The sexual tension is too much so we ended up fucking. – Part 1 [FM] [F26]

A week ago I attended one of my friend’s Birthday Dinner on one of the restaurant near by my place. The dinner started at 7pm and lasted at quarter to 12mn. I posted a lot on my SNS and I notice that one of the viewers on my IG is the guy that I made out once on one of my previous confessions His name is Yellow. He’s been stalking my account recently after that. I shrug it off after I checked.

We did had a few drinks so I was bit tipsy after we bid goodbyes, and before leaving the celebrant gave her 2 boxes of cake to me since she got a lot of cake so I obliged to accept the cake and said thank you xoxo. I took a cab going back to my place. As soon as I open the gate Yellow was there waiting on the garage.

“Hey, what’s with all the boxes of cake? Oh let me help you.” He said and attentively get one the boxes on my hand.

“Oh Hi! I just went to a birthday dinner with my friend and she got a lot of cake so she gave it to me. What about you? why you’re still up? No classes tomorrow?” I responded to him. We walk up to the stairs since I was living in 3rd floor of the apartment while him and his parents are in 2nd floor.

“Ohh well, I just finished my exam today so, I have no class at Uni tomorrow. What about you?” He ask and smile. Bitch he had a really cute smile istg.

“It’s my off tomorrow so yeah. It’s fine that I’ll stay late lol. “ and give him a smile as well.

“So what are going to do on this cake by the way?” He asked out of curiosity.

“Well I’m planning to eat the small box tomorrow and probably eat the other one later.” I said and laughed while climbing the stairs.

“Would you mind if I join you? I have a drinks upstairs and~” he said dragging that continuation of what his trying to say.

“And?” Cutting him off while smiling.

“We’ll actually mom and dad are on vacay right now they’ll gone for a week so I’m left alone, so I was thinking of inviting you for a drink in the house. I have wines, and this cake is good for it. What do you think?” He said while looking at me intently.

“Oh. Well sure. It’s my off tomorrow so it’s fine. I’ll just bring this cake back to my place and you can brink that one back. I’ll change and I’ll be back.” As soon as I said that I see the excitement on his eyes and he nodded.


I left him on the 2nd floor and I went straight to my place. I put the other cake inside my refrigerator and change my clothes. I wore a navy blue night dress and top it with knitted cardigan, and sprayed my pumpkin perfume. After that I went back to second floor and rang the doorbell. He immediately open the door.

“Come on in.” He said. I went inside the house and it was pretty cozy I can hear the music on the stereo playing those saxophone music. Ohh this guy knows to set the mood huh.

He guided me to a mini bar near the living room and Damn! They like collecting wines and alcoholic drinks. He noticed my reaction with the mini bar and “Ohh well, we love to drink so my Mom and Dad decided to make a mini bar for occasions”. He said corresponding to my reaction.

“Ohh I actually find it amusing. These are fine wines and beverages huh.” I said

“Yup. Shall we seat?” Him offering the seat I immediately seat on tall chair .

He put the cake on top of the table and he seat on the other side of the mini tall table facing me. He grab goblet and poured ample amount of wine of each goblet and we cheered before we started drinking.

We talk a lot of things including my work and my activities during my off day, he also mention that he likes to play basketball and badminton so whenever he gets a time after Uni he would always make a time to play. No wonder coz he’s bit buff and slender, the typical body type of men who always play sports.

He ask me if I do play sports and I said I do play badminton sometimes. We talk and talk, As the night gets deeper we didn’t notice that we already finished 1 bottle of wine and the cake is almost gone. I know that wine hits me already but I’m still well aware of my surroundings.

A moment later out of no where asked him a very random question. “What’s your body count?”

That question caught him off guard but he immediately responded “Just 3.”

“Ohh really?” I said.

From the very beginning we know that the sexual tension between us is very strong and I just shrug it of coz he is the son of my Landlady.

“Yeah.” A short response from my reaction and gave me a grin. Fuck! He knew he’s a good looking guy and he has a strong sex appeal. He reached my hair thats on my left right side of my face and tucked it in behind my ear.

“You know what I wanna show something. Come.” He said and get down on his seat and he grab-my left hand and guide into a room on the other side of the hall way near the mini bar. We arrived into a cream colored door and he open it.

“Come on in. I just wanted to show you my collections. I know you loved anime coz I noticed that poster of Luffy near your full length mirror.” And said with proud. I was shocked and amazed with his collection I rolled my eyes looking on those figurines and I saw that 3 action figures of Boa Hancock, they’re all sexy.

“Ohhh you like boa?” I ask without looking at him.

“Yeah I like her. I was thinking if how it would look like if you will wear red bikini exactly like that.” Referring to the one sexy figure of boa in husky tone. I felt tingly as soon as I heard him. Maybe the wine is taking effect now.

“Well I haven’t wear red bikinis. I always wear black. “I said and turned around to him and there as soon as our eyes meet. I can sense the lust with those eyes and I know its for me.

“I always knew it will looks good on you. like that red thong you’re wearing the last time.” He said while smirking.

Ohhh fuck I remember he accidentally peeked on me last time and I was wearing loose shirt and red thong that time. Fuck this isn’t good. I know I’m blushing not just because of the alcohol but becoz of what he said.

He slowly reach my right side of my face and caress it with the back of his hand.

“And I’m imagining, it will be very very hot fucking you with those red bikinis on and slowly removing each piece.” He said in very seductive tone. I gulp and I couldn’t say anything.
