Scottish slag

Pure burst this wee dirtbox, she was gagging for it. Frothing she was, wet floor signs under her ham wallet (safety first) I pulled her skants down and got a peek at her mouldy ham wallet, it reeked of shite but that throbbibg clit geein me the eyes wiz too much. I whipped my banger oot and skelped it oaf her arse. The durty cow was loving it. Wack me again she said. So I jabbed her in the tit. Boy did she enjoy it. Her whispering eye started gawking at mw and I couldnae take it any longer so I launches it up her fanny and started geein it yaldi. She was moaning like a bird on her period. Fuck me harder ya cunt she screamed. I went to town on this dert like naebodys business. Her minge was wide as the clyde. Was like flinging a sausage up a close.i wisnae caring though. My baws were bluer than a rangers fan. I was gonna bust a nut into this fuck piece no matter what. The end was near, I could feel the nut butter rising, only thing for it was to gee her a squirting never seen before. I pulled my walloper out and like an ak-47 shot the good stuff aww over her back . reality soon kicked in and I realised I had pumped a pure munter. Fuck it though every holes a goal I says so I wiped my boaby on her clothes, pulled my skants up and legged it down the boozer.



  1. right proper mess you’ve left me in ya pig fuck. now i’ve got to rinse out me old fackin kilt down by ol tommy mcbride’s bathtub

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