My Step Brother’s Gift – Lost to Seduction [MF, MMMMF]

My Step Brother’s Gift – Lost to Seduction
A commission for Anonymous by Penstrum


For a little while I was allowed to see, but I still couldn’t tell what was happening. Panic was starting to set in and I could hear my heart beating as I struggled in what felt like ropes tying me down. “H-hey…! Is anyone there?” I choked out in a hoarse voice. My question seemed to echo around me, and yet, there was no one there to answer it.

As if I’d asked a joke, the room erupted with laughter and the lights came on. It was all too much for me to take at once. I couldn’t believe what was before my very eyes. From the looks of it, I was in an auditorium—or maybe a gym, and I wasn’t tied down in just any rope, it was bondage rope. I’d seen it before thanks to a friend, but feeling it tightly knotted around my wrists and ankles as well as the breezes against my naked body made me feel all the more vulnerable. The thing that made my heart sink into my chest most of all was the group of men standing around me, looking me over with at least one hand on their crotches.

I opened my mouth to speak, but all of the questions came out at once, turning my words into a confused, jumbled mess. “Ah… I… I…! You’re you… What…?” Two of the men closer to my face snickered to themselves. One even reached a hand out to run his fingers through my long, silky, auburn hair. I reacted mentally the same way I always did when men I didn’t know touched me—I tried to slap his hand away. In reality, however, my whole body was reduced to squirming and wriggling in my constraints.

“Damn, she really is a cutie, Rick,” said the redheaded man playing with my hair. Rick…? They can’t mean my Rick… Can they? I bit down on my lip, hoping that the name was due to coincidence.

The man wearing a blue beanie, standing next to him asked, “How old is she, again?”

“Eighteen,” answered a low, confident, suave voice. It was a voice I’d recognize anywhere.

My eyes shot open and I blurted out, “Rick?!” My step brother came around from my side, tracing his fingernails up my back, sending a shiver down my spine. “Rick, oh my God! Tell me what’s happening! Anything that’s happening…! What’s going on, R—” Before my last word could get out he put a finger to my lips to silence me. I looked at him with wide eyes, still not understanding my situation at all.

That’s when he flashed me one of his smirks—a sign that everything was going to be all right. “Don’t worry, squirt. Everything’s all right. You wanted your birthday present to be a surprise, right? Well…”


He was eighteen when he moved in and I was almost as old. Our parents married late. Suddenly I was expected to treat a total stranger like I’d known him all my life. People expected me to call him “brother.” He wasn’t my brother and he wasn’t special. To me he was just another guy in my life. This time named Rick.

Despite my age there was a stark disinterest in the opposite sex. I would roll my eyes as my friends swooned over the ‘hunks’ out on the football field. They’d toss their hair and laugh at their crass jokes—for what? I just couldn’t get it.

If they weren’t special, then I knew Hell would have to freeze over before I gave Rick the time of day.

Things didn’t start off easy. For the first couple of months Rick had to stay in my room while they renovated his. He took up most of my room with his clothes—everywhere. His dirty boxers and old shirts coated the entire floor. Being too shy to speak up, I stowed away the frustration. I bit my tongue. It didn’t stop me from the occasional dirty look, though.

Those first few months felt longer than any other that year. Rick didn’t give me many choices. He set the rules and the rules were that anything he said, I had to be fine with. Again, my introverted nature got in the way and I nodded without a single counter thought. From then on it was a month-long party. Day and night he’d blare his obnoxious music.

“Stop complaining! This song is awesome!” he’d bellow, jabbing me with his elbow.

I wouldn’t say anything in response. “Hm-hm,” was the most he got out of me as I rolled my eyes and buried my nose back into my book.

On the rare occasions where it was quiet—school didn’t count because I got home a mere five minutes before him—I collected my thoughts and pulled myself together. We’re going to get through this. Just a few more weeks… A few more weeks…

If only I’d known how those last weeks would change everything.


It was near the end. Relief helped me through what I thought were the last two weeks I’d have to spend with my bothersome step-brother. I laid back in my bed and turned off the light. It was too late for Rick to come home at this hour. If he was still out then he’d be going to a friend’s house to stay the night.

For once there was peace and quiet. I could hear my thoughts, my breaths—everything. Nothing could disturb me on this merciful night where my heavy eyelids could finally allow me to surrender.


“Huh, what…?” I murmured, eyes straining to see in the blurry light.

“Sorry ‘bout that, squirt. Got in a bit of a scuffle on the way home. Some guy tried to talk me into some drug deal or something…” Rick’s voice was raspier than usual, making it harder for my exhausted mind to understand. “I hope I didn’t wake ya, did I?” He couldn’t hide the lack of care in his voice.

Before I could think of what to say back his sweaty shirt landed right on my face. Did he really just…? I had to grasp it with my own hand to believe it. “Watch where you’re aiming!” I said in a voice that even surprised me. The combination of his carelessness and frustration built up had finally brought me to the breaking point.

