Training in the Office[Mf][nonconsentual][training][edging]

I writhed alone in bed, filled with burning need. My pussy was wet, soaked through. My naked skin slid against the sheets as I squirmed, further stimulating me. My right hand began to inch towards my wanting pussy before I snatched it back. Not allowed. I whimpered loudly, begging someone who couldn’t hear me. How did this happen?


Earlier that day, I walked into my work at the main psychiatrists office in town, the morning sleepiness still clouding my mind. I was rubbing my sleepy eyes–I had woken up too late to put on makeup–when I ran directly into someone. My bag clattered to the floor, spilling its contents.
I dropped to my knees and began quickly collecting my things while apologizing, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

When I looked up at him, I had to crane my neck. He was tall, even accounting for my position on the floor. He had a smirk on his face, and reached down a hand to help me up. As I took it, he commented, “That’s alright. Got a bit of a sleepy start this morning, huh?” He had a slightly amused experession on his face, and I blushed a little. I looked like I had just rilled out of bed, with my frizzy hair and no makeup on.

“I um. Well. Yes. I had trouble sleeping last night so.” I had had trouble sleeping because I stayed up all night reading porn. He smiled more, and I blushed further, as if he could read my mind.

“Of course. I don’t beleive we’ve met. I am Dr. McCain. I’m the new head psychiatrist.” My blush deepend further, and his smile almost turned into a grin.

“I. Of course. My name is Melissa. I’m one of the reseptionists. It, it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” I stuttered a bit. He really was quite good looking with his tall stature and his broad, muscular shoulders. It was making me nervous.

“The pleasure is all mine, my dear. But we do have our duties to attend to. I wouldn’t want to make you late to work.” He looked at his watch. “Well, later than you are.”

I looked at the clock. It was 8:05. “Crap.” I muttered, and my fading blush resumed. I ran into an attractive man, dropped the contents of my purse all over the floor in front of him, and he was practically my boss. And I was late. “Th..thank you, sir. I’ll. Um. I’ll talk to you later.”

I hurried to my desk and went to work. It was simple work, and I did alright at it. It was mostly answering the phone, signing in patients, and making appointments. There was some paperwork that needed doing, though, and I was behind on it. And I was late, again. I decided to work through lunch.

About halfway through my lunch hour, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I jumped and whirled around, startled. It was Dr. McCain again.

“Since you seem to be working through lunch anyway, could you come to my office for a moment?” His voice made it clear that this was not a request to be denied.

“Of course, sir.” I responded, and got up to follow him. He opened the door into his office and urged me to go in in front of him. Nodding in thanks, I walked in and started towards one of the couches that decorated his office.

I heard the door click, and suddenly I was pushed face first against the wall.

“You’ve been a bad girl, Melissa. You’re late almost every single day. You’re way behind on your work. You’ve mixed up several patients today alone. Are you not paying attention, or do you just have something else on your mind?”

I gasped, not knowing how to react–how to respond. Nothing like this had ever happened to me, no matter how much I had fantasized about it.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, struggling against his grip and wishing these rooms weren’t sound proofed. My arms were yanked around my back, and I felt the cold bite of what I assumed were handcuffs. “You can’t do this!” I cried, and I tugged on my wrists hard, yelping as the metal dug into my wrist. I whimpered softly, my heart racing, and not willing to admit that my pussy began to get wet.

“It seems to me like you’re not trying. So we have two options at this point.” He continued on in a calm voice like nothing was happening. “I could take off those cuffs, let you go, and fire you. Or, I could administer corrective action, and have you stay late for the next few weeks while I train you.” He paused, breifly, and backed away from me, allowing me to turn around and look at him, my face tear stained. “What is your choice?”

“ can’t do this! This is illegal!” I yelled at him, gently pulling at my wrists.”

“If you don’t decide in the next five seconds, I am going to start the corrective action.” He stated calmly. I took a step away from him, trying to get further away from him, but my back only hit the wall. My eyes flicked to the door, only to find that there was a lock clicked in place, too high for me to reach with the cuffs on.

“Please don’t do this.” I whispered, my tears falling down my face. “I need this job.”

He looked at his watch. “Times up. What is your decision?” I panicked and ran for the door, hoping I could knock it down or make ebough noise that someone would come to the rescue.

I yelped, though, as I felt his hand tangle in my hair, yanking me back painfully. He threw me over his desk and pinned me there.

“You haven’t made a decision, so I will make one for you.” he reached around, nimble fingers undoing the button to my black work slacks, and pushing them down to my thighs, along with my underwear. I thrashed, panicked, struggling to get away.
“Be still!” he commanded, and I felt the sharp sting of a hand on my ass. I yelped and stopped struggling instantly. I could feel the sting of the handprint, and I whimpered.

