Neanderthals return…. Chapter 1 [mf – kind of ]

My name is Amy. The last time I was conscious it was the 21st century. I had been diagnosed with a deadly form of Lung cancer. It had progressed to such a stage that there really was no end in sight. I married well and had no lack of experimental drugs, research centers or access to the best hospitals and doctors in the country. The problem is… I was dying and there was nothing I could do about it. I talked to Jason, my husband and we decided to undergo an experimental procedure. Thought it wasn't known to the public at the time advances in cryogenics allowed for a crude form of suspended animation. We decided to both suspend ourselves and hope that when we are awaken, that the technology would exist to cure me and save my life.

I expected the world to have changed during my slumber. I knew that I would be awakening to a world where I knew nobody buy my sweet Jason that decided to make the journey with me. What faced me was beyond alien.

My vision slowly cleared as I looked around. My body perfectly preserved through the decades as I slowly regain my conscious and try to get my bearing. I'm sitting up from the cryogenic chamber fully nude. In front of me is a small older man in his 40s though he looks like he's in his 60s. He introduces himself as a doctor and informs me that he took the liberty of curing my cancer. It's the year 2245.

"who..who are you? where am I?"

I looked around the room my gaze adjusting slightly shifting between the middle aged man that seems to have had a hard drive despite his obviously white collar background and higher level of education to…. this … man? Was it a man. He was huge!! His powerful muscles sculpted into his frame. He was easily 6'7" if not taller and his gazes seemed to be roaming over my naked body. It almost felt like if he was judging me, inspecting me and evaluating what he would do with me. My nakedness felt made me feel so much more vulnerable suddenly.

"You're in a medical facility. We've injected you with some nanobots that should working at removing healing your body and clearing up the cancerous cells. You should be feeling weak for a few hours as your body is healing and you get a bit more adjusted to your surroundings. " Explained the elder man who introduced himself as Doctor Wagner.

"You've been asleep for a bit over a century. Though your pod has fallen by the wayside during the Neanderthals Human war. Mon'gor is the overseer of this facility and is in charge. You're in essentially a human prison camp. We're going through some old salvages and seeing what is beneficial to the empire. Anything that isn't gets discarded in a very…. uhmm.. final way. If I were you, I'd go out of my way to be pleasing to Mon'gor. Welcome to the 22nd century Mrs. Rouge. It is a modern dark age for humanity which I'm not sure we'll survive"

"Wait…" I yelled after Dr. Warner….my head spinning with all the information .. "…What about Jason? My husband… has he been awaken. "

"He is a male human with a background in business I believe." responded D. Wagner. "He serves no purpose for the empire and would be a wasted resource. If you wish to see him again. As I said… you should aim to make yourself useful to Mon'gor and the empire. Your survival and frankly any human in this modern world is based on our usefulness. We were…. arrogant. Playing gods and the universe, karma whatever you believe in hit back hard. We reap what we sow I suppose and I'm sorry to say Mrs. Rouge. You've woken to one of the darkest ages of humanity. It's slow and steady extinction where our very existence is defined by a more powerful and stronger species that we were arrogant enough to bring back for our own amusement and benefit. " sigh….shaking his head. ".. as I said.. welcome to hell. " he finished as he walked away leaving me sitting on the hospital bench nude in front of the massive monstrous 'man' known as Mon'gor. The very being who can define my very existence in this cold harsh new world on a flick of a whim.

I looked at Mon’gor who seemed to have no interest in providing me with any garments to cover up my nakedness. Nor did he seem to care much about hiding his obvious ogling of my naked figure. From What Dr. Warner said he.. or I suppose his kind is in charge of this new world. Feeling a bit embarrassed nonetheless. I try to cover up but fail miserable and with the cold temperature my nipples are stiff and erect. A rosy pink color adorning my areolas as he looks my body up and down still not having said much of anything.

Seeing as he was getting an eyeful and my vain attempts to cover up were getting me nowhere I took the time to get a bearing on my surroundings and my host. Mon’gor had the features of a man in every way of the sense. He was tall, standing at 6’9” with a strong powerful build. His body was sculpted like a greek statue of ancient times. He was wearing what resembled like leather pants with a belt full of gadgets that I didn’t recognize. He didn’t seem at all bothered by his near nakedness as he stood in front of me.

Are humans considered the inferior species now? What was this about the empire? Not a human empire I’m sure. Each one of his arms was powerful and muscular about as wide as my not so thighs. I'm hardly a short girl, standing at 5’6”, I’m what by modern standards is an average height for a girl. Though in this new world, sitting on my little bend in front of this monster of a man feeling the his shadow cast over me. His obvious raw physical strength. I’m starting to wonder if my erect nipples have a bit less to do with the temperature and a lot more to do with the man standing in front of me.

Finally he seems satisfied with the “goods” he adjusts his postures standing straight and commands me with a voice that leaves little room for debate to follow him.

“Follow, this way”… not waiting for me to respond. As if the very idea that I, a tiny cute little redhead female human would question his authority never even crossed his mind. Then again, he isn’t wrong either. I followed passively feel a bit odd walking barefoot fully nude and following him down the corridors out of the exam room to what will be my lodging during the transition period where they figure out what to do with me.



  1. Authors Note: I honestly don’t know how many chapters this will involve… but I’ll toss them out as I write them. Feedback is appreciated in comment or PM. I’ll add some actual sex in the next chapter. Sorry it’s so slow moving, but it doesn’t feel quiet right to jump right into it.

  2. Not too slow moving as I get the idea of what is going to be happening.

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