[FF*] Darkness [fantasy] [tent]

As Lynda nibbled at her ear, Lily slowly woke up, the stark sunlight outside doing its best to penetrate the thick wooden shutters on the window. Both of them were still stained and sticky, covered in gifts from the patrons they had served the night before.

“Someone is knocking.” Lynda said between playful bites.

She was right. Someone was softly knocking at the door to their bed chamber. Cursing softly, Lily staggered to her feet and made her way over to the door, flinging it open to find the Madam waiting without.

“Good morning.” she offered pleasantly.

“There’s nothing good about the morning.” Lily said with a yawn. “Why are you waking us up before midday?”

“An archivist from the college is waiting for you and Lynda in the parlor.” the Madam explained. “Apparently he needs a pair of whores for some special project, or problem, or something.”

“I didn’t really listen past the part where he told me how much he would be paying.” she admitted with a shrug. “So get Lynda up, have a quick bath, and then find him in the parlor.”

“How will I recognize him?” Lily asked as she stepped over to the bed to pull Lynda to her feet.

“He’s the short, slim man that’s the only person in a whorehouse before midday.” the Madam said. “Hop to, bunnies.”

The pair of them were quickly bathed and dressed, and making their way up to the parlor they quickly found what the Madam had meant. Standing on his own in the middle of the room, standing out yet looking well at ease, was a short, slim man, his short blond hair tousled and wild, and his silvery gray eyes twinkling in the low light, matching his gray tunic and trousers well. As he stepped up to the pair of them Lily noticed that he was barefoot, uncommon for the city.

“You must be the two whores the Madam promised me for the day.” he said with a genial smile. “I am Lord Archivist Samuel Royce, but you may call me Sam, or Samuel, if you prefer.”

“I prefer the term company girl.” Lynda offered quietly. “If you don’t mind.”

“I’m sure you do.” Samuel grinned. “And if you were being hired for your company, that would be a valid observation.”

“We’re not?” Lily asked, regarding Samuel skeptically from below a raised eyebrow.

“No.” Samuel said simply. “You are being hired specifically for your sexual prowess and appetite; for the quality and skill of your bodies.”

“I suppose magic breeds strange desires.” Lily sallied with a shrug, and made to lead Samuel upstairs. “But if you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to our room.”

“That will not be necessary.” Samuel said. “Rather, I require your presence at the College.”

“Your Madam assured me that this would not present a problem.” he added.

“_How_ much did you pay her?” Lynda asked skeptically.

“Twelve crowns for your time, another eighteen for successful work.” Samuel said with a shrug.

“Thirty… crowns?” Lynda said, and fainted.

When she came to, Lily helped her to her feet, and together they let Samuel lead them across the city to the College Gate. Rising from the gate was the College Rise Road, and at the top of it, the gate to the College Grounds. Standing in front of the gate and eyeing the arriving band carefully stood a woman. Her mother was an ice giant from the look on her; monstrously tall and monstrously fat she was dressed in billowing blue robes that enveloped and erased her form, but for her broad face, massive hands and huge feet planted firmly on the ground in her massive dragon leather boots.

“State your purpose.” she growled as the three of them drew up to the gate, her voice surprisingly soft and lyrical.

“Lord Archivist Royce returning with guests.” Samuel said quietly, a benign smile fluttering over his lips. “Lynda and Lily, whores.”

The woman leaned down and regarded Lynda and Lily carefully.

“Whores, you say?” she asked at length.

“You are familiar with my work.” Samuel mused idly. “If you would care to take their place…”

With a dark frown the woman straightened up and stepped aside.

“You have the freedom of the college grounds.” she said as she pushed the gate open. “See that you don’t make me regret it.”

“She’s quite sweet.” Lily sallied as the three of them walked along a row of marble statues set along the wall, once they were well out of earshot of the gate.

“There have been some thefts lately.” Samuel offered with a shrug. “She is right to be suspicious.”

“These statues are very lifelike.” Lynda said, her voice tinged with wonder.

“Aren’t they just?” Samuel said with a smirk, casting a glance at an empty pedestal between two statues.

Looking up and down the row of statues, Lily noticed that a lot of the low pedestals on which the statues were placed were empty, and as she passed another statue she reflected on the odd choice of pose. She didn’t have much of an eye for art, but in her experience statues tended to be of preternaturally beautiful people in heroic poses, not common-looking men in ragged robes cowering in fear.

As the sound of the Meltwater came into earshot, Samuel turned down one of the alleys that cut into the collection of houses that filled most of the college grounds. As he led Lily and Lynda down the twisting passages, they passed the occasional mage in robes of blue or grey or green; some of them in tunics, some in spidersilk dresses, others in no more than a thin strip of cloth tied loosely around the waist.

After a walk that seemed much longer than was possible given the size of the college grounds, the three of them drew up at an old wooden door set in a white plaster wall between a pair of shuttered and boarded up windows.

