Alrighty! After my recent break up i found comfort in imagining my next relationship. Enjoy! (Slight bdsm)

We had been fighting, why you didn't want to come to the gathering infuriated me. I had made dinner, and you sat patiently waiting at the table. You gazed at me, always knowing that the lingerie hidden underneath my dress was always put on just for your pleasure. You wondered which set I had on tonight, not wanting to go through a whole social extravaganza without knowing.

"Where is my dinner?" You ask sternly. Frankly, I was so mad at you that I didn't want to serve you the dinner I had made for you just an hour earlier. With a sigh of defeat, I slipped out of my little black dress and gave you a look that made you laugh, obviously the fact that I really wanted to go out tonight amuses you. Fuck you and your rules. Kicking my dress off the tip of my heel, I tossed your dinner in the sink and audibly told you to fuck off. "What THE FUCK. What am I going to eat now?!" You are getting angry with me now, but I couldn't care less. I walk up to you, the klink of my heels still masking my anger. You swallow hard at the sight of how my body carries the lingerie, my hips gently swaying and the lace caressing my skin. This was a set you had never seen before, and it was supposed to be a suprise, but it is a waste of time planning anything for you! You never had any patience, you son of a bitch.

I place a napkin around your collar, you feel my bloodred nails against your skin. You told me I could go out by myself, but I didn't want to anymore. I push your chair out, and stand between you and the edge of our oak table, the one that we made together. The place where I usually put your plate is where I rest my trembling body. With one leg on each side of your chair, I say, with a smirk; "Me. Enjoy your meal."

You always had a weakness for how cocky I got when I was mad. It wasn't cute, it wasn't sexy. It was primal. It infuriated you. You hated to follow my lead, but something greater than love made you give in to my pleasure, and it fullfilled you. Not enough, not ever enough, and you grabbed me by my ass, digging your fingers deep into my flesh. You lifted me up so high that I smacked my head in the chandellier and I gave away a loud squeal. "Fuck!" I looked at you and my eyes were fire. I slapped you, and everything changed. Not a breath could escape this tension. You carried me over to the couch, not ever letting your eyes wander away from mine. Oh god. I was in trouble.

You put me down and put your hand around my throat. You felt inside that you were furious, but not with anger; with lust. You could never understand just how much you needed her, how you craved her.

"Do you have anything to say?" You whisper, concentrating on my pulse vigorously beating against the palm of your hand.

"Sorry.. Sir" I whimper, barely being able to swallow. With your hand still around my throat you bend down and give me a kiss full of anger, compassion, love and a sense of hurry. Your other hand is already pleasing me and I moan. Your pants slide off and you place yourself, resting it just at my opening.

"Please, honey. Please don't tease me" I look apologetically in your eyes, begging for relief.

"Honey? Honey! Really?" You laugh, pushing yourself so that you slide into me ever so slightly. I whimper again. "Sorry Sir."

"Are you?"

"I am. I promise." You push yourself into me. "But I would do it all again"

(Originally posted at

  • edited for spacing



  1. This was my first erotica writing ever! I have some other writings under the personal tag.. But not much. I will post more soon.

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