“You’re wet.” He stated, very matter of fact. “Is this why you can’t concentrate? You’re too horny?”

I blushed a deep red, my ears turning pink, and shook my head.

“What were you doing last night that kept you up so late?” He asked, softly.

“I..I was watching a movie.” I whispered, and then yelped as he seatted me again, though this time less hard.

“Don’t lie. What were you doing?” He demanded, and I sagged helplessly, my face burning.

“I was reading,” I muttered.

“What were you reading? And speak louder.”

“I..I-I.” I was stuck. I couldn’t answer. But he could tell if I lied. I squirmed, and flinched as I felt his hand rest on my ass, a threat. “I was reading porn.” I said, dehectedly. I didn’t want him to know. I didn’t want anyone to know. But he did know. He forced it out of me, with a pair of handcuffs and two swats on my ass.

“I thought so. I’m going to spank you now, for your transgressions. I will spank you again if you make anymore. After I spank you, you are going to sit on my desk and masturbate almost to orgasm five times. But you will not come. And you will not come tonight. In fact, until your training is done, you are not allowed to come or touch yourself without permission. Is that understood?”

I shook my head back and forth, and yelped as his hand swatted my ass again. “Is that unddrstood?” He asked again, and I nodded, whimpering. “I can’t hear you. Say it aloud.”

“Yes…sir..” I said, in a resigned tone.

“Good. Now, hold as still as you can..” I felt his hand on my ass, striking me. I squealed and squirmed, trying to get away from the pain, but his free hand merely pushed me back down on the desk. The sting in my ass grew..and the heat in my pussy grew with it. I writhed and shook my head, and called out, “I’ll be good! I will! I’m sorry! Please!” but it didn’t stop. I felt a sob start to rise in my throat, and my eyes began to water. “Please, please, please I’ll be good!” I whined, the sting building to unbearable levels. Eventually, the sob escaped me, and I began to cry profusly, shaking. Only then did he stop, and pull me off of the desk. He sat on a big leather chair and pulled me into his lap, holding me and stroking my hair until my crying stopped and my shakes abated.

I sniffled and tugged lightly on my sore wrists, wanting to wipe my face off. “Are you ready for part two?” I frowned in confusion, then froze, a blush rising to my cheeks. I shook my head back and forth.

“Please no. Please don’t make me do that.” I pleaded, avoiding looking into his gaze.

“Would you rather get spanked again?” I shook my head back and forth wildly, the sting in my ass was unbearable as it was. “Then it’s time for part two.” I whimpered, softly. He reached behind me and I felt the cuffs on my wrists release. Casusally, he pulled off my shirt and my bra, so that I was now completly naked. I blushed deeper, but I didn’t fight it.

“Go, sit on the desk.” I looked at the hard wooden desk in front of the chair, and back at him. He was staring at me, waiting, and I got up and walked over to it, hesitating before turning around and lifting myself onto it. I groaned as my ass made contact with the hard surface, and squirmed, which only made it worse.

“Good. Now spread your legs and rub your clit.” He sat back, watching me with intentive eyes. I closed my own and spread my legs, slowly, reaching down and rubbing my clit, slowly. I was still sopping wet, and the pain in my backside only made it more intense. Quickly, I was rushing towards an orgasm, and I barely heard him when he ordered me to stop. Still, my fingers stilled, and I sauirmed again, whimpering, “please.” I had never had my orgasms denied to me.

“No.” After my breathing had settled, he ordered, “continue.” I whimpered and pressed my fingers against my clit again. It was a little more sensitive now, and I got to the edge more quickly. I whinned out loudly when he ordered me to stop, my hips rocking back and forth.

“I’m going to be nice. You only have to do that one more time. This time with your fingers inside you.” He paused. “What do you say?”

I whimpered. “Th..thank you, sir.”

“Good girl. Start.” I pushed my middle finger inside me, then joined it with my ring finger. My fingers curled up against my g-spot, and I moaned. I rocked against my hand as I got higher, and higher. I didn’t hear him when he told me to stop, and I was just on the flverge of cumming when my hand was ripped away and pinned down to the desk. I cried out and writhed, whinning helplessly as my pussy clenched down on nothing.

“Please, please! Please I need to please please please.” I begged, tears sprining up in my eyes.

“No.” He waited a few more minutes when I settled, to release me. “Now, your lunch break is almost over. Get dressed, and get to work. You will not play with yourself tonight. You will not cum unless told. If you do, I will know.” I whimpered and nodded, reaching for my clothes. I quickly pulled them on and scampered to my desk.


That had been my most productive day yet. Despite my burning need, I got a lot done, knowing that unless I did, I would never get to cum. But now the burning in my pussy was keeping me awake, and I despretly needed to cum. I could still feel the sting in my ass though, and I didn’t want to risk it. It was going to be a long night.
