying that out loud to you,” Reed stated.

“Why not!?” she pouted. The thought of such words coming out of her thin little slinky of a friend were amusing to her in more ways than one. “I am literally asking you to say it. You’re not offending me.”

Reed stalled. “You’re, like, my best friend. And everyone will hear, the cafe is small.” The background noise of the Spotify station over the speakers and a dozen tables of small talk, clicking keyboards, and scribbling pens all seemed to rattle together in an effort to prove him wrong.

Before Reed could think his way out of it, Sarah sealed any escape he might have by quickly scooting out of her chair and sliding next to him in the booth. She nestled up with him behind the frosted glass of the booth.

“Fine, just whisper it to me, then,” she begged.

“Come on, you’re my *best fr*–”

“–*I don’t fucking care!* Say it. Do it or *I’ll* say it as loud as I can,” she threatened. He hesitated, and so she leaned her head over the table and made a cone around her mouth with her hands.


“*No no no, shit, alright, stop stop stop!*” Reed hissed as he covered her mouth with his hands. She started laughing hysterically through his fingers, and her chest bubbled beneath her hoodie. The entire cafe looked their way for a moment before returning to their distractions as though nothing had happened — nobody cared. The idea flashed into her head to take one of Reed’s fingers into her mouth to suck on it. She resisted.

“Stop, alright? Okay, shit,” Reed begged as Sarah pushed his hand away and stifled her laughter. “You’re fucking crazy, you know?”

“I’m waiting,” Sarah said. She brushed a lock of hair over her ear and presented it to him as she tapped it with her finger.

Reed glanced hastily around as he tried to muster the courage. Sarah folded her hands patiently in her lap, squeezing her breasts together with her arms, knowing no guy in his right mind wouldn’t be able to look. She leaned her head a little bit closer to him, like a pushy interviewer with a microphone. Her thighs bounced in anticipation.

Finally, Reed leaned in cautiously, scanning around to make sure he was safe. The nearest group was halfway across the cafe, and all of them were buried in piles of books and laptops and headphone cables. He drew a breath and whispered as softly as he could.

*^”Come ^on ^baby, ^let ^me ^fuck ^that ^pussy.”*

A good start. The dark, quiet breeze of his voice washed out all the other sounds in the room with words she’d wanted to hear for what felt like ages now. She bit her lip involuntarily and dragged her fingernails over her thighs.

“See?” Sarah said with a reassuring voice, resting a hand on his thigh. “That was nice. Now, try again, but not *too* quietly.”

Reed swatted her hand away. “Come on, I did what you said!”

“It was really good!” she cajoled, secretly desperate for more. “But you don’t have to be like *super* quiet. Come on, say it a little louder…”

She leaned into his shoulder now, and looked up into his eyes. Reed wasn’t what she had planned tonight, but she knew there was a crush she’d drawn up over years of watching him go to waste on Angelica. She thought of her boyfriend for a moment in a wave of guilt, but remembered the days worth of unanswered texts she’d sent that’d be waiting if she opened up her phone. All that was left was to see if she could crack Reed’s stupid lonely kid act. She lifted her lips up to his ear.

“Hey, that tickles, come on,” he complained, leaning away. Her breath gave him chills. “I did it already, come on, Sarah.”

“Sit up straight or I’ll yell twice as loud this time,” she threatened. He did.

She gingerly slid her hand back onto his thigh and pressed her breasts firmly into his arm, tilting her lips up to his ear one more time, almost nibbling on it as she spoke:

*”I want you to talk to me like this,”* she said with the lowest, quietest hint of her voice, calm and deadly like a silencer. *”I want you to say: ‘Come on, Sarah. Let me fuck that pussy.'”* Sarah pulled away, and left him.

The haunting warmth of Sarah’s chest left his arm cold against the crisp, conditioned cafe air, and her fingernails sent a chill into his crotch as she dragged her hand away. He cautiously turned to meet her gaze.

“See? Just like that,” she said plainly.

“Just… like that?” he echoed. Reed stumbled over how close her hand had come to resting right on top of the suddenly swelling bulge in his lap.

“Yup. Your turn,” she beckoned, pulling her hair behind her ear again while bouncing her thighs. “*Just* like I did.”


# Part 2

Reed couldn’t deny how aroused he was, even with how long he’d known Sarah. Her soft skin and happy brown eyes looked different to him now. He’d dared in the past when he was feeling lonely to use a casual hug as a way to sample how soft her breasts were. It was different now that she rubbed them all over his arm and whispered into his ear.

He carefully leaned in, clearing his throat this time to find that low register of his voice, and sent it floating on the breeze of a whisper:

*”Like this?”* he murmured. He saw Sarah’s cleavage rise and fall in a sigh as he did.

*”Mhmm,”* she echoed. *”Put your arm around me.”*

*”…What?”* he whispered.

