Dreams or Daddy Issues? [Mf]

Your mom and I had been dating for several months before I met you. She actually didn’t even tell me about you for the longest time. I don’t know why. You were young……..smart…….and very pretty. I remembered thinking, that if I had only been a few years younger……..I would be chasing you.”

But I wasn’t a few years younger……..and I was dating your mom………and things were going well with her. She was closer to my age, pretty, curvy soft figure. She had a job and was supporting you while you went to college, which meant she really didn’t need me, which was also in its own way, very attractive. As we kept dating, I started staying over more and even spending the night on some nights. I never knew for sure but I always expected you knew exactly what was going on, on those nights I would meet you at the breakfast table in just my boxer shorts. How could you not? You were after all pretty smart and not oblivious to what adults do.

Now while I began staying over more and more, I noticed a change in you. It started when your boyfriend dropped you off and broke your heart on our front porch, you ran in and wrapped your arms around me and cried in my chest. After that…….things were different. Your glances seemed to linger a little longer not only on me but on the bulge of my boxers in the morning. . You seemed to hug more, wrapping your arms around me and pressing your body into mine for just a little to long. And those times that I would shower and you just “had to come in” to brush your teeth. Then there were the times your mom would have to leave for work while I had the day off, leaving the two of us alone. You always seemed to dress in your shortest little shorts or your tightest little shirt and you NEVER seemed to be wearing a bra. Then there was that late night one time, I was under the blanket with my cock buried deep between your moms legs. She was panting like a whore as her body twisted and winched under my body in orgasm. I looked up in the mirror only to see your face for just a moment, staring in from the cracked door at the two of us.

“Was she doing this on purpose?” I often wondered. “How long had she been there?”

I shouldn’t have been so oblivious. I should have seen what was going on. You were just confused……..curious even. You wanted something……..and that night, you went for it.

It was late. Your mom and I were watching a movie in the dark. I was sprawled out on the couch in my shirt and boxers. The coke and rum I had been drinking was going straight to my head. Your mom was over on her own chair, wrapped up in a blanket, sipping on her third glass of wine. I could tell her eyes were getting heavy…….and so were mine. You came in wearing your tight thin little spaghetti strap top and your tiny little cotton shorts. Even in the dark I could see your nipples pressing out against your top causing my dick to stiffen in my shorts.

I watched as you wrapped both of your arms around my ankles and lifted them up before barking out, “Make some room!” You twisted on your heel and plopped down on the couch with my feet in your waist.

Your hand rested on my legs as we mindlessly watched television and I kept sipping my drink. “I made thisss to sstrong” I slurred out looking down at the glass. You turned toward me, and smiled one time, then slid your hand up my shin on to my exposed thigh and rubbed it a few times, as if you were saying “Its okay……you deserve it” then turned back toward the tv.

Soon I could hear your mom begin to snore . I turned looking at her then back at you, With a glossy eyed chuckle I laughed out, “Your moms isss asslleep .” You didn’t even turn to say anything. Your hand just rubbed my upper thigh again. “Man that feels nice” I thought. I could feel myself begin to tingle under my shorts. My cock gently jumping to life.

The show continued to play, and I to felt the lingering affects of the alcohol causing my eyes to get heavy. Before I knew it, I was catching myself from falling asleep. My eyes would close………I would sleep……then suddenly jolt back awake. I was trying to fight it…..but between your warm hand resting on my leg and the booze in my blood, it was to much. I don’t even remember falling asleep.

Now what happened next……….could have happened…….or it may have been a dream……….I cant be sure. It all happened in sudden quick flashes followed by other flashes of only black. I can remember hearing your voice. “Dad……….are you awake?” I was to tired to reply. I can remember feeling your hand drift up the leg hole of my shorts……slowly……..so slowly. I can remember your small hand finding my balls first……..You kneaded them for a moment……..then they moved upward and wrapped around my shaft. ……….I was already hard. Rum did that to me……..Your mom called it my Rum Dick. Your hand gently slid up and down my shaft several times under my shorts, stopping only once to run your thumb and for finger around the ridge of my soft purple head.

“Dad?” Again I was to groggy to respond. Your hand slid back down my leg. I could feel your finger tips hook the hole in the front of my shorts and tug it open. Your small curious hand reached into my shorts and fished my big dad dick from its hole. My eyes crept open. I was really to drunk to fully comprehend what was going on. My head rocked back and forth as you quietly whispered, “Shhhh go back to sleep.” It should have dawned on me that my cock was in your hand and your face was only inches away from me……. but I was to far gone . I just obediently nodded, leaned my head back and closed my eyes again.

Your hand studied my member. I felt your curious little slides of fingers and your small gentle jacks, tugging and pulling. My body shuttered slightly when I felt your finger dance over the slit of my head. Upon pulling back a trail of my fertile precum bridged out from my head to your finger, to which you brought to your mouth, tasting me. Even in my drunken state, I could feel your breath, breathing on me. I knew I was rock hard. Probably the hardest I had been in a long time……….but I just couldn’t stop what was going on……It all felt so right.

I jolted my eyes once more and shot my head up. “Wha… don’t……..noooo” I tried to fight it.

“Daddy……..shhhhhhh…… I wont tell” I guess that was all I needed to hear. I remember watching your hungry mouth fall down on my hot cock in your hand. I remember just how good it felt for that moment, before my head fell back on the pillow……..and I passed out.

The next morning I woke hung over, still on the couch. I shook myself awake, trying to remember the events of last night and why exactly I was on the couch still. I could smell breakfast cooking in the kitchen so I wiped my eyes and made my way there.

“Good morning daddy” I heard first, followed by your mother with “Hey hun. Rough night?” I wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked up seeing you at the breakfast table with a spoon in your mouth and a drop of milk trickling down on your chin that for some reason looked soo sexy to me. I put hand on your moms hip and kissed her on the cheek. “Morning babe” “You okay? Hungover?”

“Little……..I just had some weird dreams.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7hyy3p/dreams_or_daddy_issues_mf