I took his shirt, crumpled it, and flung it back at Rick’s face. He looked on at me in shock. Silently he nodded and licked the inside of his cheek. “Okay,” he scoffed, turning from me.

Huh? What got into him? I never thought he’d back down so easily. Was that all I needed to say to him all along?

I turned over and he shut the light off, shortly unzipping his jeans straight after. He grumbled to himself as he climbed into his bed. When he finally settled he let out a harsh exhale.

“G’night, squirt,” was the last thing he’d said to me.

Does he think I’m asleep? Never heard him say that before… I shut my eyes and drew in a deep breath to help myself get back to sleep but a particular scent got lodged in my nose. I’d smelled it before briefly whether it was when Rick came in from doing yard work or when I walked by the locker room. Gradually I started to recognize the smell.


But not just any guy’s: Rick’s musk.

A few snorts did little to get his scent out from my nose. I tossed and turned but could still smell him. The shirt had a profound effect on me—one I’d never felt before. Instead of being wholly exhausted I felt reenergized and more awake than I’d been all day. My body writhed under the sheets, it ached for something but I didn’t know what.

Ugh, I’m going to wake him up if I keep doing this… I though, unable to find any position comfortable. Just go to sleep. I punched the pillow and readjusted myself again, but still my body fought against me.

Rick’s smell just wouldn’t leave me alone. The more I focused on it, the more frustrated I became. But this time instead of the frustration making me twitch and heat up there was only a single trace of warmth traveling down. Between my legs.

What is wrong with me? The feeling of being physically awake and yet mentally exhausted was taking its toll on me. I had to be crazy. God, what do I do…?

As if I’d been hiding from the answer all along my eyes fell to the spot on the floor where Rick’s freshly worn shirt now laid. The heat surged within me. A burning sensation I’d never felt for anything or anyone. Desperate to relieve the dull aching sensation I reached out to the shirt, grabbed it, and snuck it under my pillow.

One inhale. I needed more.

Two inhales. My mind swam in what felt like ongoing bliss. Thighs pressed together, grinding the linen of my panties up and down my underside.

I could smell him. I could smell him.

The same rank odor that used to deter me from joining my own bedroom now claimed my nose at the armpit of his sweaty shirt. God, what am I doing…? I wondered absentmindedly, feeling as though I was in a dream. My eyes closed, heat rushing up and down my thighs, begging for attention that never came.

Nose stuck on the shirt’s collar I laid face down on the bed, softly moving my hips up and down. I didn’t know what came over me, but I was too tired to care. My body could finally find a comfortable position and with that I called back to Rick, “Good night.”


I couldn’t see anything. “Hello?” I called out into the emptiness around me. The black, empty void that’d swallowed me said nothing back. It seemed as though I was to wander through it aimlessly.

Not long into my unguided slog into the unknown did it dawn on me that I could smell him. Rick? I wondered, his musk filling my nostrils as shadows slinked along the edges of a room forming around me. They all looked the same. Silhouettes mimicking the way he shrugged his shoulders or waved to me in the morning. A limp wrist flick was enough to make me shudder.

Past memories played out in front of me. His silhouette was joined by another—this one sleeker and shorter. Is that me? I wondered, logic lost in my lucid dream.

The mornings we’d spent together came back. Rick walked around in his tight boxers. He didn’t bother putting on pants. It’d never mattered to me before, but now I was seeing it in a new light. We shared so much time together that I could remember every fiber of muscle on his body. The color of his tan nipples, the messy way he styled his hair—even his deep voice rang in my ears.

But none of that mattered before. Why now?

I looked down to see my hands clutching something. His shirt? But it was something far smaller. Looking at the shadows again I noticed something different—his boxers! I forced myself to look away, cheeks flashed with head. Despite my disdain, I couldn’t help checking my hands again. “Th…That’s…!” I squeaked, dropping them in shock.

“Oh my God!” I gasped, stepping back. “This can’t be happening… This isn’t real…”

All around me the darkness started to fade. Light broke the shadows apart and they disappeared into the corners of the room. I fell to my knees, spotlight shining down on me. The state of shock made me tremble and my muscles tense up. What’s happening to me…? I wondered absently. The last thing I’d remember from my dream.


“Hey….” The gravelly voice barely pierced through my half-conscious state. I rolled over and he spoke again: “Hey, squirt.”

“Huh…? Wha…?” I asked absently, the words lost to me.

“Can I have my shirt back now?” I didn’t understand the question. It echoed in my ears, but couldn’t reach my mind. “Hey…? Eh, fuck it. I’ll see you downstairs, squirt.” I felt something slip out from underneath my head and it woke me up, finally.

“Rick?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. I only caught a glimpse of his backside as he slipped out the room and headed downstairs. Man, what a weird dream… Hints of the night lingered in my subconscious, but they wouldn’t take form. Something about Rick that seemed different to me now.