*”Come on, be more physical. Practice. It’s okay.”* she urged. Reed lifted his arm cautiously, having tried this move unsuccessfully in the past with Angelica, but Sarah simply reached up for it and settled into his chest as she guided his arm overhead, inviting him in, snuggling into his side like it was her favorite pillow. The air in Reed’s lungs stuttered.

*”Try again,”* she beckoned.

He did. *”Come on baby, let me fuck that pussy.”*

Sarah’s chest rose and fell again beneath her sweater; she chewed her lip this time. *”That’s good,”* she said, mirroring his tone. *”But go slower. And use my name this time.”*

*”What?”* he puzzled.

*”Just try it,” Sarah said, glancing into his eyes for a moment before offering her neck to him again. *”Please?”*

Reed leaned in, much closer now that she was nestled into his shoulder: *”Come on, Sarah. Let me fuck that pussy.”*

Sarah’s eyes fluttered a bit — it was *perfect*. Just the way she liked. Reed’s voice was low and rumbly enough that she could feel the vibrations course from her earlobes over her neck and all the way down her body. The tingle between her thighs was brimming. He imagined her boyfriend about to enter her from behind, whispering those words into her ear just the same, but she pushed the idea of him out of her mind and put Reed’s voice in its place. *”Again,”* she whispered, *”slower.”*

*”Come on, Sarah. Let me fuck. That. Pussy.”*

Sarah’s blood chilled, and her hand wandered to Reed’s lap again, this time searching instead of resting. *”With your lips against my ear,”* she begged, closing her eyes.

Reed complied. He could taste the sweet sweat of the busy day on her skin: *”I want to fuck your pussy.”*

She began to have visions of Reed taking her: how big was he, she wondered? How long? Was he forceful? Or would he need teaching? Slowly, she opened her legs. Her hand wandered shamelessly to where she imagined his cock would be and found it, halfway full of years of unsatisfied urges. She turned her eyes to his and found him staring at her chest as she realized she was breathing heavily.

*”Do you like them?”* she asked. Sarah never considered her boobs to be her best asset, but Reed seemed to like them. He nodded apologetically.

*”You can touch them,”* she said. *”Tell me again?”*

*”Let me fuck your pussy, Sarah.”*

His voice sent a shockwave shuddering through her, straight down to her already aching clit. She began to rub her thighs together forcefully, torturing it through the thin, stretchy fabric. Slowly, carefully, Reed slid a nervous trail of fingertips across Sarah’s chest, starting across her sweater and tracing over towards him. She arched her chest out to meet his hand, and clenched her other hand over his, making him grab her tits more forcefully. *”Harder, please,”* she asked. *”Ask me if I want it this time.”*

Reed grasped and kneaded at Sarah’s breast, just large enough to fill his hand. Sarah rubbed his slowly hardening cock through his workout pants, teasing it the way she would her boyfriend’s, rubbing her palm in a circle over the aching head through the fabric, like she was shining a crystal ball. It throbbed in her palm.

*”You want me to fuck your pussy?”* Reed whispered.

*”Mhmm,”* she moaned, forcing herself to open her eyes and make sure no one else in the cafe was watching. *”More.”*

*”You want me to fuck your pussy, Sarah?”* he asked. Sarah crumpled inside.

*”Yes,”* she said as she turned her head and kissed him. They struggled hungrily there, Sarah’s hand slowly stroking his cock through his pants, Reed’s hand freely switching between her breasts, imagining where her nipples were. Their tongues grasped at one other as they struggled through the sudden heat between them.

“Scoot in,” she said after parting his lips with a *pop*. She eyed the corner of the booth, and his body followed her gaze, sliding far out of view of the cafe with her.

“Should we… I dunno, go back to my car? Are, uh… are your parents home, or something?” Reed wondered, stumbling through completely new frontier.

“Just keep quiet,” she whispered as she moved further into the booth with him. Reed was confused, but eager — her hand on his cock had a familiar warm tingle to it, like he did when he used his own hand. Somehow the thin fabric of his pants doubled the sensation.

As they reached the back of the booth, Sarah gave one last glance around the edge of the divider. The cafe seemed even quieter now as the closest group had packed up and was already walking for the door.

“Perfect,” Sarah whispered. She lifted her thighs up onto the bench so that she could curl up next to Reed, and gave him more kisses as she got herself into position.

“Try and keep quiet, okay? “And don’t cum in my mouth,” she begged with a kiss, “I still want to fuck you.”

“What do–”

Before Reed could even wonder what she meant, her head was in his lap, and his cock was in her mouth.

