The Plaything… [bi][huml][fsub][public][sensory deprivation][pet play]

This is absolutely crazy, I thought to myself as the lump in my throat grew. Insane, crazy, reckless, irresponsible…The mental list trailed off. I surveyed my current situation: I was a grown woman in my mid 30s who had agreed to attend a sex party. It was something my coworkers and friends would never have imagined I would do. Hell, I still couldn’t believe I was doing it either! Yet here I was: shaved and plucked, washed and dried, make up perfectly aligned, and dressed in a slutty black dress and too-tight high heels looking the part perfectly. The fact that I was attending the party was part of my excitement but it wasn’t what had me feeling like I was being marched to the firing squad. You see, I was the party.


Later, as my Uber driver gave me one more incredulous look before driving away, I walked to the front door of the Host’s house. I felt a surge of confidence as I reached for the doorbell. The Uber driver had clearly been distracted by how I looked. His frequent glances and nervous conversation weren’t creepy as much as they were reassuring. As most women my age do, I have several insecurities and physical flaws. But the shy driver’s reaction to me reminded me that I am truly an attractive woman. My body looks much younger than others my age. My smallish C cup breasts are perky and taper to pink stiff nipples and my ass is cute and round. I hadn’t missed a day of yoga in 10 years and I was proud of my strong body and soft curves.


The door opened to reveal a wonderfully relieving sight: The woman who had taught me everything I knew about kink. She and I had been through so much together in the last few years that we could communicate without speaking. Our connection was one of respect and obedience. She was my best friend and lover. She was my Owner.


“You look perfect,” she purred. “Come inside and I’ll show you what’s next.” Looking at her erased most of the hesitancy and fear I had felt on the ride over. I was still nervous, but I had a feeling that I was in for one of the most incredible experiences of my life. The vivacious red head led me to a bedroom. She had a blindfold, ear plugs, and and thick soft black rope arranged on the bedside table. My owner picked up the yellow legal pad on the desk and asked, “Would you like to go over it again?” I nodded my head no and gave a shy smile. On the pad were the specific terms of our agreement: I would be a slave at the party and expected to wait on, serve, and meet the needs of the other party-goers. This could include acts of service as well as being the sexual entertainment. Most of the attendants had been involved in kink for years. It was a group of people my owner trusted, and therefore I trusted them. However, many of them were people I had never met. If my owner were to blindfold me now and keep me in the dark for the rest of the evening, I may never know what they look like.


The yellow legal pad also had two pages of limits. Hard limits were things that I refused to do. These included things like play involving urine and feces and some other personal limits which were significant to me. Soft limits were things that I was willing to try but were not my favorite things. For me this included any anal play. I had been very hesitant to explore that part of my body. Growing up I had been taught that sex was only acceptable in the most conservative and vanilla terms. My how things have changed I chuckled to myself. Within the notes were also safewords. If my owner asked “Color?” I was to respond with either green, yellow, or red. Green means “Please keep doing whatever you are doing this fucking rocks.” Yellow means, “Please take it easy, this is a bit intense right now.” And red means, “Stop everything immediately.” In the years of being my owners pet, I had never had to say red. My owner seemed to supernaturally know exactly how far she could push me. I wondered if tonight would be the first night I called out red.


After some more conversation my owner put the blindfold on me. She removed the discreet day collar which I wore as a sign of my devotion to her and put on the more durable play collar. To it she clipped a leash. “To your knees, pet.” She softly commanded. I immediately dropped down and took a crawling position on all fours. I could feel my cheeks flush and heart quicken. This was really happening. In a few moments I would be lead into a party full of strangers who will see me dressed like this and crawling on the ground like a dog. They will be allowed to do whatever my owner allows, and I could tell by her evil smile when she opened the door that she had planned quite a night. My pussy swelled at the thought.


Have you ever had to crawl down a flight of stairs on your hands and knees? Well I have and let me tell you, its a challenge. My owner giggled at how out of breath I was at the bottom of the stairs. I could hear the murmur of conversation and music just a few feet away from me. The room smelled of alcohol, peoples perfume, leather and something else I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Into the room my owner led me. The room quieted down. Someone paused the music. “This is my pet who I’m sharing tonight. It’s her first party so be gentle.” My owner giggled again and I heard a few murmured comments from the crowd. I did not respond to any of the conversations I heard. My owner had made it clear that pets like me were to be seen and not heard. I could speak if it was to use a safeword or if someone directly addressed me.


“She’s beautiful.” A deep male voice said. As I was trying to tell if I recognized the voice or not I suddenly felt a large warm hand on the back of my head. The man with the deep voice had started petting my hair like I was an animal. Even though this may sound humiliating, and in many ways it was, the touch of that strangers hand absolutely electrified by body. Every hair from my head to my feet stood up and I felt goosebumbs spread and my nipples harden. The man continued to stroke me as he talked nonchalantly to my owner about the drink she was having. I was lost in the sensations of it all. I was blindfolded, and had no idea what the room looked like that I was in. There could be 15 people or 50 people surrounding me. I didn’t know for sure if any of them were staring at me or not. But I felt the sensation of eyes on me. As my attention drifted back to the conversation my owner and the strange man were having, I heard my owner say, “Its perfect, have a look for yourself!” The man moved his hand away from my hair and I heard him shuffle his position. I felt his hands on the edge of my dress. Because it was short and I was already on my hands and knees, it didn’t take much maneuvering of the dress to expose what was underneath it. At the request of my owner I wasn’t wearing any panties. Soon, my ass and cunt were completely exposed to this man and whoever else may be watching. My face reddened more. The man moved his hands to my ass cheeks. He squeezed them and let out an approving grunt. I felt him manipulating my hips so that my ass was further in the air and my pussy was tilted outwards. Gently, he spread my ass cheeks and vulva apart, inspecting my body like it was a vintage car or antique or something. I felt so vulnerable and exposed but at the same time unbelievably turned on.


Its funny how when one of your senses is taken away, all the others increase in ability. I could smell the strange man’s aftershave … it seemed vaguely familiar. Perhaps it was a popular brand. I could hear the breaths coming out of his mouth in a ragged, uneven tempo. It occurred to me in that moment that maybe he was as turned on by this encounter as I was. The conversation between my owner and the man turned to a lull. A woman’s voice from the other room loudly announced that it was time to play a game. My heart quickened.


What kind of game?



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