EST: The Outlaw Chapter 9 Dealer Part 1 of 3 (MF FF Violence)

“You know the best part of this trip is?” Asking Mai while driving into the city limits of El Paso. Feeling that bug that always crops up when I am not in Oklahoma. Painting the biggest grin on my face, interrupting her next comment. “The casino” I smiled at her.
Exiting the freeway with enthusiasm. “And right downtown” I added just in case she did not like the idea. I bet everybody is asking what made me say such a foolish thing like that? Well technically we, Mai and I, are in the heart of the city traveling down Main Street in the historical district. The museum is on one side of the street and the brightest casino on the other! “Golden Coin” I said beaming, once again interrupting the Professor before she could interject. “I know, I know, the house always wins” butt my eyes are staring at the golden coin. Grabbing my shoulder purse, shoving my hand into it.

Watching my friend, my aid, my student get all flustered at the sight of a casino. It was then as I spun the schools credit card under my chin that Maria spun around. “Sorry luv, butt this” presenting the credit card “is meant for college business only. Not for your fetish.” Blowing her a kiss as I walked across the street to the museum.

“She is right” I mumbled in a devastated tone. Pulling my hand from the nearly empty purse that I had resting on my shoulder. “Butt still” flashing the sixty dollars I had. “Pay day is cuming up” I smiled as my feet propelled me forward. “Here I cum casino” feeling myself getting wet by the distance sound of coins falling to the tray.

Across the street…

“Photos of the Golden Coin” as my eyes wandered past the first exhibit. Stopping to take a look. “I bet Maria would be the one to put this together” I mused. Giggling “The more time we spend together the more I learn about that little vixen.” Stepping forward, the feel of the swinging doors, pressing them forward.

“Can I help you?”

My heart jumped into my throat. Stumbling backwards, spinning around so I could get a look at this deep voice that caught me in the act of b&e (breaking and entering). Feeling my heart hammer against my chest. Locking eyes with this man, this tall dark drink of water. That happened to catch me with my hand on the proverbial cookie jar.

Reaching forward to steady the newest guest before she passed out. “I guess, maybe I should have cleared my throat first” catching her by the waist while her panic stricken terror rides through her. “Ah, please forgive my sudden appearance. The name is Drake. My great, great, great etc. used to be the dealer in this, er… that fine casino and hotel right here, I mean across the street.” Feeling a little flushed from my sudden surprise introduction to my ramblings about my shaded past. “They called him, Jimmy” at the mere mention of his name that made me stand a little taller. “Now how can this official historian and museum guide help you today? Miss, Ah, I am sorry butt I did not catch your name?” After all here I was holding onto her waist with only two feet separating our mouths and Ah! “Oh dear! Pardon my, uh” how am I supposed to explain this to a customer? What, please excuse my hard-on or better yet the bulge in my pants! And I bet I am as red as the ace of diamonds.
“Are you alright” I asked before letting this lass go and hoping that my dark pants would provide the proper shading to hide my arousal to her. Gently, gingerly unwrapping my embrace on her waist. “Now” asking even though the color of my face was still red. “What can this museum guide do to you?” Asking this question. The same question I have asked a million times! Just to screw it up now. Smiling back at her and wanting to run and hide are all about to happen.

Feeling his strong grip relax. Feeling him remove his hand from my side. Feeling the burning desire for him to put it back. “Good day Mr. Drake” feeling like I was prepared to receive the spanking I deserved for my absence mindedness and for the sexual attraction, hey, I am a woman and need to get some too, that I was feeling between my legs.
“Now you say your great grandfather used to be a dealer in this very place?” Watching as the shadows played with my eyesight. The way it seemed that his pants were bulging while pressed up against me. “Shit” I whispered to myself. My hand is toying with the bottom of my short miniskirt. My loose miniskirt that I have no panties on under it!
His eyes, they snapped back at me. From the feel of my stomach dropping to the forceful way I had to restrain my hand! “I need, where are the restrooms” I asked as nonchalantly as I could. Knowing that any false move would jeopardize my unsoiled appearance to this stud.
Following his hand gesture. Rushing butt not running to the bathroom. Opening and shutting the door. Knowing what I needed and looking at my tool. “Good fingers” as I stuck them in my mouth. Sucking hard on them as they slid down my throat.
The one thing I never told anybody. Having followed my lineage back to where it all came from. This was me, my past rushing up.. up… “Ooooh” feeling that rush of doing something so naughty in a place that was not your home. My touch happened again. My touch that spread my lips exposing my clit and that tight little cunt hole.

Across the street…

Running my last twenty into the change machine. Hearing the sound of money that came tumbling out. “Fuck, I am so wet” saying this to myself which at this point it looked like that much is true. Doing a final scan as my hand dipped below the hem of my skirt! That feeling. That need. The sensation of… Talk about turning as pale as a ghost!
My spin of the casino floor. With all the hints as I might be alone. My fingers are so wet that two just were not enough! Instead of me having an over joyous orgasm, I was having a trembling one right before this muscle bound blonde behind me! My insides felt like I have been violated by my own hand. “I” stuck on this vowel. Stuck with my hand up my skirt, rubbing like there is no tomorrow!
You know what they say, “When in Rome”. Not trying to hide the intense orgasm that was cuming. Rubbing faster and faster. My breathing becuming less and less! Stumbling forward, right into that brick shithouse of a guards woman. Raising my hand right on her chest planting it firmly onto her chest. This should have cured my incessant ability to wack off even when the guards are cuming. Butt, no it did not! My heart felt like I was running a marathon as my fingers turned at a faster rate. My breathing was eradicate at best even though I knew this was not going to end well for me!

Across the street…

Pulling myself up from the loo (toilet, just trying to be polite). Having already sent myself over the edge more than once, some might actually call this five times butt who is counting? Opening up the stall door and approaching the sink. The warm water almost rushed to meet my hands. My gaze went from my hands to the mirror so I… “What in the hell are you doing in here?” Stumbled from my mouth before I could stop it. “How long…” that statement froze in my throat as I recalled all the orgasms that I just had!
A paint bomb went off on my face. My cheeks turn red so fast that I… “Hang on this is the girls restroom” I stammered. Seeing him open the door, seeing that stick figure with two legs and no dress. I bolted for the door! Running as fast as my feet would carry me. Feeling my skirt lift, feeling a touch of, of… “No, you cannot? I am… I…” I ran into his arms! It was his hand that groped my booty! It was his erection that started all of this that I am going to finish!
Dropping to my knees right there with Drake’s back against the door. Feeling his cock as it was already hard. Feeling the outline of it. The way it felt so large in his pants. “Ohh yes, I must” directing this to his hard cock. Even his zipper seemed to fall before my eyes.
My eyes are locked with his single eye. The way it fell from his pants. Bouncing as that hardened member went rigid, standing straight out. I may have had five orgasms in that stall butt I could count at least five more that I would beat out before this hard encounter was over.
Taking a hold of his cock with my left hand. Feeling his girth as my hand retracted back. As his skin was pushed up to his head! Looking up at him, my hand started its retreat. Started to descend back down his long shaft. My mouth followed. First inhaling his manly head into my