Reed stifled a heavy grunt. All he could see was a pile of black hair in his lap swirling and twisting like a storm on a midnight sea, but beneath it, the sweet sensation of a slippery tongue, a warm hand, and a wet, hungry mouth. Reed’s head flopped onto the booth’s seatback as he instinctively gathered up Sarah’s long, black hair. He felt her head slowly start bobbing up and down at a steady pace as she struggled to keep her balance with her free hand. Just barely over the sound of the music, he heard the vibrations of deep, wet moans in his lap begging for him to fill her mouth: *”Mmhmm? Mhmmm? Mhmmm? Mhmmm!*

For Sarah, Reed was salty-sweet in that perfect, post-shower taste boys’ cocks had, and the sensation of his stiff, wet glans throbbing in her mouth sated Sarah in the most comforting way. Her cold streak was over, and in a way she knew she wanted. After a short while she found his hips bucking at her tempo and felt as he reached his other hand over to her ass to begin rubbing at her pussy through her yoga pants.

Years of unfinished foreplay was definitely not a weakness for Reed. She moaned softly and broke tempo as she felt his fingers make first contact with her pussy — it wasn’t hard to find her clit since the whole patch between her legs was soaking wet. He rubbed and swirled roughly with his fingers, just as she liked.

Sarah sat up and urgently kissed him again before he could even worry about the repercussions of tasting his own precum on her tongue. “I’m going to cum soon,” she whispered hungrily. “I wanted this so fucking bad. Fuck me and cum on my ass.”

“What? Right here in the–”

Reed staggered as Sarah stood from the booth and slowly drew her yoga pants down over her thighs — her ass was round and thick and seemed to explode out of the confines of the lycra, two round, brown globes of flesh glowing against the plain black silhouette of her clothing. She presented it to him, bending over a bit as she shuffled in between his legs. He suddenly didn’t care about the repercussions about getting caught fucking in a cafe.

She glanced over her shoulder at Reed’s glistening wet cock beneath her as she settled herself in front of him and squatted down, her thighs constricted by her half-drawn yoga pants. Reed took her bubbly hourglass waist in his hands as she reached behind and guided him into her. Without a moment’s hesitation, she sat all the way down and began bouncing.

*”Ngggh!”* Reed just barely stifled a grunt. He had never imagined anything like a warm pussy — it was wet and tight and yielding and wanting all at once. He could hardly understand the sensation of the first few strokes until the bouncing, wobbling form of Sarah’s ass registered something in him. He grabbed a hold of as much of it as he could in both hands and began slamming her down into his lap.

“*Oh fuck,*” sputtered out of Sarah’s mouth. She leaned forward and settled her elbows onto the tabletop to give him full access to her pussy to do with as he pleased, and glanced over her shoulder at him to urge him on. Her voice was too quiet for Reed to hear, but she enunciated enough that he could read her lips easily:

*”Fuck me.”* And he did.

No time to wonder if he was doing it right or not — instinct took over. Thighs don’t really clap loudly when they slap against sweatpants, and Reed used this to his advantage as he laid more of Sarah’s weight down into his lap while thrusting upward into it. Her ass began jiggling mercilessly as warmth and sticky wetness coaxed and teased at his cock, surrounding and squeezing and begging it.

*”Fuck me,”* she mouthed over her shoulder at him. *”Fuck me fuck me fuck me. Oh… f-ff…”*

As a familiar warmth crept up his thighs, he noticed Sarah’s eyes were gone, rolled back into her head and half hidden behind dreamy eyelids. She bit her lip so hard it looked to him like it might bleed. He looked back down to her cunt as he fucked her and saw a white, wet halo of stickiness frothing around the brown lips of her slit. She bounced and wobbled and moaned like a kitten and Reed suddenly realized couldn’t take a moment more. She braced herself against every stroke with her hands and elbows desperately grasping at the table as he doubled down, her eyes white and distant.

As Reed pulled out and half stood from his seat in the booth, he realized he was just barely in time. Spurts of cum boiled helplessly out of his cock as he clenched his teeth with enough force to crush stone, coating Sarah’s pussy lips with a white, sticky mess before he could even start stroking himself onto her. Sarah moaned silently as each rope painted a long, bright white streak over the smooth brownness of her ass. The last of his load pooled at the top of her right cheek and slowly dribbled down her thigh.

“*Oh my fucking God yes,*” Sarah mumbled with a drunken smile.

She giggled and shook her ass a bit to show off for him as Reed staggered dizzily at what he’d done, and the mess he’d just made of his best friend’s body. Sarah simply stood quietly and folded her yoga pants over her ass, sealing the splattered load of warm cum between lycra and skin before turning to Reed and kissing him deeply.

“Sarah,” Reed stuttered, still struggling dizzily to find a breath.

“That was perfect,” she purred as she gently eased him down into his seat and curled up in his lap again. Reed’s hips convulsed as Sarah gently licked up the leftovers of what she’d so badly needed for weeks — or maybe for years.

“See?” she whispered happily as she sucked a droplet of cum from her own lips and gazed up into his eyes. “Just like that.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7maoz6/let_me_whisper_in_your_ear_mf_exh_oral