The more I thought about it, I realized my feelings were building stronger and stronger. Without realizing it I clutched the spot where his shirt was and felt my heart sink finding out that it wasn’t there. It was genuine—real. An emotion that I’d never thought would come from Rick. My new ‘brother.’

There has to be something wrong with me, I thought, getting out of bed. There’s no way I have a crush on him. I should have a crush on someone at school not…him. The stairs were tempting, but I went into the bathroom instead. Teeth brushed and face washed, I emerged again to pass the stairway. The smells of bacon and pancakes wafted up the stairs to my nose, making my mouth water. He said he would see me downstairs. Never makes breakfast and certainly never cared about me joining him. What’s this about…?

I made my way down the stairs and sat down at the kitchen table. Our house was fairly small for a two story home—made to be compact. The table always touched one of the other countertops right next to the stove, but at least it gave us a good view into the living room to see the TV. With it on behind me, I hoped Rick wouldn’t notice me at first. He, bizarrely, was shirtless and cooking bacon with some eggs without the slightest care.

A little concern perked up and urged me to try and tell him to put a shirt or apron on for safety. I was halfway to doing it when I reconsidered. My mind had switched objectives. The unclothed, glistening muscles Rick kept turned to me took up all of my attention. I watched him more intently than I had originally—getting flustered eyeing him flexing his arms and putting our breakfasts onto the plate.

“Oh,” he said, shaking the ear buds out of his ears. “Hey there, squirt. Didn’t see ya there, sorry. You like yours sunny side up, right?” He set down a plate of bacon and slightly charred eggs with runny, orange yolks. It didn’t look appetizing, but he more than made up for it with his body.

Focus! I snapped myself out of my glazed over stare to answer, “Uh, yeah. Thanks…” I picked up a fork and tried to feign interest in the food. A few picks at the eggs seemed to satisfy Rick enough for him to sit down.

“So, uh… How’s that book?”

I tried not to shoot him back a curious glance in response. What? Was all I could think. “It’s all right. Have to read it for a book report. Wasn’t my choice.”

“Oh. You always have a book on hand so I figured you were a book worm or nerd or something, ya know.”

“Uh…yeah…” What the Hell is he doing? This is getting a little… “If you see me reading a fantasy book then it’s something I enjoy. Something like Eragon.”

“Sexy name.”

“He’s a guy.”

“Sexy for you then.” He tried to swallow his words along with a piece of pancake. “So uh…”

I couldn’t hide the slight annoyance in my voice. “Yes…?” His attempts at small talk were starting to remind me who I was dealing with. An awkward older step brother.

“Last night was, uh… Kinda weird, I guess.”

“I guess…”

“Okay, hear me out a minute… It was a long night. I didn’t wanna go out in the first place and when I did some assholes decided to fuck with us, so I ended up stranded until a buddy drove by and gave me a lift home.”

“I honestly don’t know why you’re telling me this…” I pushed my glasses up, looking away.

He sighed. “Because I’ve never seen you snap like that at anyone before. You’re always quiet. So, I mean… Obviously something would have to be wrong… Just the one last kick in the balls to end the night for me.”

I could feel the hurt in his voice. The light in his eyes dimmed. When I looked at him from across the table he avoided my gaze. “Oh, Rick… I didn’t mean…”

“I’m sorry for being a dick. I know I’m a dick. I always act like a dick. I’m supposed to be your big brother or whatever, right? I can’t even get that right, I guess…”

“No, Rick. I’m sorry too. I know things can be hard for you.” He peeked over at me. “I admit that things can be…rough…sometimes. Especially when you stay up all night with your really loud music. But in the end I still love you ‘cause you’re like a brother to me, you know?”

Rick started to come alive again. “Thanks, sis.”

He smiled a little. I smiled too.


Our plates had been banished to the dishwasher by the time noon came around. Rick and I sat on the couch half paying attention to the show on TV and spending the rest of our attention on each other. We talked about this and that—nothing palatable or striking to either of us. All the same I could feel myself growing closer to him, still. The allure of him and his aura had a profound effect on me. I found myself scooting closer to him or bowing my head under his arm to coax it around my shoulders.

The moment he finally complied, intentionally or not, a soft rise of warmth enveloped my entire body. I forgot about the TV for a moment and looked over at Rick with a grin, but he didn’t seem to notice. Right when I looked away he spoke up: “So, why’d you sleep with my shirt, anyway?”

Panic. I’d only heard the word before—never felt it. Not like this. My hands shook and my heart rattled around in my chest. Words piled up in the back of my throat, but it was to no avail. Nothing could get past my twisted tongue. It was too tied in itself. “Well, I… Er… That is… I, um…”

To my surprise Rick let out a full belly of laughter. He sat up and looked over at me, hand covering his mouth. “Ha! Damn, you’re too cute sometimes, you know that?”

“No I’m not!” I hissed back. My glare didn’t faze him, making me even more flustered.

“Sure thing, squirt. You gonna tell me then?”

[Read the rest here.](


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