“This is as far as I go.” Samuel said with a wan smile. “And it is where your work begins.”

“What exactly _is_ this work?” Lily demanded.

“The former resident of this laboratory apartment was less than contentious in clearing out when he departed.” Samuel explained. “Left behind is a… creature, of sorts.”

“And what exactly are we supposed to do with this creature?” Lily asked.

“Feed it, probably, for thirty crowns.” Lynda suggested.

“Not _exactly_.” Samuel said. “The task at hand is to tire the creature out.”

“And how do we do that?” Lily asked.

“And is it dangerous?” Lynda added.

“Dangerous? No.” Samuel said. “Intense, but not dangerous.”

“And how to do so will become self-evident in relatively short order once you are inside.” he added, slipping a key from his belt and into the door. “My advice would be to disrobe immediately upon entering, the creature is likely to make its presence known quite quickly.”

“What kind of creature exactly?” Lily asked, peering into the darkness beyond the threshold.

“For how much you’re paid, I don’t see how it matters.” Samuel said curtly, and with a shrug Lily stepped into the room, Lynda following closely and the door slamming shut behind them.

Inside, the darkness was immaculate. Lily stood for a while and waited for her eyes to adjust, but they never did. Instead, she became aware of the sounds and smells of the place; the feel of the rough wood on her feet as she slipped out of the sandals, Lynda’s quiet, nervous breathing, the rustle of fabric as their thin, translucent dresses crumpled to the floor, the scents of magical apparati and reagents that lingered in the walls. Lily had smelled it before, and tasted it, on the fumbling fingers of mages making their way down into the Red Quarter to ‘study’ the ways of quarter girls.

“Why do you think he didn’t want to tell us what kind of creature it is?” Lynda whispered.

“He probably doesn’t know.” Lily suggested, stepping quickly aside as something brushed by her foot. “Why are you whispering?”

“It seemed like the right thing to…” Lynda began, but interrupted herself with a squeal of terror.

“What!” Lily hissed.

“There’s something…” Lynda stammered. “something…”

“On the floor, yes.” Lily interrupted impatiently. “Probably the creature.”

“Probably…” Lynda said, doubtfully.

“And there’s no use being afraid of it, either.” Lily said, looking around, trying to will the darkness away. “If we’re to tire it out, we probably need to interact with it.”

It took a short while for Lily to realize she couldn’t hear Lynda’s breathing anymore.

“Lynda?” she hissed into the darkness. “Where are you?”

There was no answer.

“Lynda!” she tried again, louder.

There was no answer.

Cursing softly, she strode off towards where she thought she last heard Lynda’s breathing, and as she lunged something caught her ankle, tripping her. She hit the floor with a loud clatter, and the world blinked momentarily out of existence.


When she came to, she could feel herself pressed against Lynda, front to front. Slithering over the pair of them in the darkness was a warm, slithering tangle of what at first felt like snakes, but as Lily felt them slip over her skin, she found that the texture was wrong. Whatever it was that was constricting them and moving over their skin, it was smooth and slippery, not scaly, and as it moved it left behind a faint trace of some manner of gel. Against her body, Lynda was breathing quite heavily, and from the scent on the air around them, Lily quickly figured out why.

“What’s going on?” Lily asked quietly, the slippery tendrils pressing her against Lynda.

“I know what…” Lynda panted, “what the creature is…”

“I think I do too.” Lily said as a tendril began wrapping itself around her leg, its tip flitting back and forth over her clit.

Lynda was already quite enveloped, but Lily was just coarsely pressed against her by a single long tendril wrapped around their waist and across their back a few times, but the beast was quickly moving to rectify this. As the tendril exploring her cunt grew more insistent, more joined it in holding her fast. Another one had wrapped itself around her free leg, and a pair were beginning to snake themselves about her arms, holding her tight.

Wherever the big and strong binding ones went, slender whipping ones soon followed to hold her as well, followed by slim ones that probed and prodded at her flesh, seeking out soft and tender spots, weak spots, wild spots. As soon as one body part was bound and held, the tendrils sought out another; first Lily’s legs were immobilized, splayed to press her cunt against Lynda’s; then her arms were bound tightly around her colleague. Once that was done, the crude ties around them slipped away, replaced with focused, strong bindings that pressed the two of them together perfectly; nipple to nipple, clit to clit, nose to nose.

“This thing isn’t half as wild as you are…” Lynda said with a gasp.

Lily knew well what caused the gasp, because the same thing was happening to her; a thick, powerful tendril plunging into her cunt, burrowing itself as deep as it would go.

“You say that now…” she managed to get out, before another tendril thrusting into her ass silenced her with a loud squeal of surprise, almost drowning out Lynda’s squeal of delight.

Gasping, panting and moaning against the wild action of the tendrils, the both of them were soon silenced as tendrils shot down their throat to thrust against them with whatever orifices they had.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7m7a0n/ff_darkness_fantasy_tent

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