EST: The Outlaw Chapter 8 The Gamble Part 4 of 12 (MF FF Violence)

“Let see what this new” giving the stranger in black a once over. “Player has” rolling a ten onto the pile of opening bets. Smiling over the table at this junior player.

“We have an opening bet standing at ten” I said in a moderate tone. My heart, my body, hell even my soul could tell that Haro was not going to give in to this new player. Just like a domino effect, right next to Haro, George folded with Harold following close behind.
“Ed?” I questioned the next player who tossed in ten. The rate at which the betting pool increased came as no surprise to me and I was expecting this new kid to raise the stakes even higher as everybody else was tossing in their matching bet. When it came time though, with one more quick check the clatter of a matching bet came from this kid in black. In due order the bet was matched all the way till it jumped back to Haro’s side then the noise of twin cards interrupted the sound of plastic chips. “Down to eight” laying out this simple observation to the remaining card holders. “Flipping the next card, it is a ten of spades” now to follow the look of shock as my eyes went around the table. Haro and Ed were still in. Steve and Philip folded right then. “Two down” I said with Tim passing on the bet to the next player. A quick fold before James piped in.

“Okay ladies” I said jokingly. Taking a longer look at my hidden card. “Ten… No, fifteen” as I tossed my new bet on the pile. Leaning back with the confidence that only a junior player would have as I looked to my left. Even though this is his first hand and he still has a mountain of chips standing in front of him it is about time that I add some of them to my pile. “Stranger” I started, “it is your turn.” The clatter of fifteen, two different chips hit the pile without a word crossing his lips.

Looking at Tiberius for his decision. Seeing both of his cards face down glaring at the betting with a fold. “Alright, Haro you in?” Seeing him toss twenty into the pot.

“I’ll raise you five” I said looking at James without even checking my cards.

“A raise of five, so twenty to any who have passed and five to you two” I said butt at this point I could feel the tension building around this table. The next card was flipped, “Queen of spades” I announced butt as I finished with the announcement Haro spoke.

“Fifty” I said tossing five tens into the pot. Watching as the rest of the players folded right then. Snorting as I reached to collect my winnings.

“I have not folded or matched your fool hardy attempt to strong arm this hand” I said from under my hat. I already knew what my cards were so the fifty was no problem butt before I could clear the bet I eyed Haro. Something told me to raise the bet, not too big butt enough to let him know that I was serious. “Quarter on top of that” I said tossing another two tens and a five chip into the pile.

“I’ll see you” I said, this new boy is really getting on my nerves. “And I’ll raise you… Thirty” now we shall see if this boy has the balls to play with the big boys.

Check my cards again. Giving that doubtful look. “I see your raise and double it with a call.” If our eyes actually made contact iron would be flying.

“Alright are you going to match the call or are you out?” I asked Haro, trying to break the tension. He wasn’t looking at his cards. They both stared at each other even though this new kids eyes were hidden in the shadows. After a long pause I could hear the chips falling onto the pot.
